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Most biofilm studies employ single species, yet in nature biofilms exist as mixed cultures, with inevitable effects on growth and development of each species present. To investigate how related species of bacteria interact in biofilms, two Pseudomonas spp., Pseudomonas fluorescens and Pseudomonas putida, were cultured in capillary bioreactors and their growth measured by confocal microscopy and cell counting. When inoculated in pure culture, both bacteria formed healthy biofilms within 72?h with uniform coverage of the surface. However, when the bioreactors were inoculated with both bacteria simultaneously, P. putida was completely dominant after 48?h. Even when the inoculation by P. putida was delayed for 24?h, P. fluorescens was eliminated from the capillary within 48?h. It is proposed that production of the lipopeptide putisolvin by P. putida is the likely reason for the reduction of P. fluorescens. Putisolvin biosynthesis in the dual-species biofilm was confirmed by mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage phi2 is unable to replicate in Bacillus subtilis 168. Although some phage deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis can occur, the DNA made is not biologically active and sedimentation analysis reveals that it is smaller in size than that of mature DNA or DNA isolated from phi2-infected permissive hosts. Messenger ribonucleic acid hybridizable with phi2 DNA is also synthesized in phi2-infected cells of 168. Mutants of 168 which are permissive hosts for phi2 have been isolated. These mutants are defective in sporulation and possess the phenotype of "early sporulation mutants." The majority map in two locations, one near the lys locus opposite the trp locus (spoA locus) and the other tightly linked to a phe locus.  相似文献   

Furazolidone in concentrations which had little effect on the growth of host organisms greatly reduced the yield of phage 149 from the host Vibrio cholerae OGAWA 154. This phage was resistant to the in vitro action of the drug. The phage yield of infected bacteria depended significantly on the time of addition or withdrawal of the drug. The average burst size of the drug-treated and infected bacteria decreased exponentially with increase in drug concentration. The latent period of phage multiplication and also the eclipse period did not change significantly from the control values. A concentration of 0.05 μg of furazolidone per ml inhibited DNA synthesis by about 50% in phage-infected cells and only by about 18% in noninfected ones, relative to the respective controls. RNA and protein synthesis were affected by a much smaller degree both in infected and noninfected cells. Quantitative deduction of the length of furazolidone-treated cells from their phage adsorption characteristics and its agreement with previous electron microscopy data indicated that furazolidone did not affect the phage receptors.  相似文献   

Aims: To purify and characterize an exo‐acting chitinolytic enzyme produced from a Gram‐negative bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens JK‐0412. Methods and Results: A chitinolytic bacterial strain that showed confluent growth on a minimal medium containing powder chitin as the sole carbon source was isolated and identified based on a 16S ribosomal DNA sequence analysis and named Ps. fluorescens JK‐0412. From the culture filtrates of this strain, a chito‐oligosaccharides‐degrading enzyme was purified to apparent homogeneity with a molecular mass of 50 kDa on SDS–PAGE gels. The kinetics, optimum pH and temperature, and substrate specificity of the purified enzyme (named as NagA) were determined. Conclusions: An extracellular chitinolytic enzyme was purified from the Ps. fluorescens JK‐0412 and shown to be an exo‐type β‐N‐acetylglucosaminidase yielding GlcNAc as the final product from the natural chito‐oligosaccharides, (GlcNAc)n, n = 2–5. Significance and Impact of the Study: As NagA is secreted extracellularly in the presence of colloidal chitin, Ps. fluorescens JK‐0412 can be recognized as a potent producer for industry‐level and cost‐effective production of chitinolytic enzyme. This enzyme appears to have potential applications as an efficient tool for the degradation of chitinous materials and industry‐level production of GlcNAc. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report on an exo‐type chitinolytic enzyme of Pseudomonas species.  相似文献   

Infections with cytomegalovirus (CMV) can cause severe disease in immunosuppressed patients and infected newborns. Innate as well as cellular and humoral adaptive immune effector functions contribute to the control of CMV in immunocompetent individuals. None of the innate or adaptive immune functions are essential for virus control, however. Expansion of γδ T cells has been observed during human CMV (HCMV) infection in the fetus and in transplant patients with HCMV reactivation but the protective function of γδ T cells under these conditions remains unclear. Here we show for murine CMV (MCMV) infections that mice that lack CD8 and CD4 αβ-T cells as well as B lymphocytes can control a MCMV infection that is lethal in RAG-1-/- mice lacking any T- and B-cells. γδ T cells, isolated from infected mice can kill MCMV infected target cells in vitro and, importantly, provide long-term protection in infected RAG-1-/- mice after adoptive transfer. γδ T cells in MCMV infected hosts undergo a prominent and long-lasting phenotypic change most compatible with the view that the majority of the γδ T cell population persists in an effector/memory state even after resolution of the acute phase of the infection. A clonotypically focused Vγ1 and Vγ2 repertoire was observed at later stages of the infection in the organs where MCMV persists. These findings add γδ T cells as yet another protective component to the anti-CMV immune response. Our data provide clear evidence that γδ T cells can provide an effective control mechanism of acute CMV infections, particularly when conventional adaptive immune mechanisms are insufficient or absent, like in transplant patient or in the developing immune system in utero. The findings have implications in the stem cell transplant setting, as antigen recognition by γδ T cells is not MHC-restricted and dual reactivity against CMV and tumors has been described.  相似文献   

The products of phiX cistrons II, III, and VII are demonstrated to affect the attachment of the phage to its host Escherichia coli C; therefore, by inference, these cistrons influence, directly or indirectly, the structure of proteins in the virus particle. Two of the mutations which alter attachment kinetics, ts79 in cistron III and h in cistron VII, also affect the electrophoretic mobility of the virus and emphasize the role of charge in the attachment interaction with the host. The kinetics for attached phage to go into "eclipse" are first-order and biphasic; about 85% of the phage eclipse at one rate (k(e) = 0.86 min(-1)) and the remainder do so at a distinctly lower rate (k(e) = 0.21 min(-1)). No phiX cistrons yet identified affect the eclipse process. The lowest temperature at which eclipse is detected is 19 C. The Arrhenius activation energy for phage eclipse has the high value of 36.6 kcal/mole, indicating the cooperative nature of the event.  相似文献   

Double-labeling techniques in which (14)C-labeled, phiX174-infected cells and (3)H-labeled, uninfected cells were used permitted the identification of the virus-specific proteins after separation by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis without prior inhibition of host-cell protein synthesis by ultraviolet irradiation. It was also possible to detect previously undescribed components of high molecular weight which may represent induced host proteins. The gel regions specifically corresponding to cistron II protein and the chloramphenicol-resistant VI protein were identified, and a third new, small peak of unknown origin was detected. Studies of the rate of synthesis of virus-specific proteins at various times after infection indicated that the product of cistron I (lysis) is made only late in infection, but the other proteins seemed to be synthesized at the same relative rates throughout infection (although in different amounts). Studies of the proteins obtained from uniformly labeled phiX virus particles indicated that all of the spikes are identical and allowed a formulation of the structure of the phage capsid.  相似文献   

A freeze-dried whole-cell biocatalyst was prepared from Pseudomonas fluorescens and applied for the first time to regioselective synthesis of 1-β-d-arabinofuranosylcytosine monoester in nonaqueous media. The catalytic performances of the bacterial cells were significantly enhanced by cultivation with a mixed carbon sources containing yeast extract and additional lipid-related substrates, especially the supplement of soybean oil. Cultivation of the cells supplemented with glucose, however, resulted in both low biomass and catalytic activities in the acylation. Taking into account the yield and 5′-regioselectivity of the cell-mediated reaction, yeast extract appeared to be the most suitable for cell cultivation, of all the tested nitrogen sources. Due to the fact that the nutrient concentrations and culture time are also crucial factors affecting the corresponding cell-catalyzed reaction, their effect on the catalytic performance of the cells were also investigated. The best soybean oil concentration, yeast extract concentration and culture time were 0.5% (w/v), 0.1% (w/v) and 48 h, respectively, under which the yield and 5′-regioselectivity of the reaction catalyzed by the cell biocatalyst reached 75.4% and 96.8%, respectively. Our results demonstrated that P. fluorescens whole cell was a green and economic alternative to enzymes for regioselective acylation of ara-C in non-aqueous media.  相似文献   

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) uses nasal mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (NALT) as a portal of entry to establish life-long persistence in memory B cells. We previously showed that naïve and memory B cells from NALT are equally susceptible to EBV infection. Here we show that memory B cells from NALT are significantly more susceptible to EBV infection than those from remote lymphatic organs. We identify β1 integrin, which is expressed the most by naïve B cells of distinct lymphoid origin and by memory B cells from NALT, as a mediator of increased susceptibility to infection by EBV. Furthermore, we show that BMRF-2-β1 integrin interaction and the downstream signal transduction pathway are critical for postbinding events. An increase of β1 integrin expression in peripheral blood memory B cells provoked by CD40 stimulation plus B-cell receptor cross-linking increased the susceptibility of non-NALT memory B cells to EBV infection. Thus, EBV seems to utilize the increased activation status of memory B cells residing in the NALT to establish and ensure persistence.Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is a ubiquitous human gammaherpesvirus that is transmitted via saliva and infects more than 90% of the world''s population (21). Much of EBV''s medical importance relates to its association with B-cell malignancies, including Burkitt''s lymphoma, Hodgkin''s lymphoma, and posttransplant lymphoproliferative disease (21). The oncogenic potential of EBV is clearly illustrated by its unique capability to transform B cells in vitro (21).In the current paradigm, EBV infects naïve B cells in tonsils in vivo (32). EBV is present mainly as a latent virus; upon infection, EBV expresses distinct patterns of its latency genes depending upon distinct B-cell differentiation stages, varying from expression of all 10 known EBV latency genes in naïve B cells to the complete absence of EBV mRNA expression in resting memory B cells. This has led to the model that EBV, by virtue of expression of its latency genes, provides cell survival signals in naïve B cells (32). In particular, recent data suggest that EBV expedites the antigen-driven somatic hypermutation and selection of B cells taking place in germinal centers (GC) (26). Chaganti et al. challenged the current paradigm by showing for patients with primary EBV infection that EBV avoids GC transit and directly infects memory B cells (6). This report is consistent with in vitro experiments showing that EBV is able to infect memory B cells (9, 10), in addition to the well-accepted susceptibility of naïve and GC B cells to EBV.Irrespective of which B-cell subset is the primary target of EBV, its propagation within the host is linked to proliferation of infected B cells, which deliver latent EBV to daughter cells, or, more rarely, to switching of EBV to lytic infection (21). The latter process can eventually be triggered by the differentiation of infected memory B cells into plasma cells and results in the release of virions that may subsequently infect new B cells (17). Importantly, transmission of EBV to naïve hosts is thought to occur via droplets loaded with virions (21). Thus, lytic replication of EBV takes place best in nasal mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (NALT), which will release EBV into the saliva, generating infectious droplets. Therefore, the NALT is the point of EBV transmission, i.e., the portal of entry of EBV as well as a shedding organ for further transmission (21).The attachment of EBV to B cells is mediated by the direct interaction of EBV glycoprotein gp350/220 with cellular CD21, initiating receptor-mediated endocytosis. After binding to CD21, EBV gp42 can interact with host HLA class II molecules, leading to a conformational change in the viral glycoproteins and triggering fusion with the host cell membrane (12, 28). Nevertheless, experimental data suggest that CD21 and HLA class II molecules are dispensable for the infection of B cells (14). Notably, in polarized oropharyngeal epithelial cells, which lack CD21, interactions between β1 integrin and the EBV glycoprotein BMRF-2 via its Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) motif are critical for infection (34, 38, 39). The role of β1 integrin in mediating EBV infection of memory B cells from NALT or non-NALT is unknown.We recently demonstrated that tonsillar memory B cells are much more susceptible to EBV infection than those from the peripheral blood, originating from various lymphoid tissues (9). Thus, tonsillar memory B cells seem to express properties which render them more susceptible to EBV infection than their counterparts of other lymphatic origin.Here we hypothesized that memory B cells from the NALT exhibit specific properties rendering them highly susceptible to EBV infection. Indeed, in this work, we found that memory B cells from the NALT are distinguishable from memory B cells of other lymphoid tissue by their β1 integrin expression levels, and thus their activation status, and that this higher expression level is a critical factor in their greater susceptibility to EBV infection.  相似文献   

Process of Infection with Bacteriophage φX174: XXXV. Cistron VIII   总被引:11,自引:10,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Twenty-two new amber and ochre mutants of phiX174 were isolated and classified into complementation groups. Three ochre mutants gave positive complementation tests with reference mutants in the seven previously defined groups and thus represent an eighth cistron. Studies of the physiology of infection in the nonpermissive condition for mutants in cistron VIII yielded the following information. (i) Replicative-form synthesis proceeds at a normal rate, and is turned off at the usual time. (ii) Synthesis of single-stranded deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is delayed until nearly 40 min after infection (in the absence of lysis), at which time a slow synthesis of infectious phage particles commences. The synthesis of infectious particles at late times is interpreted as a consequence of "leakage," and indicates that the cistron VIII product is required in very small quantities. (iii) During the normal period of single-strand synthesis, most of the replicative-form DNA is found in a form with properties similar to those of the transient intermediates of single-strand DNA synthesized during normal infection.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of calcium ions on the structural and mechanical properties of Pseudomonas fluorescens biofilms grown for 48?h. Advanced investigative techniques such as confocal laser scanning microscopy and atomic force spectroscopy were employed to characterize biofilm structure as well as biofilm mechanical properties following growth at different calcium concentrations. The presence of calcium during biofilm development led to higher surface coverage with distinct structural phenotypes in the form of a granular and heterogeneous surface, compared with the smoother and homogeneous biofilm surface in the absence of calcium. The presence of calcium also increased the adhesive nature of the biofilm, while reducing its elastic properties. These results suggest that calcium ions could have a functional role in biofilm development and have practical implications, for example, in analysis of biofouling in membrane-based water-treatment processes such as nanofiltration or reverse osmosis where elevated calcium concentrations may occur at the solid–liquid interface.  相似文献   

A group of temperature-sensitive mutants of phiX174 has been isolated which can go through a single, normal one-step growth cycle at 40 C but fail to form plaques at this temperature. Such mutants fail to initiate a second cycle at 40 C; however they can gain the capacity to infect at 40 C, upon incubation for 10 min in broth at 30 C. In regaining the ability to infect, the phage appear to undergo a temperature-dependent conformational alteration. The inverse process, a reversible loss of ability to infect at 40 C, is observed when such phage produced at 30 C are incubated for 2 hr at 40 C. The defect in initiation of a second cycle of infection appears to be in the injection of viral deoxyribonucleic acid. A two-step complementation test has been used to identify the cistron coding for the affected function. Such mutants are also unusually sensitive to an irreversible thermal inactivation when incubated at 40 C.  相似文献   

Impaired interferon (IFN) production has been observed in various obstructive respiratory diseases. This contributes to enhanced sensitivity towards viral infections triggering acute exacerbations. To compensate for this impaired host IFN response, there is need to explore new therapeutic strategies, like exogenous administration of IFNs as prophylactic treatment. In the present study, we examined the protective potential of IFN-λ1 and compared it with the previously established protecting effect of IFN-β. A549 cells and human primary bronchial epithelial cells were first treated with either IFN-β (500 IU/ml) or IFN-λ1 (500 ng/ml) for 18 h. For infection, two approaches were adopted: i) Continuous scenario: after pre-treatment, cells were infected immediately for 24 h with human rhinovirus 1B (HRV1B) in IFN-containing medium, or were cultured for another 72 h in IFN-containing medium, and then infected for 24 h with HRV1B, ii) Pre-treatment scenario: IFN-containing medium was replaced after 18 h and cells were infected for 4 h either immediately after pre-treatment or after additional culturing for 72 h in IFN-free medium. The protective effect was evaluated in terms of reduction in the number of viral copies/infectious progeny, and enhanced expression of IFN-stimulated genes (ISGs). In both cell types and in both approaches, IFN-λ1 and IFN-β treatment resulted in pronounced and long-lasting antiviral effects exemplified by significantly reduced viral copy numbers and diminished infectious progeny. This was associated with strong up-regulation of multiple ISGs. However, in contrast to the IFN-β induced expression of ISGs, which decreased over time, expression of ISGs induced by IFN-λ1 was sustained or even increased over time. Here we demonstrate that the protective potential of IFN-λ1 is comparable to IFN-β. Yet, the long-lasting induction of ISGs by IFN-λ1 and most likely less incitement of side effects due to more localized expression of its receptors could make it an even more promising candidate for prophylactic treatment than IFN-β.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody (MAb) that blocks most echoviruses (EVs) from infecting rhabdomyosarcoma (RD) cells has been isolated. By using the CELICS cloning method (T. Ward, P. A. Pipkin, N. A. Clarkson, D. M. Stone, P. D. Minor, and J. W. Almond, EMBO J. 13:5070–5074, 1994), the ligand for this antibody has been identified as β2-microglobulin (β2m), the 12-kDa protein that associates with class I heavy chains to form class I HLA complexes. A commercial MAb (MAb 1350) against β2m was also found to block EV7 infection without affecting binding to its receptor, DAF, or replication of EV7 viral RNA inside cells. Entry of EV7 into cells was reduced by only 30% by antibody and cytochalasin D, an inhibitor of endocytosis mediated by caveolae and clathrin-coated pits, but was not significantly reduced by sodium azide. The block to virus entry by cytochalasin D was additive to the block induced by antibody. We suggest that EV7 rapidly enters into a multicomponent receptor complex prior to entry into cells and that this initial entry event requires β2m or class I HLA for infection to proceed.Echoviruses (EVs) are members of the Enterovirus genus of the family Picornaviridae and are important human pathogens. They are associated with a wide spectrum of clinical syndromes, including rashes, diarrhea, aseptic meningitis, respiratory disease, and possibly conditions such as chronic fatigue syndrome. This range of clinical manifestations is probably a reflection of virus tissue tropisms, which seem to be mediated, at least in part, by utilization of a range of cellular receptors.Anti-cell surface monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) that block EV infection have been isolated previously and have been used to determine the identity of some of these receptors. In 1992 Bergelson et al. demonstrated that EV serotypes 1 and 8 use the collagen receptor VLA-2 (6) by attaching to the α2 subunit (7). Previously, we and others have shown that a regulator of complement activity, decay-accelerating factor (DAF), is the receptor for a range of hemagglutinating EVs (3, 37). Other EVs appear to use neither of these, but the identity of their receptor(s) is unknown. Mbida et al. have isolated a MAb (MAb 143) that blocks most EV serotypes from infecting a range of cell types. MAb 143 was also found to block coxsackievirus A9 but not poliovirus or coxsackievirus serotypes B1 to B6 (21). The ligand for MAb 143 was found by affinity purification to be an unknown 44-kDa glycoprotein (22). It was therefore suggested that the 44-kDa protein was part of a multicomponent receptor complex used by most EVs to infect cells. A direct role for the 44-kDa protein in virus attachment seems unlikely, since MAb 143 blocks infection by the viruses that have been shown to use other proteins, such as DAF (3, 37) and VLA-2 (6), as their primary receptors.Here, we report the isolation of a MAb similar to that described by Mbida et al. (21, 22) and describe the cloning and identification of its ligand. The ligand is β2-microglobulin (β2m), a 12-kDa protein that associates with the class I HLA heavy chains (44 kDa) and presents antigenic peptides (20). We show that MAbs to β2m block EV infection partly by reducing the entry of virus into cells, although other postbinding effects cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

Pyruvate (Pyr) and α-ketoglutarate (αKg) accumulated when cells of Pseudomonas fluorescens NCIMB 11764 were cultivated on growth-limiting amounts of ammonia or cyanide and were shown to be responsible for the nonenzymatic removal of cyanide from culture fluids as previously reported (J.-L. Chen and D. A. Kunz, FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 156:61–67, 1997). The accumulation of keto acids in the medium paralleled the increase in cyanide-removing activity, with maximal activity (760 μmol of cyanide removed min−1 ml of culture fluid−1) being recovered after 72 h of cultivation, at which time the keto acid concentration was 23 mM. The reaction products that formed between the biologically formed keto acids and cyanide were unambiguously identified as the corresponding cyanohydrins by 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Both the Pyr and α-Kg cyanohydrins were further metabolized by cell extracts and served also as nitrogenous growth substrates. Radiotracer experiments showed that CO2 (and NH3) were formed as enzymatic conversion products, with the keto acid being regenerated as a coproduct. Evidence that the enzyme responsible for cyanohydrin conversion is cyanide oxygenase, which was shown previously to be required for cyanide utilization, is based on results showing that (i) conversion occurred only when extracts were induced for the enzyme, (ii) conversion was oxygen and reduced-pyridine nucleotide dependent, and (iii) a mutant strain defective in the enzyme was unable to grow when it was provided with the cyanohydrins as a growth substrate. Pyr and αKg were further shown to protect cells from cyanide poisoning, and excretion of the two was directly linked to utilization of cyanide as a growth substrate. The results provide the basis for a new mechanism of cyanide detoxification and assimilation in which keto acids play an essential role.Cyanide is a notorious poison. Its inhibitory effect on respiration has been known since the 1920s, when Warburg and Keilin first demonstrated that it combines with trivalent iron in cytochrome oxidase (38, 40, 44). Although highly toxic, it is a normal part of our environment for which mechanisms of biological formation (cyanogenesis) and detoxification exist (8, 22, 42). Cyanide also arises from various industrial practices such as steel coking, electroplating, and mining, but significant accumulations in the environment probably do not occur because of its highly reactive nature (13, 18, 41, 46). The interactions between microorganisms and cyanide, however, remain of interest, since the mechanisms of tolerance and assimilation are poorly understood. A number of reports documenting the ability of microorganisms to grow on cyanide have appeared, but the biochemical basis of these abilities has remained largely obscure. Most studies have reported its ability to serve as a nitrogen source only, since at the concentrations needed for it to serve as a carbon source, it is too toxic (15, 24). As far as is known, growth on cyanide requires that it be enzymatically converted to ammonia. Once formed it can then be readily incorporated into cellular macromolecules by established mechanisms (31). Two separate conversions have been described. They are hydrolytic and oxidative conversion, and they yield formic acid and carbon dioxide as reaction by-products, respectively. The enzyme responsible for hydrolytic conversion has variously been described as cyanidase, cyanide dihydratase, or cyanide nitrilase (CNN), and it catalyzes the reaction shown in equation 1. 1 Mechanistically, CNNs resemble other nitrilases (e.g., EC that catalyze the direct conversion of organic nitriles into an organic acid and ammonia but for which the substrate range appears to be limited to cyanide. The involvement of CNNs in cyanide metabolism has been reported for Alcaligenes xylosooxidans subsp. denitrificans (19, 20), Bacillus pumilus (30), and Pseudomonas sp. (45). Oxidative conversion is mediated by an enzyme described as cyanide oxygenase (CNO). This enzyme has been described for Pseudomonas fluorescens NCIMB 11764 only (15, 2326). Recent work in our laboratory has shown that CNO functions as a monooxygenase, since a single atom of molecular oxygen was shown to be incorporated during conversion (43). Since the other atom of oxygen in CO2 was shown to be derived from water, a reaction mechanism in which cyanide undergoes initial monooxygenative attack to give an unknown intermediate (X-OH) as shown in equation 2 was proposed (43). 2 Further hydrolysis of X-OH is then expected to give CO2 and NH3 as shown in equation 3. 3 The nature of X-OH and whether an additional enzyme is required for its conversion are unknown. Interestingly, NCIMB 11764 also elaborates a CNN, but only CNO has been shown to be physiologically required for cyanide utilization (26). This conclusion was reached after it was found that mutants unable to grow on cyanide did not make CNO but could still elaborate CNN.CNO is induced when cyanide (KCN) is added to nitrogen-limited cells (4, 26). This approach for obtaining cells induced for the enzyme is more convenient than growing cells on cyanide, which requires several days of fed-batch cultivation. During the course of experiments aimed at optimizing CNO induction, we discovered that the consumption of cyanide and the appearance of CNO activity in cell extracts were not concomitant (3, 4). Further experiments showed that cyanide consumption independent of that catalyzed by CNO occurred nonenzymatically and that a reaction between cyanide and a metabolite excreted into the medium was responsible for cyanide’s removal (4). Since cyanide-removing activity in culture fluids consistently copurified with iron-chelating activity, it was concluded that the responsible metabolite was a siderophore, but further identification of this siderophore was not achieved. Here we report that the compounds responsible for nonenzymatic cyanide removal are α-keto acids, namely, pyruvate (Pyr) and α-ketoglutarate (αKg). These findings help explain the earlier reported involvement of a putative siderophore, since these compounds can act as iron chelators (10, 35). However, the additional ability to serve also as effective cyanide-scavenging agents has not generally been recognized. Both Pyr and αKg were excreted into the medium when P. fluorescens NCIMB 11764 was grown on nitrogen-limiting amounts of ammonia or cyanide as a nitrogen source, and we now demonstrate that these metabolites play an essential role in the utilization of cyanide as a growth substrate.  相似文献   

DCs act as sentinel cells against incoming pathogens and represent the most potent antigen presenting cells, having the unique capability to prime naïve T cells. In addition to their role in induction of adaptive immune responses, DC are also able to activate innate cells as γδ T cells; in particular, a reciprocal crosstalk between DC and γδ T cells was demonstrated. However, whether HIV infection may alter DC-Vγ9Vδ2 T cells cross-talk was not yet described. To clarify this issue, we cultured activated Vγ9Vδ2 T cells with HIV infected monocyte derived DC (MoDC). After 5 days we evaluated MoDC phenotype, and Vγ9Vδ2 T cells activation and proliferation. In our model, Vγ9Vδ2 T cells were not able to proliferate in response to HIV-infected MoDC, although an up-regulation of CD69 was observed. Upon phosphoantigens stimulation, Vγ9Vδ2 T cells proliferation and cytokine production were inhibited when cultured with HIV-infected MoDC in a cell-contact dependent way. Moreover, HIV-infected MoDC are not able to up-regulate CD86 molecules when cultured with activated Vγ9Vδ2 T cells, compared with uninfected MoDC. Further, activated Vγ9Vδ2 T cells are not able to induce HLA DR up-regulation and CCR5 down-regulation on HIV-infected MoDC. These data indicate that HIV-infected DC alter the capacity of Vγ9Vδ2 T cells to respond to their antigens, pointing out a new mechanisms of induction of Vγ9Vδ2 T cells anergy carried out by HIV, that could contribute to immune evasion.  相似文献   

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