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Nadezhda Markova Ljupco Pejov Nina Stoyanova 《Journal of biomolecular structure & dynamics》2017,35(6):1168-1188
To provide an in-depth insight into the molecular basis of spontaneous tautomerism in DNA and RNA base pairs, a hybrid Monte Carlo (MC)–quantum chemical (QC) methodology is implemented to map two-dimensional potential energy surfaces along the reaction coordinates of solvent-assisted proton transfer processes in guanosine and its analog acyclovir in aqueous solution. The solvent effects were simulated by explicit inclusion of water molecules that model the relevant part of the first hydration shell around the solute. The position of these water molecules was estimated by carrying out a classical Metropolis Monte Carlo simulation of dilute water solutions of the guanosine (Gs) and acyclovir (ACV) and subsequently analyzing solute–solvent intermolecular interactions in the statistically-independent MC-generated configurations. The solvent-assisted proton transfer processes were further investigated using two different ab initio MP2 quantum chemical approaches. In the first one, potential energy surfaces of the ‘bare’ finite solute–solvent clusters containing Gs/ACV and four water molecules (MP2/6-31+G(d,p) level) were explored, while within the second approach, these clusters were embedded in ‘bulk’ solvent treated as polarizable continuum (C-PCM/MP2/6-31+G(d,p) level of theory). It was found that in the gas phase and in water solution, the most stable tautomer for guanosine and acyclovir is the 1H-2-amino-6-oxo form followed by the 2-amino-6-(sZ)-hydroxy form. The energy barriers of the water-assisted proton transfer reaction in guanosine and in acyclovir are found to be very similar – 11.74 kcal mol?1 for guanosine and 11.16 kcal mol?1 for acyclovir, and the respective rate constants (k = 1.5?×?101 s?1, guanosine and k = 4.09?×?101 s?1, acyclovir), are sufficiently large to generate the 2-amino-6-(sZ)-hydroxy tautomer. The analysis of the reaction profiles in both compounds shows that the proton transfer processes occur through the asynchronous concerted mechanism. 相似文献
It is well established that protein structures are more conserved than protein sequences. One-third of all known protein structures can be classified into ten protein folds, which themselves are composed mainly of alpha-helical hairpin, beta hairpin, and betaalphabeta supersecondary structural elements. In this study, we explore the ability of a recent Monte Carlo-based procedure to generate the 3D structures of eight polypeptides that correspond to units of supersecondary structure and three-stranded antiparallel beta sheet. Starting from extended or misfolded compact conformations, all Monte Carlo simulations show significant success in predicting the native topology using a simplified chain representation and an energy model optimized on other structures. Preliminary results on model peptides from nucleotide binding proteins suggest that this simple protein folding model can help clarify the relation between sequence and topology. 相似文献
Abstract The principle purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the use of the Inverse Monte Carlo technique for calculating pair interaction energies in monoatomic liquids from a given equilibrium property. This method is based on the mathematical relation between transition probability and pair potential given by the fundamental equation of the “importance sampling” Monte Carlo method. In order to have well defined conditions for the test of the Inverse Monte Carlo method a Metropolis Monte Carlo simulation of a Lennard Jones liquid is carried out to give the equilibrium pair correlation function determined by the assumed potential. Because an equilibrium configuration is prerequisite for an Inverse Monte Carlo simulation a model system is generated reproducing the pair correlation function, which has been calculated by the Metropolis Monte Carlo simulation and therefore representing the system in thermal equilibrium. This configuration is used to simulate virtual atom displacements. The resulting changes in atom distribution for each single simulation step are inserted in a set of non-linear equations defining the transition probability for the virtual change of configuration. The solution of the set of equations for pair interaction energies yields the Lennard Jones potential by which the equilibrium configuration has been determined. 相似文献
A new and simple method to determine equilibrium phase transition in adsorption systems exhibiting a hysteresis loop is presented as an alternative to methods such as multiple histogram reweighting, gauge cell method and thermodynamic integration. This method is based on the NVT-grand canonical Monte Carlo mid-density scheme to determine the coexistence chemical potential and coexistence densities of an adsorption system. We illustrate this new scheme with argon and methane adsorption in a number of model solids having slit and cylindrical pores. This method does not have a strong basis on thermodynamic ground, but it does provide a simple heuristic approach that is simpler to understand physically. 相似文献
Abstract The two-ellipsoid model (TEM) is proposed as a versatile single-site model which can be used in the study of liquid crystal phases. This TEM uses two ellipsoids to describe a molecule, one ellipsoid for the geometry and the other for the interaction strengths of the molecule. The present TEM can mimic asymmetric interactions of a liquid crystal molecule by separating the center of the interaction ellipsoid from that of the geometry ellipsoid. The potential energy surfaces of the present TEMs compare favorably with those of the corresponding Gay-Berne and the site–site models. Monte Carlo simulations with 320 particles are performed for a symmetric interaction TEM and an asymmetric interaction TEM. The asymmetric interaction TEM displays a slightly higher transition temperature than the symmetric interaction TEM indicating that asymmetric interactions can be a driving force in a phase transition. Radial and cylindrical distribution functions of two models in the isotropic phase are similar, but those in the nematic phase are quite different. 相似文献
Abstract The chemical potential of a trimer and hexamer model ring system was determined by computer simulation over a range of temperatures and densities. Such ring molecules are important as model aromatic and naphthenic hydrocarbons. Thermodynamic integration of the pressure along a reversible path, Widom's ghost particle insertion method and Kirkwood's charging parameter method were used over a molecular density range of 0.05 to 0.30. Data were obtained by Monte Carlo simulation of a 96 molecule system that was modelled with a Lennard-Jones 6-12 truncated potential. The original insertion method, which does not take into account the orientation of the molecule when it is inserted, gives results for the chemical potential which deviate from that obtained using the thermodynamic pressure integration. At high density or temperature the deviation is significant. We have modified the Widom insertion technique to account for this short range orientation and find good agreement between this technique and the thermodynamic integration method for the chemical potential. We also calculated the free energy difference between our model ring molecules and ring molecules made up of hard spheres. 相似文献
Lauren L Perskie George D Rose 《Protein science : a publication of the Protein Society》2010,19(6):1127-1136
We present a method with the potential to generate a library of coil segments from first principles. Proteins are built from α‐helices and/or β‐strands interconnected by these coil segments. Here, we investigate the conformational determinants of short coil segments, with particular emphasis on chain turns. Toward this goal, we extracted a comprehensive set of two‐, three‐, and four‐residue turns from X‐ray–elucidated proteins and classified them by conformation. A remarkably small number of unique conformers account for most of this experimentally determined set, whereas remaining members span a large number of rare conformers, many occurring only once in the entire protein database. Factors determining conformation were identified via Metropolis Monte Carlo simulations devised to test the effectiveness of various energy terms. Simulated structures were validated by comparison to experimental counterparts. After filtering rare conformers, we found that 98% of the remaining experimentally determined turn population could be reproduced by applying a hydrogen bond energy term to an exhaustively generated ensemble of clash‐free conformers in which no backbone polar group lacks a hydrogen‐bond partner. Further, at least 90% of longer coil segments, ranging from 5‐ to 20 residues, were found to be structural composites of these shorter primitives. These results are pertinent to protein structure prediction, where approaches can be divided into either empirical or ab initio methods. Empirical methods use database‐derived information; ab initio methods rely on physical–chemical principles exclusively. Replacing the database‐derived coil library with one generated from first principles would transform any empirically based method into its corresponding ab initio homologue. 相似文献
Many seemingly unrelated neurodegenerative disorders, such as amyloid and prion diseases, are associated with propagating fibrils whose structures are dramatically different from the native states of the corresponding monomers. This observation, along with the experimental demonstration that any protein can aggregate to form either fibrils or amorphous structures (inclusion bodies) under appropriate external conditions, suggest that there must be general principles that govern aggregation mechanisms. To probe generic aspects of prion-like behavior we use the model of Harrison, Chan, Prusiner, and Cohen. In this model, aggregation of a structure, that is conformationally distinct from the native state of the monomer, occurs by three parallel routes. Kinetic partitioning, which leads to parallel assembly pathways, occurs early in the aggregation process. In all pathways transient unfolding precedes polymerization and self-propagation. Chain polymerization is consistent with templated assembly, with the dimer being the minimal nucleus. The kinetic effciency of R(n-1) + G --> R(n) (R is the aggregation prone state and G is either U, the unfolded state, or N, the native state of the monomer) is increased when polymerization occurs in the presence of a \"seed\" (a dimer). These results support the seeded nucleated-polymerization model of fibril formation in amyloid peptides. To probe generic aspects of aggregation in two-state proteins, we use lattice models with side chains. The phase diagram in the (T,C) plane (T is the temperature and C is the polypeptide concentration) reveals a bewildering array of \"phases\" or structures. Explicit computations for dimers show that there are at least six phases including ordered structures and amorphous aggregates. In the ordered region of the phase diagram there are three distinct structures. We find ordered dimers (OD) in which each monomer is in the folded state and the interaction between the monomers occurs via a well-defined interface. In the domain-swapped structures a certain fraction of intrachain contacts are replaced by interchain contacts. In the parallel dimers the interface is stabilized by favorable intermolecular hydrophobic interactions. The kinetics of folding to OD shows that aggregation proceeds directly from U in a dynamically cooperative manner without populating partially structured intermediates. These results support the experimental observation that ordered aggregation in the two-state folders U1A and CI2 takes place from U. The contrasting aggregation processes in the two models suggest that there are several distinct mechanisms for polymerization that depend not only on the polypeptide sequence but also on external conditions (such as C, T, pH, and salt concentration). 相似文献
PurposeMonte Carlo (MC) simulations are highly desirable for dose treatment planning and evaluation in radiation oncology. This is true also in emerging nuclear medicine applications such as internal radiotherapy with radionuclides. The purpose of this study is the validation of irtGPUMCD, a GPU-based MC code for dose calculations in internal radiotherapy.MethodsThe female and male phantoms of the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP 110) were used as benchmarking geometries for this study focused on 177Lu and including 99mTc and 131I. Dose calculations were also conducted for a real patient. For phantoms, twelve anatomical structures were considered as target/source organs. The S-values were evaluated with irtGPUMCD simulations (108 photons), with gamma branching ratios of ICRP 107 publication. The 177Lu electrons S-values were calculated for source organs only, based on local deposition of dose in irtGPUMCD. The S-value relative difference between irtGPUMCD and IDAC-DOSE were evaluated for all targets/sources considered. A DVHs comparison with GATE was conducted. An exponential track length estimator was introduced in irtGPUMCD to increase computational efficiency.ResultsThe relative S-value differences between irtGPUMCD and IDAC-DOSE were <5% while this comparison with GATE was <1%. The DVHs dosimetric indices comparison between GATE and irtGPUMCD for the patient led to an excellent agreement (<2%). The time required for the simulation of 108 photons was 1.5 min for the female phantom, and one minute for the real patient (<1% uncertainty). These results are promising and let envision the use of irtGPUMCD for internal dosimetry in clinical applications. 相似文献
A new potential model has been developed for the simulation of amorphous silica based on the ab initio potential model of Pyper. This model promises to be of value in the simulation of silica at high pressures. 相似文献
I. Lavorel 《Photosynthesis research》1986,9(1-2):273-283
The purpose of this note is to illustrate the feasibility of simulating kinetic systems, such as commonly encountered in photosynthesis research, using the Monte Carlo (MC) method. In this approach, chemical events are considered at the molecular level where they occur randomly and the macroscopic kinetic evolution results from averaging a large number of such events. Their repeated simulation is easily accomplished using digital computing. It is shown that the MC approach is well suited to the capabilities and resources of modern microcomputers. A software package is briefly described and discussed, allowing a simple programming of any kinetic model system and its resolution. The execution is reasonably fast and accurate; it is not subject to such instabilities as found with the conventional analytical approach.Abbreviations MC Monte Carlo - RN random number - PSU photosynthetic unitDedicated to Prof. L.N.M. Duysens on the occasion of his retirement. 相似文献
We examine bias in Markov models of diseases, including both chronic and infectious diseases. We consider two common types of Markov disease models: ones where disease progression changes by severity of disease, and ones where progression of disease changes in time or by age. We find sufficient conditions for bias to exist in models with aggregated transition probabilities when compared to models with state/time dependent transition probabilities. We also find that when aggregating data to compute transition probabilities, bias increases with the degree of data aggregation. We illustrate by examining bias in Markov models of Hepatitis C, Alzheimer’s disease, and lung cancer using medical data and find that the bias is significant depending on the method used to aggregate the data. A key implication is that by not incorporating state/time dependent transition probabilities, studies that use Markov models of diseases may be significantly overestimating or underestimating disease progression. This could potentially result in incorrect recommendations from cost-effectiveness studies and incorrect disease burden forecasts. 相似文献
The paper reports Monte Carlo and molecular dynamicsresults for pure liquid dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) at298 K and 1 atm. The classical 6–12 Lennard–Jones plusCoulomb pairwise potential was used to calculateintermolecular interaction energy. Potentialparameters for the liquid were optimized in this work.Some thermodynamic and dynamical properties obtained,such as heat of vaporization, density and diffusioncoefficient, are in good agreement with theexperimental values. The present model is comparedwith other models for DMSO reported previously. It isshown to be an improvement over earlier potentials.The structure factors and the radial distributionfunctions (rdf), are compared with experimentalresults for the liquid. The analysis shows that thestructure of DMSO is not completely understood yet anddeserves deeper investigation. The geometry of thedimer that corresponds to the rdf plots obtained, isreported. The results suggest that the dipole momentof this dimer plays an important role in the structureof the liquid. 相似文献
Ab initio folding simulations have been performed on three peptides, using a genetic algorithm-based search method which operates on a full atom representation. Conformations are evaluated with an empirical force field parameterized by a potential of mean force analysis of experimental structures. The dominant terms in the force field are local and nonlocal main chain electrostatics and the hydrophobic effect. Two of the simulated structures were for fragments of complete proteins (eosinophil-derived neurotoxin (EDN) and the subtilisin propeptide) that were identified as being likely initiation sites for folding. The experimental structure of one of these (EDN) was subsequently found to be consistent with that prediction (using local hydrophobic burial as the determinant for independent folding). The simulations of the structures of these two peptides were only partly successful. The most successful folding simulation was that of a 22-residue peptide corresponding to the membrane binding domain of blood coagulation factor VIII (Membind). Three simulations were performed on this peptide and the lowest energy conformation was found to be the most similar to the experimental structure. The conformation of this peptide was determined with a Cα rms deviation of 4.4 Å. Although these simulations were partly successful there are still many unresolved problems, which we expect to be able to address in the next structure prediction experiment. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc. 相似文献
A new version of the test particle method for determining the chemical potential by Monte Carlo simulations is proposed. The method, applicable to any fluid at any density, combines the Widom's test particle insertion method with the ideas of the scaled particle theory, gradual insertion method and multistage sampling. Its applicability is exemplified by evaluating the chemical potential of the hard sphere fluid at a very high density in semi-grand-canonical and grand-canonical ensembles. A theory estimating the efficiency (i.e. statistical errors) of the method is proposed and the results are compared with the Widom's and gradual insertion methods, and the analytic results. 相似文献
Knowledge of the carbon footprint (CF) of a scientific publication can help to guide changes in behavior for mitigating global warming. A knowledge gap, however, still exists in academic circles. We quantified the CF of a publication by parameterizing searches, downloads, reading, and writing in the processes of publication with both direct and indirect emissions covered. We proposed a time-loaded conversion coefficient to transfer indirect emissions to final consumers. A questionnaire survey, certification database of Energy Star, fixed-asset databases specific to our campus, and reviewed life-cycle-assessment studies on both print media and electronic products were integrated with Monte Carlo simulations to quantify uncertainties. The average CF [(CI: 95%), SD] of a scientific publication was 5.44 kg CO2-equiv. [(1.65, 14.78), 4.97], with 37.65 MJ [(0.00, 71.32), 30.40] of energy consumed. Reading the literature contributed the most, followed by writing and searching. A sensitivity analysis indicated that reading efficiency, the proportion of e-reading, and reference quantity were the most dominant of 52 parameters. Durable media generated a higher CF (4.24 kg CO2-equiv.) than consumable media (1.35 kg CO2-equiv.) due to both direct and indirect reasons. Campus policy makers should thus not promote the substitution of e-reading for print reading at the present stage, because their environmental advantages are highly dependent on time-loaded and behavioral factors. By comparison, replacing desktops with laptops is more attractive, by potentially reducing CFs by 50% and the disproportionate consumption of energy. 相似文献
Abstract Intermolecular interaction is investigated for an isomeric pair of fluoro propane, CH3CF2CF3 (HFC–245cb, CB) and CH2FCF2CHF2 (HFC–245ca, CA). CB has a larger dipole moment than CA. This may suggest that CB has a larger intermolecular attractive interaction than CA; the reverse is, however, found from the experimental data: normal boiling point, critical temperature, and heat of vaporization. Systematic ab initio calculations have been done for both CB dimer and CA dimer, and confirmed that the former has a smaller attractive interaction than the latter. On the basis of these calculations, analytic functions have been constructed as the pair potential models for the two isomers. Each of these models has 11 Lennard-Jones and Coulomb interaction sites in the molecule. The present models can explain why CB dimer has a smaller attractive interaction than CA dimer, and they will easily be extended to a series of fluoro propanes, and make it possible to perform the systematic molecular simulation studies. 相似文献