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The use of classical molecular dynamics simulations, performed in explicit water, for the refinement of structural models of proteins generated ab initio or based on homology has been investigated. The study involved a test set of 15 proteins that were previously used by Baker and coworkers to assess the efficiency of the ROSETTA method for ab initio protein structure prediction. For each protein, four models generated using the ROSETTA procedure were simulated for periods of between 5 and 400 nsec in explicit solvent, under identical conditions. In addition, the experimentally determined structure and the experimentally derived structure in which the side chains of all residues had been deleted and then regenerated using the WHATIF program were simulated and used as controls. A significant improvement in the deviation of the model structures from the experimentally determined structures was observed in several cases. In addition, it was found that in certain cases in which the experimental structure deviated rapidly from the initial structure in the simulations, indicating internal strain, the structures were more stable after regenerating the side-chain positions. Overall, the results indicate that molecular dynamics simulations on a tens to hundreds of nanoseconds time scale are useful for the refinement of homology or ab initio models of small to medium-size proteins.  相似文献   

Wang T  Wade RC 《Proteins》2003,50(1):158-169
The suitability of three implicit solvent models for flexible protein-protein docking by procedures using molecular dynamics simulation is investigated. The three models are (i) the generalized Born (GB) model implemented in the program AMBER6.0; (ii) a distance-dependent dielectric (DDD) model; and (iii) a surface area-dependent model that we have parameterized and call the NPSA model. This is a distance-dependent dielectric model modified by neutralizing the ionizable side-chains and adding a surface area-dependent solvation term. These solvent models were first tested in molecular dynamics simulations at 300 K of the native structures of barnase, barstar, segment B1 of protein G, and three WW domains. These protein structures display a range of secondary structure contents and stabilities. Then, to investigate the performance of the implicit solvent models in protein docking, molecular dynamics simulations of barnase/barstar complexation, as well as PIN1 WW domain/peptide complexation, were conducted, starting from separated unbound structures. The simulations show that the NPSA model has significant advantages over the DDD and GB models in maintaining the native structures of the proteins and providing more accurate docked complexes.  相似文献   

Protein model refinement has been an essential part of successful protein structure prediction. Molecular dynamics simulation-based refinement methods have shown consistent improvement of protein models. There had been progress in the extent of refinement for a few years since the idea of ensemble averaging of sampled conformations emerged. There was little progress in CASP12 because conformational sampling was not sufficiently diverse due to harmonic restraints. During CASP13, a new refinement method was tested that achieved significant improvements over CASP12. The new method intended to address previous bottlenecks in the refinement problem by introducing new features. Flat-bottom harmonic restraints replaced harmonic restraints, sampling was performed iteratively, and a new scoring function and selection criteria were used. The new protocol expanded conformational sampling at reduced computational costs. In addition to overall improvements, some models were refined significantly to near-experimental accuracy.  相似文献   

The affects of differences in amino acid sequence on the temperature stability of the three-dimensional structure of the small beta-sheet protein, rubredoxin (Rd), was revealed when a set of homology models was subjected to molecular dynamics simulations at relatively high temperatures. Models of Rd from the hyperthermophile, Pyrococcus furiosus (Pf), an organism that grows optimally at 100 degrees C, were compared to three mesophilic Rds of known X-ray crystal structure. Simulations covering the limits of known Rd thermostabilities were carried out at temperatures of 300 K, 343 K, 373 K, and 413 K. They suggest that Rd stability is correlated with structural dynamics. Because the dynamic behavior of three Pf Rd models was consistently different from the dynamic behavior of the three mesophilic Rd structures, detailed analysis of the temperature-dependent dynamic behavior was carried out. The major differences between the models of the protein from the hyperthermophile and the others were: (1) an obvious temperature-dependent transition in the mesophilic structures not seen with the Pf Rd models, (2) consistent AMBER energy for the Pf Rd due to differences in nonbonded interaction terms, (3) less variation in the average conformations for the Pf Rd models with temperature, and (4) the presence of more extensive secondary structure for the Pf Rd models. These unsolvated dynamics simulations support a simple, general hypothesis to explain the hyperthermostability of Pf Rd. Its structure simplifies the conformational space to give a single minimum accessible over an extreme range of temperatures, whereas the mesophilic proteins sample a more complex conformational space with two or more minima over the same temperature range.  相似文献   

Terada T  Satoh D  Mikawa T  Ito Y  Shimizu K 《Proteins》2008,73(3):621-631
Chignolin is a 10-residue peptide (GYDPETGTWG) that forms a stable beta-hairpin structure in water. However, its design template, GPM12 (GYDDATKTFG), does not have a specific structure. To clarify which amino acids give it the ability to form the beta-hairpin structure, we calculated the folding free-energy landscapes of chignolin, GPM12, and their chimeric peptides using multicanonical molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. Cluster analysis of the conformational ensembles revealed that the native structure of chignolin was the lowest in terms of free energy while shallow local minima were widely distributed in the free energy landscape of GPM12, in agreement with experimental observations. Among the chimeric peptides, GPM12(D4P/K7G) stably formed the same beta-hairpin structure as that of chignolin in the MD simulation. This was confirmed by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. A comparison of the free-energy landscapes showed that the conformational distribution of the Asp3-Pro4 sequence was inherently biased in a way that is advantageous both to forming hydrogen bonds with another beta-strand and to initiating loop structure. In addition, Gly7 helps stabilize the loop structure by having a left-handed alpha-helical conformation. Such a conformation is necessary to complete the loop structure, although it is not preferred by other amino acids. Our results suggest that the consistency between the short-range interactions that determine the local geometries and the long-range interactions that determine the global structure is important for stable tertiary structure formation.  相似文献   

Raval A  Piana S  Eastwood MP  Dror RO  Shaw DE 《Proteins》2012,80(8):2071-2079
Accurate computational prediction of protein structure represents a longstanding challenge in molecular biology and structure-based drug design. Although homology modeling techniques are widely used to produce low-resolution models, refining these models to high resolution has proven difficult. With long enough simulations and sufficiently accurate force fields, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations should in principle allow such refinement, but efforts to refine homology models using MD have for the most part yielded disappointing results. It has thus far been unclear whether MD-based refinement is limited primarily by accessible simulation timescales, force field accuracy, or both. Here, we examine MD as a technique for homology model refinement using all-atom simulations, each at least 100 μs long-more than 100 times longer than previous refinement simulations-and a physics-based force field that was recently shown to successfully fold a structurally diverse set of fast-folding proteins. In MD simulations of 24 proteins chosen from the refinement category of recent Critical Assessment of Structure Prediction (CASP) experiments, we find that in most cases, simulations initiated from homology models drift away from the native structure. Comparison with simulations initiated from the native structure suggests that force field accuracy is the primary factor limiting MD-based refinement. This problem can be mitigated to some extent by restricting sampling to the neighborhood of the initial model, leading to structural improvement that, while limited, is roughly comparable to the leading alternative methods.  相似文献   

A refinement protocol based on physics‐based techniques established for water soluble proteins is tested for membrane protein structures. Initial structures were generated by homology modeling and sampled via molecular dynamics simulations in explicit lipid bilayer and aqueous solvent systems. Snapshots from the simulations were selected based on scoring with either knowledge‐based or implicit membrane‐based scoring functions and averaged to obtain refined models. The protocol resulted in consistent and significant refinement of the membrane protein structures similar to the performance of refinement methods for soluble proteins. Refinement success was similar between sampling in the presence of lipid bilayers and aqueous solvent but the presence of lipid bilayers may benefit the improvement of lipid‐facing residues. Scoring with knowledge‐based functions (DFIRE and RWplus) was found to be as good as scoring using implicit membrane‐based scoring functions suggesting that differences in internal packing is more important than orientations relative to the membrane during the refinement of membrane protein homology models.  相似文献   

M. F. Thorpe  S. Banu Ozkan 《Proteins》2015,83(12):2279-2292
The most successful protein structure prediction methods to date have been template‐based modeling (TBM) or homology modeling, which predicts protein structure based on experimental structures. These high accuracy predictions sometimes retain structural errors due to incorrect templates or a lack of accurate templates in the case of low sequence similarity, making these structures inadequate in drug‐design studies or molecular dynamics simulations. We have developed a new physics based approach to the protein refinement problem by mimicking the mechanism of chaperons that rehabilitate misfolded proteins. The template structure is unfolded by selectively (targeted) pulling on different portions of the protein using the geometric based technique FRODA, and then refolded using hierarchically restrained replica exchange molecular dynamics simulations (hr‐REMD). FRODA unfolding is used to create a diverse set of topologies for surveying near native‐like structures from a template and to provide a set of persistent contacts to be employed during re‐folding. We have tested our approach on 13 previous CASP targets and observed that this method of folding an ensemble of partially unfolded structures, through the hierarchical addition of contact restraints (that is, first local and then nonlocal interactions), leads to a refolding of the structure along with refinement in most cases (12/13). Although this approach yields refined models through advancement in sampling, the task of blind selection of the best refined models still needs to be solved. Overall, the method can be useful for improved sampling for low resolution models where certain of the portions of the structure are incorrectly modeled. Proteins 2015; 83:2279–2292. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The folding of a polypeptide from an extended state to a well-defined conformation is studied using microsecond classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and replica exchange molecular dynamics (REMD) simulations in explicit solvent and in vacuo. It is shown that the solvated peptide folds many times in the REMD simulations but only a few times in the conventional simulations. From the folding events in the classical simulations we estimate an approximate folding time of 1-2 micros. The REMD simulations allow enough sampling to deduce a detailed Gibbs free energy landscape in three dimensions. The global minimum of the energy landscape corresponds to the native state of the peptide as determined previously by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments. Starting from an extended state it takes about 50 ns before the native structure appears in the REMD simulations, about an order of magnitude faster than conventional MD. The calculated melting curve is in good qualitative agreement with experiment. In vacuo, the peptide collapses rapidly to a conformation that is substantially different from the native state in solvent.  相似文献   

Despite GPCRs sharing a common seven helix bundle, analysis of the diverse crystallographic structures available reveal specific features that might be relevant for ligand design. Despite the number of crystallographic structures of GPCRs steadily increasing, there are still challenges that hamper the availability of new structures. In the absence of a crystallographic structure, homology modeling remains one of the important techniques for constructing 3D models of proteins. In the present study we investigated the use of molecular dynamics simulations for the refinement of GPCRs models constructed by homology modeling. Specifically, we investigated the relevance of template selection, ligand inclusion as well as the length of the simulation on the quality of the GPCRs models constructed. For this purpose we chose the crystallographic structure of the rat muscarinic M3 receptor as reference and constructed diverse atomistic models by homology modeling, using different templates. Specifically, templates used in the present work include the human muscarinic M2; the more distant human histamine H1 and the even more distant bovine rhodopsin as shown in the GPCRs phylogenetic tree. We also investigated the use or not of a ligand in the refinement process. Hence, we conducted the refinement process of the M3 model using the M2 muscarinic as template with tiotropium or NMS docked in the orthosteric site and compared with the results obtained with a model refined without any ligand bound.  相似文献   

Linear response theory coupled to molecular dynamics simulations with an explicit solvent representation is used to derive fractional contributions of amino acid residues to the solvation of proteins. The new fractional methods developed here are compared with standard approaches based on empirical 1D and 3D statistical potentials, as well as with estimates obtained from the analysis of classical molecular interaction potentials. The new fractional methods, which have a clear physical basis and explicitly account for the effects due to protein structure and flexibility, provide an accurate picture of the contribution to solvation of different regions of the protein.  相似文献   

Bacterial chaperonin, GroEL, together with its co-chaperonin, GroES, facilitates the folding of a variety of polypeptides. Experiments suggest that GroEL stimulates protein folding by multiple cycles of binding and release. Misfolded proteins first bind to an exposed hydrophobic surface on GroEL. GroES then encapsulates the substrate and triggers its release into the central cavity of the GroEL/ES complex for folding. In this work, we investigate the possibility to facilitate protein folding in molecular dynamics simulations by mimicking the effects of GroEL/ES namely, repeated binding and release, together with spatial confinement. During the binding stage, the (metastable) partially folded proteins are allowed to attach spontaneously to a hydrophobic surface within the simulation box. This destabilizes the structures, which are then transferred into a spatially confined cavity for folding. The approach has been tested by attempting to refine protein structural models generated using the ROSETTA procedure for ab initio structure prediction. Dramatic improvements in regard to the deviation of protein models from the corresponding experimental structures were observed. The results suggest that the primary effects of the GroEL/ES system can be mimicked in a simple coarse-grained manner and be used to facilitate protein folding in molecular dynamics simulations. Furthermore, the results support the assumption that the spatial confinement in GroEL/ES assists the folding of encapsulated proteins.  相似文献   

Two independent replica-exchange molecular dynamics (REMD) simulations with an explicit water model were performed of the Trp-cage mini-protein. In the first REMD simulation, the replicas started from the native conformation, while in the second they started from a nonnative conformation. Initially, the first simulation yielded results qualitatively similar to those of two previously published REMD simulations: the protein appeared to be over-stabilized, with the predicted melting temperature 50-150K higher than the experimental value of 315K. However, as the first REMD simulation progressed, the protein unfolded at all temperatures. In our second REMD simulation, which starts from a nonnative conformation, there was no evidence of significant folding. Transitions from the unfolded to the folded state did not occur on the timescale of these simulations, despite the expected improvement in sampling of REMD over conventional molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The combined 1.42 micros of simulation time was insufficient for REMD simulations with different starting structures to converge. Conventional MD simulations at a range of temperatures were also performed. In contrast to REMD, the conventional MD simulations provide an estimate of Tm in good agreement with experiment. Furthermore, the conventional MD is a fraction of the cost of REMD and continuous, realistic pathways of the unfolding process at atomic resolution are obtained.  相似文献   

The simulation method leap-dynamics (LD) has been applied to protein thermal unfolding simulations to investigate domain-specific unfolding behavior. Thermal unfolding simulations of the 148-residue protein apo-calmodulin with implicit solvent were performed at temperatures 290 K, 325 K, and 360 K and compared with the corresponding molecular dynamics trajectories in terms of a number of calculated conformational parameters. The main experimental results of unfolding are reproduced in showing the lower stability of the C-domain: at 290 K, both the N- and C-domains are essentially stable; at 325 K, the C-domain unfolds, whereas the N-domain remains folded; and at 360 K, both domains unfold extensively. This behavior could not be reproduced by molecular dynamics simulations alone under the same conditions. These results show an encouraging degree of convergence between experiment and LD simulation. The simulations are able to describe the overall plasticity of the apo-calmodulin structure and to reveal details such as reversible folding/unfolding events within single helices. The results show that by using the combined application of a fast and efficient sampling routine with a detailed molecular dynamics force field, unfolding simulations of proteins at atomic resolution are within the scope of current computational power.  相似文献   

Lee G. Pedersen 《Proteins》2014,82(11):2896-2901
We investigated the possibility of inter‐residue communication of side chains in barstar, an 89 residue protein, using mutual information theory. The normalized mutual information (NMI) of the dihedral angles of the side chains was obtained from all‐atom molecular dynamics simulations. The accumulated NMI from an explicit solvent equilibrated trajectory (600 ns) with free backbone exhibits a parabola‐shaped distribution over the inter‐residue distances (0–36 Å): smaller at the end regimes but larger in the middle regime. This analysis, plus several other measures, does not find unusual long‐range communication for free backbone in explicit solvent simulations. Proteins 2014; 82:2896–2901. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Fan H  Periole X  Mark AE 《Proteins》2012,80(7):1744-1754
The efficiency of using a variant of Hamiltonian replica‐exchange molecular dynamics (Chaperone H‐replica‐exchange molecular dynamics [CH‐REMD]) for the refinement of protein structural models generated de novo is investigated. In CH‐REMD, the interaction between the protein and its environment, specifically, the electrostatic interaction between the protein and the solvating water, is varied leading to cycles of partial unfolding and refolding mimicking some aspects of folding chaperones. In 10 of the 15 cases examined, the CH‐REMD approach sampled structures in which the root‐mean‐square deviation (RMSD) of secondary structure elements (SSE‐RMSD) with respect to the experimental structure was more than 1.0 Å lower than the initial de novo model. In 14 of the 15 cases, the improvement was more than 0.5 Å. The ability of three different statistical potentials to identify near‐native conformations was also examined. Little correlation between the SSE‐RMSD of the sampled structures with respect to the experimental structure and any of the scoring functions tested was found. The most effective scoring function tested was the DFIRE potential. Using the DFIRE potential, the SSE‐RMSD of the best scoring structures was on average 0.3 Å lower than the initial model. Overall the work demonstrates that targeted enhanced‐sampling techniques such as CH‐REMD can lead to the systematic refinement of protein structural models generated de novo but that improved potentials for the identification of near‐native structures are still needed. Proteins 2012; © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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