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A taxonomic review of Phlebotomus (Idiophlebotomus) (Psychodidae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Five known species (asperulus Quate & Fairchild, erebicolus Quate, pholetor Quate & Fairchild, sejunctus Quate, and stellae Quate) of the caverni-colous subgenus Phlebotomus (Idiophlebotomus) are discussed in relation to newly recognized species from West Malaysia and India. P. frondifer n.sp. and P. tubifer n.sp. are described and a key to the adults of all seven species is given. General features of the subgenus are discussed, with particular reference to the functional relationships between the specialized morphology of the mouthparts and the probable bat hosts of these species.  相似文献   

The fixation of trans-(NH3)2Cl2 Pt(II) to poly(I)·poly(C) at low rb (< 0.05) leads to the formation of two complexed species. The major species (ca. 82% of bound platinum) involves coordination of platinum to a single hypoxanthine base, while the other species involves coordination of two hypoxanthine bases, which are either far apart on the same strand or on separate poly(I) strands, to the platinum. These same two species are found after reaction with poly(I), as are two other species throughout the entire rb range studied (rb = 0–0.30). The latter two species are assigned to trans-Pt bound to two bases on a poly(I) strand with (a) one or (b) two free bases between the two bound bases. These two species, (a) and (b), account for ca. 35% of the bound platinum, although the 1:1 species remains dominant (ca. 55%). These two additional species are observed at high rb (>0.075) after reaction with poly(I)·poly(C) but as very minor species. They are formed by reaction with melted poly(I) loops. Also at high rb, we have observed a shifted cytidine H5 resonance arising from interaction of trans-Pt with a melted loop of poly(C). Most probably, this arises from an intramolecular poly(I) to poly(C) crosslink. Results from the reaction of trans-Pt with poly(C) are presented for comparison.  相似文献   

Apterous viviparous females of Neoamphorophora ledi (Wahlgren, 1938) living on Rhododendron degronianum Carr. (Ericaceae) on Honshu island, Japan, are redescribed and the hitherto unknown alate viviparous females are here described. Rhododendron degronianum is a new host plant species for this aphid. This species is recorded for aphid fauna of Eastern Palearctic for the first time. Keys to species of Neoamphorophora based on apterous and alate viviparous females are given. A key to aphid genera with swollen siphunculi living on species of Rhododendron worldwide based on apterous viviparous females is also provided.  相似文献   

A summary is presented of all Peruvian species of scaly tree ferns (Cyatheaceae). A total of 83 species is native to Peru (Sphaeropteris 1 sp., Alsophila sect. Alsophila 9 spp., Alsophila sect. Gymnosphaera 1 sp., Cyathea 72 spp.), with 13 endemic species in Cyathea and one in Alsophila. The following new species are described and illustrated: Alsophila gastonyi, Cyathea chontilla, C. nephele, C. polliculi, and C. praetermissa. The genera Cnemidaria and Trichipteris are no longer recognized and merged in Cyathea. Necessary combinations are made for Cyathea alatissima, C. nervosa, and C. uleana. Cyathea serpens is presented in detail and its relationship is discussed. An artificial key to the Peruvian species of Cyatheaceae is provided.  相似文献   

The species of Ardeicola parasitic on the Ibis genus Threskiornis are reviewed-clayae Brelih, freemani sp.n., ibis Le Souef & Bullen, indicus Brelih, intermedia sp.n., nippon Hajela & Tandan-and a key for their identification is presented. Notes on the affinities of the species and a discussion on the distribution of Ardeicola on Threskiornis are included.  相似文献   

The paper `A taxonomic revision of the genus Taenia Linnaeus, 1758 s. str.' (Verster, 1969) gives concise characterisations, together with drawings of rostellar hooks and the terminal genital organs, of the 32 Taenia species and three subspecies which this author found to be valid. Yet, it is hardly possible to quickly identify a questionable species or to readily access information on their hosts, geographical range and synonyms. The present paper compiles these data and additional information on larval characteristics into tables. Measurements and numbers of hooks are shown using a graph. Additional data are included from authors not mentioned by Verster and for seven new species (T. dinniki, T. jaipurensis, T. kotlani, T. madoquae, T. saigoni and T. simbae), two re-validated species (T. krepkogorski, T. retracta) and two subspecies (T. polyacantha arctica and T. saginata asiatica) described since 1969. Reasons for rejecting one new species and one new subspecies are given. A table of definitive hosts and the Taenia species occurring in them is also included, as is one of synonyms from 1850 onwards. A good procedure for the staining and mounting of cestodes is described.  相似文献   

Marcus Lehnert 《Brittonia》2006,58(3):229-244
A summary is presented of all Bolivian species of Cyatheaceae and Dicksoniaceae. In total two species of Dicksoniaceae (Culcita 1 sp.,Dicksonia 1 sp.) and 34 species of Cyatheaceae (Sphaeropteris 1 sp.,Alsophila 5 spp.,Cyathea 26 spp.,Cnemidaria 2 spp.) are known. One hybrid inCyathea is recognized. The endemicCyathea dintelmannii is newly described, andCyathea herzogii from Bolivia and Peru is separated fromCyathea caracasana var.boliviana. Both species are illustrated. An artificial key to the Bolivian species of Cyatheaceae is provided.  相似文献   

Lorilichus n. g. (Pterolichidae, Pterolichinae) is restricted to the Indo-Australian parrots of the family Loriidae. Assigned to this new genus are Pterolichus (Pseudalloptes) species described by Trouessart in 1884, namely, lobiger (type-species), delibativentris, discifer, cultriventris, emargiventris and securiventris. The first three named species are illustrated and two new species, parvifolius and grandifolius, are described: the five species are from Lorius domicellus (L.).  相似文献   

Sorocarpus Pringsh. is a later synonym forBotrytella Bory. Four species of the genus are known from northern European coasts. Three of them are found at Helgoland (North Sea), type locality of bothBotrytella uvaeformis (Pringsh.) andB. reinboldii (Reinke). A third species, most frequently seen, still remains unnamed. Plants of similar habit, however, have been described from Japan. The type species for the genus,Botrytella micromora Bory, was originally published asEctocarpus siliculosus β.uvaeformis by Lyngbye. A sample from Danish waters proved to be identical with it. In a previous paper (Kornmann & Sahling, 1984), the life history of two species was studied and the investigation is now extended to include the other two, demonstrating the conformity of the four species with the genus characters as to morphological and developmental features.   相似文献   

The comparative floral ontogeny of five species belonging to the primuloid clade of the Ericales are investigated, viz. Maesa japonica, M. perlarius, Aegiceras corniculatum, Embelia laeta and E. ribes. All five species basically show 2/5-spiral phyllotaxis of the sepal primordia, although with some minor modification (particularly in Embelia, where the flowers are predominantly tetramerous). The phyllotaxis of the common petal-stamen primordia is also 2/5-spiral in the Maesa and Aegiceras species investigated, but appears to be unidirectional in Embelia. All five species develop common petal-stamen primordia in which the resultant petal primordia are larger than the stamen primordia, and in which the stamens develop proximally on the adaxial flank of the common primordia. Growth of the placenta in Maesa and Aegiceras partially embeds the ovules, but in Embelia the ovules are almost fully immersed in placental tissue at maturity. A comprehensive review of all previously published studies of floral ontogeny of primuloid genera is presented, and the phylogenetic significance of the variation between genera is evaluated with reference to recently published cladograms.  相似文献   

Although Cyperaceae are considered anemophilous, some species exhibit features that are attractive to pollinators, such as the white UV‐reflecting involucral bracts of Rhynchospora ciliata. But how effective are these conspicuous adaptations? To address this question, we tested the hypothesis that species such as R. ciliata are visited by greater numbers of pollinating insects than similar species with green involucral bracts, such as R. pubera. We compared the floral biology of both species and the number of visits to sympatric populations of each species, associating them with the availability of pollen and the pollination system. We verified that species with white involucral bracts are preferred, because there were more visits to R. ciliata in the first 2 h the flowers were open. The peak visitation in R. pubera was 2 h after the flowers opened, when the pollen of R. ciliata was exhausted. Although the involucral bracts of R. pubera are green, the spikelet scales and anthers are white and reflect ultraviolet light. Overall, flowers of R. pubera exhibit fewer white or reflective surfaces and are probably less conspicuous to a bee than those of R. ciliata. It is possible that R. pubera is a second option for visitors after the first 2 h of anthesis. The two different peaks in visitation minimize interspecific competition for pollinators, suggesting that R. ciliata and R. pubera together could attract more generalist pollinators and, instead of competing, facilitate the pollination of both species. Although R. pubera is autogamous and self‐compatible, both wind and insects are important to its reproductive success.  相似文献   

Improvement of morphological and molecular identification methods allows the detection of new species of mosquitoes. The mosquito fauna of Croatia currently includes 52 species, belonging to eight genera, including Anopheles (12 species), Aedes (24 species), Coquillettidia (one species), Culex (seven species), Culiseta (six species), Orthopodomyia (one species), and Uranotaenia (one species). This is an updated checklist, which includes five new species found in Croatian mosquito fauna. Two of these are invasive mosquito species, Aedes albopictus (Skuse, 1895) and Aedes japonicus (Theobald 1901), which are spreading across Europe and Croatia. The other three species, Culex laticinctus (Edwards 1913), Culex torrentium (Martini 1925), and Anopheles daciae (Linton, Nicolescu & Harbach 2004) are autochthonous species which haven't been recorded so far. Since there are several more invasive species spreading across Europe, we assume that this is not the final list.  相似文献   

The hypothesis ofHenriques andFernandes that several Iberian species ofNarcissus (Amaryllidaceae) are tristylous is reconsidered. Contrary to the opinion ofBateman and most subsequent authors, we believe that the available evidence indicates that some populations ofN. triandrus andN. fernandesii, at least, are tristylous; other populations ofN. triandrus are distylous.Hugonia cf.penicillanthemum (Linaceae) from new Caledonia is distylous, but it remains possible that other species ofHugonia are tristylous. The disputed occurrence of heterostyly in S. African species ofBauhinia (Leguminosae),Cleome (Capparaceae) andAneilema (Commelinaceae), and inAgelaea (Connaraceae) is discussed.  相似文献   

Ochromonas sensu lato is the largest genus in the Chrysophyceae, containing over 100 names. Ochromonas species are biflagellate, naked, plastid‐bearing single cells, distinguished from loricate, scaled, colonial and colorless genera. Most, if not all, species of Ochromonas are mixotrophic, i.e., they photosynthesize but they also engulf bacteria and other small prey. Preliminary evidence from SSU rRNA sequences show that Ochromonas is a polyphyletic genus. Ochromonas tuberculata is the most distinct from all other Ochromonas species. The other Ochromonas species (examined thus far) are scattered in three clades. For example, O. danica and O. sphaerocystis are sister to Poterioochromonas stipitata and P. malhamensis. Four additional species (identified by light microscopy as O. elegans Doflein, O. globosa Skuja, O. ovalis Dolfein, O. sociabilis Pringheim) have SSU rRNA sequences identical to P. malhamensis. Of these, only O. sociabilis has been transferred to Poterioochromonas. Thus, at least some species may be synonymous with others. Two clades of marine species are also known, one containing coastal species and the other containing open ocean species. A number of genera (some also polyphyletic) are interspersed amongst the Ochromonas species (e.g., Chrysolepidomonas, Chrysonephele, Chrysoxys, Cyclonexis, Dinobryon, Epipyxis, Uroglena, Uroglenopsis). The goal of this research (just beginning) is to establish a monophyletic Ochromonas, probably by assigning some species to other genera (existing or new). One major problem is that the type species, O. triangulata Vysotskii, hasn't been observed in over 100 years, and it is unclear which of several clades of Ochromonas contains the type. Results will be discussed.  相似文献   

The post-embryonic development of the appendages of the Cyprididae ostracod Heterocypris salina (Brady, 1868) are described in detail and compared with those of other podocope species documented in previous studies. Generally, the appearence of limbs during onotgeny of H. salina is similar to that of other species, but small differences in limb morphologies were identified between H. salina and other Cyprididae species, including other Heterocypris species. Some features appear either earlier or later in the development of H. salina compared with other species, even species of the same genus. These features may be useful characters for phylogenetic analyses at the genus and family levels.  相似文献   


The endemic New Zealand genus Argyrophenga Doubleday is revised. The genus is shown to consist of three species, antipodum Doubleday, harrisi n.sp., and janitae n.sp. Wing pattern, wing coloration, and male genitalia of all species are described and illustrated. Keys to species are given for both sexes. Taxonomic conclusions are supported by biometric and distributional data. Flight behaviour is described. A brief comparison is made between Argyrophenga and the other endemic New Zealand satyrid genera.  相似文献   


Six species of Siteroptes subgenus Siteroptoides—kneeboni (Wicht), mesembrinae (Canestrini), microsaniae n.sp., morelliae (Rack), muscarius n.sp., and portatus n.sp.—have been found in New Zealand. S. (S.) mesembrinae occurs on Niue Island also, and a further new species, pacificus, is recorded from Tonga. The phoretomorph females of all 7 species, the normal females of 4, the males of 3, and larvae of 2 are described and compared. The similarities and differences between normal and phoretomorph females are particularly noted. Besides kneeboni, 2 species described by Wicht but not occuring in New Zealand—athiasae and flechtmanni— are redescribed from type material and transferred to Siteroptes (Siteroptoides). Keys are given for normal females and Pediculaster-like phoretomorph females of Siteroptoides. Siteroptes mesembrinae subsimilis and S. ignotus altaicus are raised to species status. Diagnostically important measurements are given to help define the variation within and between species and morphs.  相似文献   

Twenty-three species of benthic hydroids, belonging to eight families and 13 genera, were found in a hydroid collection from Peter I Island, collected during both the Bentart 2003 and Bentart 2006 Spanish expeditions with BIO Hespérides in 2003 and 2006. Fourteen out of the 23 species constitute new records for Peter I Island, raising the total number of known species in the area to 30, as also do seven out of the 13 genera. The majority of the species are members of the subclass Leptothecata; the subclass Anthoathecata being scarcely represented. Sertulariidae is the family with the greatest number of species in the collection, with eight species (35%), followed by Lafoeidae with five (22%). Symplectoscyphus with four species (17%) and both Antarctoscyphus and Halecium with three (13%), including H. frigidum sp. nov., were the most diverse genera. Twenty species (ca. 77%) are endemic to Antarctic waters, either with a circum-Antarctic (11 species, ca. 42%) or West Antarctic (9 species, ca. 35%) distribution. Twenty-four (ca. 92%) are restricted to Antarctic or Antarctic/sub-Antarctic waters; only two species have a wider distribution. Peter I Island hydroid fauna is composed of typical representatives of the Antarctic benthic hydroid fauna, though it is characterized by the low representation of some of the most diverse and widespread Antarctic genera (Schizotricha and Staurotheca).  相似文献   

The crustacean zooplankton of Mali (West Africa)   总被引:13,自引:13,他引:0  
48 species of Phyllopoda, 24 species of Copepoda, and a freshwater shrimp are reported from Mali. Morphologically noteworthy or little known species are figured. Daphnia barbata and D. dolichocephala are redescribed. Three West-African species of Tropodiaptomus were found. T. senegambiae is synonymised with T. banforanus. Thermodiaptomus yabensis is fully figured. The distribution of T. yabensis and the regional Tropodiaptomus is discussed. A general biogeographical discussion is not yet possible, because for many species, and particularly Cladocera, both taxonomical position and chorological records are fragmentary and uncertain. At least 29 species, however, seem to be restricted to Africa, and some even to West Africa.The water chemistry of the lakes of central Mali is characterized by a low mineral content, but seems not to be distributive to any of the numerous zooplankton species encountered.The zooplankton communities, especially in the lakes of the internal delta of the Niger, are typically composed of numerous species. Among copepods, it is usual to find three or four genera to co-occur, and each genus may be represented by up to three species. This indicates long-term instability of the communities, and suggests strong interspecies competition to be present. This is corroborated by an analysis of the ranges of some African endemics.It is shown that the Niger delta is part of the biological boundary of the Sahara as far as aquatic invertebrates are concerned. West African equatorial climate endemics (e.g. 3 Tropodiaptomus species, Thermodiaptomus yabensis), and arid to semi-arid climate endemics (Daphnia barbata, D. longispina, Metadiaptomus mauretanicus) meet and interpenetrate each others' ranges over a short distance.  相似文献   


Three new genera—Austroclima, Mauiulus, and Cryophlebia—are established for species of Leptophlebiidae from New Zealand. The following new combinations are included: Austroclima sepia (Phillips) and Cryophlebia aucklandensis (Peters). Atalophlebioides sepia is redescribed as Austroclima sepia and a neotype is designated. Two new species, Austroclima jollyae and Mauiulus luma, are described. All life stages are described, and the relationships of each genus are discussed. Keys are given to male and female imagos, subimagos, and nymphs of each species, and to all New Zealand genera with species previously placed in Atalophlebioides.  相似文献   

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