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The promotion of crystal phase transitions in molecular dynamics (MD) simulations was realized by controlling the momentum of the MD cell. It was implemented by increasing the mass or velocity of the MD cell instantaneously during simulations within the framework of the constant-pressure method by Parrinello and Rahman. This method induced phase transitions in benzene crystals which have not been obtained in conventional MD simulations. This method is useful for the global search of stable (and metastable) crystal structures.  相似文献   

Coarse-grained simulations of model membranes containing mixtures of phospholipid and cholesterol molecules at different concentrations and temperatures have been performed. A random mixing without tendencies for segregation or formation of domains was observed on spatial scales corresponding to a few thousand lipids and timescales up to several microseconds. The gel-to-liquid crystalline phase transition is successively weakened with increasing amounts of cholesterol without disappearing completely even at a concentration of cholesterol as high as 60%. The phase transition temperature increases slightly depending on the cholesterol concentration. The gel phase system undergoes a transition with increasing amounts of cholesterol from a solid-ordered phase into a liquid-ordered one. In the solid phase, the amplitude of the oscillations in the radial distribution function decays algebraically with a prefactor that goes to zero at the solid-liquid transition.  相似文献   


Molecular dynamics simulation has been used to study diffusion of methane at ambient temperature in cylindrical pores at very low densities. The cylinders were modelled as a continuum solid which interacts with the methane in the radial direction only. At the lowest densities, the VACF method does not yield reliable values of the self diffusion coefficient, Ds , but a suitable choice of time step and run length enables values of Ds to be found from MSD plots that are below the classical Knudsen diffusion coefficients. When density is increased, Ds passes through a maximum although the adsorption isotherm remains inside the Henry law region. Maxima are found for two cylinder radii and for two adsorbent field strengths. The existence of a maximum is attributed to transient intermolecular interactions. Analysis of a molecular trajectory demonstrates that long diffusion paths can be triggered by the rare event of an intermolecular encounter which forces a molecule into the repulsive part of the wall potential. At sufficiently high density, subsequent collisions quench the tendency towards long paths, and Ds decreases again. The issue of simulation artefact as a source of these observations is discussed.  相似文献   


Simulations of the lamellar phase transitions of symmetric amphiphilic chains are carried out on a cubic lattice, with the amphiphilic chain length N varied from 6 to 48 lattice sites, corresponding to lengths ranging from surfactants to short block copolymers. We find that the effective interaction energy parameter χN (which incorporates the effect of added solvant) at which the transition from the lamellar ordered state to the disordered state occurs is roughly equal to 18-21. While this result is consistent with an extrapolation of the Fredrickson-Helfand weak-segragation theory to N values in the range of the simulations, the amplitude of the sinusoidal compositional wave in the ordered state near the transition is large for all N studied, in disagreement with the weak segregation theories. Thus, for values of N up to 48, the transition occurs in a “moderate,” rather than weak-segregation regime. Near the disordering transition, fluctuating “bridge” or “hole” defects in the lamellae spontaneously appear; with heating these proliferate and lead to the disordering transition. These fluctuating bridges might help explain anomalous diffusion and rheological behavior observed near the disordering transition. We also find that in the ordered state near the transition, the orientational order parameter, which is proportional to the intrinsic birefringence, falls rapidly with increasing N, roughly as 1.5 N-2.  相似文献   

Today, the equilibrium behavior of ions in solution may be predicted with some confidence, essentially because rapid ionic diffusion over small distances ensures homogeneity throughout the solution. Equilibrium concepts such as ionic strength and pH apply. However, when attempting to understand the behavior of ions passing rapidly through narrow pores such as ion channels, no such equilibrium state may be assumed. The passing solution may have been in equilibrium with conditions at the mouth of the pore but will not be in equilibrium with charged molecules on the pore wall. In addition, the water in narrow pores will be partially ordered by contact with the pore walls and will not behave like bulk water.To illustrate this difference, a simple equilibrium calculation of the ion concentrations near a plastic sheet penetrated by narrow pores and containing in its surface partially ionized carboxyl groups is shown to be in good agreement with experiment. However, to predict the non-equilibrium behavior within the narrow pores is much more difficult. To illustrate the difficulty, a Monte Carlo computer model is described which attempts to predict the rapid switching of ion current observed experimentally with these narrow pores.  相似文献   


We report results of direct Monte Carlo simulations of n-pentane and n-decane at the liquidvapour interface for a number of temperatures. The intermolecular interactions are modeled using the last version of the anisotropic united atom model (AUA4). We have used the local long range correction energy and an algorithm allowing to select randomly with equal probability two different displacements. The liquid and vapour densities are in excellent agreement with experimental data and with those previously calculated using the GEMC method.  相似文献   


Free energy differences between different conformers of D-ribofuranose, L-malic acid and meso-tartaric acid in solution were calculated using Molecular Dynamics simulations. In case of ribose the α → β transition was studied. For the acids attention was focussed on the transitions between the three possible staggered conformers with respect to the central C-C bond. In all cases a thermodynamic integration method was employed to evaluate the free energy difference. The use of an alternative technique, umbrella sampling, for ribose did not give promising results.

It was shown that one needs a fairly accurate picture of the accessible conformational space in case of flexible molecules like the ones considered here before one can determine meaningful free energy differences. Large hysteresis effects between forward and reverse simulated transitions were observed, but contrary to the general belief they are no direct measure of the accuracy of the calculated ΔG values. In all cases the ΔG values resulting from the simulations and from NMR experiments agree within the, considerable, error limits and for the different forms of D-ribose, L-malic acid and L-tartaric acid the relative order of their populations is also correctly reproduced.  相似文献   


Molecular mobility in sorbitol and maltitol is studied in order to understand their differences near the junction between the α and β relaxations. The molecular dynamics simulations performed on the polyols in their bulk state give support to the 13C NMR results and imply that the mobility of a carbon atom located at the extremity of the chain is higher than that of any other carbon. Moreover, the difference in carbon atoms mobility is greater within the sorbitol moiety of maltitol than in sorbitol and seems intimately related to the junction temperature of the α and β relaxation processes. The reorientation of the C–H vectors as probed by NMR is shown to be mainly the effect of conformation transitions in the case of a carbon atom located at the end of the chain.  相似文献   


Isobaric molecular dynamics simulations were carried out for diatomic systems using different algorithms available in the literature. Two-centered Lennard-Jones potentials with and without quadrupolar interactions were used. Thermodynamic properties obtained from the isobaric algorithms compared very well with those of an equivalent simulation in the microcanonical ensemble; however, some differences were observed when similar comparisons were carried out for dynamic properties. More specifically, the constant pressure constraint affects the translational dynamics of the system because of the non-negligible differences between the momenta and the instantaneous velocities of the molecules.

Furthermore, the following studies were carried out using isobaric MD simulations: 1. Low temperature spontaneous FCC-orthorhombic (and vice versa) transition of a diatomic system with quadrupolar interactions as a function of the molecular bond length. 2. Effect of quadrupolar interaction on isobaric melting of a model diatomic system. 3. Effect of pressure on melting properties of a model diatomic system with quadrupolar interactions.  相似文献   

K. Eckl  H. Gruler 《Planta》1980,150(2):102-113
The effect of temperature on wet plant cuticles has been investigated with the following techniques: Calorimetry, densitometry, spin-label electron-spin-resonance-(ESR)-spectroscopy, photo bleaching, and light and electron microscopy. At low temperatures cuticles ofCitrus aurantium L. andHedera helix show, at 16.3°C, a sharp transition (T0.5°C) with a latent heat of 4.7±0.5 J g-1-cuticle. Below transition: The main orientation of the polymer matrix is parallel to the normal of the cuticle and the main orientation of the layer with soluble lipids is perpendicular to the normal. The cuticle is in a rigid state. Above transition (between 16.3°C and 38°C): Only the orientation of the polymer matrix has changed (tilted in parts). There exist several very sharp (T0.1°C) transitions (38°C, 41°C, 45°C, 49°C, ...) with a latent heat in the order of 0.4 J g-1-cuticle. Above 38°C: The lamella of the soluble lipids is in a fluid state. Above 45°C there is a change in the molecular orientation of the soluble lipids as well as in the polymer matrix. The soluble lipids are mainly oriented parallel to the normal. The dry cuticles show no phase transition between 0°C and 200°C. At room temperature a dry/wet transition can be observed.Abbreviations ESR-spectroscopy electron-spin-resonance-spectroscopy  相似文献   

研究表明静电纺丝可以制备出模拟细胞外基质的三维结构,其中限制静电纺丝纤维支架应用的问题之一就是纤维排列紧密导致支架的孔径较小,从而阻碍了细胞的浸入,组织中血管化的形成以及支架与宿主细胞的融合。为了增大支架的孔径,提高孔隙率,许多研究者提出了相应的策略。本文综述了多种制备大孔径静电纺丝纤维支架的方法,主要包括不同接收装置控制电场分布、盐粒子/聚合物析出法、水浴接收、低温静电纺丝以及激光/紫外烧蚀法等,以上的方法都能够有效的增大静电纺丝三维支架的孔径,进而提高了细胞的浸润性、营养物质的传输以及废物的排出,为静电纺丝纤维支架在组织工程中的应用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Dry phospholipid bilayers are known to undergo transient changes in permeability during rehydration. In this review, we present evidence from which we suggest that this permeability change is due to a gel to liquid-crystaline phase transition accompanying rehydration. If the transition is avoided, as in lipids that remain in gel phase whether dry or rehydrated, the problem of leakage during rehydration is obviated, at least in part. Further, the evidence that the transition temperature for dry bilayers can be depressed by certain sugars is discussed. Finally, we show that these principles can be extended to intact cells. Using pollen grains as a model, we have measured the transition temperature for membrane phospholipids and show that the transition is correlated with physiological measurements including permeability changes and subsequent germination. From theT m values taken from pollen grains at different water contents, we have constructed a phase diagram for the intact pollen that has high predictive value for physiological properties.  相似文献   

Ion charge pairs and hydrogen bonds have been extensively studied for their roles in stabilizing protein complexes and in steering the process of protein association. Recently, it has become clear that some protein complexes are dynamic in that they interconvert between several alternate configurations. We have previously characterized one such system: the EphA2:SHIP2 SAM-SAM heterodimer by solution NMR. Here we carried out extensive all-atom molecular-dynamics simulations on a microsecond time-scale starting with different NMR-derived structures for the complex. Transitions are observed between several discernible configurations at average time intervals of 50–100 ns. The domains reorient relative to one another by substantial rotation and a slight shifting of the interfaces. Bifurcated and intermediary salt-bridge and hydrogen-bond interactions play a role in the transitions in a process that can be described as moving along a “monkey-bar”. We notice an increased density of salt bridges near protein interaction surfaces that appear to enable these transitions, also suggesting why the trajectories can become kinetically hindered in regions where fewer of such interactions are possible. In this context, even microsecond molecular-dynamics simulations are not sufficient to sample the energy landscape unless the structures remain close to their experimentally derived low-energy configurations.  相似文献   

Ion charge pairs and hydrogen bonds have been extensively studied for their roles in stabilizing protein complexes and in steering the process of protein association. Recently, it has become clear that some protein complexes are dynamic in that they interconvert between several alternate configurations. We have previously characterized one such system: the EphA2:SHIP2 SAM-SAM heterodimer by solution NMR. Here we carried out extensive all-atom molecular-dynamics simulations on a microsecond time-scale starting with different NMR-derived structures for the complex. Transitions are observed between several discernible configurations at average time intervals of 50–100 ns. The domains reorient relative to one another by substantial rotation and a slight shifting of the interfaces. Bifurcated and intermediary salt-bridge and hydrogen-bond interactions play a role in the transitions in a process that can be described as moving along a “monkey-bar”. We notice an increased density of salt bridges near protein interaction surfaces that appear to enable these transitions, also suggesting why the trajectories can become kinetically hindered in regions where fewer of such interactions are possible. In this context, even microsecond molecular-dynamics simulations are not sufficient to sample the energy landscape unless the structures remain close to their experimentally derived low-energy configurations.  相似文献   

Telomeres are nucleoprotein complexes that protect the ends of chromosomes and are essential for chromosome stability in Eukaryotes. In cells, individual telomeres form distinct globules of finite size that appear to be smaller than expected for bare DNA. Moreover, telomeres can cluster together, form telomere-induced-foci or co-localize with promyelocytic leukemia (PML) nuclear bodies. The physical basis for collapse of individual telomeres and coalescence of multiple ones remains unclear, as does the relationship between these two phenomena. By combining single-molecule force spectroscopy measurements, optical microscopy, turbidity assays, and simulations, we show that the telomere scaffolding protein TRF2 can condense individual DNA chains and drives coalescence of multiple DNA molecules, leading to phase separation and the formation of liquid-like droplets. Addition of the TRF2 binding protein hRap1 modulates phase boundaries and tunes the specificity of solution demixing while simultaneously altering the degree of DNA compaction. Our results suggest that the condensation of single telomeres and formation of biomolecular condensates containing multiple telomeres are two different outcomes driven by the same set of molecular interactions. Moreover, binding partners, such as other telomere components, can alter those interactions to promote single-chain DNA compaction over multiple-chain phase separation.  相似文献   

Palmitoyl-lysophosphatidylcholine promotes a transient calcium influx in lymphoma cells. Previously, it was observed that this influx was accompanied by a temporary increase in propidium iodide permeability that appeared linked to calcium entry. Those studies demonstrated that cobalt or nickel could block the response to lysophosphatidylcholine and raised the question of whether the calcium conductance involved specific channels. This communication describes a series of experiments to address that issue. The time dependence and structural specificity of the responses to lysophosphatidylcholine reinforced the hypothesis of a specific channel or transporter. Nevertheless, observations using patch clamp or calcium channel blockers suggested that this “channel” does not involve proteins. Alternative protein-mediated mechanisms such as indirect involvement of the sodium-calcium exchanger and the sodium-potassium ATPase were also excluded. Experiments with extracellular and intracellular calcium chelators suggested a common route of entry for calcium and propidium iodide. More directly, the ability of lysophosphatidylcholine to produce cobalt-sensitive permeability to propidium iodide was reproduced in protein-free artificial membranes. Finally, the transient nature of the calcium time course was rationalized quantitatively by the kinetics of lysophosphatidylcholine metabolism. These results suggest that physiological concentrations of lysophosphatidylcholine can directly produce membrane pores that mimic some of the properties of specific protein channels.This revised version was published online in June 2005 with a corrected cover date.  相似文献   


The 600 ps molecular dynamics simulations to investigate the unfolding of the starch binding domain from Aspergillus niger glucoamylase were conducted in vacuum as well as in an external field with the dielectric constant of 80 with temperature jump technique. Electrostatic interactions play an important role in determining the stability of the β-strands in this domain. The starch binding site 1 is less stable than site 2 since it is more exposed to the surface. The disulfide bond between C509 and C604 is unstable since these two residues are located near the flexible linker domain and in the mobile loop region between β-strands 6 and 7, respectively. The melting temperature, at which the total residual β-strand content is 50% that of the solution structure, is about 544K for the simulations with dielectric constant of 80, leading to the estimated unfolding timescale of 0.48 ms in vitro. In addition, the unfolding of the starch binding domain is proposed to initiate from the interior region by the lost of the integrity of the secondary structure.  相似文献   

Endometriosis is a chronic gynecological disease defined by the presence of endometrial-like tissue found outside the uterus, most commonly in the peritoneal cavity. Endometriosis lesions are heterogenous but usually contain endometrial stromal cells and epithelial glands, immune cell infiltrates and are vascularized and innervated by nerves. The complex etiopathogenesis and heterogenity of the clinical symptoms, as well as the lack of a specific non-invasive diagnostic biomarkers, underline the need for more advanced diagnostic tools. Unfortunately, the contribution of environmental, hormonal and immunological factors in the disease etiology is insufficient, and the contribution of genetic/epigenetic factors is still fragmentary. Therefore, there is a need for more focused study on the molecular mechanisms of endometriosis and non-invasive diagnostic monitoring systems. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) demonstrate high stability and tissue specificity and play a significant role in modulating a range of molecular pathways, and hence may be suitable diagnostic biomarkers for the origin and development of endometriosis. Of these, the most frequently studied are those related to endometriosis, including those involved in epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT), whose expression is altered in plasma or endometriotic lesion biopsies; however, the results are ambiguous. Specific miRNAs expressed in endometriosis may serve as diagnostics markers with prognostic value, and they have been proposed as molecular targets for treatment. The aim of this review is to present selected miRNAs associated with EMT known to have experimentally confirmed significance, and discuss their utility as biomarkers in endometriosis.  相似文献   

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