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Kobak J 《Biofouling》2006,22(3-4):153-162
The effects of several factors (shell length, exposure time, substratum orientation in space, illumination, temperature, conspecifics) upon the attachment strength (measured with a digital dynamometer) of the freshwater, gregarious bivalve Dreissena polymorpha were studied under laboratory conditions. A rapid increase in attachment strength was observed on resocart (a thermosetting polymer based on phenol-formaldehyde resin, with paper as filler) substrata during the first 4-d exposure, after which it stabilised at ca 1 N. The attachment strength increased also with mussel size. Mussel adhesion on variously oriented surfaces (vertical, upper horizontal and lower horizontal) was similar. Illumination inhibited attachment strength, as expected for a photophobic species, but only after a 2-d exposure. After 6 d, no effects of light were detected. Thus, illumination seemed to influence the attachment rate, rather than the final strength. The optimum temperature for mussel attachment was 20- 25 degrees C. At lower and higher temperatures (5-15 degrees C and 30 degrees C), their adhesion strength decreased. The presence of conspecifics stimulated mussel attachment strength.  相似文献   

Dreissena polymorpha recruitment on artificial substrates was studied in the Włocławek Dam Reservoir (the Vistula River, Poland). Densities on downstream and upstream vertical surfaces of plastic plates differed significantly from each other, with the former settled by more individuals. Vertical and horizontal plates, as well as upper and lower horizontal surfaces were settled similarly. In another experiment mussels settled on flat, convex and concave glass surfaces, directed upstream or downstream. Among the upstream surfaces, the concave ones were the most densely settled. No significant differences in mussel recruitment on various downstream surfaces were found. Thus, substrate shape influenced mussels only when they were exposed to water flow. Mussels were aggregated (Lloyd index > 1) along all the edges of the horizontal plates and along the upper edge of the vertical ones. Such distribution was probably caused by the post‐settlement movement of metamorphosed individuals. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Samples of Dreissena polymorpha were collected at several sites along the River Shannon navigation in Ireland, to determine the occurrence and distribution of their obligate host-specific commensalistic ciliate, Conchophthirus acuminatus, in this newly invaded region. Mussels collected by various methods were fixed immediately in 75% ethanol, in which they were later dissected under a stereoscopic microscope, beginning with thorough flushing of the mantle cavity and removal of the gills. One ml of sediment flushed from the mantle cavity and dissection residue of each mussel was examined under a compound light microscope using brightfield, phase-contrast, and differential-interference-contrast optics. Of 180 mussels examined, 125 (69.44%) harbored C. acuminatus. The ciliates were invariably well fixed and easily identifiable in all preparations. Mean sampling intensity for infected mussels was 8.47 ciliates per ml of sediment. Both prevalence and sampling intensity varied between sites, but no pattern was discernible. The present results are consistent with other reports of C. acuminatus being the most widespread and abundant symbiont of D. polymorpha throughout Europe, often occurring where no other symbionts occur. Its occurrence in Ireland indicates introduction of the mussels as adults, since planktonic veliger larvae are not known to harbor ciliates. Following similar reasoning, it is possible that the earlier North American invasion by D. polymorpha included only veligers, since C. acuminatus has not been found on that continent. Using these simple and quick methods, the ciliates could be easily identified and counted to give general comparative data among sites regarding intensity and prevalence. Thus, this method has promise for future efforts to obtain basic information rapidly in newly invaded systems.  相似文献   

1. To investigate the impact of zebra mussels ( Dreissena polymorpha ) on phytoplankton community composition, temporal variability in selective feeding by the mussels was determined from April to November 2005 in a natural lake using Delayed Fluorescence (DF) excitation spectroscopy.
2. Selective grazing by zebra mussels varied in relation to seasonal phytoplankton dynamics; mussels showed a consistent preference for cryptophytes and avoidance of chlorophytes and cyanobacteria. Diatoms, chrysophytes and dinoflagellates responded differentially to zebra mussel grazing depending on their size. Analysis of excreted products of the zebra mussels revealed that in addition to chlorophytes and cyanobacteria, phytoplankton >50  μ m and very small phytoplankton (≤7  μ m) were largely expelled in pseudofaeces.
3. The zebra mussel is a selective filter-feeder that alters its feeding behaviour in relation to phytoplankton composition to capture and ingest high quality phytoplankton, especially when phytoplankton occur in preferred size ranges. Flexibility of zebra mussel feeding behaviour and variation in susceptibility among phytoplankton groups to mussel ingestion indicate that invading zebra mussels could alter phytoplankton community composition of lakes and have important ecosystem consequences.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution, settling and growth of the zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha Pallas, in Lake IJsselmeer and Lake Markermeer in The Netherlands were studied from 1980 to 1985. In these lakes D. polymorpha is the most important food source for wintering diving ducks. The study was part of an investigation into the carrying capacity of the lakes for these birds.  相似文献   

Though a great deal of research focuses on the range expansion and presence of adult zebra mussels, there is still a need to understand the processes of larval settlement and how that relates to adult populations. There is evidence that marine bivalves preferentially settle on filamentous substrates such as hydroid colonies and algae; however, similar studies are rare in freshwater systems. We examined the importance of filamentous substrate for the settlement of the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) larvae by deploying PVC settlement plates with and without polypropylene filaments in the Bark River for a 6-week period. Larval supply was monitored weekly. Our results suggest that artificial filaments facilitated recruitment, primarily by increasing surface area available for attachment. Mussels on artificial filaments were significantly smaller in size than mussels attached to filamentous or control plate surfaces, providing some evidence that mussels may detach from filamentous substrate after initial settlement. This study adds to our general understanding about the role of filamentous substrates in the process of larval settlement and suggests that substrates colonized by filamentous epibionts may face increased risk of fouling by zebra mussels. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

This study, conducted in the Dnieper-Bug Canal in Belarus, is the first to monitor the seasonal (June-November) dynamics of infection with the parasitic ciliate Ophryoglena sp. in a zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) population. Mean population prevalence and intensity of infection varied, respectively, from 11 to 62% and from 0.9 to 24.1 ciliates/mussel. Mean prevalence was highly correlated with mussel length in mussels <20 mm (R(2)=0.97) and was lower in larger mussels. Mean infection intensity in mussels 1-25 mm long was similarly correlated with their size (R=0.98), reached a maximum in the 20-25 mm size-class, and then sharply decreased, thus providing evidence, albeit limited, that high intensity of infection might be lethal. Transinfection of zebra mussels by Ophryoglena sp. was achieved in the laboratory-a first for a protozoan parasite of D. polymorpha; from an initial complete lack of infection, mean prevalence and intensity rose, respectively, to 86.7% and 8.3 ciliates/mussel.  相似文献   

Mihuc  Timothy B.  Battle  Juliann M.  Mihuc  Janet R.  Bryan  C. Fred 《Hydrobiologia》1999,392(2):121-128
Zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) seasonal colonization patterns, growth and habitat preferences were determined in a sub-tropical floodplain river at the southern edge of its distribution in North America during 1995–96 (Atchafalaya River Basin, Louisiana). Zebra mussel movement into subtropical areas represents a major frontier for this species worldwide. The onset of adult zebra mussel colonies occurred when the minimum daily temperature dropped below 31 °C and dissolved oxygen levels rose above 6.5 mg l-1 in the fall. By mid-winter, mussel populations were established at lateral distances >10 km from the main river channel. Mussel growth occurred throughout the winter with an increase in growth in April and May. Adult mortality occurred during May–August as dissolved oxygen levels declined and minimum daily temperature warmed above 29 °C in the floodplain and 32.5 °C in riverine sites. Limiting factors responsible for the seasonal pattern include temperature and dissolved oxygen tolerances experienced during summer months in the ARB. Summer water conditions apparently preclude establishment of resident zebra mussel populations in the Atchafalaya floodplain. Naturally occurring seasonal patterns in temperature and dissolved oxygen in floodplain rivers may have implications for the expansion of this exotic mollusk in warmwater systems with source colonies restricted to mainstem rivers and seasonal sinks in floodplain regions. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The notorious biofouling organism Dreissena polymorpha (the zebra mussel) attaches to a variety of surfaces using a byssus, a series of protein threads that connect the animal to adhesive plaques secreted onto hard substrata. Here, the use of matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) to characterize the composition of different regions of the byssus is reported. All parts of the byssus show mass peaks corresponding to small proteins in the range of 3.7–7 kDa, with distinctive differences between different regions. Indeed, spectra from thread and plaques are almost completely non-overlapping. In addition, several peaks were identified that are unique to the interfacial region of the plaque, and therefore likely represent specialized adhesive proteins. These results indicate a high level of control over the distribution of proteins, presumably with different functions, in the byssus of this freshwater species.  相似文献   

We report the results of a two-year study in the Svisloch River (Minsk, Belarus) on the dynamics of infection in Dreissena polymorpha by nematodes and three ciliate species Conchophthirus acuminatus, Ophryoglena sp., and Ancistrumina limnica. Although these endosymbionts were present in most of the samples, their prevalence and infection intensity differed significantly. C. acuminatus and A. limnica infection intensities in both years of the study had a maximum in summer and were positively correlated with water temperature. In contrast, Ophryoglena sp. and nematode infection intensities were considerably lower in summer versus winter and were negatively correlated with temperature. In the first long-term study to monitor the size and reproductive rate of C. acuminatus, we found that mean length was negatively correlated with temperature and that temperature was positively correlated with asexual reproduction, with a peak of cell division in April as water temperatures increased.  相似文献   

Despite the successful transfer of mammalian in vitro techniques for use with fish and other vertebrates, little progress has been made in the area of invertebrate tissue culture. This paper describes the development of an in vitro technique for the culture of both cells in suspension and tissue explants from the gill, digestive gland and mantle of the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) and their successful maintenance in culture for up to 14 days. Cell suspensions from the gills and digestive gland were the most successful technique developed with viability >80% maintained for up to 8 days in culture, suitable for use in short term toxicity tests. Tissue explants from the mantle were also maintained in culture for up to 14 days. This paper describes the challenges involved in the development of a novel in vitro culture technique for aquatic invertebrates.  相似文献   

The filtration rates of two species of eulamellibranchs (Dreissena polymorpha, Sphaerium corneum) were determined for 2-hour-intervals always over one day. The described pattern of activity of the filtration efficiency has two or three peaks. The single values vary up to the ratio of one to ten. Therefore calculations of filtration capacities based on single measurements are very in-accurate.

Complex habitat structures can influence the foraging success of fish. Competition for food between fish species can therefore depend on the competitors' abilities to cope with structural complexity. In laboratory experiments, we comparatively assessed effects of zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha Pall .) on the foraging success of Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) and ruffe (Gymnocephalus cernuus (L.)). In single‐species and mixed‐species experiments, the fish were fed caddisfly larvae (Tinodes waeneri (L.)) over complex (mussel‐covered stones) and less‐complex (bare stones) substrates. With intraspecific competition, food consumption by perch and ruffe decreased significantly when the complex substrate was used. With interspecific competition, food consumption by perch and ruffe did not change with substrate complexity, but perch clearly out‐competed ruffe on both substrates. Zebra mussel beds provide a refuge for macrozoobenthos against predation by ruffe and probably also by perch. (© 2004 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Wei Xu 《Biofouling》2013,29(3):157-161
Because of its aggressive growth and firm attachment to substrata, the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) has caused severe economic and ecological problems since its invasion into North America. The nature and details of attachment of this nuisance mollusc remains largely unexplored. Byssus, a special glandular apparatus located at the root of the foot of the mussel produces threads and plates through which firm attachment of the mollusc to underwater objects takes place. In an attempt to better understand the adhesion mechanism of the zebra mussel, the suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) assay was employed to produce a cDNA library with genes unique to the foot of the mussel. Analysis of the SSH cDNA library revealed the presence of 750 new expressed sequence tags (ESTs) including 304 contigs and 446 singlets. Using BLAST search, 365 zebra mussel ESTs showed homology to other gene sequences with putative functions. The putative functions of the homologues included proteins involved in byssal thread formation in zebra and blue mussels, exocrine gland secretion, host defence, and house keeping. The generated data provide, for the first time, some useful insights into the foot structure of the zebra mussel and its underwater adhesion.  相似文献   

Xu W  Faisal M 《Biofouling》2008,24(3):157-161
Because of its aggressive growth and firm attachment to substrata, the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) has caused severe economic and ecological problems since its invasion into North America. The nature and details of attachment of this nuisance mollusc remains largely unexplored. Byssus, a special glandular apparatus located at the root of the foot of the mussel produces threads and plates through which firm attachment of the mollusc to underwater objects takes place. In an attempt to better understand the adhesion mechanism of the zebra mussel, the suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) assay was employed to produce a cDNA library with genes unique to the foot of the mussel. Analysis of the SSH cDNA library revealed the presence of 750 new expressed sequence tags (ESTs) including 304 contigs and 446 singlets. Using BLAST search, 365 zebra mussel ESTs showed homology to other gene sequences with putative functions. The putative functions of the homologues included proteins involved in byssal thread formation in zebra and blue mussels, exocrine gland secretion, host defence, and house keeping. The generated data provide, for the first time, some useful insights into the foot structure of the zebra mussel and its underwater adhesion.  相似文献   

We have examined effects of time after activation, pH, sodium and potassium, and gossypol concentrations on sperm motility of zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha). Zebra mussel spermatozoa appeared to have remarkable viability in the fresh water in comparison with freshwater fish sperm. Duration of sperm motility in fresh water is possibly one of the longest among freshwater animals, since it was not significantly changed 3 h after incubation at room temperature (20 °C) or 24 h of incubation at ±0 °C. High osmotic pressure suppresses sperm motility and effects of sodium and potassium are similar. Spermatozoa were inactive at acid pH and became gradually motile when exposed to pH 6.0–9.0. Gossypol appeared to be a very potent spermicidal agent and inhibited motility. This compound also inhibited fertilization. We observed some differences in gossypol effects on spermatozoa between North American and European zebra mussels. These data on zebra mussel sperm biology may be useful for better handling of gametes under laboratory conditions.  相似文献   


Macrofouling of aquatic man-made structures by zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) poses significant economic burdens on commercial freshwater shipping and facilities utilising raw water. The negative environmental impact of some current antifouling technologies has limited their use and prompted investigation of non-organometallic and non-oxidising antifoulants as possible environment-friendly alternatives. The plant-derived natural product capsaicin and 18 other compounds with one or more capsaicin-like structural features were tested for their potential to inhibit zebra mussel byssal attachment at a single high concentration of 30 μM. Of these, three compounds displaying the highest levels of attachment inhibition where selected for further concentration-response testing. This testing revealed that capsaicin (8-methyl-N-vanillyl-trans-6-nonenamide), N-vanillylnonanamide, and N-benzoylmonoethanolamine benzoate all inhibited byssal attachment with potency values (EC50) in the micromolar range. None of these compounds were lethal to adult specimens of the water flea, Daphnia magna, at concentrations that inhibited mussel byssal attachment.  相似文献   

Dionisio Pires  L.M.  Kusserow  R.  Van Donk  E. 《Hydrobiologia》2003,491(1-3):193-200
Grazing and survival of larvae of the zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha, on a green alga and cyanobacteria were studied in laboratory experiments. Clearance rates of the larvae were determined for Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (green alga), two non-toxic and two toxic Microcystis aeruginosa strains (Cyanobacteria). Clearance rates of larvae on non-toxic Microcystis were significantly higher than on toxic Microcystis. The clearance rate on Chlamydomonas reinhardtii was in between the clearance rates on toxic and non-toxic Microcystis strains and not significantly different from them. Effects of toxicity of Microcystis on the survival of zebra mussel larvae was investigated in a short-term experiment. Survival of larvae fed toxic Microcystis was lower than that of larvae fed non-toxic Microcystis, but higher than that of starved larvae. This may imply that, for survival of zebra mussel larvae, it is better to have bad quality (toxic) food than no food.  相似文献   

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