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This study examined the acute effects of relaxation training on salivary cortisol and salivary immunoglobulin A (sIgA). Members of age- and gender-matched undergraduate student pairs were randomly assigned to an experimental or control group. Forty-one experimental subjects were led through Abbreviated Progressive Relaxation Training (APRT) during a 1-h laboratory session; 14 control subjects merely sat quietly in the laboratory for an equal amount of time. All subjects provided pre- and post-intervention saliva samples and self-report data on state anxiety, perceived stress, and relaxation levels. Heart rate was also monitored immediately before and after APRT or quiet sitting. Results indicated that a brief relaxation exercise led to experimental subjects having significantly lower levels of post-intervention salivary cortisol (p = .036) and significantly higher levels of post-intervention sIgA concentration (p < .001) and secretion rate (p < .001) than control subjects. The data suggest that relaxation training may play a role in immunoenhancement.  相似文献   

The functional response of a predator, Cyrtorrhinus lividipennis, on the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens, was investigated in two different experimental habitats: a piece of tiller in a petri dish (5.5?cm in diameter) and a rice plant in a net cage (5.5?cm diameter?×?43?cm height) for 24?h at room temperature. In the petri dish experiment, 2nd–5th instar nymphs, adult male, and female C. lividipennis were introduced in separate experiments to eggs of N. lugens at densities of five, 10, 20, 30, and 40 eggs per piece of rice. In the rice plant experiment, each C. lividipennis was introduced to a cage with a rice plant containing N. lugens eggs. After 24?h, the number of dead eggs and remaining eggs were counted and data fitted to three functional response models. Among the three types of functional responses, Type II best described the predator response to host densities in N. lugens in both experimental habitats, according to the logistic regression analysis value. The results showed that C. lividipennis was a more effective predator in the rice plant experiment compared to the disc experiment. Additionally, the searching efficiency and handling time parameters were different in the two different experimental habitats. This may cause errors when applying the functional response to biological control and predator–prey models. Different habitats and other environmental conditions from the experiment and natural rice field have to be considered.  相似文献   

Mounted police horses have to cope with challenging, unpredictable situations when on duty and it is essential to gain insight into how these horses handle stress to warrant their welfare. The aim of the study was to evaluate physiological and behavioral responses of 12 (six experienced and six inexperienced) police horses during police training. Horses were evaluated during four test settings at three time points over a 7-week period: outdoor track test, street track test, indoor arena test and smoke machine test. Heart rate (HR; beats/min), HR variability (HRV; root means square of successive differences; ms), behavior score (BS; scores 0 to 5) and standard police performance score (PPS; scores 1 to 0) were obtained per test. All data were statistically evaluated using a linear mixed model (Akaike's Information criterium; t > 2.00) or logistic regression (P < 0.05). HR of horses was increased at indoor arena test (98 ± 26) and smoke machine test (107 ± 25) compared with outdoor track (80 ± 12, t = 2.83 and t = 3.91, respectively) and street track tests (81 ± 14, t = 2.48 and t = 3.52, respectively). HRV of horses at the indoor arena test (42.4 ± 50.2) was significantly lower compared with street track test (85.7 ± 94.3 and t = 2.78). BS did not show significant differences between tests and HR of horses was not always correlated with the observed moderate behavioral responses. HR, HRV, PPS and BS did not differ between repetition of tests and there were no significant differences in any of the four tests between experienced and inexperienced horses. No habituation occurred during the test weeks, and experience as a police horse does not seem to be a key factor in how these horses handle stress. All horses showed only modest behavioral responses, and HR may provide complimentary information for individual evaluation and welfare assessment of these horses. Overall, little evidence of stress was observed during these police training tests. As three of these tests (excluding the indoor arena test) reflect normal police work, it is suggested that this kind of police work is not significantly stressful for horses and will have no negative impact on the horse's welfare.  相似文献   


In this study we tested the hypothesis that the process of training a non-human primate (NHP) affects it's general behavior patterns, outside of training. A group of Abyssinian colobus monkeys (Colobus guereza, n = 8), housed at Paignton Zoo, UK, were observed for four 12-day periods. Behaviors were noted prior to training, using positive reinforcement to achieve oral examinations, and each month for three months after training had started. These data were used to construct daily activity budgets and investigate social behaviors (both colobus–colobus and colobus–human). A comparison of these data (using doubly repeated measures MANOVAs) showed activity budget (F(3,3) = 9.8, λ = 0.4, p < 0.001) and colobus-initiated interactions with people (F(3,2) = 16.6, λ = 0.3, p < 0.001) differed significantly across the four observation periods. Resting behavior was negatively correlated with feeding behavior (Pearson: n = 56, r = -0.25, p < 0.05); this relationship was considered to be independent of the onset of training. The significant decline in colobus-initiated interactions with the public appeared to be a direct result of the training.

The results in this study showed that the implementation of training reduced colobus–human interactions. Two reasons are suggested in this paper to account for these unexpected results; either or both of these explanations may be true. The increased level of keeper–colobus interactions necessary for training may have acted to socialize the colobus to humans, so that they habituated to the general presence of humans. Equally, the training sessions may have provided the colobus with predictable interactions with humans that provided rewards, outside of which colobus-initiated interactions were not worthwhile.

Training in this situation was found to be beneficial for the colobus and did not adversely affect the behavior of the colobus outside of the training sessions. It is concluded that caution should be taken when instigating training as part of captive primate management, due to species differences and the paucity of studies that have quantified the impact of training on zoo primate biology. What is greatly needed is more studies which are able to empirically compare the biology (behavior and physiology) of zoo housed primates before and after training has been implemented.  相似文献   

For electrocardiography to be a useful diagnostic tool, it is important to establish the electrocardiographic parameters of a specific population under similar conditions of data collection. Electrocardiograms (ECGs) collected from 14 (4.10) Anoyx cinerea, chemically immobilized with a ketamine/midazolam combination, are analyzed for their mean, range, and standard deviation of parameters. A mean dosage of 10.7 mg/kg ketamine combined with 0.23 mg/kg midazolam is required for immobilization. The effects of chemical immobilization on ECG parameters were found to be minimal, with the exception of an increase in heart rate.  相似文献   

Four size classes of both sexes of laboratory-cultured Streptocephalus proboscideus (post-metanauplii 4.7±0.4; juvenile virgins 8.7±0.7; adults I 13.8±0.9, and adults II 22.07±1.1 mm) were fed five concentrations (20 to 320 ml−1) of Anuraeopsis fissa, or six concentrations (20 to 640 ml−1) in adults I and adults II, for 30 minutes. Post-metanauplii consumed at maximum 66±9 rotifers ind.−1 min.−1 (mean±S.D.) while the largest adult females maximally ingested 347±37 rotifers min.−1. Regardless of predator size and sex, prey consumption was dependent on prey density. Functional response curves either plateaued or declined at 320 prey ml−1 in post-metanauplii, juveniles and adults I, and at 640 ml−1 in adults II. Females consumed c. 40% more prey than males. On a daily basis, adult II females consumed up to 1.05 mg rotifer dry weight (10% of their own body weight) while post-metanauplii consumed up to 0.2 mg DW (100% of their body weight). Intermediate stages had intermediate consumption rates. Filtration rates indicated that a fully grown S. proboscideus may filter as much as 2 1 of water per day, suggesting that fairy shrimps, in their natural environment, may often be food-limited.  相似文献   

Functional response type and predatory parameters of Macrolophus pygmaeus and Nesidiocoris tenuis (Hemiptera: Miridae), the two important predators widely used in IPM programmes at tomato greenhouses, were investigated. The predators fed on Tuta absoluta (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) or Ephestia kuehniella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) eggs. Different densities of prey eggs including 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 15, 20, 30 and 40 (latest only for E. kuehniella) were used at laboratory conditions. The results showed that both predatory bugs had type II functional response. Also, predation indices were significantly different between the predators. Although N. tenuis was more efficient against T. absoluta eggs than M. pygmaeus, M. pygmaeus predatory indices showed that this predator was more efficient on E. kuehniella eggs. Thus, minimum and maximum attack rate were observed in N. tenuis fed on E. kuehniella (0.0871 h?1) and T. absoluta (0.2514 h?1) eggs, respectively. Whilst, the minimum and maximum handling time were observed in M. pygmaeus fed on E. kuehniella (1.8695 h) and T. absoluta (2.7415 h) eggs, respectively.  相似文献   

Habituation and positive reinforcement procedures were successfully used for low stress blood sampling of nyala (Tragelaphus angasi) at the Denver Zoological Gardens. Four adult females and three offspring were conditioned with a food reward voluntarily to enter a plywood crate for bimonthly blood sampling from the rear leg. Habituated and conditioned, nonsedated nyala could also be given intramuscular injections and be palpated on the udder and abdomen. Highly palatable sliced yams and carrots were used to train the seven animals to enter the crate and allow a handler to confine each animal in it by closing a remotely controlled, vertical slide gate. The next step was slow, careful desensitization and habituation of each animal to having its legs and body touched by a person who reached through a small hole in the side of the crate. The animal was given yam treats during this procedure. The solid sides on the crate helped keep the animal calm. Conditioning and habituation were done slowly and carefully over a period of 3 months to avoid frightening the animals or causing a dangerous escape attempt. All animals remained calm during both conditioning and blood sampling procedures. Investing the time and effort to train nyala to crate handling resulted in improved animal welfare and blood samples that were not confounded by stress. The nyala were trained for a vitamin E supplementation study. In captivity, nyala often suffer from myopathy due to vitamin E deficiency. Vitamin E levels will change when an animal is stressed. Training the animals to cooperate during blood sampling eliminated handling stress. This made it possible to accurately measure vitamin E levels, which will aid nutritionists in determining supplementation levels. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The cytotoxicities against cancer cells (HL-60, HeLa) and insect cells (Sf9) of four stereoisomers of 6-(2-hydroxy-6-phenylhexyl)− 5,6-dihydro-2H-pyran-2-one (1) were evaluated, and then their structure-activity relationships examined. The 2′-dehydroxy derivative 5 of (6 R,2′R)- and (6 R,2′S)-1 showed the highest activity against HeLa cells (IC50 = 1.4 μM). To evaluate the effect of the 2′-hydroxy group of 1, 6R-and 6S-oxetane derivatives were also synthesized and their activities examined. Against HeLa and HL-60 cells, the activities of the less potent stereoisomers were enhanced 3–4-fold by the introduction of the oxetane moieties at the 2′-position. Against the insect cell line (Sf9), phenyl derivative 7 showed the highest activity with an IC50 value of 8.0 μM.  相似文献   

2000年1—4月和2000年4月—2002年4月,分别连续3个月和2年观察了中国科学院水生生物研究所白鱀豚馆6头长江江豚(3雌3雄,8个不同组合群)个体间发生的3种交互关系,即接近—逃开、接近—接触和接近—尾鳍击打。在累计8,162min的观察时间内,共观察到这些交互关系1,685次。本研究将江豚个体间发生的这3种交互关系作为个体间优势关系的指示,并分别给交互双方赋予不同的分值,采用优势比分矩阵方法定量分析了江豚个体之间的优势关系。结果表明江豚群体内存在优势关系。同性别个体之间,优势关系与年龄和饲养时间有关,年龄大的个体比年龄小的个体具有优势,饲养时间短的个体比饲养时间长的个体具有优势。但是,异性成年个体之间,优势关系通常是可变的。  相似文献   

Carvedilol is currently used as the racemic mixture, (R,S)-carvedilol, consisting of equal amounts of (R)-carvedilol, an alpha-blocker, and (S)-carvedilol, an alpha- and beta-blocker, which have never been tested in their optically pure forms in human subjects. We performed a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study in 12 healthy male volunteers. Subjects received single oral doses of 25 mg (R,S)-carvedilol, 12.5 mg (R)-carvedilol, 12.5 mg (S)-carvedilol, and placebo at 8 AM as well as at 8 PM. Exercise was performed at 11 AM, and heart rate and blood pressure were measured at rest and after 10 min of exercise. Urine was collected between 10 AM and 6 PM, as well as between 10 PM and 6 AM, and the amounts of urinary 6-hydroxy-melatonin sulfate (aMT6s) were determined by RIA. Compared to placebo, (R)-carvedilol increased heart rate during exercise (+4%, P < 0.05) and recovery (+10%, P < 0.05); (S)-carvedilol decreased heart rate during exercise (-14%, P < 0.05) and recovery (-6%, P < 0.05), and systolic blood pressure during exercise (-12%, P < 0.05); (R,S)-carvedilol decreased heart rate during exercise (-11%, P < 0.05), and systolic blood pressure at rest (-7%, P < 0.05) and during exercise (-10%, P < 0.05). None of the agents had any significant effect on the release of aMT6s. Our results indicate that only (S)-carvedilol causes beta-blockade, whereas (R)-carvedilol appears to increase sympathetic tone, presumably as a physiological reaction to the decrease of blood pressure caused by alpha-blockade. None of the drugs had any influence on melatonin release. The weak clinical net effect of beta-blockade of (R,S)-carvedilol at rest might be one reason why this drug causes fewer side effects than other beta-blockers, such as a reduction of nocturnal melatonin release.  相似文献   

目的:探讨强化间歇训练对慢性心衰患者心肺耐力及自主神经功能的影响。方法:34名稳定期慢性心衰患者随机分成试验组和对照组,每组各17名,两组均采用常规药物治疗,其中试验组同时结合间歇运动训练治疗,训练周期12周,前2周为适应性训练,采用功率自行车和30%~50% HRmax强度进行训练,每周训练3次,每次运动20~30 min;后10周采用强化间歇训练,采用功率自行车和运动靶心率=80%~90% HRmax强度训练,训练时间30~40 min,每周训练3次;采用6 min步行距离和心率变异性指标进行效果评价。结果:与试验前比较,12周治疗后,对照组和试验组6 min步行距离均增加,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.01),反映自主神经功能的时域指标和频域指标均出现增高,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.01);试验后,试验组6 min步行距离、时域指标和频域指标改变幅度大于对照组,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论:强化间歇训练可以作为慢性心衰患者心肺耐力提高和自主神经功能改善的康复手段,比单一的药物治疗效果更好。  相似文献   

A 1H-NMR investigation was carried out on the tetranucleotides U-m6(2)A-U-m6(2)A and m6(2)A-m6(2)A-U-m6(2)A (m6(2) = N6-dimethyladenosine) as well as on the hybrid trinucleotide dA-r(U-A). An extensive comparison with m6(2)A-U-m6(2)A and other relevant compounds is made. Previous proton NMR studies on trinucleotides have shown that purine-pyrimidine-purine sequences prefer to adopt a mixture of states which have as a common feature that the interior pyrimidine residue bulges out, whereas the flanking purine residues stack upon each other. A stacking interaction on the 3' side of the bulge is known to have no measurable effect on the bulge population. Chemical-shift data, ribose ring conformational analysis and information from NOE experiments now show unambiguously that the moderate U(1)-m6(2)A(2) stack in U-m6(2)A-U-m6(2)A diminishes the population of bulged-out structures in favour of a regular stack. This tendency towards conformational transmission in the downstream 5'----3' direction is fully confirmed by the fact that the strong m6(2)A(1)-m6(2)A(2) stack in the tetranucleotide m6(2)A-m6(2)A-U-m6(2)A virtually precludes the formation of bulged-out structures. The conformational characteristics of dA-r(U-A) appear comparable with those of m6(2)A-U-m6(2)A, which indicates that the presence of a 2'-hydroxyl group in the first purine residue is not a necessary prerequisite for the formation of a bulge.  相似文献   

This study was designed to examine underlying hemodynamic changes that accompany observed reductions in heart rate (HR) response to mental stress following HR feedback training. Twenty-five college males, assigned to either a HR feedback training group (FB+) or a control group (FB–), were presented with a videogame and mental arithmetic challenge, as HR, blood pressure, and impedance cardiography-derived measures of hemodynamic functioning were recorded. During training, the FB+ group received HR feedback and the FB– group was not provided with HR feedback while playing a videogame. At posttraining, results revealed that the FB+ group exhibited significantly lower HR, systolic blood pressure, stroke volume, and total peripheral resistance responses to the videogame compared to that at pretraining. There was no evidence that the acquired skills generalized to a mental arithmetic task. These results suggest that HR feedback training is an effective method for reducing cardiovascular and hemodynamic responses to a mental stressor; however, the generalizability of this effect remains questionable.  相似文献   

Demographic and life history data from wild populations of long-lived primate species are difficult to acquire but are critical for evaluating population viability and the success of conservation efforts. Camera trapping provides an opportunity for researchers to monitor wild animal populations indirectly and could help provide demographic and life history data in a way that demands fewer person-hours in the field, is less disruptive to the study population because it requires less direct contact, and may be cost effective. Using data on group composition collected concurrently though both direct observation and camera trap monitoring, we evaluate whether camera traps can provide reliable information on population dynamics (births, disappearances, interbirth intervals, and other demographic variables) for a wild population of white-bellied spider monkeys (Ateles belzebuth), an Endangered species. We placed camera traps focused on the sole access point used by the monkeys to visit a geophagy site located roughly in the center of one group’s home range, and we reviewed all of the photos collected at that site over a roughly 3-yr period to identify the individual monkeys recorded in the pictures. Group composition based on 2947 photos containing 3977 individual monkey images matched perfectly data collected concurrently through direct observation. The camera traps also provided estimates of the dates when individuals disappeared from the study group, and of infant births during the study. We conclude that long-term camera trap monitoring of wild populations of white-bellied spider monkeys—and other animals that are individually recognizable and that regularly visit predictable resources—can be a useful tool for monitoring their population dynamics indirectly.  相似文献   

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