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Activated bleomycin (ABLM) is an oxygenated iron drug complex which embodies the drug's DNA-cleaving activity. This activity is exercised on DNA, if present, but if DNA is absent, the drug itself is inactivated. We have employed quantum density functional theory (DFT)-based methods to investigate (i) the structure of the Fe(II)BLM complex that is first formed in the human body after drug's administration, and (ii) the activation mechanism of the O–O bond present in the ABLM. We have identified the controversial second axial ligand as the endogenous oxygen atom of the carbamoyl group. Our first principles molecular dynamics (MD) simulations indicate a homolytic cleavage as the mechanism of the O–O bond activation in the ABLM complex.  相似文献   

The relative longevity of the research in the field of the molecular simulations of the liquid–vapour interfaces of Lennard-Jones (LJ) particles can be explained by the dependence of the surface tension on many methodological factors. After a few illustrations on the parameters that can impact the results of surface tension on the LJ interfaces, we establish the ability of the current methodologies to quantitatively predict the surface tension of various liquid–vapour interfaces of pure components at different temperatures. We also show that the methods perform very well for the reproduction of the interfacial tension of binary mixtures in a wide range of pressures.  相似文献   

We have studied the accessibility of the structural calcium ion in the Burkholderia glumae lipase and the consequences of its removal on the protein conformation by different biophysical techniques (circular dichroism, fluorimetry, and mass spectrometry) and by molecular-dynamics simulations. We show that, in the native protein, calcium is not accessible unless specific flexible loops are displaced, for example, by a temperature increase. Such movements concern the whole calcium-binding pocket and particularly the environment of the coordinating aspartate residue 241. As a consequence of metal depletion the protein unfolds irreversibly and undergoes aggregation. The removal of the metal ion causes major structural transitions and leads to an increase in β-structure, in particular in protein regions that are largely unstructured in the native protein and encompass the calcium coordination residues.  相似文献   

A series of classical molecular dynamics simulations of calcium aluminosilicate (CAS) (CaO–Al2O3)1–x(SiO2)x melts with varying silica content x, along the CaO/Al2O3 concentration ratio R = 1, have been performed for the purpose of studying (i) the evolution of fragility with silica content and (ii) the temperature and composition evolution of self-diffusion coefficients, viscosity and α-relaxation times. Our results indicate a decrease in the fragility of the CAS systems along R = 1 from calcium aluminate to pure silica. It is found that upon cooling, the Stokes–Einstein relation breaks down at a temperature significantly higher than the critical temperature of the mode-coupling theory TC for all compositions and also above the melting point.  相似文献   


The effects of K+ concentration, light intensity and CO2 levels on the volume of Commelina communis L. guard cell protoplasts were studied. Two degrees of swelling response were observed, both dependent on an external supply of K+, but not necessarily on the supply of a permeant anion. The presence of K+ itself, independent of light or CO2 level, stimulated swelling at a relatively slow rate. When K+, light and low CO2 conditions were supplied together, the swelling was relatively rapid and of high magnitude. The rapid swelling was specific for K+ and Rb+ giving a half maximal effect after 2 h at a KCl concentration of about 18 mmol m−3. The addition of CaCl2 at 1 mol m−3 inhibited K+-dependent swelling under all conditions tested. The response to light and low CO2 levels by Commelina guard cell protoplasts is thought to reflect a high degree of physiological integrity.  相似文献   

A parametric nonorthogonal tight-binding model (NTBM1) with the set of parameters for H–C–N–O systems is presented. This model compares well with widely used semi-empirical AM1 and PM3/PM7 models but contains less fitting parameters per atom. All NTBM1 parameters are derived based on a criterion of the best agreement between the calculated and experimental values of bond lengths, valence angles and binding energies for various H–C–N–O molecules. Results for more than 200 chemical compounds are reported. Parameters are currently available for hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen atoms and corresponding interatomic interactions. The model has a good transferability and can be used for both relaxation of large molecular systems (e.g., high-molecular compounds or covalent cluster complexes) and long-timescale molecular dynamics simulation (e.g., modelling of thermal decomposition processes). The program package based on this model is available for download at no cost from http://ntbm.info.  相似文献   

In the interest of conservation, the importance of having a large habitat available for a species is widely known. Here, we introduce a lattice-based model for a population and look at the importance of fluctuations as well as that of the population density, particularly with respect to Allee effects. We examine the model analytically and by Monte Carlo simulations and find that, while the size of the habitat is important, there exists a critical population density below which the probability of extinction is greatly increased. This has large consequences with respect to conservation, especially in the design of habitats and for populations whose density has become small. In particular, we find that the probability of survival for small populations can be increased by a reduction in the size of the habitat and show that there exists an optimal size reduction.  相似文献   

Analysis of linkage disequilibrium (=mean squared correlation of allele frequencies at different gene loci) provides a means of estimating effective population size (N e) from a single sample, but this method has seen much less use than the temporal method (which requires at least two samples). It is shown that for realistic numbers of loci and alleles, the linkage disequilibrium method can provide precision comparable to that of the temporal method. However, computer simulations show that estimates of N e based on for unlinked, diallelic gene loci are sharply biased downwards ( in some cases) if sample size (S) is less than true N e. The bias is shown to arise from inaccuracies in published formula for when S and/or N e are small. Empirically derived modifications to for two mating systems (random mating and lifetime monogamy) effectively eliminate the bias (residual bias in % in most cases). The modified method also performs well in estimating N e in non-ideal populations with skewed sex ratio or non-random variance in reproductive success. Recent population declines are not likely to seriously affect , but if N has recently increased from a bottleneck can be biased downwards for a few generations. These results should facilitate application of the disequilibrium method for estimating contemporary N e in natural populations. However, a comprehensive assessment of performance of with highly polymorphic markers such as microsatellites is needed.The US Governmentȁ9s right to retain a non-exclusive, royalty-free license in and to any copyright is acknowledged.  相似文献   

The interaction of a dipole antenna with a human eye model in the presence of a metamaterial is investigated in this paper. The finite difference time domain (FDTD) method with convolutional perfectly matched layer (CPML) formulation have been used. A three-dimensional anatomical model of the human eye with resolution of 1.25 mm × 1.25 mm × 1.25 mm was used in this study. The dipole antenna was driven by modulated Gaussian pulse and the numerical study is performed with dipole operating at 900 MHz. The analysis has been done by varying the size and value of electric permittivity of the metamaterial. By normalizing the peak SAR (1 g and 10 g) to 1 W for all examined cases, we observed how the SAR values are not affected by the different permittivity values with the size of the metamaterial kept fixed.  相似文献   

Egg provisions represent the complete energy supply of oviparous organisms from fertilization until hatching, and egg size is generally correlated with initial offspring size and a suite of other early fitness related traits. Since egg size is determined by the mother, little attention has been given to potential sources of paternal effects on either egg size or initial offspring size. This study considers two processes by which the sire can affect the egg size and/or initial body size of his offspring, in the multiply mated cricket, Gryllus firmus. The first is a paternal genetic effect, whereby differences in offspring genotype result in differences in the efficiency of metabolising available resources. The second is a paternal environmental effect, whereby the quality or size of paternal investment varies among male phenotypes and this is correlated with the size of eggs the females subsequently produce. Using a one-locus two-allele recessive mutation for pale eye colour as a marker, a mating experiment was designed which enabled the discrimination between eggs fertilized by two males mated simultaneously to a single female. The results of this experiment suggest that sire effects on egg and initial body size occur through both processes. Eggs fertilised by the two males were significantly different at day ten of development, suggesting that the genetic contribution of the sire is affecting embryonic body size. Further, a negative correlation was found between the head size of the pale eyed male and the size of all the eggs that the female laid, suggesting an effect of male size of the amount of nutrients the female receives from her mates. The results of this study suggest that paternal effects may be both more common and more profound than previously thought, and that studies examining early fitness traits that are correlated to egg size or initial body size, in oviparous animals, should consider the possibility and importance of the paternal contribution.  相似文献   

In this study, we present an adaptive anisotropic finite element method (FEM) and demonstrate how computational efficiency can be increased when applying the method to the simulation of blood flow in the cardiovascular system. We use the SUPG formulation for the transient 3D incompressible Navier–Stokes equations which are discretised by linear finite elements for both the pressure and the velocity field.

Given the pulsatile nature of the flow in blood vessels we have pursued adaptivity based on the average flow over a cardiac cycle. Error indicators are derived to define an anisotropic mesh metric field. Mesh modification algorithms are used to anisotropically adapt the mesh according to the desired size field. We demonstrate the efficiency of the method by first applying it to pulsatile flow in a straight cylindrical vessel and then to a porcine aorta with a stenosis bypassed by a graft. We demonstrate that the use of an anisotropic adaptive FEM can result in an order of magnitude reduction in computing time with no loss of accuracy compared to analyses obtained with uniform meshes.  相似文献   

1. The colonisation of a new habitat by a community is led by deterministic and stochastic processes at different spatio-temporal scales. Parasitic plants, such as mistletoe, represent a new habitat within forest canopy that is free to be colonised by many organisms. 2. This study investigates how ecological factors operating at forest and plant scales drive changes in both specialist (mistletoe-dwelling) and tourist (transient visitors) arthropod communities inhabiting European mistletoe, Viscum album subsp. austriacum, in a Mediterranean pine forest. The influence of elevation along a broad elevational gradient was tested by sampling arthropod communities dwelling in mistletoe plants and host pine branches and the effects of mistletoe plant size, distances to other mistletoes, and temporal variation in arthropod assemblages inhabiting mistletoes. 3. The diversity of the specialist community remained constant along the elevational gradient and over the summer period, while the tourist and pine-dwelling arthropod communities showed species turnover. Larger mistletoes were occupied by more species and individuals, whereas more isolated mistletoes presented the same equilibrium point as the more aggregated ones. Thus, mistletoe size is key to the composition of the arthropod community. 4. In conclusion, this study's findings indicate contrasting assembly rules for specialised and tourist arthropod communities associated with mistletoe. The specialist community was highly stable and followed a deterministic trophic sequence of colonisation as the assemblage rule: first, colonisation by the main specialist herbivore, Cacopsylla visci, and, second, by its predator Anthocoris visci. Meanwhile, the tourist community, being a subset of the arthropod assemblage of the pine, acts independent of mistletoe presence.  相似文献   

We investigate a tritrophic system whose cyclic dominance is modelled by the rock–paper–scissors game. We consider that organisms of one or two species are affected by movement limitations, which unbalances the cyclic spatial game. Performing stochastic simulations, we show that mobility unevenness controls the population dynamics. In the case of one slow species, the predominant species depends on the level of mobility restriction, with the slow species being preponderant if the mobility limitations are substantial. If two species face mobility limitations, our outcomes show that being higher dispersive does not constitute an advantage in terms of population growth. On the contrary, if organisms move with higher mobility, they expose themselves to enemies more frequently, being more vulnerable to being eliminated. Finally, our findings show that biodiversity benefits in regions where species are slowed. Biodiversity loss for high mobility organisms, common to cyclic systems, may be avoided with coexistence probability being higher for robust mobility limitations. Our results may help biologists understand the dynamics of unbalanced spatial systems where organisms’ dispersal is fundamental to biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

Genetic methods are routinely used to estimate contemporary effective population size (Ne) in natural populations, but the vast majority of applications have used only the temporal (two-sample) method. We use simulated data to evaluate how highly polymorphic molecular markers affect precision and bias in the single-sample method based on linkage disequilibrium (LD). Results of this study are as follows: (1) Low-frequency alleles upwardly bias , but a simple rule can reduce bias to <about 10% without sacrificing much precision. (2) With datasets routinely available today (10–20 loci with 10 alleles; 50 individuals), precise estimates can be obtained for relatively small populations (Ne < 200), and small populations are not likely to be mistaken for large ones. However, it is very difficult to obtain reliable estimates for large populations. (3) With ‘microsatellite’ data, the LD method has greater precision than the temporal method, unless the latter is based on samples taken many generations apart. Our results indicate the LD method has widespread applicability to conservation (which typically focuses on small populations) and the study of evolutionary processes in local populations. Considerable opportunity exists to extract more information about Ne in nature by wider use of single-sample estimators and by combining estimates from different methods.  相似文献   

As a new class of intriguing nanoporous materials, metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) have been considered for diverse potential applications. The number of MOFs synthesised to date is extremely large; thus, experimental testing alone is economically expensive and practically formidable. With rapidly growing computational resources, molecular simulation has become an indispensable tool to characterise, screen and design MOFs. Our research group has conducted comprehensive simulation studies in MOFs for carbon capture, hydrocarbon separation, alcohol adsorption and biofuel purification, water treatment, bio- and chiral separation and drug loading; furthermore, mechanical moduli, structural transition and thermal conductivity have also been examined. These systematic simulation studies are summarised in this review to demonstrate that simulation at a molecular level can secure the quantitative interpretation of experimental observation, provide the microscopic insight from bottom-up and facilitate the development of new MOFs.  相似文献   

Evolutionary game theory studies frequency dependent selection. The fitness of a strategy is not constant, but depends on the relative frequencies of strategies in the population. This type of evolutionary dynamics occurs in many settings of ecology, infectious disease dynamics, animal behavior and social interactions of humans. Traditionally evolutionary game dynamics are studied in well-mixed populations, where the interaction between any two individuals is equally likely. There have also been several approaches to study evolutionary games in structured populations. In this paper we present a simple result that holds for a large variety of population structures. We consider the game between two strategies, A and B, described by the payoff matrix . We study a mutation and selection process. For weak selection strategy A is favored over B if and only if σa+b>c+σd. This means the effect of population structure on strategy selection can be described by a single parameter, σ. We present the values of σ for various examples including the well-mixed population, games on graphs, games in phenotype space and games on sets. We give a proof for the existence of such a σ, which holds for all population structures and update rules that have certain (natural) properties. We assume weak selection, but allow any mutation rate. We discuss the relationship between σ and the critical benefit to cost ratio for the evolution of cooperation. The single parameter, σ, allows us to quantify the ability of a population structure to promote the evolution of cooperation or to choose efficient equilibria in coordination games.  相似文献   

Food-supplemented parents typically produce more offspring, as numerous experiments on vertebrate populations have shown. ‘Propagule’ (egg or neonate) size and parental care may also be affected, with implications concerning the adult quality of offspring, although few experiments have addressed whether food-supplementing one generation affects adult quality in the next. We conducted a food supplementation experiment on song sparrows (Melospiza melodia) and tested whether song repertoire size, a demonstrated indicator of male quality, differed between the adult sons of fed (food-supplemented) and unfed (non-food-supplemented) parents. Counterintuitively, fed parents produced sons with smaller adult song repertoires, who may thus be expected to contribute fewer offspring, and fewer grand-offspring, to the population. Fed and unfed parents invested equally in the total biomass of their clutches and broods, and average nestling condition was comparable, but because fed parents produced more offspring, average egg and nestling sizes were reduced. Fed and unfed parents apportioned care differently within their broods, and we suggest compensatory growth of offspring emerging from light eggs, or egg size itself, may have affected adult repertoire size. Conceivably, the conservation benefits of food-supplementing populations could attenuate over time if fed parents produce offspring of poorer quality than themselves.  相似文献   

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