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Determining whether a species' vocal communication system is graded or discrete requires definition of its vocal repertoire. In this context, research on domestic pig (Sus scrofa domesticus) vocalizations, for example, has led to significant advances in our understanding of communicative functions. Despite their close relation to domestic pigs, little is known about wild boar (Sus scrofa) vocalizations. The few existing studies, conducted in the 1970s, relied on visual inspections of spectrograms to quantify acoustic parameters and lacked statistical analysis. Here, we use objective signal processing techniques and advanced statistical approaches to classify 616 calls recorded from semi‐free ranging animals. Based on four spectral and temporal acoustic parameters—quartile Q25, duration, spectral flux, and spectral flatness—extracted from a multivariate analysis, we refine and extend the conclusions drawn from previous work and present a statistically validated classification of the wild boar vocal repertoire into four call types: grunts, grunt‐squeals, squeals, and trumpets. While the majority of calls could be sorted into these categories using objective criteria, we also found evidence supporting a graded interpretation of some wild boar vocalizations as acoustically continuous, with the extremes representing discrete call types. The use of objective criteria based on modern techniques and statistics in respect to acoustic continuity advances our understanding of vocal variation. Integrating our findings with recent studies on domestic pig vocal behavior and emotions, we emphasize the importance of grunt‐squeals for acoustic approaches to animal welfare and underline the need of further research investigating the role of domestication on animal vocal communication.  相似文献   

选择我国狂犬病高发地区(湖南、贵州)、低发地区(江苏、武汉)和无狂犬病报告地区(沈阳)等三种不同类型的地区,开展针对家养犬、猫和啮齿类动物,以及蝙蝠等野生动物的狂犬病病毒带毒率的流行病学调查,对分离到的病毒株在抗原型别、基因变异以及与现行疫苗是否匹配等方面进行分析、比较研究。结果显示:我国狂犬病的主要宿主动物为犬,捕获犬总带毒率为2.56%;犬中狂犬病病毒的监测点最高阳性检出率达到20.0%;啮齿类动物及蝙蝠等野生动物在本次研究未检测到狂犬病病毒。我国自主研制成功的以aG株和CTN株为毒种的现行人用狂犬病疫苗,经应用研究发现,CTN株的糖蛋白基因与本研究分离到的街毒核酸序列更接近。为进一步评价现行疫苗的有效性,在5个观察点分别以aG株和CTN株毒种生产的疫苗接种两组人群(每组各约50人),结果显示均未出现中、强度反应,疫苗免疫后第7d和14d产生的中和抗体分别达到0.49IU/mL~0.52IU/mL和6.7IU/mL~7.53IU/mL;抗体阳转率分别为45.1%~47.9%和100%,表明这些疫苗具有良好的安全性和保护效果。  相似文献   

Human amniotic membrane (hAM) has recently drawn attention as an upcoming anti-cancer therapy. Regarding the strategies which have already investigated, little is known about hAM protein extracts (hAMPE) effect on cancer. So, this work aims to study the effect of hAMPE in metabolic activity of several human cancer cell lines. hAMPE were mechanically obtained, thus avoiding the effect of detergents and other reagents commonly used in protein extraction under the cell lines studied. After quantification of proteins in hAMPE, their effect on the metabolic activity of 21 human cancer cell lines was assessed by 3-(4,5-dimethylthia-zolyl-2)2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay. Our results indicate that there is an inhibition of metabolic activity until 25 and 50 % in two and seven cell lines, respectively. Five cell lines proved to be very sensitive to hAMPE, being its metabolic activity more than 50 % inhibited. Our results show that hAMPE can inhibit the metabolic activity of some human cancer cell lines. However, research about this cell line-dependent response to hAMPE becomes indispensable.  相似文献   

应用计算机进行植物自动分类的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用计算机进行植物自动分类的初步研究傅星卢汉清,罗曼丽(中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所,110015)(中国科学院自动化研究所,北京100080)曹伟,于兴华(中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所,110015)PreliminaryStudyonAutoma...  相似文献   

We classify British butterflies using 136 non-biotope associated binary state ecological attributes describing all stages of butterfly life-cycles. Using cluster analysis we identify two groups of woodland species, a group occurring in tall open grassland, another group associated with short sward herb-rich grassland, and a ruderal group. Principal Component and Factor analyses (4 factor solution) are used to identify ecological attributes that determine species groupings. No single attribute or attribute type is responsible for the groupings, which are also insensitive to hostplant type. We use presence/absence data from Butterfly Monitoring Scheme transects in southern Britain to test our classification. On the basis of adult occurrences, similarities within two of the four groups identified from PCA are greater than between groups. Exclusivity between species pairs is also more frequent between groups than within groups. Species' ranges, distributions, biotope range, dispersal ability and recent decline in abundances differ between groups identified by their factor loadings. Ruderal species have large ranges, abundances, extensive mobilities and show little recent decline. The group associated with short sward grassland have the lowest mobilities, and the smallest distributions within their geographic ranges. True woodland species have the smallest biotope range, and the species associated with open areas have the second smallest decline in their distributions. Our ecological classification identifies characteristics of species that determine their habitat requirements and could serve to predict the response of species groups to environmental change on the basis of their ecological attributes. Our method may be of use in identifying the relative importance of ecological attributes of less-well studied taxa and be applicable in less well known geographic regions.  相似文献   

Migraine patients are characterized by increased amplitudes of slow cortical potentials (SCPs), representing pronounced excitability of cortical networks. The present study investigated the efficiency of biofeedback training of SCPs in young migraineurs. Ten children suffering from migraine without aura participated in 10 feedback sessions. They were compared with 10 healthy children for regulation abilities of cortical negativity and with 10 migraineurs from the waiting list for clinical efficacy. During the first two sessions, the migraine children were characterised by lacking ability to control cortical negativity, especially during transfer trials, compared with healthy controls. However, there was no difference following 10 sessions of training. Feedback training was accompanied by significant reduction of cortical excitability. This was probably responsible for the clinical efficacy of the training; a significant reduction of days with migraine and other headache parameters was observed. It is suggested that normalization of the threshold regulation of cortical excitability during feedback training may result in clinical improvement.  相似文献   

对景观分类理论和方法进行了探索,并以毛乌素沙地为研究对象,提出了一套适用于农牧交错区沙质荒漠化土地景观分类与制图的方法。由于沙丘分布广泛,与地带性植被和土壤的分布相迭加,增加了地表景观的破碎程度,使农牧交错区沙地的主要景观要素类型在结构上具有复合性。为了更好地描述沙地景观的复合性特征,作者提出景观基本结构组分的概念。首先确定景观基本结构组分,根据景观基本结构组分的不同组合确定景观要素类型;然后在野外调查的基础上,通过对遥感数据的解译和判读进行景观要素类型的划分;最后在GIS支持下成图。该方法对我国北方农牧交错区沙质荒漠化土地具有普遍意义。  相似文献   

In the present investigation, we have attempted to identify regions of the genome in which “obesity genes” potentially reside using robust sib-pair linkage analysis. Data were collected on 1,628 individuals in 301 nuclear families residing in the environs of Québec City during the period 1978–1981. In addition to traditional blood group antigens and enzyme polymorphisms, several phenotypes in the obesity domain that are associated with increased morbidity were assessed, including measures relating to heaviness (i.e., the body mass index), body composition and nutrient partitioning (i.e., % body fat), and regional fat distribution without and with standardization for total fat mass (i.e., the sum of six skinfold thicknesses, and the ratio of the sums of trunk to extremity skinfold thicknesses). Three consistent patterns of potential linkage relationships with obesity phenotypes were revealed in these data, involving the marker loci adenosine deaminase, the Kell blood group antigen, and esterase D, which identify chromosomal regions 20q13, 7q33, and 13q14, respectively. Other potential linkages also were identified in the short arm of chromosome 1, interesting because of the presence of the db and fa loci on homologous regions of chromosome 1 in mouse and rat models of obesity, respectively. Each of the tentative linkage relationships reported here warrant follow-up using alternative methods and require replication in independent studies.  相似文献   

A closed‐loop supply chain (CLSC) is considered not only an important solution for ensuring sustainable exploitation of materials, but also a promising strategy for securing long‐term availability of materials. The latter is especially highlighted in the materials criticality discourse. Critical raw materials (CRMs), being exposed to supply disruptions, create an uncertain operational environment for many industries, particularly for green energy technologies that employ multiple CRMs. However, recycling rates of CRMs are very low and engagement of companies in CLSC for CRM is limited. This study examines factors influencing CLSC for CRM development in photovoltaic panels and wind turbine technologies. The aim is to analyze how the factors manifest themselves in different companies along the supply chain and to identify enabling and bottleneck conditions for implementation of CLSC for CRM. The novelty of the study is twofold: the focus on material rather than product flows, and examination of factors from a multiactor perspective. The evidence obtained suggests that the manufacturing companies and reverse supply‐chain operators engaged in the study take different perspectives (product vs. material) regarding development of CLSC for CRM and thus emphasize different factors. The findings underline the need for interactions between supply‐chain actors, a sound competitive environment for recycling processes, and investment in technologies and infrastructure development if CLSC for CRM is to be developed. The paper provides implications for practitioners and policy makers for implementation of CLSC for CRM, and suggests prospects for further research.  相似文献   

We describe here a rare case of traumatic myiasis occurred in August 2014, caused by an association of 2 Diptera species, Sarcophaga tibialis Macquart (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) and Lucilia sericata (Meigen) (Diptera: Calliphoridae), in a domestic cat in northern Italy. Species identification was based on adult male morphology. The present case is the first report of S. tibialis as an agent of myiasis in Italy, and also the first ever report of myiasis caused by an association of S. tibialis and L. sericata. The cat developed an extensive traumatic myiasis in a large wound on the rump, which was treated pharmacologically and surgically. The biology, ecology, and distribution of S. tibialis and L. sericata are also discussed. A literature review is provided on cases of myiasis caused by S. tibialis, and cases of myiasis by L. sericata involving cats worldwide and humans and animals in Italy.  相似文献   

It has long been proposed that L: -aspartate (Asp) is an excitatory neurotransmitter similar to L: -glutamate (Glu) but with distinct signaling properties. The presence of Asp in excitatory synapses of the medial striatum/nucleus accumbens of domestic chicks suggests that Asp plays a role of neurotransmitter also in the avian brain. Neurotransmitters are released from the presynaptic bouton mostly by Ca(2+) dependent exocytosis. We used in vivo microdialysis to monitor the simultaneous changes of the extracellular levels of Asp and Glu in the medial striatum of young post-hatch domestic chicks. Microdialysis samples were collected from freely moving birds at 5 min intervals and analysed off-line using capillary electrophoresis. Event-related elevations of extracellular Glu and Asp concentrations in response to handling stress and to high KCl (50 mM) were observed. Increase of Glu and Asp on handling stress was 200 and 250 %, whereas on KCl stimulation the values were 300 and 1,000 %, respectively, if stress was applied before high KCl, and 150 and 200 %, respectively, in the absence of stress. In most cases, the amino acids showed correlated changes, Asp concentrations being consistently smaller at resting but exceeding Glu during stimulation. Using Ca(2+) free medium, the KCl triggered elevation of Glu was reduced. When KCl stimulation was combined with tetrodotoxin infusion, there was no significant elevation in Asp or in Glu suggesting that most of the extracellular excitatory amino acids were released by synaptic mechanisms. The results support the suggestion that Asp is co-released with Glu and may play a signaling role (as distinct from that of glutamate) in the striatum of birds.  相似文献   

A mechanistic model is presented for determination of antimicrobial presence in the environment, using antimicrobial characteristics and Irish-specific usage data. The model simulates release of antimicrobials into the aquatic environment by integrating the effects of antimicrobial use, metabolism, degradation, and dilution. Predicted environmental concentrations (PECs) were ranked in relation to their potential to select for resistant bacteria, toxicity (chronic and acute), and hazard quotient (HQ). The simulated mean PECs of penicillins (PEN), β-lactams (BET), tetracyclines (TET), macrolides (MAC), quinolone/fluoroquinolones (Q/F), and sulphonamides/trimethoprim (S/T) were 1.05, 0.19, 0.06, 0.07, 0.02, and 0.08 mg/m3, respectively. All antimicrobials, excluding Q/F, showed a low HQ (<1) indicating low toxicity. Q/F had a HQ of 1.51 indicating moderate toxicity. All antimicrobial groups expressed varying resistance formation potential with Q/F having the highest. Q/F also exhibited the lowest degradation rate. A sensitivity analysis indicated a possible role for considering metabolism during regulation of new antimicrobials as this can significantly influence PEC values. The observed results suggest that current antimicrobial use can lead to levels in the environment that may increase resistance formation. The results and limitations presented here accentuate the need for further investigation into antimicrobials in the environment and contribution to resistant strains.  相似文献   


The regulation of stress by an attachment figure is a key feature of attachment relationships. Previous research suggests that in some cases animal companionship may be regarded as an attachment relationship. This may be particularly important for persons with an insecure or disorganized attachment pattern who may find it more difficult than securely attached individuals to accept social support from humans. In our study, we investigated whether 31 boys (aged 7–12 years) with insecure/disorganized attachment would profit more from the presence of a dog (n = 11) than of a friendly human (n = 11) or a toy dog (n = 9) as support during a socially stressful situation (Trier Social Stress Test for Children, TSST-C). Stress levels were assessed via salivary cortisol recorded five times before, during, and after the TSST-C. The behavior of the children was coded from video recordings. Self-reported stress levels did not significantly differ between the groups before and after the TSST-C. Salivary cortisol, however, was significantly lower in the real dog condition than in the other two conditions (Kruskal-Wallis H test on area under the curve increase (AUCi): χ2 = 15.17, df = 2, p = 0.001). Also, the more the children stroked the dog, the less pronounced was their stress reaction (rs = ?0.818, p = 0.002). Our data suggest an important role of physical contact in the stress reducing effect. We conclude that the children investigated profited more from interacting with a friendly dog than with either a human or a toy dog in a stressful situation. We discuss the relevance of our findings for animal-assisted interventions.  相似文献   

Studies that have examined the relationship between personality characteristics and tension headache have arrived at conflicting and, for the most part, negative results. In recent years, a number of investigators have begun examining the relationship between anger and psychophysiological disorders, focusing mostly on anger which is suppressed or held in rather than expressed behaviorally. The present study explored the relationship between anger in 59 tension headache subjects and compared their results to 33 nonpain controls. Materials consisted of the revised research edition of the Spielberger State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory. As predicted, tension headache sufferers were found to have significantly more anger held inward than nonpain controls. Implications for applied psychophysiology treatment and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

To elucidate the structural basis of the diversity and universality in protein-protein interactions, an exhaustive all-against-all structural comparison of all known protein interfaces in the Protein Data Bank was performed at atomic resolution. After similar interfaces were clustered, approximately 20,000 structural motifs with at least two members were identified, out of which 3678 motifs consisted of at least 10 interfaces. Except for some trivial interfaces involving single α helices, almost all motifs were found to be confined within single protein families. Furthermore, the interaction partners of each motif were found to be very limited, and, accordingly, the interaction networks of the motifs tend to be small and are much more restricted than the binding sites for small ligand molecules. These findings suggest that, at the level of atomic structures, protein-protein interactions are precisely designed; hence, protein interfaces with multiple interacting partners should involve incompletely overlapping multiple interfaces and/or accommodate structural changes upon binding to their targets.  相似文献   

Complement factor H (CFH) is one of the most important soluble complement regulatory proteins and is closely associated with age-related macular degeneration (AMD), the leading cause of irreversible central vision loss in the elderly population in developed countries. Our study searches to investigate whether CFH expression is changed in oxidative damaged retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) cells and the role of CFH in the in vitro neovascularization. First, it was confirmed by immunofluorescence staining that CFH was expressed by ARPE-19 cells. CFH mRNA and protein in oxidative (H2O2) damaged ARPE-19 cells were both reduced, as determined by Real-time PCR and Western blotting analysis. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) also showed that ARPE-19 cells treated with H2O2 caused an increase in C3a content, which indicates complement activation. Then, wound assays were performed to show that CFH expression suppression promoted human umbilical vein endothelial cell (HUVECs) migration. Thereafter, ARPE-19 cells were transfected with CFH-specific siRNA and CFH knockdown was confirmed with the aid of Real-time PCR, immunofluorescence staining and Western blotting. The ELISA results showed that specific CFH knockdown in ARPE-19 cells activated the complement system. Finally, in vitro matrigel tube formation assay was performed to determine whether change of CFH expression in RPE would affect tube formation by HUVECs. More tubes were formed by HUVECs co-cultured with ARPE-19 cells transfected with CFH specific-siRNA when compared with controls. Our results suggested that RPE cells might be the local CFH source, and RPE cell injuries (such as oxidative stress) may cause CFH expression suppression, which in turn may lead to complement activation and promotion of tube formation by HUVECs. This finding is of importance in elucidating the role of complement in the pathogenesis of ocular neovascularization including choroidal neovascularization.  相似文献   

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