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Yeast biofilms contribute to quality impairment of industrial processes and also play an important role in clinical infections. Little is known about biofilm formation and their treatment. The aim of this study was to establish a multi-layer yeast biofilm model using a modified 3.7 l bench-top bioreactor operated in continuous mode (D = 0.12 h(-1)). The repeatability of biofilm formation was tested by comparing five bioprocesses with Rhodotorula mucilaginosa, a strain isolated from washing machines. The amount of biofilm formed after 6 days post inoculation was 83 μg cm(-2) protein, 197 μg cm(-2) polysaccharide and 6.9 × 10(6) CFU cm(-2) on smooth polypropylene surfaces. Roughening the surface doubled the amount of biofilm but also increased its spatial variability. Plasma modification of polypropylene significantly reduced the hydrophobicity but did not enhance cell attachment. The biofilm formed on polypropylene coupons could be used for sanitation studies.  相似文献   

目的报道1例由胶红酵母感染引起的真菌血症。方法通过对患者血培养分离致病菌,并作API 20C AUX及DNA序列测定鉴定菌种,采用抗真菌药敏纸片法对菌株进行体外药敏试验。结果患者,女性,38岁,因反复出现右乳肿块5个月行右乳肿块穿刺活检术,术后高热,发生于每日下午至夜间。2次查血真菌培养均为阳性,经菌落观察、API 20C AUX鉴定及基因测序,鉴定为胶红酵母。体外药敏试验显示对两性霉素B敏感,对伊曲康唑、氟康唑、伏立康唑耐药。未予治疗,24d后自愈。结论胶红酵母菌血症在国内罕见报道,其菌株毒力相对较低,在免疫功能正常患者中,部分病例可自愈。  相似文献   

Onychomycosis is a dermatological problem of high prevalence that mainly affects the hallux toenail. Onychomycosis caused by the yeast Rhodotorula mucilaginosa was identified using colony morphology, light microscopy, urease and carbohydrate metabolism in a 57-year-old immunocompetent patient from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. High-resolution scanning electron microscopy of nail fragments, processed by a noncoating method, led to the observation with fine detail of the structures of both nail and fungus involved in the infection. Yeasts were mainly found inside grooves in the nail. Budding yeasts presented a spiral pattern of growth and blastoconidia were found in the nail groove region. Keratinase assays and keratin enzymography revealed that this isolate was highly capable of degrading keratin. Antifungal susceptibility tests showed that the fungus was susceptible to low concentrations of amphotericin B and 5-flucytosine and resistant to high concentrations of fluconazole, itraconazole, voriconazole and terbinafine. These findings showed data for the first time concerning the interaction of R. mucilaginosa in toenail infection and suggest that this emerging yeast should also be considered an opportunistic primary causative agent of onychomycosis.  相似文献   

The phenotypic and genetic heterogeneity of the basidiomycetous yeast species Rhodotorula glutinis was investigated in a group of 109 isolates. A polyphasic taxonomic approach was followed which included PCR fingerprinting, determination of sexual compatibility, 26S and ITS rDNA sequence analysis, DNA-DNA reassociation experiments and reassessment of micromorphological and physiological attributes. The relationships with species of the teleomorphic genus Rhodosporidium were studied and isolates previously identified as Rh. glutinis were found to belong to Rhodosporidium babjevae, Rhodosporidium diobovatum and Rhodosporidium sphaerocarpum. Other isolates included in the study were found to belong to Rh. glutinis var. dairenensis, which is elevated to the species level, or to undescribed species. The concept of Rh. glutinis sensu stricto is proposed due to the close phenetic and phylogenetic proximity detected for Rh. glutinis, Rhodotorula graminis and R. babjevae.  相似文献   

A strain NQ1, which showed efficient asymmetric reduction of 3,5-bis(trifluoromethyl) acetophenone (BTAP) to enantiopure (S)-[3,5-bis(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]ethanol ((S)-BTPE), which is the key intermediate for the synthesis of a receptor antagonist and antidepressant, was isolated from a soil sample. Based on its morphological and internal transcribed spacer sequence, the strain NQ1 was identified to be Rhodotorula mucilaginosa NQ1. Some key reaction parameters involved in the bioreduction catalyzed by whole cells of R. mucilaginosa NQ1 were subsequently optimized, and the optimized conditions for the synthesis of (S)-BTPE were determined to be as follows: 5·0 ml phosphate buffer (200 mmol l−1, pH 7·0), 80 mmol l−1 of BTAP, 250 g (wet weight) l−1 of resting cell, 35 g l−1 of glucose and a reaction for 18 h at 30°C and 180 rev min−1. The strain NQ1 exhibited a best yield of 99% and an excellent enantiomeric excess of 99% for the preparation of (S)-BTPE under the above optimal conditions, and could also asymmetrically reduce a variety of bulky prochiral carbonyl compounds to their corresponding optical hydroxyl compound with excellent enantioselectivity. These results indicated that R. mucilaginosa NQ1 had a good capacity to reduce BTAP to its corresponding (S)-BTPE, and might be a new potential biocatalyst for the production of valuable chiral hydroxyl compounds in industry.  相似文献   

Abstract We examined phosphate (Pi) uptake by two well-characterized microorganisms: a green alga ( Selenastrum capricornutum ) and a heterotrophic yeast ( Rhodotorula rubra ). Phosphate uptake was measured in dual- and single-species continuous cultures after perturbation of a phosphorus (P)-limited steady-state culture by additions of varying concentrations of Pi. We found that, under these conditions, both organisms had very high transport rates for Pi. The yeast was able to attain higher internal P concentrations than predicted from either steady-state or from P-starved batch culture data. Because the yeast was able to sequester and store Pi more efficiently than the alga under dilute Pi continuous culture conditions, co-existence of the two organisms was ultimately controlled by the concentration of carbon available for growth of the yeast.  相似文献   

Aims: To investigate carbon transformation by biofilms and changes in biofilm architecture, metabolic activity and planktonic cell yield in response to fluctuating carbon availability. Methods and Results: Pseudomonas sp. biofilms were cultured under alternating carbon‐replete and carbon‐limited conditions. A shift to medium without added carbon led to a 90% decrease in biofilm respiration rate and a 40% reduction in planktonic cell yield within 1 h. Attached cell division and progeny release were shown to contribute to planktonic cell numbers during carbon limitation. Development of a significantly enlarged biofilm surface area during carbon limitation facilitated a rapid increase in whole‐biofilm metabolic activity, cell yield and biomass upon the re‐introduction of carbon after 8 days of limitation. The cumulative number of planktonic cells (>1010 CFU) released from the biofilm during the cultivation period contained only 1·0% of the total carbon available to the biofilm, with 6·5% of the carbon retained in the biofilm and 54% mineralized to CO2. Conclusions: Biofilm‐derived planktonic cell yield is a proliferation mechanism. The rapid response of biofilms to environmental perturbations facilitates the optimal utilization of resources to promote both proliferation and survival. Biofilms function as efficient catalysts for environmental carbon transformation and mineralization. Significance and Impact of the study: A greater understanding of the relationship between biofilm form and function can inform strategies intended to control and/or promote biofilm formation.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium tuberculosis and nontuberculous mycobacteria such as Mycobacterium abscessus cause diseases that are becoming increasingly difficult to treat due to emerging antibiotic resistance. The development of new antimicrobial molecules is vital for combating these pathogens. Carbon nanomaterials (CNMs) are a class of carbon-containing nanoparticles with promising antimicrobial effects. Fullertubes (C90) are novel carbon allotropes with a structure unique among CNMs. The effects of fullertubes on any living cell have not been studied. In this study, we demonstrate that pristine fullertube dispersions show antimicrobial effects on Mycobacterium smegmatis and M. abscessus. Using scanning electron microscopy, light microscopy, and molecular probes, we investigated the effects of these CNMs on mycobacterial cell viability, cellular integrity, and biofilm formation. C90 fullertubes at 1 µM inhibited mycobacterial viability by 97%. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that the cell wall structure of M. smegmatis and M. abscessus was severely damaged within 24 h of exposure to fullertubes. Additionally, exposure to fullertubes nearly abrogated the acid-fast staining property of M. smegmatis. Using SYTO-9 and propidium iodide, we show that exposure to the novel fullertubes compromises the integrity of the mycobacterial cell. We also show that the permeability of the mycobacterial cell wall was increased after exposure to fullertubes from our assays utilizing the molecular probe dichlorofluorescein and ethidium bromide transport. C90 fullertubes at 0.37 µM and C60 fullerenes at 0.56 µM inhibited pellicle biofilm formation by 70% and 90%, respectively. This is the first report on the antimycobacterial activities of fullertubes and fullerenes.  相似文献   

Twenty-five psychrophilic yeasts were isolated from the soil of Roopkund Lake, Himalayas, India. Two colony morphotypes were identified and representatives of ‘morphotype 1’ were identified as Cryptococcus gastricus. Representatives of ‘morphotype 2’, namely 3AT, 4A, 4B and Rup4B, showed similar phenotypic properties and are identical with respect to the nucleotide sequence of the ITS1-5.8S rRNA gene-ITS2 region and D1/D2 domain of the 26S rRNA gene. The sequence of D1/D2 domain of 3AT shows 97.6–98.8% similarity with Rhodotorula psychrophila CBS10440T, Rhodotorula glacialis CBS10437T and Rhodotorula psychrophenolica CBS10438T and in the neighbour-joining phylogenetic tree strains; 3AT, 4A, 4B and Rup4B form a cluster with Rhodotorula glacialis and Rhodotorula psychrophila. Strains 3AT, 4A, 4B and Rup4B also differ from their nearest phylogenetic relatives in several biochemical characteristics such as in assimilation of d-galactose, l-sorbose, maltose, citrate, d-glucuronate and creatinine. Thus, based on the phylogenetic analysis and the phenotypic differences 3AT, 4A, 4B and Rup 4B are assigned the status of a new species of Rhodotorula for which the name Rhodotorula himalayensis sp. nov. is proposed with 3AT as the type strain (=CBS10539T =MTCC8336T). GenBank/EMBL accession numbers for (partial) 18SrRNA gene-ITS1-5.8S rRNA gene-ITS2-26S rRNA gene (partial) sequences of Rhodotorula himalayensis sp. nov. 3AT is AM410635.  相似文献   

AIM: To investigate the effect of starvation, surface attachment and growth in a biofilm on the susceptibility of Aureobasidium pullulans to the biocides 2-n-octyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one (OIT) and sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl). METHODS AND RESULTS: Fluorescence loss from a green fluorescent protein (GFP)-transformed strain was used to monitor real-time loss in viability as previously described in situ in 96-well plates. Exponential phase, yeast-like (YL) cells were settled in the bottom of the wells as a low-density monolayer (LDM) and were susceptible to all biocide concentrations (25-100 mug ml(-1)). The exponential phase YL cells were either starved for 48 h in suspension or starved for 48 h as LDMs in the wells. Starvation in both cases led to a small reduction in susceptibility to the biocides. In contrast, 48-h biofilms grown in malt extract broth showed an apparent lack of susceptibility to 25 and 50 mug ml(-1) OIT and to 25-100 mug ml(-1) NaOCl. However, when the OIT concentration was increased to compensate for the higher cell density in the biofilm, the biofilms were found to be equally susceptible to the LDM. CONCLUSIONS: Starvation of A. pullulans YL cells either in suspension or as attached LDM resulted in a decrease in susceptibility to low concentrations of both OIT and NaOCl while the apparent reduced susceptibility of mature biofilms was due to the increase in biofilm cell density rather than true biofilm resistance per se. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Monitoring fluorescence loss from the GFP-transformed strain of A. pullulans can be used as a fast and reliable method for monitoring cell death in real time as a response to biocide and antimicrobial challenge.  相似文献   

Streptococcus pneumoniae and nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi) often share a common niche within the nasopharynx, both associated with infections such as bronchitis and otitis media. This study investigated how the association between NTHi and S. pneumoniae and the host affects their propensity to form biofilms. We investigated a selection of bacterial strain and serotype combinations on biofilm formation, and the effect of contact with respiratory epithelial cells. Measurement of biofilm showed that co-infection with NTHi and S. pneumoniae increased biofilm formation following contact with epithelial cells compared to no contact demonstrating the role of epithelial cells in biofilm formation. Additionally, the influence of phosphorylcholine (ChoP) on biofilm production was investigated using the licD mutant strain of NTHi 2019 and found that ChoP had a role in mixed biofilm formation but was not the only requirement. The study highlights the complex interactions between microbes and the host epithelium during biofilm production, suggesting the importance of understanding why certain strains and serotypes differentially influence biofilm formation. A key contributor to increased biofilm formation was the upregulation of biofilm formation by epithelial cell factors.  相似文献   

In nitrogen-limited media, growth and fatty acid formation by the oleaginous yeast Rhodotorula glutinis, i.e., yield and fatty acid cell content, have been characterized regarding carbon and nitrogen availabilities. It was shown that the formation of fatty acid free biomass was limited by nitrogen availability, whereas the fatty acid production was directly dependent on the consumed C/N ratio. According to these observations, the fraction of substrate consumed for fatty acid synthesis was estimated by using a simple method based on the actual yields, i.e., the mass of carbon source strictly converted into fatty acids and fatty acid free biomass. From these results, relationships were established allowing to predict in a simple and performing manner the maximal attainable fatty acid cell content and yield from the available carbon and nitrogen. These relationships were validated by using experimental data obtained by various authors with different yeast strains, and the proposed method was compared to the energetic and mass balance method previously described.  相似文献   

The applicability of batch respirometry, as a simple technique for monitoring off-line nitrifying activity and kinetic parameters, was evaluated using two sets of ammonia and nitrite concentrations. The O2 uptake rate (OUR) profiles obtained from the assays were adjusted to a substrate inhibition model. The maximum specific ammonia-oxidizing biomass activity (rSmax) was 0.079 g N-NH4 + g VSS–1 d–1 with a half saturation coefficient (KS) of 11 mg N-NH4 + l–1 and an inhibition coefficient (Ki) of 3300 mg N-NH4 + l–1. Besides, the maximum specific value of nitrite-oxidizing activity was 0.082 g N-NO2 g VSS–1 d–1 with a KS of 4.1 mg N-NO2 l–1 and Ki of 1400 mg N-NO2 l–1.  相似文献   

1. Epilithic biofilm biomass was measured for 14 months in two sites, located up‐ and downstream of the city of Toulouse in the Garonne River (south‐west France). Periodical sampling provided a biomass data set to compare with simulations from the model of Uehlinger, Bürher and Reichert (1996: Freshwater Biology, 36 , 249–263.), in order to evaluate the impact of hydraulic disturbance. 2. Despite differences in application conditions (e.g. river size, discharge, frequency of disturbance), the base equation satisfactorily predicted biomass between low and high water periods of the year, suggesting that the flood disturbance regime may be considered a universal mechanism controlling periphyton biomass. 3. However modelling gave no agreement with biomass dynamics during the 7‐month long low water period that the river experienced. The influence of other biomass‐regulating factors (temperature, light and soluble reactive phosphorus) on temporal biomass dynamics was weak. 4. Implementing a supplementary mechanism corresponding to a temperature‐dependent self‐generated loss because of heterotrophic processes allowed us to accurately reproduce the observed pattern: a succession of two peaks. This case study suggests that during typical summer low water periods (flow stability and favourable temperature) river biofilm modelling requires self‐generated detachment to be considered.  相似文献   

Compact 1H NMR and Raman spectrometers were used for real-time process monitoring of alcoholic fermentation in a continuous flow reactor. Yeast cells catalyzing the sucrose conversion were immobilized in alginate beads floating in the reactor. The spectrometers proved to be robust and could be easily attached to the reaction apparatus. As environmentally friendly analysis methods, 1H NMR and Raman spectroscopy were selected to match the resource- and energy-saving process. Analyses took only a few seconds to minutes compared to chromatographic procedures and were, therefore, suitable for real-time control realized as a feedback loop. Both compact spectrometers were successfully implemented online. Raman spectroscopy allowed for faster spectral acquisition and higher quantitative precision, NMR yielded more resolved signals thus higher specificity. By using the software Matlab for automated data loading and processing, relevant parameters such as the ethanol, glycerol, and sugar content could be easily obtained. The subsequent multivariate data analysis using partial linear least-squares regression type 2 enabled the quantitative monitoring of all reactants within a single model in real time.  相似文献   

Microbes can engage in social interactions ranging from cooperation to warfare. Biofilms are structured, cooperative microbial communities. Like all cooperative communities, they are susceptible to invasion by selfish individuals who benefit without contributing. However, biofilms are pervasive and ancient, representing the first fossilized life. One hypothesis for the stability of biofilms is spatial structure: Segregated patches of related cooperative cells are able to outcompete unrelated cells. These dynamics have been explored computationally and in bacteria; however, their relevance to eukaryotic microbes remains an open question. The complexity of eukaryotic cell signaling and communication suggests the possibility of different social dynamics. Using the tractable model yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which can form biofilms, we investigate the interactions of environmental isolates with different social phenotypes. We find that biofilm strains spatially exclude nonbiofilm strains and that biofilm spatial structure confers a consistent and robust fitness advantage in direct competition. Furthermore, biofilms may protect against killer toxin, a warfare phenotype. During biofilm formation, cells are susceptible to toxin from nearby competitors; however, increased spatial use may provide an escape from toxin producers. Our results suggest that yeast biofilms represent a competitive strategy and that principles elucidated for the evolution and stability of bacterial biofilms may apply to more complex eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Hospital tap water is a recognised source of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. UK guidance documents recommend measures to control/minimise the risk of P. aeruginosa in augmented care units but these are based on limited scientific evidence. An experimental water distribution system was designed to investigate colonisation of hospital tap components. P. aeruginosa was injected into 27 individual tap ‘assemblies’. Taps were subsequently flushed twice daily and contamination levels monitored over two years. Tap assemblies were systematically dismantled and assessed microbiologically and the effect of removing potentially contaminated components was determined. P. aeruginosa was repeatedly recovered from the tap water at levels above the augmented care alert level. The organism was recovered from all dismantled solenoid valves with colonisation of the ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM) diaphragm confirmed by microscopy. Removing the solenoid valves reduced P. aeruginosa counts in the water to below detectable levels. This effect was immediate and sustained, implicating the solenoid diaphragm as the primary contamination source.  相似文献   

The ability of many bacteria to adhere to surfaces and to form biofilms has major implications in a variety of industries including the food industry, where biofilms create a persistent source of contamination. The formation of a biofilm is determined not only by the nature of the attachment surface, but also by the characteristics of the bacterial cell and by environmental factors. This review focuses on the features of the bacterial cell surface such as flagella, surface appendages and polysaccharides that play a role in this process, in particular for bacteria linked to food‐processing environments. In addition, some aspects of the attachment surface, biofilm control and eradication will be highlighted.  相似文献   

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