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In order to investigate the feasibility of using ultraviolet (UV) irradiation to prevent the invasive Asian mussel, Limnoperna fortunei, from colonizing components of the cooling systems of industrial and power plants, the mobility and mortality of its larvae were assessed after exposure to different doses of UVC (λ = 254 nm) in laboratory conditions. Total (100%) mortality was achieved with a dose of 149 mJ cm?2 at 23?°C and 103 mJ cm?2 at 25.8?°C. Immediately after exposure, larvae were alive but had reduced mobility. The proportion of active larvae increased after 24 h, but fell again at 48 and 72 h to levels similar to those immediately after exposure. The highest mortality rates were always recorded at the last observation, 72 h after exposure. These results indicate that the larvae of L. fortunei are highly sensitive to UVC, suggesting that UV irradiation has the potential to control fouling by this mussel when the water is relatively clear. However, application of UV-based technologies in plants that use cooling water from water bodies with high loads of suspended solids (eg the Paraná-Uruguay basin, with ca 160 mg l?1 of suspended solids and absorbance values around 0.255) is unlikely to be effective without prior filtration of the water.  相似文献   

Limnoperna fortunei is an Asian mussel introduced to South America around 1990. One of the most important impacts of this invader is probably its grazing on the plankton. In this study we evaluate the vulnerability of several planktonic microcrustaceans from the Paraná River floodplain to predation by adult L. fortunei. We conducted 2-h laboratory feeding experiments where the bivalves were offered microcrustaceans differing in overall body shape, size, and locomotive abilities. Ingestion and clearance rates for each taxon were estimated. Results suggest that, in addition to detritus and phytoplankton, microcrustaceans may be a very important food item for this invasive mollusc. Limnoperna fortunei can prey on larger organisms (up to 1100?µm) than Dreissena polymorpha, the European and North American invasive mussel.  相似文献   

Limnoperna fortunei (Dunker, 1857) (Bivalvia) invaded Argentina through the Río de la Plata estuary around 1990 and is presently established throughout five South American countries as a dominant component of the benthic fauna and a major nuisance for industry and power plants. Between 1997 and 2006 we monitored the reproductive activity of L. fortunei through weekly measurements of planktonic larvae in six South American water bodies: Río de la Plata estuary, Paraná and Carapachay rivers, Salto Grande, Itaipú and Embalse de Río Tercero reservoirs. Mean larval densities varied between 4000 and 7000 individuals m?3; except in the reservoirs of Itaipú (450 ind. m?3) and Salto Grande (869 ind. m?3), where the mussel was first recorded shortly before our surveys, and upstream dispersal is limited (Salto Grande). In all cases, reproductive output decreases during the winter. At four of the six sites surveyed larval densities were comparatively high for 8.8–10.2 months per year. A lower food supply is possibly responsible for the shorter reproductive period of 5.9 months at Embalse. At Salto Grande, there is a well‐defined mid‐summer drop in larval numbers, coinciding with blooms of cyanobacteria. We propose that, in addition to temperature, two major factors may regulate the reproductive activity of L. fortunei: (i) the availability of food; and (ii) blooms of toxic cyanobacteria, significantly shortening the otherwise very long reproductive period. This information is important for the design of antifouling programmes involving the use of molluscicides, and has potential for reduced biocide use. These results provide supporting evidence for some fundamental ecological theories of invasions discussed here.  相似文献   

Attachment of the freshwater mussel, Limnoperna fortunei, was tested using non‐treated surfaces, viz. glass, nylon, rubber, silicone and Teflon, together with glass surfaces modified with nine kinds of silane coupling agents. Among the surfaces tested, the mussel avoided attaching to Teflon, silicone, and glass modified with 3‐bromopropyltrimethoxysilane or 3,3,3‐(trifluo‐ropropyl)‐trimethoxysilane. With respect to the relationship between the percentage attachment and the surface free energy (sfe) of the substrates, it was found that attachment was considerably reduced on the substrates which exhibited relatively low sfe, as above. The mean number of secreted byssuses per attaching mussel also decreased with decreasing substrate sfe. Furthermore, when the sfe was divided into the dispersion and polar components, the percentage mussel attachment was related to the polar component. These results suggest that effective antifouling towards L. fortunei is achieved on substrates with a low sfe polar component.  相似文献   

沼蛤是一种典型的淡水入侵贝类,能够利用其分泌的足丝牢固黏附在多种水下基质表面,引起严重的生物污损问题。沼蛤污损不但影响水生态系统健康,也给水利工程、交通运输、水产养殖等行业带来经济损失,已成为全球水生态系统安全和国民经济重要行业的潜在威胁,相关防污工作亟待开展。欲从根本上解决沼蛤污损问题,一方面需要加强对其基础生物学特性和污损机制的深入解析,另一方面也需要在此基础上研发更加经济、高效、环境友好的防污措施。本文综述了近年来国内外关于沼蛤污损生物学特性、污损机制和防污措施方面的研究进展,尤其是对沼蛤生物污损发生的主要机制如足探测识别、足丝黏附和环境影响等方面进行了总结,也从物理、化学、生物和防污材料等角度阐述了现有的沼蛤污损控制措施并对未来发展方向进行了展望,以期更加深入地理解沼蛤生物污损现象,为揭示其作用机制、制定科学有效的防污措施、维护水生态系统安全提供数据支撑,综述内容对于水下仿生材料研发也具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

Abstract Comparison of Limnoperna fortunei numbers and biomass in screened (5, 15 and 40 mm) and unscreened cages deployed for 18 months in the lower Paraná delta indicates that predators harvest 26–79% (numbers), or 20–85% (biomass) of the mussel population. Predation impact decreases with mussel size. On average, 6 kg of whole live mussel × m−2 × year−1 (0.36 g of dry mussel tissue × m−2 × day−1) were eliminated from the unscreened cages. Cages with 15 and 40 mm screens lost between 1 and 2 kg × m−2 × year−1. Aquatic mammals, birds, and especially fish, are probably the main consumers of large mussels. Small L. fortunei are most probably eaten by fish and also by several invertebrates, including crustaceans, leeches and gastropods. It is suggested that L. fortunei intercepts a significant fraction of the organic carbon that the Paraná‐Uruguay rivers flush into the ocean, locally boosting numbers of benthophagous animals, deposit feeders and, indirectly, higher level predators. Our results indicate that only 15 years after its first introduction in South America this invasive species is very actively consumed by local predators, but predatory suppression of the mussel seems very unlikely. Comparisons with the effects reported for the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) in Europe and North America suggest that L. fortunei is consumed more actively and that its negative impact on the local fauna is more restricted. These differences are attributed to the fact that while D. polymorpha feeds chiefly on plankton, a limited resource, L. fortunei feeds on detrital particulate organic matter, whose supply in these large South American rivers largely exceeds consumption.  相似文献   

1. Larvae of ‘sábalo’, Prochilodus lineatus, whose adults represent over 60% of overall fish biomass in the Río de la Plata Catchment, have been observed to feed intensively on veligers of the exotic bivalve Limnoperna fortunei. 2. To assess the effects of this dietary shift on the growth of P. lineatus, 28‐day laboratory experiments were carried out feeding newly hatched P. lineatus larvae with three diets: zooplankton artificially enriched with L. fortunei veligers; natural zooplankton; and zooplankton artificially enriched with cladocerans and copepods. The average length, weight and gut contents of the fish larvae were assessed weekly and metabolic rates of fish larvae were measured. 3. Proportions of veligers in gut contents were always higher than those in the experimental diet: 100, 76 and 21% for veliger‐enriched, natural and low‐veliger diets, respectively. Larvae fed a veliger‐enriched diet grew to a significantly larger size than larvae fed the other two diets. In energetic balance comparisons using metabolic rates and prey energy content, all three diets were sufficient to support metabolism and growth. The greatest values of excess energy at the end of each week were in the veliger‐enriched experiments. 4. Feeding on veligers of L. fortunei significantly enhances the growth of P. lineatus larvae and supports the idea that this new and abundant resource is selectively preyed upon by P. lineatus during its larval stage. Higher growth rates may stem from the higher energy contents of veligers compared to crustaceans and/or from the lower energy costs of capturing slower prey.  相似文献   

Limnoperna fortunei (Bivalvia, Mitylidae) was introduced into South America in 1991 in the La Plata River (Argentina). It arrived in the ballast water of ships coming from Asia, where this species is native. It was first observed in 1998 in the Paraguay River. Limnoperna was introduced into the Pantanal region as hull fouling of vessels using the Paraguay–Parana waterway. This study describes how L. fortunei came to the Pantanal region, and provides details of its occurrence, density, and impacts. From 1999 to 2002, observations and sampling on natural and artificial substrates in the Paraguay River were made. Some aspects of the spread and impacts, based on local community information, were also analyzed. On artificial substrate the density reached 523.8 individuals m−2 and on natural substrate (rocks), up to 10,000 individuals m−2 were found. The densities observed were quite low compared to those found in Southern Brazil, where values up to 100,000 individuals m−2 have been recorded in the last 3 years. In the Paraguay River, the population density of L. fortunei can be negatively impacted by periodic low levels of dissolved oxygen and decreases in pH to between 5 and 6. Such conditions are frequently present during the periodic flooding or inundation of this area. Under these conditions, a high mortality of L. fortunei was recorded in March of 2002, on both natural and artificial substrates. Despite low densities, L. fortunei can colonize water cooling systems of boats, obstructing water circulation and causing motor overheating. Accumulation in water supply equipment, such as pumps and pipes has also been observed. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

We recorded, for the first time, byssal hairs in the Asian freshwater bivalve Limnoperna fortunei from the Paraná River system. We analysed the presence of hairs and their distribution on the shell in relation to habitat and shell size in 12 sites. Hairs were present in lentic habitats associated with macrophytes or organic matter, but were absent in lotic environments. The proportion of mussels with hairs was negatively correlated with current velocity. Hairs were more frequent and abundant in larger mussels. In general, the hairs are a similar length over the bivalve and almost entirely cover the shells in≥60% in lentic habitats. The projections allow L. fortunei to be camouflaged among the roots of macrophytes or coarse organic matter, assisting in avoiding visual predators. The clear-cut separation of L. fortunei populations into two different groups could be associated with phenotypic plasticity in this species.  相似文献   

Longitudinal changes in larval densities and developmental stage compositions of the freshwater mussel Limnoperna fortunei were investigated to understand the patterns of reproduction and development at three sites in Lake Ohshio, a small reservoir in the temperate region of central Japan. Onset and termination of L. fortunei larval presence were coincident at the three sites in the reservoir. This may have been caused by environmental homogenization owing to artificial aeration for water quality improvement of the reservoir. The observations in this study support temperature as the trigger for onset of reproduction as suggested by previous studies. Occurrence of high turbidity that reduced food availability for mussels was probably the trigger for termination of reproduction in Lake Ohshio. During the period when L. fortunei larvae were present, the D-form larva of the earliest developmental stage was always observed and at much higher density than later developmental stages. The results indicate that spawning of L. fortunei continued in the reservoir throughout the period that larvae were observed and that predation and other factors reduced the proportion of later developmental stage larvae.  相似文献   

Liu  Wei  Xu  Mengzhen  Zhang  Jiahao  Zhang  Tongyu 《Limnology》2020,21(2):245-255
Limnology - The golden mussel (Limnoperna fortunei) has caused worldwide problems for the eco-environment and man-made structures. There have been many control strategies proposed, which have...  相似文献   

The golden mussel (Limnoperna fortunei, Mollusca: Mytilidae)is an emerging invasive species in freshwater environments inSouth America, causing extensive environmental and economicimpacts. A molecular method to detect larvae of the golden musselin plankton samples has been recently developed and holds promisefor becoming an important way to monitor the expansion of goldenmussel populations. In the present study, we conduct, for thefirst time, field tests of this method by comparing its performancewith alternative sampling efforts (microscopy and manual searchfor adults). In addition, we test different modifications ofthe molecular method to deal with PCR inhibition in environmentalsamples. The results indicate that the molecular method is veryefficient, being faster and more sensitive that microscopy methods.Therefore, the molecular method tested in the present studycan represent an invaluable tool in large-scale monitoring effortsof the golden mussel throughout its introduced range.  相似文献   

Since historical times, the inherent human fascination with pearls turned the freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera (Linnaeus, 1758) into a highly valuable cultural and economic resource. Although pearl harvesting in M. margaritifera is nowadays residual, other human threats have aggravated the species conservation status, especially in Europe. This mussel presents a myriad of rare biological features, e.g. high longevity coupled with low senescence and Doubly Uniparental Inheritance of mitochondrial DNA, for which the underlying molecular mechanisms are poorly known. Here, the first draft genome assembly of M. margaritifera was produced using a combination of Illumina Paired-end and Mate-pair approaches. The genome assembly was 2.4 Gb long, possessing 105,185 scaffolds and a scaffold N50 length of 288,726 bp. The ab initio gene prediction allowed the identification of 35,119 protein-coding genes. This genome represents an essential resource for studying this species’ unique biological and evolutionary features and ultimately will help to develop new tools to promote its conservation.  相似文献   

We investigated the predation and depth effects on abundance and size distribution of an invasive freshwater bivalve, Limnoperna fortunei, post-larvae using screened (5-, 25-, and 50-mm mesh openings) and unscreened cages at three depths (6, 12, and 1 m above the bottom) in a dam reservoir, Lake Ohshio of Japan. The densities of L. fortunei on the unscreened cages were much lower than those of the 5-mm mesh screened cages at any depth. The predation rates estimated by dividing the density of the unscreened cage by that of the 5-mm mesh screened cage were 97.3% at 6 m depth, 96.6% at 12 m depth, and 95.8% at the bottom. Shell lengths of L. fortunei post-larvae were small on bottom cages, and their size distribution was significantly different from those at other depths. These results suggest that predation and depth affected the abundance and size distribution of L. fortunei in the lentic environment. The impact of L. fortunei invasion on the food web and the possibility of regulating their population by predation pressures are also discussed.  相似文献   

The North American pink heelsplitter (Potamilus alatus) differs from most freshwater mussels in China by the ability to secrete an ephemeral byssus during its juvenile stage. In the present study, light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were used to investigate this ephemeral byssal structure, and amino acid composition was analyzed and compared with that of other species. The results revealed that the byssus consists of a long byssal thread and a few adhesive plaques which are randomly set up along the thread and assembled by petioles. There is a thin but distinctive cuticle with a continuous homogeneous matrix surrounding the byssal thread. Structural variation occurred when the byssal thread was differentially stretched. Four‐stranded helical primary fasciculi, which form a stable rope‐like structure, become evident after removal of the cuticle. The primary fasciculi consist of bundles of hundreds of parallel secondary fasciculi, each measuring about 5 μm in diameter. All evidence indicates that the byssus of the pink heelsplitter has a significantly different macrostructure and microstructure than the permanent byssus of the marine mussel Mytilus. Byssogenesis ceases when juveniles exceed 30 mm in length, although it varies greatly even among juveniles of similar size. Byssus formation is influenced by substrate type. The unique characteristics of the byssus have important advantages for survival, transition, and aggregation during the early life history. This study not only provides first insight into the structure of the ephemeral byssus and its relationship to freshwater mussel development and growth, but also suggests possibilities for the synthesis of novel biopolymer materials particularly useful in freshwater ecosystems. J. Morphol. 276:1273–1282, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Matsui  Kazuaki  Fumoto  Takayuki  Kawakami  Hiroshi 《Limnology》2019,20(1):131-136
Limnology - The golden mussel, Limnoperna fortunei, is native to South China but has spread to Japanese freshwater environments as a nuisance invasive species. The golden mussel colonizes hard...  相似文献   


The Mekong River endemic Sinomytilus harmandi possesses an internal anterior shell septum. It is thus superficially similar to the marine representatives of the, as currently defined, Septiferinae (Mytilidae) although species of the latter possess an anterior adductor muscle located between their septa and are characterised by accessory posterior adductor muscles, both of which are absent in S. harmandi. This study demonstrates that S. harmandi is monophyletic with the only other, similarly native Asian, freshwater mytiloid, Limnoperna fortunei, based on the phylogenetic tree herein presented. Asian freshwaters thus seem to have been colonised by the Mytilidae relatively recently and on two occasions from a common ancestor also associated with representatives of the Lithophaginae, as currently defined. The common presence of an anterior septum in S. harmandi and species of the Septiferinae, as currently recognised, is thus the result of convergence as is the anatomical similarity between S. harmandi and representatives of the Central European Dreissenidae (Heterodonta), which also possess an anterior shell septum.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effects of a large scale coastal engineering project on the mussel (Mytilus edulis) bottom culture in the Oosterschelde estuary (S.W. Netherlands), mussel growth and production in the period 1980–1990 are studied in relation to food supply and the hydrodynamic conditions. Due to the construction of a storm-surge barrier and two additional dams, the risk that mussels are swept away by high current velocities decreased, resulting in an increase of the area in the Oosterschelde potentially suitable for mussel culture and in food availability now being more important as a limiting factor. For the Oosterschelde, a clear relation between mussel growth, stock sizes, and phytoplankton dynamics has been demonstrated. The meat yield of mussels landed in autumn — which is an index for growth rate — seems to be determined by the phytoplankton production in the preceding summer. In years with dense bivalve stocks, phytoplankton production and meat yields are relatively low. It is concluded that an increase of the mussel biomass cultured can result in a reduction of the primary production and, consequently, in a deterioration of the growing conditions for suspension-feeders in the estuary. This conclusion is supported by model calculations. An expansion of mussel culture in the new Oosterschelde is therefore dissuaded. Apart from primary production and stock sizes, food supply for mussels on culture lots appeared to be controlled by the horizontal advection of phytoplankton between and within the tidal channels. An observed decline in mussel landings from certain areas is attributed to the reduced mixing energy of the estuary in relation to the present distribution of the lots over the estuary. Production figures from the experimental lots, established in 1988 in the newly available areas, demonstrate that the yield of mussels can be enhanced by relaying culture lots towards the areas where the phytoplankton is produced. It is expected that by redistributing the culture lots, without expanding the biomass cultured, the carrying capacity of the Oosterschelde for mussel culture can be maintained.  相似文献   

We have examined effects of time after activation, pH, sodium and potassium, and gossypol concentrations on sperm motility of zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha). Zebra mussel spermatozoa appeared to have remarkable viability in the fresh water in comparison with freshwater fish sperm. Duration of sperm motility in fresh water is possibly one of the longest among freshwater animals, since it was not significantly changed 3 h after incubation at room temperature (20 °C) or 24 h of incubation at ±0 °C. High osmotic pressure suppresses sperm motility and effects of sodium and potassium are similar. Spermatozoa were inactive at acid pH and became gradually motile when exposed to pH 6.0–9.0. Gossypol appeared to be a very potent spermicidal agent and inhibited motility. This compound also inhibited fertilization. We observed some differences in gossypol effects on spermatozoa between North American and European zebra mussels. These data on zebra mussel sperm biology may be useful for better handling of gametes under laboratory conditions.  相似文献   

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