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Self-diffusion of methanol, ethanol, 1-propanol and 2-propanol has been studied by molecular dynamics simulation in the temperature range between the melting pressure curve and 478 K at pressures up to 300 MPa. The simulation results on self-diffusion of methanol, ethanol and 2-propanol (for 2-propanol, at high temperatures) agree well with experiment, which suggests that the simulation method is a powerful tool to obtain self-diffusion coefficients over wide range of temperature and pressure, under which it is rather difficult for experiments. The local structures of methanol, ethanol and 2-propanol are investigated by calculating the radial distribution functions, H-bond numbers, coordination numbers and the ratios of H-bond number divided by coordination number. The correlation between self-diffusion and structural properties, and the influence of temperature and pressure on them are discussed. The degree of forming H-bond space network in methanol, ethanol and water is higher than that in 2-propanol, and they are all higher than those in ammonia and methylamine. The simulation results demonstrate that the effect of hydrogen bonding on the translational dynamics in methanol and ethanol is more pronounced than that in 2-propanol.  相似文献   

We performed a molecular dynamics simulation to calculate the self-diffusion coefficients of 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide and water in a water–ionic liquid mixture. We then compared the simulated self-diffusion coefficients of cation, anion and water molecules with experimental data and with simulated data from the literature. Although the simulation overestimated the self-diffusion coefficients of ions, the simulated results qualitatively reproduced the enhancement of the self-diffusion coefficients of water as the water molar fraction increased. We also calculated the radial distribution functions to investigate the solution structure, i.e. the clustering of water molecules. The clustering of water in ionic liquid was found to play an important role in the enhancement of the diffusion of water molecules in the ionic liquid.  相似文献   

NVT ensemble molecular dynamics (MD) simulation has been applied to calculate the self-diffusion coefficients of carbon dioxide and the tracer diffusion coefficients of naphthalene in supercritical carbon dioxide. The simulation was carried out in the pressure range from 8 to 40 MPa. The elementary physical model proposed by Harris and Yung was adopted for carbon dioxide and some approximation models were used for naphthalene. The systems of MD simulation for carbon dioxide consist of 256 particles. One naphthalene molecule was added for carbon dioxide+naphthalene system. The system can be assumed to be an infinite dilution condition for carbon dioxide+naphthalene system and the mutual diffusion coefficients are equal to the tracer diffusion coefficients of naphthalene. The self-diffusion coefficients of carbon dioxide and the tracer diffusion coefficients of naphthalene in supercritical carbon dioxide can be calculated by mean square displacement. The calculated results of diffusion coefficients showed good agreement with the experimental data without adjustable parameters.  相似文献   

Electropolymerisation is a very useful methodology for conducting polymers synthesis. A total comprehension of this process will help on the designing of new materials with improved optical and electrical properties. In this sense, computational simulations can deliver important information at atomic scale. Within a kinetic Monte Carlo scheme, diffusion rates are crucial to obtain accurate predictions; however, experimental values of this dynamic property for different oligomers are very scarce among literature. In this study, the diffusion coefficient (D) of thiophene oligomers (1Th–6Th) has been calculated using molecular dynamics simulations coupled with the Einstein expression. Results are in the order of experimental values, demonstrating that this methodology is a fast and reliable alternative to calculate diffusion coefficients with low computational costs.  相似文献   

The response of molecular systems to electromagnetic radiation in the microwave region (0.3–300 GHz) has been principally studied experimentally, using broadband dielectric spectroscopy. However, relaxation times corresponding to reorganisation of molecular dipoles due to their interaction with electromagnetic radiation at microwave frequencies are within the scope of modern molecular simulations. In this work, fluctuations of the total dipole moment of a molecular system, obtained through molecular dynamics simulations, are used to determine the dielectric spectra of water, a series of alcohols and glycols, and monoethanolamine. Although the force fields employed in this study have principally been developed to describe thermodynamic properties, most them give fairly good predictions of this dynamical property for these systems. However, the inaccuracy of some models and the long simulation times required for the accurate estimation of the static dielectric constant can sometimes be problematic. We show that the use of the experimental value for the static dielectric constant in the calculations, instead of the one predicted by the different models, yields satisfactory results for the dielectric spectra, and hence the heat absorbed from microwaves, avoiding the need for extraordinarily long simulations or re-calibration of molecular models.  相似文献   

Interaction between nanoparticles (NPs) and pulmonary surfactant monolayer plays a very significant role in nanoparticle-based pulmonary drug delivery system. Previous researches have indicated that different properties of nanoparticles can affect their translocation across pulmonary surfactant monolayer. Here we performed coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulation aimed at nanoparticles’ surface charge density effect on their penetration behaviours. Several hydrophilic nanoparticles with different surface charge densities were modelled in the simulations. The results show that NPs’ surface charge density affects their translocation capability: the higher the surface charge densities of NPs are, the worse their translocation capability is. It will cause the structural changes of pulmonary surfactant monolayer, and inhibit the normal phase transition of the monolayer during the compression process. Besides, charged NPs can be adsorbed on the surface of the monolayer after translocation as a stable state, and the adsorption capability of NPs increases generally with the increase of surface charge densities. Our simulation results suggest that the study of nanoparticle-based pulmonary drug delivery system should consider the nanoparticles’ surface charge density effect in order to avoid biological toxicity and improve efficacy.  相似文献   

Bilayers prepared from sorbitan fatty acid esters (Span) have been frequently used for delivery of drugs including flavonoids. We applied molecular dynamics simulation to characterize the structure of a sorbitan monostearate (Span 60) bilayer in complex with three representative flavones, a subclass of flavonoids. At a low concentration, unsubstituted flavone, the most hydrophobic member, was able to flip over and cross the bilayer with a large diffusion coefficient. At a high concentration, it was accumulated at the bilayer center resulting in a phase separation. The leaflets of the bilayer were pushed in the opposite directions increasing the membrane thickness. Order parameter of the stearate chain of Span 60 was not affected significantly by unsubstituted flavone. In contrast, chrysin with hydroxylated ring A was lined up with the acyl chains of Span 60 with its hydroxyl group facing the membrane surface. Neither flipping nor transbilayer movement were allowed. Diffusion coefficient was only 15–25% of that of unsubstituted flavone and order parameter decreased with the concentration of chrysin. Luteolin, the most hydroxylated member, interacted mainly with the headgroup of Span 60 and assumed many different orientations without crossing the bilayer. Unlike chrysin and unsubstituted flavone the bilayer integrity was disrupted at 50?mol% luteolin. These behaviors and structures of flavones in a Span 60 bilayer can be accounted for by their hydrophobicity and sites of hydroxylation.  相似文献   

The dynamics of adsorption and desorption of gaseous molecules on the external surface of a crystal and a membrane of zeolite silicate-1 is investigated by molecular dynamics simulation. The gases are argon and three hydrocarbons, n-heptane, n-butane and ethylene. The sticking coefficient and the desorption coefficient are calculated for different coverages. The results clearly show that the desorption coefficients increase with the coverage contrary to the sticking coefficients. To have a better insight in the process, the desorption and adsorption time are computed, they are very similar and they show an increase with the coverage except for n-heptane which exhibit a specific decreasing behaviour at high loading.  相似文献   

Beta‐secretase 1 (BACE‐1) is an aspartyl protease implicated in the overproduction of β‐amyloid fibrils responsible for Alzheimer disease. The process of β‐amyloid genesis is known to be pH dependent, with an activity peak between solution pH of 3.5 and 5.5. We have studied the pH‐dependent dynamics of BACE‐1 to better understand the pH dependent mechanism. We have implemented support for graphics processor unit (GPU) accelerated constant pH molecular dynamics within the AMBER molecular dynamics software package and employed this to determine the relative population of different aspartyl dyad protonation states in the pH range of greatest β‐amyloid production, followed by conventional molecular dynamics to explore the differences among the various aspartyl dyad protonation states. We observed a difference in dynamics between double‐protonated, mono‐protonated, and double‐deprotonated states over the known pH range of higher activity. These differences include Tyr 71‐aspartyl dyad proximity and active water lifetime. This work indicates that Tyr 71 stabilizes catalytic water in the aspartyl dyad active site, enabling BACE‐1 activity.  相似文献   

The conformational spaces of five oligomers of tetrahydrofuran-based carbopeptoids in chloroform and dimethyl sulfoxide were investigated through nine molecular dynamics simulations. Prompted by nuclear magnetic resonance experiments that indicated various stable folds for some but not all of these carbopeptoids, their folding behaviour was investigated as a function of stereochemistry, chain length and solvent. The conformational distributions of these molecules were analysed in terms of occurrence of hydrogen bonds, backbone torsional-angle distributions, conformational clustering and solute configurational entropy. While a cis-linkage across the tetrahydrofuran ring favours right-handed helical structures, a trans-linkage results in a larger conformational variability. Intra-solute hydrogen bonding is reduced with increasing chain length and with increasing solvent polarity. Solute configurational entropies confirm the picture obtained: they are smaller for cis- than for trans-linked peptides, for chloroform than for dimethyl sulfoxide as solvent and for shorter peptide chains. The simulations provide an atomic picture of molecular conformational variability that is consistent with the available experimental data.  相似文献   

We study the unfolding of a parallel G-quadruplex from human telomeric DNA by mechanical stretching using steered molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. We find that the force curves and unfolding processes strongly depend on the pulling sites. With pulling sites located on the sugar-phosphate backbone, the force-extension curve shows a single peak and the unfolding proceeds sequentially. Pulling sites located on the terminal nucleobases lead to a force-extension curve with two peaks and the unfolding is more cooperative. Simulations of the refolding of partially unfolded quadruplexes show very different behavior for the two different pulling modalities. In particular, starting from an unfolded state prepared by nucleobase pulling leads to a long-lived intermediate state whose existence is also corroborated by the free energy profile computed with the Jarzynski equation. Based on this observation, we propose a novel folding pathway for parallel G-quadruplexes with the human telomere sequence.  相似文献   

An understanding of the mechanism of DNA interactions with gold nanoparticles is useful in today medicine applications. We have performed a molecular dynamics simulation on a B-DNA duplex (CCTCAGGCCTCC) in the vicinity of a gold nanoparticle with a truncated octahedron structure composed of 201 gold atoms (diameter ~1.8 nm) to investigate gold nanoparticle (GNP) effects on the stability of DNA. During simulation, the nanoparticle is closed to DNA and phosphate groups direct the particles into the major grooves of the DNA molecule. Because of peeling and untwisting states that are occur at end of DNA, the nucleotide base lies flat on the surface of GNP. The configuration entropy is estimated using the covariance matrix of atom-positional fluctuations for different bases. The results show that when a gold nanoparticle has interaction with DNA, entropy increases. The results of conformational energy and the hydrogen bond numbers for DNA indicated that DNA becomes unstable in the vicinity of a gold nanoparticle. The radial distribution function was calculated for water hydrogen–phosphate oxygen pairs. Almost for all nucleotide, the presence of a nanoparticle around DNA caused water molecules to be released from the DNA duplex and cations were close to the DNA.  相似文献   

Understanding the properties of interfacial water at solid–liquid interfaces is important in a wide range of applications. Molecular dynamics is becoming a widespread tool for this purpose. Unfortunately, however, the results of such studies are known to strongly depend on the selection of force fields. It is, therefore, of interest to assess the extent by which the implemented force fields can affect the predicted properties of interfacial water. Two silica surfaces, with low and high surface hydroxyl density, respectively, were simulated implementing four force fields. These force fields yield different orientation and flexibility of surface hydrogen atoms, and also different interaction potentials with water molecules. The properties for interfacial water were quantified by calculating contact angles, atomic density profiles, surface density distributions, hydrogen bond density profiles and residence times for water near the solid substrates. We found that at low surface density of hydroxyl groups, the force field strongly affects the predicted contact angle, while at high density of hydroxyl groups, water wets all surfaces considered. From a molecular-level point of view, our results show that the position and intensity of peaks observed from oxygen and hydrogen atomic density profiles are quite different when different force fields are implemented, even when the simulated contact angles are similar. Particularly, the surfaces simulated by the CLAYFF force field appear to attract water more strongly than those simulated by the Bródka and Zerda force field. It was found that the surface density distributions for water strongly depend on the orientation of surface hydrogen atoms. In all cases, we found an elevated number of hydrogen bonds formed between interfacial water molecules. The hydrogen bond density profile does not depend strongly on the force field implemented to simulate the substrate, suggesting that interfacial water assumes the necessary orientation to maximise the number of water–water hydrogen bonds irrespectively of surface properties. Conversely, the residence time for water molecules near the interface strongly depends on the force field and on the flexibility of surface hydroxyl groups. Specifically, water molecules reside for longer times at contact with rigid substrates with high density of hydroxyl groups. These results should be considered when comparisons between simulated and experimental data are attempted.  相似文献   

Candida antarctica lipase B (CALB), a serine protease, is involved in the hydrolysis of substrates at the aqueous lipid interface. There is a significant role played by the helices in serine proteases including acting as a flap covering the active site region. The α5 and α10 helices in the path to the active site of CALB appear to play an important role in the region. This study investigates these helices by mutational studies, docking and molecular dynamics simulations. The mutations were selected based on their proximity to the active site and their presence at the α10-helix in the path of the active site. Molecular dynamics studies reveal the flexibility, stability and hydrogen bonding ability of the α5 helix. The radius of gyration (R g) clearly showed the compactness of the structure. Docking studies show the changes occurring at the protein's binding site before and after 15 ns of simulation. Results from the study demonstrate the importance of the two helices α5 and α10 in the stability of CALB.  相似文献   

Substrate phosphorylation by cAMP-dependent-protein kinase A (protein kinase A, PKA) has been studied extensively. Phosphoryl transfer was found to be fast, whereas ADP release was found to be the slow, rate-limiting step. There is also evidence that ADP release may be preceded by a partially rate-limiting conformational change. However, the atomic details of the conformational change and the mode of ADP release are difficult to obtain experimentally. In this work, we studied ADP release from PKA by carrying out molecular dynamics simulations with different pulling forces applied to the ligand. The detailed ADP release pathway and the associated conformational changes were analyzed. The ADP release process was found to involve a swinging motion with the phosphate of ADP anchored to the Gly-rich loop, so that the more buried adenine base and ribose ring came out before the phosphate. In contrast to the common belief that a hinge-bending motion was responsible for the opening of the ligand-binding cleft, our simulations showed that the small lobe exhibited a large amplitude "rocking" motion when the ligand came out. The largest conformational change of the protein was observed at about the first quarter time point along the release pathway. Two prominent intermediate states were observed in the release process.  相似文献   

The G-coupled receptors seen on the cell surface are composites with a lipid bilayer. The chemokines are kind of G-coupled receptor which majorly involved in the activation and downstream signalling of the cell. In general, many G-coupled receptors lack their 3D structures which become a hurdle in the drug designing process. In this study, comparative modelling of the CXCR3 receptor was carried out, structure evaluation was done using various tools and softwares. Additionally, molecular dynamics and docking were performed to prove the structural quality and architecture. Interestingly, the studies like toggle switch mechanism, lipid dynamics, virtual screening were carried out to find the potent antagonist for the CXCR3 receptor. During virtual screening 14,303 similar molecules were retrieved among them only four compounds have an ability to interact with a crucial amino acid residue of an antagonist. Hence, these screened compounds can serve as a drug candidate for a CXCR3 receptor, but further in vitro and in vivo studies are ought to do to prove its same efficacy.  相似文献   

Liqun Zhang 《Proteins》2017,85(4):665-681
Human defensins are a class of antimicrobial peptides that are crucial components of the innate immune system. Both human α defensin type 5 (HD5) and human β defensin type 3 (hBD‐3) have 6 cysteine residues which form 3 pairs of disulfide bonds in oxidizing condition. Disulfide bond linking is important to the protein structure stabilization, and the disulfide bond linking and breaking order have been shown to influence protein function. In this project, microsecond long molecular dynamics simulations were performed to study the structure and dynamics of HD5 and hBD‐3 wildtype and analogs which have all 3 disulfide bonds released in reducing condition. The structure of hBD‐3 was found to be more dynamic and flexible than HD5, based on RMSD, RMSF, and radius of gyration calculations. The disulfide bridge breaking order of HD5 and hBD‐3 in reducing condition was predicted by two kinds of methods, which gave consistent results. It was found that the disulfide bonds breaking pathways for HD5 and hBD‐3 are very different. The breaking of disulfide bonds can influence the dimer interface by making the dimer structure less stable for both kinds of defensin. In order to understand the difference in dynamics and disulfide bond breaking pathway, hydrophilic and hydrophobic accessible surface areas (ASA), buried surface area between cysteine pairs, entropy of cysteine pairs, and internal energy were calculated. Comparing to the wildtype, hBD‐3 analog is more hydrophobic, while HD5 is more hydrophilic. For hBD‐3, the disulfide breaking is mainly entropy driven, while other factors such as the solvation effects may take the major role in controlling HD5 disulfide breaking pathway. Proteins 2017; 85:665–681. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A new implementation of molecular dynamics simulation is presented. We employed policy-based design to achieve static polymorphism within our simulation programs. This technique provides flexibility and extensibility without additional if-statement branching in the simulation program development. It is shown that policy-based implementation prevents computational performance degradation. We used a fine-grained domain decomposition scheme to parallelise the simulation program. The smaller size decomposition reduces the total amount of inter-processing-core communication and affords good scalability for parallel calculation of short-range forces. The calculation of long-range interactions limits the total scalability. For enhanced performance at high levels of parallelism, the calculation methods for long-range interactions should be improved.  相似文献   

Apoptosis (programmed cell death) is a process by which cells died after completing physiological function or after a severe genetic damage. Apoptosis is mainly regulated by the Bcl-2 family of proteins. Anti apoptotic protein Bcl-2 prevents the Bax activation/oligomerization to form heterodimer which is responsible for release of the cytochrome c from mitochondria to the cytosol in response to death signal. Quercetin and taxifolin (natural polyphenols) efficiently bound to hydrophobic groove of Bcl-2 and altered the structure by inducing conformational changes. Taxifolin was found more efficient when compared to quercetin in terms of interaction energy and collapse of hydrophobic groove. Taxifolin and quercetin were found to dissociate the Bcl-2-Bax complex during 12?ns MD simulation. The effect of taxifolin and quercetin was, further validated by the MD simulation of ligand-unbound Bcl-2-Bax which showed stability during the simulation. Obatoclax (an inhibitor of Bcl-2) had no significant dissociation effect on Bcl-2-Bax during simulation which favored the previous experimental results and disruption effect of taxifolin and quercetin.  相似文献   

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