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Laboratory evaluation of antifouling coatings is underpinned by settlement studies with specific fouling organisms. Established methods provide insight into the likelihood of failure of a particular coating system, but can neglect the process of surface selection that often precedes attachment. The present approach for quantifying the exploratory behaviour of barnacle cypris larvae suggested that inspection behaviour can be a rapid and predictive proxy for settlement. Two series of xerogels with comparable total surface energy, but different dispersive and polar components, were evaluated. Settlement assays with three-day-old cyprids of Balanus improvisus demonstrated that while attachment was not linked directly to dispersive free energy, the composition of the xerogel was nevertheless significant. Behavioural analysis provided insight into the mechanism of surface rejection. In the case of a 50:50?PH/TEOS (phenyltriethoxysilane-based) xerogel vs a 50:50 TFP/TEOS (3,3,3-trifluoropropyltrimethoxysilane-based) xerogel, wide-searching behaviour was absent on the former.  相似文献   

Testing of new coatings to control fouling frequently involves single-species laboratory bioassays. Barnacle cyprids are among the most widely used model organisms in marine biofouling research, and surfaces that inhibit their settlement are considered to be promising candidates for new coating concepts. An analysis of motility parameters (mean velocity and swimming area coefficient) and distribution of cyprids of Balanus amphitrite in different swimming regions in the vicinity of model surfaces (self-assembled monolayers) is presented. The data are correlated with the settlement preferences of cyprids on these surfaces. Cyprids were predominantly found in interfacial regions and the transition frequencies between swimming regions of different depths were determined.  相似文献   

In aquatic environments, biofouling is a natural process of colonization of submerged surfaces, either living or artificial, involving a wide range of organisms from bacteria to invertebrates. Antifouling can be defined as preventing the attachment of organisms onto surfaces. This article reviews the laboratory bioassays that have been developed for studying the control of algae and invertebrates by epibiosis (chemical ecology) and the screening of new active compounds (natural products and biocides) to inhibit settlement or adhesion, ie fouling-release coatings. The assays utilize a range of organisms (mainly marine bacteria, diatoms, algae, barnacles). The main attributes of assays for micro- and macroorganisms are described in terms of their main characteristics and depending on the biological process assessed (growth, adhesion, toxicity, behavior). The validation of bioassays is also discussed.  相似文献   


Straight-hinge veliger and pediveliger larvae of the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis were refrigerated for varying periods for use in bioassays. Straight-hinge veliger larvae grew to the umbo-veliger stage after 2 months in the refrigerator, but no pediveligers were observed during the 3-month refrigeration period. The average survival rate of larvae in the refrigerator was 79% after 1 month, but gradually decreased with the refrigeration period, and was as low as 22% after 3 months. All refrigerated larvae grew to the pediveliger stage in the incubator at 17°C at the same rate as that of the control larvae that were not refrigerated. Settlement and metamorphosis of pediveligers from both refrigerated and control groups were facilitated by microbial film and epinephrine and inhibited by phentolamine. Thus, refrigeration can be used as an effective method of storing larvae of M. galloprovincialis for use in assays to assess candidate settlement inducers and antifouling substances.  相似文献   

AIMS: To develop a method to screen antifouling agents against marine bacterial adhesion as a sensitive, rapid and quantitative microplate fluorescent test. METHODS AND RESULTS: Our experimental method is based on a natural biofilm formed by mono-incubation of the marine bacterium Pseudoalteromonas sp. D41 in sterile natural sea water in a 96-well polystyrene microplate. The 4'6-diamidino-2-phenylindole dye was used to quantify adhered bacteria in each well. The total measured fluorescence in the wells was correlated with the amount of bacteria showing a detection limit of one bacterium per 5 microm(2) and quantifying 2 x 10(7) to 2 x 10(8) bacteria adhered per cm(2). The antifouling properties of three commercial surface-active agents and chlorine were tested by this method in the prevention of adhesion and also in the detachment of already adhered bacteria. The marine bacterial adhesion inhibition rate depending on the agent concentration showed a sigmoid shaped dose-response curve. CONCLUSIONS: This test is well adapted for a rapid and quantitative first screening of antifouling agents directly in seawater in the early steps of marine biofilm formation. Significance AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: In contrast to the usual screenings of antifouling products which detect a bactericidal activity, this test is more appropriate to screen antifouling agents for bacterial adhesion removal or bacterial adhesion inhibition activities. This screening test focuses on the antifouling properties of the products, especially the initial steps of marine biofilm formation.  相似文献   

In a previous study we found two agents, the alpha(2)-agonist medetomidine ((+/-)-4-[1-(2,3-dimethylphenyl)ethyl]-1H-imidazole) and the alpha(2)-agonist clonidine (2-(2,6-dichloroanilino)-2-imidazoline), that specifically and efficiently impede settlement of the barnacle Balanus improvisus, one of the most serious biofouling organisms in Swedish waters. Medetomidine, but not clonidine, is known to adsorb to solid polystyrene (PS) surfaces in the presence of salt, a feature that is of particular interest in attempts to develop an efficient antifouling surface. We show that medetomidine, but not clonidine, has a significant ability to adsorb to untreated (hydrophobic) PS in two different incubation media: filtered seawater (FSW) and deionized water (mQ). At negatively charged (hydrophilic) PS, medetomidine displays a strong interaction with the surface in both incubation media. At the hydrophilic PS, clonidine also displays a significant interaction with the surface when incubated in mQ and a weaker, but not significant, interaction when incubated in FSW. By studying the effects of time, incubation media, and pH on the adsorption of medetomidine and clonidine, we suggest that medetomidine is associated to hydrophobic PS by means of hydrophobic interactions, while the adsorption of medetomidine and clonidine to hydrophilic PS contains elements of electrostatic interaction. Using time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectroscopy (TOF-SIMS) we detected only weak signals from medetomidine on the hydrophobic PS surfaces, while strong medetomidine signals were observed on hydrophilic PS. This suggests that the adsorbed medetomidine, to a greater extent, desorbed from the hydrophobic rather than from the hydrophilic PS surfaces during exposure to vacuum. The strong surface affinity of medetomidine on both types of surfaces and the preserved antifouling activity are valuable features in designing a marine coating.  相似文献   


Data from short-term biofouling assays are frequently used to evaluate the performance of antifouling (AF) coatings. There are a large number of factors, however, that may influence community development. One such factor is colour. The hypothesis was that differences in colour may impact the short-term development of a biofouling community and therefore bias the results. An experiment was designed to investigate the effect of black and white substrata on settlement of fouling organisms in the field. Both Ulva sp. and Spirorbis sp. had significantly higher settlement on black surfaces. This result emphasises the importance of considering colour and other factors when undertaking short-term testing of AF coatings.  相似文献   

The study demonstrates that embedment of copper particles into thermoplastic polymers (polymers) using cold spray technology is an effective deterrent against fouling organisms. Two polymers, high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and nylon were metallised with copper powder using cold spray technology. After 250 days in the field, Cu-embedded HDPE and copper plate controls were completely free of hard foulers compared to Cu-embedded nylon and polymer controls which were heavily fouled with both soft and hard fouling. Antifouling (AF) success is related to the interaction between the properties of the polymers (elastic modulus and hardness) and the cold spray process which affect particle embedment depth, and subsequently, the release of copper ions as determined by analytical techniques. Embedding metal using cold spray equipment is shown to be an effective AF technology for polymers, in particular those that are difficult to treat with standard AF coatings, with efficacy being a function of the interaction between the cold spray metal and the polymer recipient.  相似文献   


A systematic overview is presented of the literature that reports the antifouling (AF) protection of underwater structures via the action of enzymes. The overall aim of this review is to assess the state of the art of enzymatic AF technology, and to highlight the obstacles that have to be overcome for successful development of enzymatic AF coatings. The approaches described in the literature are divided into direct and indirect enzymatic AF, depending on the intended action of the enzymes. Direct antifouling is used when the enzymes themselves are active antifoulants. Indirect antifouling refers to the use of enzymes to release an active biocide with AF activity. For direct AF, several patents have been granted, and a commercial product has been launched. However, the achievement of an efficient broad-spectrum AF coating based on a single or a few enzymes has not yet been achieved. An indirect AF coating is not yet available commercially. The technology is mainly limited by the instability of substrate supply, whether the substrates are found in the surrounding seawater or in the coating itself. Legislative issues regarding which part(s) of an enzyme system should be regarded as biocidal for product registration purposes are also considered. The above question currently remains unanswered for technologies utilising indirect enzymatic AF.  相似文献   

Nick Aldred  Guozhu Li  Ye Gao 《Biofouling》2013,29(6):673-683
Zwitterionic polymers such as poly(sulfobetaine methacrylate) (polySBMA) and poly(carboxybetaine methacrylate) (polyCBMA) have demonstrated impressive fouling-resistance against proteins and mammalian cells. In this paper, the effects of these surface chemistries on the settlement and behavior of an ubiquitous fouling organism, the cypris larva of the barnacle Balanus amphitrite (=Amphibalanus amphitrite), were studied in the laboratory. Conventional settlement assays and behavioral analysis of cyprids using Noldus Ethovision 3.1 demonstrated significant differences in settlement and behavior on different surfaces. Cyprids did not settle on the polySBMA or polyCBMA surfaces over the course of the assay, whereas settlement on glass occurred within expected limits. Individual components of cyprid behavior were shown to differ significantly between glass, polySBMA and polyCBMA. Cyprids also responded differently to the two zwitterionic surfaces. On polySBMA, cyprids were unwilling or unable to settle, whereas on polyCBMA cyprids did not attempt exploration and left the surface quickly. In neither case was toxicity observed. It is concluded that a zwitterionic approach to fouling-resistant surface development has considerable potential in marine applications.  相似文献   


Larval settlement of the barnacle Balanus amphitrite Darwin (Cirripedia, Balanidae) is influenced by natural biofilms. In previous work by others, discriminatory settlement of aged cyprids has been observed in response to biofilms of different age. This study extends prior work by considering the effect of the age of cyprids on the outcome of settlement assays. Settlement was investigated with 0‐day‐old (newly metamorphosed) and 5‐day‐old cyprids. Biofilms under investigation were developed in the field for periods of 5 d and 1 month, and were subsequently included in laboratory settlement assays with a choice between a filmed and an unfilmed substratum. The bioassay was modified from the conventional horizontal dish design in order to generate a low water surface‐to‐volume ratio, which served to suppress larval entrapment in an organic layer on the water surface. Irrespective of cyprid age, a clear discrimination between a filmed and an unfilmed substrata was observed, and the preference for filmed or unfilmed substratum was dependent on the age of the cyprids. Settlement of 0‐day‐old cyprids was inhibited by a biofilmed substratum whereas induction occurred with aged cyprids. This pattern of settlement was independent of biofilm age. Bacterial abundance on unfilmed substrata in treatments and controls was significantly lower than that on biofilmed surfaces, confirming that bacterial contamination did not change the qualitative option during the assay.  相似文献   


The barnacle Balanus improvisus is the major fouling macroorganism in Swedish waters and it colonizes most man‐made surfaces submerged in the sea. New or impending legislation restricts the use of traditional, hazardous antifouling coatings based on heavy metals, mainly copper and tin. This calls for the development of new non‐toxic methods that prevent barnacle settlement. In this work several adrenoceptor compounds are shown to be very efficient in preventing the settlement of cyprid larvae of B. improvisus. The settlement rate of laboratory‐reared cyprids was studied in hydrophilised polystyrene dishes containing adrenoceptor antagonists and agonists dissolved in seawater. Two of these drugs, medetomidine and clonidine, repeatedly inhibited settlement at concentrations between 1 nM and 10 nM. In the vertebrate adrenoceptor classification system, which separates pharmacological substances according to their receptor affinity, both of these substances are classified as α2 adrenoceptor agonists. An inhibiting effect on presyn‐aptic receptors is suggested, but the localization of the receptor effect requires futher studies. Experiments also revealed that the inhibiting effect of medetomidine was reversible. Cyprids incubated with medetomidine for 20 h attached and metamorphosed into juvenile barnacles after washing and transferrence to seawater. The antagonizing compound atipamezole reversed the effect of medetomidine. This observation supports the assumption that this substance acts at the receptor level. Studies of the surface affinity of medetomidine revealed a strong tendency to accumulate in solid/ liquid phase boundaries. This ability makes it particularly attractive as a candidate for the development of a slow‐release carrier in marine coatings. Panels coated with medetomidine in an acrylate polymer and exposed in the field reduced the recruitment of B. improvisus by 96% after 4 weeks and by 70% after 8 weeks.  相似文献   

Vessel hull fouling is a major vector for the translocation of nonindigenous species (NIS). Antifouling (AF) paints are the primary method for preventing the establishment and translocation of fouling species. However, factors such as paint age, condition and method of application can all reduce the effectiveness of these coatings. Areas of hull that escape AF treatment (through limited application or damage) constitute key areas that may be expected to receive high levels of fouling. The investigation focused on whether small-scale (mm2 to cm2) areas of unprotected surface or experimental ‘scrapes’ provided sufficient area for the formation of fouling assemblages within otherwise undamaged AF surfaces. Recruitment of fouling taxa such as algae, spirorbids and hydroids was recorded on scrapes as narrow as 0.5 cm wide. The abundance and species richness of fouling assemblages developing on scrapes ≥1 cm often equalled or surpassed levels observed in reference assemblages totally unprotected by AF coatings. Experiments were conducted at three sites within the highly protected and isolated marine park surrounding Lady Elliott Island at the southernmost tip of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Several NIS were recorded on scrapes of AF coated surfaces at this location, with 1-cm scrapes showing the greatest species richness and abundance of NIS relative to all other treatments (including controls) at two of the three sites investigated. Slight disruptions to newly antifouled surfaces may be all that is necessary for the establishment of fouling organisms and the translocation of a wide range of invasive taxa to otherwise highly protected marine areas.  相似文献   

In this field investigation the two cyclopeptides, isolated from the marine sponge Geodia barretti Bowerbank (Geodiidae, Astrophorida), are shown to be very efficient in preventing recruitment of the barnacle Balanus improvisus (Cirripedia, Crustacea) and the blue mussel Mytilis edulis (Protobranchia, Lamellibranchia) when included in different marine paints. These brominated cyclopeptides, named barettin and 8,9-dihydrobarettin were incorporated in different non-toxic coatings. The substances were used in the concentrations 0.1 and 0.01% in all treatments. The most efficient paint was a SPC polymer. This paint, in combination with barettin and 8,9-dihydrobarettin, reduced the recruitment of B. improvisus by 89% (barettin, 0.1%) and by 67% (8,9-dihydrobarettin, 0.1%) as compared to control panels. For M. edulis, the reduction of recruitment was 81% with barettin (0.1%) and 72% with 8,9-dihydrobarettin (0.1%) included in the SPC paint. This indicates that the two compounds from G. barretti could provide non-toxic alternatives as additives in antifouling paints, since the heavy metal-based marine paints are to be replaced.  相似文献   

Since early 2008, an increasing number of countries have ratified an international treaty to ban the application of antifouling (AF) coatings based on organotin compounds (eg tributyltin (TBT) and triphenyltin). As a result, the demand for environmentally friendly, non-toxic or low-toxicity AF compounds and technologies (green AF agents) has become an urgent reality. Marine coatings based on Cu2O and various other biocides have a negative impact on the environment and they must eventually be replaced by new, effective, and environmentally friendly AF compounds. This mini-review describes important AF compounds discovered from a variety of organisms from 2004 until mid 2009, and discusses recent and general trends in the discovery of AF compounds. Finally, a perspective on the future of AF compound development is presented. The discussion is aimed at updating scientists and engineers on the current challenges facing AF research.  相似文献   

Juan Bellas 《Biofouling》2013,29(5-6):289-296

This study investigated the toxicity of zinc pyrithione (Zpt) on the early stages of development of the ascidian Ciona intestinalis. Larval morphological abnormalities were studied after the exposure of C. intestinalis embryos at different stages of development. The median effective concentrations (EC50) ranged from 226–590 nM. The larval settlement stage was the most sensitive to Zpt. Toxic effects of Zpt on larval settlement were detected at 9 nM (EC10). The inhibition of C. intestinalis embryonic development was also used to study the loss of toxicity in Zpt solutions exposed to direct sunlight and laboratory UV light. The results showed that the toxicity of Zpt solutions decreased but did not disappear after 4 h exposure to direct sunlight (EC50 = 484 nM) or UV light (EC50 = 453 nM), compared to control Zpt solutions prepared in dark conditions. On the basis of the present data, predicted no effect concentrations of Zpt to C. intestinalis larvae are lower than predicted environmental concentrations of Zpt in certain polluted areas and therefore, may pose a risk to C. intestinalis populations.  相似文献   

An algorithm was developed and implemented to map the locations of attached spores of Ulva linza on patterned surfaces. Using this mapping algorithm, spore preference among regions within a pattern can be detected and quantified. Settlement maps of spores on patterned topographies from several assays showed clear preferences in spore settlement. Over 94% of the spores attached within the depressed regions on the surfaces, including a surface containing pits instead of protruding features. The spores attached primarily at the intersections of several features, with over half and up to 96% of spores settling in these regions. The highest spore densities occurred at intersections where the features were most dissimilar. In contrast, the location of attached beads on the surfaces was nearly uniform across the surface. Identification of preferential attachment locations allows for the study of localized properties that influence cell behavior and aids in the development of new surfaces to control cell–surface interactions.  相似文献   

Diatoms are a major component of the slime layers that form on artificial surfaces in marine environments. In this article, the role played by diatoms during the pioneering stages of colonization of three marine antifouling (AF) coatings, viz Intersmooth 360®, Super Yacht 800® and a fouling-release (FR) coating Intersleek 700®, was investigated. The study was conducted over three distinct seasons in two very different marine environments in Australia, ie temperate Williamstown, Victoria and tropical Cairns, Queensland. Diatom fouling occurred more rapidly on the FR coating Intersleek 700, compared to both biocidal AF paints. However, colonization by diatoms on all three coatings was generally slow during the 16-day study. Benthic diatoms do not subsist by floating around in the water column, rather they only gain the opportunity to colonize new surfaces when they either voluntarily release or are displaced from their benthic habitat, thereafter entering the water column where the opportunity to adhere to a new surface presents itself. However, once settled, fouling diatoms grow exponentially from the site of attachment, spreading out until they populate large areas of the surface. This mode of surface colonization correlates more with an ‘infection’ type, epidemiology model, a mechanism that accounts for the colonization of significant regions of the coating surface from a single fouling diatom cell, forming ‘clonal patches’. This is in comparison to the bacterial colonization of the surface, which exhibits far more rapid recruitment and growth of cells on the substratum surface. Therefore, it is hypothesized that fouling diatoms may be characterized more by their ability to adhere and grow on surfaces already modified by bacterial biofilms, rather than on their strength of adhesion. Cell morphology and the ability to avoid shear may also be an important factor.  相似文献   

Current antifouling (AF) technologies are based on the continuous release of biocides into the water, and consequently discharge into the environment. Major efforts to develop more environmentally friendly coatings require efficient testing in laboratory assays, followed by field studies. Barnacles are important fouling organisms worldwide, increasing hydrodynamic drag on ships and damaging coatings on underwater surfaces, and thus are extensively used as models in AF research, mostly in static, laboratory-based systems. Reliable flow-through test assays for the screening of biocide-containing AF paints, however, are rare. Herein, a flow-through bioassay was developed to screen for diverse low-release biocide paints, and to evaluate their effects on pre- and post-settlement traits in barnacles. The assay distinguishes between the effects from direct surface contact and bulk-water effects, which are crucial when developing low-emission AF coatings. This flow-through bioassay adds a new tool for rapid laboratory-based first-stage screening of candidate compounds and novel AF formulations.  相似文献   

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