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The activity of two carboxylating enzymes was studied in the green filamentous bacteriumChloroflexus aurantiacus. The carboxylation reaction involving pyruvate synthase was optimized using14CO2 and cell extracts. Pyruvate synthase was shown to be absent from cells ofCfl. aurantiacus OK-70 and present (in a quantity sufficient to account for autotrophic growth) in cells ofCfl. aurantiacus B-3. Differences in the levels of acetyl CoA carboxylase activity were revealed between cells of the strains studied grown under different conditions. The data obtained confirm the operation of different mechanisms of autotrophic CO2 assimilation inCfl. aurantiacus B-3 andCfl. aurantiacus OK-70: in the former organism, it is the reductive cycle of dicarboxylic acids, and in the latter one, it is the 3-hydroxypropionate cycle.  相似文献   


Carbonic anhydrase (CA) is the most effective CO2 hydratase catalyst, but the poor storage stability and repeatability of CA limit its development. Therefore, CA was immobilized on the epoxy magnetic composite microspheres to enhance the CO2 absorption into N-methyldiethanolamine (MDEA) aqueous solution in this work. In the presence of immobilized CA, the CO2 absorption rate of MDEA solution (10?wt%) (0.63?mmol·min?1) was greatly improved by almost 40%, and their reaction equilibrium time was shortened from 150?min to 90?min compared with that into MDEA solution. The results indicated that the absorption of CO2 into MDEA solution had been significantly enhanced by using CA. After the 7th reuse recycle, the activity of the immobilized CA was still closed to its initial value at 313.15?K. Moreover, enzyme catalytic kinetics of immobilized CA was investigated using the p-nitrophenyl acetate (p-NPA) as substrate. The values of Michaelis–Menten constant (Km) and the maximum velocity (Vmax) of the immobilized CA were calculated to be 27.61?mmol/L and 20.14?×?10?3?mmol·min?1·mL?1, respectively. Besides, the kinetics of CO2 reaction into MDEA with or without CA were also compared. The results showed that CO2 absorption into CA/MDEA aqueous solution obeyed the pseudo first order regime and the second order kinetics rate constant (k2) was calculated to be 929?m3·kmol?1·s?1, which was twice higher than that of MDEA aqueous solution without immobilized CA (k2=414 m3·kmol?1·s?1) at 313.15?K.  相似文献   

Onion (Allium cepa L.) plants were examined to determine the photosynthetic role of CO2 that accumulates within their leaf cavities. Leaf cavity CO2 concentrations ranged from 2250 L L–1 near the leaf base to below atmospheric (<350 L L–1) near the leaf tip at midday. There was a daily fluctuation in the leaf cavity CO2 concentrations with minimum values near midday and maximum values at night. Conductance to CO2 from the leaf cavity ranged from 24 to 202 mol m–2 s–1 and was even lower for membranes of bulb scales. The capacity for onion leaves to recycle leaf cavity CO2 was poor, only 0.2 to 2.2% of leaf photosynthesis based either on measured CO2 concentrations and conductance values or as measured directly by 14CO2 labeling experiments. The photosynthetic responses to CO2 and O2 were measured to determine whether onion leaves exhibited a typical C3-type response. A linear increase in CO2 uptake was observed in intact leaves up to 315 L L–1 of external CO2 and, at this external CO2 concentration, uptake was inhibited 35.4±0.9% by 210 mL L–1 O2 compared to 20 mL L–1 O2. Scanning electron micrographs of the leaf cavity wall revealed degenerated tissue covered by a membrane. Onion leaf cavity membranes apparently are highly impermeable to CO2 and greatly restrict the refixation of leaf cavity CO2 by photosynthetic tissue.Abbreviations Ca external CO2 concentration - Ci intercellular CO2 concentration - CO2 compensation concentration - PPFR photosynthetic photon fluence rate  相似文献   

Non-phototrophic CO 2 fixation by soil microorganisms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although soils are generally known to be a net source of CO2 due to microbial respiration, CO2 fixation may also be an important process. The non-phototrophic fixation of CO2 was investigated in a tracer experiment with 14CO2 in order to obtain information about the extent and the mechanisms of this process. Soils were incubated for up to 91 days in the dark. In three independent incubation experiments, a significant transfer of radioactivity from 14CO2 to soil organic matter was observed. The process was related to microbial activity and could be enhanced by the addition of readily available substrates such as acetate. CO2 fixation exhibited biphasic kinetics and was linearly related to respiration during the first phase of incubation (about 20–40 days). The fixation amounted to 3–5% of the net respiration. After this phase, the CO2 fixation decreased to 1–2% of the respiration. The amount of carbon fixed by an agricultural soil corresponded to 0.05% of the organic carbon present in the soil at the beginning of the experiment, and virtually all of the fixed CO2 was converted to organic compounds. Many autotrophic and heterotrophic biochemical processes result in the fixation of CO2. However, the enhancement of the fixation by addition of readily available substrates and the linear correlation with respiration suggested that the process is mainly driven by aerobic heterotrophic microorganisms. We conclude that heterotrophic CO2 fixation represents a significant factor of microbial activity in soils.  相似文献   

The CO2-concentrating mechanism (CCM) was induced in the green unicellular alga Chlorella when cells were transferred from high (5% CO2) to low (0.03%) CO2 concentrations. The induction of the CCM correlated with the formation of a starch sheath specifically around the pyrenoid in the chloroplast. With the aim of clarifying whether the starch sheath was involved in the operation of the CCM, we isolated and physiologically characterized a starchless mutant of Chlorella pyrenoidosa, designated as IAA-36. The mutant strain grew as vigorously as the wild type under high and low CO2 concentrations, continuous light and a 12 h light/12 h dark photoperiod. The CO2 requirement for half-maximal rates of photosynthesis [K0.5(CO2)] decreased from 40 μM to 2–3 μM of CO2 when both wild type and mutant were switched from high to low CO2. The high affinity for inorganic carbon indicates that the IAA-36 mutant is able to induce a fully active CCM. Since the mutant does not have the pyrenoid starch sheath, we conclude that the sheath is not involved in the operation of the CCM in Chlorella cells.  相似文献   

The [CO2] in the xylem of tree stems is typically two to three orders of magnitude greater than atmospheric [CO2]. In this study, xylem [CO2] was experimentally manipulated in saplings of sycamore (Platanus occidentalis L.) and sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua L.) by allowing shoots severed from their root systems to absorb water containing [CO2] ranging from 0.04% to 14%. The effect of xylem [CO2] on CO2 efflux to the atmosphere from uninjured and mechanically injured, i.e., wounded, stems was examined. In both wounded and unwounded stems, and in both species, CO2 efflux was directly proportional to xylem [CO2], and increased 5-fold across the range of xylem [CO2] produced by the [CO2] treatment. Xylem [CO2] explained 76–77% of the variation in pre-wound efflux. After wounding, CO2 efflux increased substantially but remained directly proportional to internal stem [CO2]. These experiments substantiated our previous finding that stem CO2 efflux was directly related to internal xylem [CO2] and expanded our observations to two new species. We conclude that CO2 transported in the xylem may confound measurements of respiration based on CO2 efflux to the atmosphere. This study also provided evidence that the rapid increase in CO2 efflux observed after tissues are excised or injured is likely the result of the rapid diffusion of CO2 from the xylem, rather than an actual increase in the rate of respiration of wounded tissues.  相似文献   

二氧化碳储存通量对森林生态系统碳收支的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
涡度相关系统观测高度以下的CO2储存通量对准确评价森林生态系统与大气间净CO2交换量(NEE)有着重要的影响.本研究以长白山阔叶红松林为研究对象,利用2003年的涡度相关观测数据以及CO2浓度廓线数据,分析了CO2储存通量的变化规律及其对碳收支过程的影响.结果表明:涡度相关观测高度以下的CO2储存通量具有典型的日变化特征,其最大变化量出现在大气稳定与不稳定层结转换期.利用涡度相关系统观测的单点CO2浓度变化方法与利用CO2浓度廓线方法计算的CO2储存通量差异不显著.忽略CO2储存通量,在半小时尺度上会造成对夜间和白天的NEE分别低估25%和19%,在日和年尺度上,会对NEE低估10%和25%;忽略CO2储存通量,会低估Michaelis-Menten光响应方程及Lloyd-Taylor呼吸方程的参数,并且对表观初始量子效率α和参考呼吸Rref的低估最大;忽略CO2储存通量,在半小时、日及年尺度上,均会对总光合作用(GPP)和生态系统呼吸(Re)低估约20%.  相似文献   

Kellomäki  Seppo  Wang  Kai-Yun 《Plant Ecology》1998,136(2):229-248
Starting in early spring of 1994, naturally regenerated, 30-year-old Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) trees were grown in open-top chambers and exposed in situ to doubled ambient O3,doubled ambient CO2 and a combination of O3 and CO2 from 15 April to 15 September. To investigate daily and seasonal responses of CO2 exchange to elevated O3 and CO2, the CO2 exchange of shoots was measured continuously by an automatic system for measuring gas exchange during the course of one year (from 1 Januray to 31 December 1996). A process-based model of shoot photosynthesis was constructed to quantify modifications in the intrinsic capacity of photosynthesis and stomatal conductance by simulating the daily CO2 exchange data from the field. Results showed that on most days of the year the model simulated well the daily course of shoot photosynthesis. Elevated O3 significantly decreased photosynthetic capacity and stomatal conductance during the whole photosynthetic period. Elevated O3 also led to a delay in onset of photosynthetic recovery in early spring and an increase in the sensitivity of photosynthesis to environmental stress conditions. The combination of elevated O3 and CO2 had an effect on photosynthesis and stomatal conductance similar to that of elevated O3 alone, but significantly reduced the O3-induced depression of photosynthesis. Elevated CO2 significantly increased the photosynthetic capacity of Scots pine during the main growing season but slightly decreased it in early spring and late autumn. The model calculation showed that, compared to the control treatment, elevated O3 alone and the combination of elevated O3 and CO2 decreased the annual total of net photosynthesis per unit leaf area by 55% and 38%, respectively. Elevated CO2 increased the annual total of net photosynthesis by 13%.  相似文献   

Cell extracts of a nonsporeforming strictly anaerobic bacterium, Acetobacterium woodii produced acetate in N-tris(Hydroxymethyl)methyl-2-aminoethane sulfonic acid or phosphate buffers from hydrogen and carbon dioxide. The formation of acetate was not dependent on the presence of ATP in the reaction mixture; ADP also did not influence the acetate production. Since acetic acid is the main fermentation product during growth of A. woodii with H2 and CO2, ATP must be synthesized in the course of acetate formation. The possible sites of ATP synthesis are discussed.  相似文献   

Postillumination CO2 fixation by wheat leaves was studied following light-limited photosynthetic conditions. Dark CO2 fixation showed two phases differing by their rates of CO2 uptake and carbon metabolism. These two phases are related to preillumination light flux density. During the first 30s of darkness, assimilated CO2 was found in PGA, alanine, malate and aspartate. After 5 min of darkness, it was additionally found in phosphorylated sugars.The lack of labelling of glycolate pathway intermediates shows that the Calvin cycle cannot run in the dark.The synthesized compounds indicate that reducing power but not ATP is available after turning the light off. This observation suggests that during pre-illumination, when light strictly limits photosynthesis, ATP supply would be the first limiting factor.
Résumé La fixation post-illuminatoire de CO2 par des feuilles de blé est étudiée, après une période de photosynthèse en lumière limitante.Les cinétiques de la vitesse de fixation du CO2 après extinction présentent deux phases, se différenciant par la vitesse de fixation du CO2 et par les voies métaboliques suivies par le carbone.Pendant les premières 30s d'obscurité, le CO2 fixé est retrouvé principalement dans le PGA, l'alanine, le malate et l'aspartate. Après 5 min d'obscurité le carbone est retrouvé également dans les esters phosphorylés des oses.L'absence de radioactivité dans les intermédiaires de la voie du glycolate indique que le cycle de Calvin ne peut pas fonctionner á l'obscurité.Les composés synthétisés à l'obscurité suggèrent que du pouvoir réducteur est disponible. Par contre l'ATP ne l'est pas. Ainsi, durant la période de pré-illumination oú la lumière était strictement limitante la disponibilité en ATP serait le premier facteur limitant l'assimilation du CO2.

A. Yokota  S. Kitaoka 《Planta》1987,170(2):181-189
The rate of glycolate excretion in Euglena gracilis Z and some microalgae grown at the atmospheric level of CO2 was determined using amino-oxyacetate (AOA). The extracellular O2 concentration was kept at 240 M by bubbling the incubation medium with air. Glycolate, the main excretion product, was excreted by Euglena at 6 mol·h-1·(mg chlorophyll (Chl))-1. Excretion depended on the presence of AOA, and was saturated at 1 mM AOA. A substituted oxime formed from glyoxylate and AOA was also excreted. Bicarbonate added at 0.1 mM did not prevent the excretion of glycolate. The excretion of glycolate increased with higher O2 concentrations in the medium, and was competitively inhibited by much higher concentrations of bicarbonate. Aminooxyacetate also caused excretion of glycolate from the green algae, Chlorella pyrenoidosa, Scenedesmus obliquus and Chlamydomonas reinhardtii grown on air, at the rates of 2–7 mol·h-1·(mg Chl)-1 in the presence of 0.2–0.6 mM dissolved inorganic carbon, but the cyanobacterium, Anacystis nidulans, grown in the same way did not excrete glycolate. The efficiency of the CO2-concentrating mechanism to suppress glycolate formation is discussed on the basis of the magnitude of glycolate formation in these low-CO2-grown cells.Abbreviations AOA aminooxyacetate - Chl chlorophyll - DIC dissolved inorganic carbon - HPLC high-pressure liquid chromatography - Rubisco ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase This is the 16th paper in a series on the metabolism of glycolate in Euglena gracilis. The 15th paper is Yokota et al. (1985c)  相似文献   

CO2 and plants: revisited   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dahlman  Roger C. 《Plant Ecology》1993,(1):339-355
The decade-long USA research program on the direct effects of CO2 enrichment on vegetation has achieved important milestones and has produced a number of interesting and exciting findings. Research beginning in 1980 focused on field experiments to determine whether phenomena observed in the laboratory indeed occurred in natural environments. The answer is yes. Data obtained from numerous field studies show mixed response of crop and native species to CO2 enrichment however. Nearly all experiments demonstrate that plants exhibit positive gain when grown at elevated CO2; although the magnitude varies greatly. Most crop responses range from 30 to 50 % increase in yield. Results from long-term experiments with woody species and ecosystems are even more variable. Huge growth responses (100 to nearly 300 % increase relative to controls) are reported from several tree experiments and the salt-marsh ecosystem experiment. Other results from experiments with woody species and the tundra ecosystem suggest little no effect of CO2 on physiology, growth or productivity. Numerous studies of the physiology of the CO2 effect are continuing in attempts to understand controlling mechanisms and to explain the variable growth responses. Particular emphasis needs to be given to physiological measures of interactions involving the CO2 effect and other environmental influences, and to the wide-ranging observations of photosynthesis acclimation to CO2. Prospects for future research are identified.  相似文献   

The role of land plants in establishing our present day atmosphere is analysed. Before the evolution of land plants, photosynthesis by marine and fresh water organisms was not intensive enough to deplete CO2 from the atmosphere, the concentration of which was more than the order of magnitude higher than present. With the appearance of land plants, the exudation of organic acids by roots, following respiratory and photorespiratory metabolism, led to phosphate weathering from rocks thus increasing aquatic productivity. Weathering also replaced silicates by carbonates, thus decreasing the atmospheric CO2 concentration. As a result of both intensive photosynthesis and weathering, CO2 was depleted from the atmosphere down to low values approaching the compensation point of land plants. During the same time period, the atmospheric O2 concentration increased to maximum levels about 300 million years ago (Permo-Carboniferous boundary), establishing an O2/CO2 ratio above 1000. At this point, land plant productivity and weathering strongly decreased, exerting negative feedback on aquatic productivity. Increased CO2 concentrations were triggered by asteroid impacts and volcanic activity and in the Mesozoic era could be related to the gymnosperm flora with lower metabolic and weathering rates. A high O2/CO2 ratio is metabolically linked to the formation of citrate and oxalate, the main factors causing weathering, and to the production of reactive oxygen species, which triggered mutations and stimulated the evolution of land plants. The development of angiosperms resulted in a decrease in CO2 concentration during the Cenozoic era, which finally led to the glacial-interglacial oscillations in the Pleistocene epoch. Photorespiration, the rate of which is directly related to the O2/CO2 ratio, due to the dual function of Rubisco, may be an important mechanism in maintaining the limits of O2 and CO2 concentrations by restricting land plant productivity and weathering.  相似文献   

Unicellular algae grow well under limiting CO2 conditions, aided by a carbon concentrating mechanism (CCM). In C. reinhardtii, this mechanism is inducible and is present only in cells grown under low CO2 conditions. We constructed a cDNA library from cells adapting to low CO2, and screened the library for cDNAs specific to low CO2-adapting cells. Six classes of low CO2-inducible clones were identified. One class of clone, reported here, represents a novel gene associated with adaptation of cells to air. A second class of clones corresponds to the air-inducible periplasmic carbonic anhydrase I (CAH1). These clones represent genes that respond to the level of CO2 in the environment.  相似文献   

Soil respiration in a cropland is the sum of heterotrophic (mainly microorganisms) and autotrophic (root) respiration. The contribution of both these types to soil respiration needs to be understood to evaluate the effects of environmental change on soil carbon cycling and sequestration. In this paper, the effects of free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) on hetero- and autotrophic respiration in a wheat field were differentiated and evaluated by a novel split-root growth and gas collection system. Elevated atmospheric pCO2 of approximately 200 μmol mol−1 above the ambient pCO2 significantly increased soil respiration by 15.1 and 14.8% at high nitrogen (HN) and low nitrogen (LN) application rates, respectively. The effect of elevated atmospheric pCO2 on root respiration was not consistent across the wheat growth stages. Elevated pCO2 significantly increased and decreased root respiration at the booting-heading stage (middle stage) and the late-filling stage (late stage), respectively, in HN and LN treatments; however, no significant effect was found at the jointing stage (early stage). Thus, the effect of increased pCO2 on cumulative root respiration for the entire wheat growing season was not significant. Cumulative root respiration accounted for approximately 25–30% of cumulative soil respiration in the entire wheat growing season. Consequently, cumulative microbial respiration (soil respiration minus root respiration) increased by 22.5 and 21.1% due to elevated pCO2 in HN and LN, respectively. High nitrogen application significantly increased root respiration at the late stage under both elevated pCO2 and ambient pCO2; however, no significant effects were found on cumulative soil respiration, root respiration, and microbial respiration. These findings suggest that heterotrophic respiration, which is influenced by increased substrate supplies from the plant to the soil, is the key process to determine C emission from agro-ecosystems with regard to future scenarios of enriched pCO2.  相似文献   

The incorporation of 14CO2 by an exponentially growing culture of the autotrophic bacterium Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum has been studied. The distribution of radioactivity during 2s–120s incubation periods has been analyzed by chromatography and radioautography. After a 2 s incubation most of the radioactivity of the ethanolsoluble fraction was present in the amino acids alanine, glutamate, glutamine and aspartate, whereas phosphorylated compounds were only weakly labelled. The percentage of the total radioactivity fixed, which was contained in the principal early labelled amino acid alanine, increased in the first 20 s and only then decreased, indicating that alanine is derived from primary products of CO2 fixation.The labelling patterns of alanine produced during various incubation times have been determined by degradation. After a 2 s 14CO2 pulse, 61% of the radioactivity was located in C-1, 23% in C-2, and 16% in C-3. The results are consistent with the operation of a previously proposed autotrophic CO2 assimilation pathway which involves the formation of acetyl CoA from 2 CO2 via one-carbon unit intermediates, followed by the reductive carboxylation of acetyl CoA to pyruvate.  相似文献   

The impact of indigenous microorganisms on the mineral corrosion and mineral trapping in the SO2 co-injected CO2-saline-sandstone interaction was investigated in this study by lab experiments under 55?°C, 15?M pa. The results verified that co-injection of SO2 resulted in a decrease in biomass and shifts in microbial communities within 90?days, but some microorganisms still could adapt to acidic, high-temperature, high-pressure, and high-salinity environments. Firmicutes and Proteobacteria remained dominant phylum, but phylum Proteobacteria showed better tolerance to the co-injection of SO2 in the initial period. In the SO2 co-injected CO2-saline-sandstone interaction under microbial mediation, acid-producing bacteria further promoted the corrosion of K-feldspar, albite, and clay minerals, meanwhile mobilizing more K+, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+ into solution. The acidogenic effect may be linked to the dominant genus of Bacillus, Paenibacillus, Acinetobacter, Pseudomonas and Exiguobacterium. Co-injection of SO2 inhibited the carbonates capture, while microbial acid production further reduced the pH, further inhibiting carbonates capture. As a result, no secondary carbonate (e.g., calcite) was observed on a short time scale within 90?days. So, microbial acidogenic effect was not conducive to carbonates capture in short term.  相似文献   

K.-J. Dietz 《Planta》1986,167(2):260-263
Numerical values which define the relative limitation of photosynthesis by light and CO2 were computed from the slopes of light-and CO2-response curves of photosynthesis. This method offers an easy approach for the characterization of photosynthesis of leaves.  相似文献   

In experiments with the unicellular green algae Scenedesmus obliquus a correlation was found between the presence of the CO2-accumulating mechanism and the appearance of polyphasic luminescence decay kinetics. A potentiometric titration method was used to measure and calculate photosynthetic carbon uptake.Polyphasic luminescence decay kinetics was found when the algae showed photosynthetic characteristics typical of algae adapted to low-CO2 conditions. When high-CO2 grown algae were transferred to low-CO2 conditions they gradually developed polyphasic decay kinetics during the first 25–30 minutes. When low-CO2 grown algae were transferred to high-CO2 conditions the polyphasic decay kinetics disappeared. To account for these results a working hypothesis is presented on the basis of the energy requirement for a CO2-accumulating mechanism.  相似文献   

Mass spectrometric measurements of 16O2 and 18O2 isotopes were used to compare the rates of gross O2 evolution (E0), O2 uptake (U0) and net O2 evolution (NET) in relation to different concentrations of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) by Chlamydomonas reinhardtii cells grown in air (air-grown), in air enriched with 5% CO2 (CO2-grown) and by cells grown in 5% CO2 and then adapted to air for 6h (air-adapted).At a photon fluence rate (PFR) saturating for photosynthesis (700 mol photons m-2 s-1), pH=7.0 and 28°C, U0 equalled E0 at the DIC compensation point which was 10M DIC for CO2-grown and zero for air-grown cells. Both E0 and U0 were strongly dependent on DIC and reached DIC saturation at 480 M and 70 M for CO2-grown and air-grown algae respectively. U0 increased from DIC compensation to DIC saturation. The U0 values were about 40 (CO2-grown), 165 (air-adapted) and 60 mol O2 mg Chl-1 h-1 (air-grown). Above DIC compensation the U0/E0 ratios of air-adapted and air-grown algae were always higher than those of CO2-grown cells. These differences in O2 exchange between CO2- and air-grown algae seem to be inducable since air-adapted algae respond similarly to air-grown cells.For all algae, the rates of dark respiratory O2 uptake measured 5 min after darkening were considerably lower than the rates of O2 uptake just before darkening. The contribution of dark respiration, photorespiration and the Mehler reaction to U0 is discussed and the energy requirement of the inducable CO2/HCO3 - concentrating mechanism present in air-adapted and air-grown C. reinhardtii cells is considered.Abbreviations DIC dissolved inorganic carbon - DCMU 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea - E0 rate of photosynthetic gross O2 evolution - PCO photosynthetic carbon oxidation - PFR photon fluence rate - PS I photosystem I - PS II photosystem II - U0 rate of O2 uptake in the light - MS mass spectrometer  相似文献   

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