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The MazEF systems are thought to contribute to the capacity for long-term dormancy observed in the human pathogen, Mycobacterium tuberculosis. However, except for their functions as mRNA interferases, little is known regarding any additional cellular functions of these systems in the pathogen. In the present study, we observed a negative interplay between MazF protein Rv1495 and the sole M. tuberculosis DNA topoisomerase I (MtbTopA) with respect to protein functions. Through its C-terminal domain, MtbTopA physically interacted with and inhibited the mRNA cleavage activity of Rv1495. Rv1495, in turn, inhibited the DNA cleavage activity of MtbTopA as well as its function of relaxation of supercoiled DNA. An N-terminus fragment of Rv1495, designated Rv1495-N(29-56), lost mRNA cleavage activity, but retained a significant physical interaction and inhibitory effect on TopA proteins from both M. tuberculosis and M. smegmatis. This fragment, although less effective than the full-length protein, was able to inhibit mycobacterial growth when expressed through a recombinant plasmid in M. smegmatis. The Rv1495 physically interacted with the M. smegmatis TopA both in vitro and in vivo. Our findings imply that MazEF systems can affect bacterial survival by a novel mechanism that allows direct modulation of M. tuberculosis topoisomerase I.  相似文献   



Fibroproliferative airway remodelling, including increased airway smooth muscle (ASM) mass and contractility, contributes to airway hyperresponsiveness in asthma. In vitro studies have shown that maturation of ASM cells to a (hyper)contractile phenotype is dependent on laminin, which can be inhibited by the laminin-competing peptide Tyr-Ile-Gly-Ser-Arg (YIGSR). The role of laminins in ASM remodelling in chronic asthma in vivo, however, has not yet been established.


Using an established guinea pig model of allergic asthma, we investigated the effects of topical treatment of the airways with YIGSR on features of airway remodelling induced by repeated allergen challenge, including ASM hyperplasia and hypercontractility, inflammation and fibrosis. Human ASM cells were used to investigate the direct effects of YIGSR on ASM proliferation in vitro.


Topical administration of YIGSR attenuated allergen-induced ASM hyperplasia and pulmonary expression of the proliferative marker proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). Treatment with YIGSR also increased both the expression of sm-MHC and ASM contractility in saline- and allergen-challenged animals; this suggests that treatment with the laminin-competing peptide YIGSR mimics rather than inhibits laminin function in vivo. In addition, treatment with YIGSR increased allergen-induced fibrosis and submucosal eosinophilia. Immobilized YIGSR concentration-dependently reduced PDGF-induced proliferation of cultured ASM to a similar extent as laminin-coated culture plates. Notably, the effects of both immobilized YIGSR and laminin were antagonized by soluble YIGSR.


These results indicate that the laminin-competing peptide YIGSR promotes a contractile, hypoproliferative ASM phenotype in vivo, an effect that appears to be linked to the microenvironment in which the cells are exposed to the peptide.  相似文献   

Bacterial infections are a serious problem in aquaculture since they can result in massive mortalities in farmed fish and invertebrates. Vibriosis is one of the most common diseases in marine aquaculture hatcheries and its causative agents are bacteria of the genus Vibrio mostly entering larval rearing water through live feeds, such as Artemia and rotifers. The pathogenic Vibrio alginolyticus strain V1, isolated during a vibriosis outbreak in cultured seabream, Sparus aurata, was used as host to isolate and characterize the two novel bacteriophages φSt2 and φGrn1 for phage therapy application. In vitro cell lysis experiments were performed against the bacterial host V. alginolyticus strain V1 but also against 12 presumptive Vibrio strains originating from live prey Artemia salina cultures indicating the strong lytic efficacy of the 2 phages. In vivo administration of the phage cocktail, φSt2 and φGrn1, at MOI = 100 directly on live prey A. salina cultures, led to a 93% decrease of presumptive Vibrio population after 4 h of treatment. Current study suggests that administration of φSt2 and φGrn1 to live preys could selectively reduce Vibrio load in fish hatcheries. Innovative and environmental friendly solutions against bacterial diseases are more than necessary and phage therapy is one of them.  相似文献   

The quantity of -l-fucosidase activity in human serum is determined by heredity. An individual may inherit either low, intermediate, or high serum enzyme activity. An enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent assay has been developed that can detect 0.3 ng of -l-fucosidase protein. Enzyme protein in serum of 102 individuals ranged from 20 to 835 ng/ml. The group included individuals with low, intermediate, and high enzyme activity. The specific activity of -l-fucosidase within this group was statistically the same (mean±SD=11,002±1051 U/mg). Thus, individuals with low and intermediate enzyme activity in serum had lower amounts of enzyme protein with the same specific activity as in individuals with high enzyme activity. Fucosidosis is a rare inherited disease in which -l-fucosidase activity in tissues and body fluids is low or absent. The concentrations of enzyme protein in sera of a fucosidosis patient and parents were 76, 565, and 604 ng/ml, respectively, and the specific activities of enzyme were 1316, 8938, and 8858 U/mg, respectively. Thus, the fucosidosis serum probably contained a structurally altered enzyme with reduced catalytic activity. The somewhat low specific activities in the parents suggested that their sera contained both structurally altered and normal protein.This research was supported by National Institutes of Health Grants AM 32161 and GM 31425.  相似文献   

An aprotinin sensitive serine protease was identified in the culture supernatant of the Indian strain of Leishmania donovani (MHOM/IN/1983/AG83). The protease was subsequently purified and characterized. The apparent molecular mass of the enzyme was 115 kDa in SDS-PAGE under non-reducing condition, while on reduction it showed a 56 kDa protein band indicating that the protease is a dimeric protein. The purified enzyme was optimally active at the pH and temperature of 7.5 and 28 degrees C, respectively. Assays of thermal stability indicated that the enzyme preserved 59% of activity even after pretreatment at 42 degrees C for 1 h. The purified protease was not glycosylated and its isoelectric pI was 5.0. N-alpha-p-tosyl-L-arginine methylester (TAME) appeared to be relatively better substrate among the commonly used synthetic substrates. The enzyme was inhibited by Ca(2+) and Mn(2+), but activated by Zn(2+). The protease could play important role(s) in the pathogenesis of visceral leishmaniasis or kala-azar.  相似文献   

Pulses of the prostaglandin F (PGF) metabolite 13,14-dihydro-15-keto-PGF (PGFM) and the intrapulse concentrations of progesterone were characterized hourly during the preluteolytic, luteolytic, and postluteolytic periods in seven heifers. The common hour of the end of preluteolysis and the beginning of luteolysis was based on a progressive progesterone decrease when assessed only at the peaks of successive oscillations. The end of the luteolytic period was defined as a decrease in progesterone to 1 ng/mL. Blood samples were taken hourly from 15 d after ovulation until luteal regression as determined by color-Doppler ultrasonography. Between Hours −2 and 2 (Hour 0 = PGFM peak) of the last PGFM pulse of the preluteolytic period, progesterone decreased between Hours −1 and 0, and then returned to the prepulse concentration. Concentration did not change significantly thereafter until a PGFM pulse early in the luteolytic period; progesterone decreased by Hour 0 and transiently rebounded after Hour 0, but not to the prepulse concentration. In the later portion of the luteolytic period, progesterone also decreased between Hours −1 and 0 but did not rebound. After the defined end of luteolysis, progesterone decreased slightly throughout a PGFM pulse. Results demonstrated for the first time that the patterns of progesterone concentrations within a PGFM pulse differ considerably among the preluteolytic, luteolytic, and postluteolytic periods.  相似文献   

Fabry disease is caused by deficient activity of α-galactosidase A (GLA) and characterized by systemic accumulation of glycosphingolipids, substrates of the enzyme. To gain insight into the pathogenesis of Fabry disease based on accumulated substrates, we examined the tissue and plasma distributions of globotriaosylceramide (Gb3) isoforms, and globotriaosylsphingosine (lyso-Gb3) and its analogues in a GLA knockout mouse, a model of Fabry disease, by means of liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry and nano-liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, respectively. The results revealed that the contents of these substrates in the liver, kidneys, heart, and plasma of GLA knockout mice were apparently higher than in those of wild-type ones, and organ specificity in the accumulation of Gb3 isoforms was found. Especially in the kidneys, accumulation of a large amount of Gb3 isoforms including hydroxylated residues was found. In the GLA knockout mice, the proportion of hydrophobic Gb3 isoforms was apparently higher than that in the wild-type mice. On the other hand, hydrophilic residues were abundant in plasma. Unlike that of Gb3, the concentration of lyso-Gb3 was high in the liver, and the lyso-Gb3/Gb3 ratio in plasma was significantly higher than those in the organs. The concentration of lyso-Gb3 was apparently higher than those of its analogues in the organs and plasma from both the GLA knockout and wild-type mice. This information will be useful for elucidating the basis of Fabry disease.  相似文献   

Since 1983 severe phytoplankton collapses have occurred 1–4 times every summer in the shallow and hypertrophic Lake Søbygård, which is recovering after a ten-fold decrease of the external phosphorus loading in 1982. In July 1985, for example, chlorophyll a changed from 650 µg l–1 to about 12 µg 1–1 within 3–5 days. Simultaneously, oxygen concentration dropped from 20–25 mg O2l–1 to less than 1 mg O2l–1, and pH decreased from 10.7 to 8.9. Less than 10 days later the phytoplankton biomass had fully recovered. During all phytoplankton collapses the density of filter-feeding zooplankton increased markedly, and a clear-water period followed. Due to marked changes in age structure of the fish stock, different zooplankton species were responsible for the density increase in different years, and consequently different collapse patterns and frequencies were observed.The sudden increase in density of filter-feeding zooplankton from a generally low summer level to extremely high levels during algae collapses, which occurred three times from July 1984 to June 1986, could neither be explained by changes in regulation from below (food) nor from above (predation). The density increase was found after a period with high N/P ratios in phytoplankton or nitrate depletion in the lake. During that period phytoplankton biomass, primary production and thus pH decreased, the latter from 10.8–11.0 to 10.5. We hypothesize that direct or indirect effects of high pH are important in controlling the filter-feeding zooplankton in this hypertrophic lake. Secondarily, this situation affects the trophic interactions in the lake water and the net internal loading of nutrients. Consequently, not only a high content of planktivorous fish but also a high pH may promote uncoupling of the grazing food-web in highly eutrophic shallow lakes, and thereby enhance eutrophication.A tentative model is presented for the occurrence of collapses, and their pattern in hypertrophic lakes with various fish densities.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1) regulates the cell cycle and the differentiation of mesenchymal cells into smooth muscle cells (SMCs). However, the precise intracellular signaling pathways involved in these processes have not been fully clarified. It has also been shown that there is an increase in TGF-β1 expression in human atherosclerotic plaques. Furthermore, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) and their agonists have recently gained more attention in the study of the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. In this study, we examined the role of PPARs in the TGF-β1-mediated cell cycle control and SMC phenotypic modulation of C3H10T1/2 (10T1/2) mesenchymal cells. The results showed the following: (1) the PI3K/Akt/p70S6K signaling cascade is involved in TGF-β1-induced differentiation of 10T1/2 cells into cells with a SMC phenotype. (2) PPAR-α agonists (i.e., WY14,643 and clofibrate), but not a PPAR-δ/β agonist (GW501516) or PPAR-γ agonist (troglitazone), inhibit TGF-β1-induced SMC markers and the DNA binding activity of serum response factor (SRF) in 10T1/2 cells. (3) WY14,643 and clofibrate inhibit the TGF-β1 activation of the Smad3/Akt/P70S6K signaling cascade. (4) TGF-β1-induced cell cycle arrest at the G0/G1 phases is mediated by Smad3 in 10T1/2 cells. (5) The PPAR-α-mediated 10T1/2 cell cycle arrest at the G0/G1 phases is TGF-β receptor independent. These results suggest that PPAR-α mediates cell cycle control and TGF-β1-induced SMC phenotypic changes in 10T1/2 cells.  相似文献   

A commercial preparation of Bacillus thuringiensis (Dipel) and its β-exotoxin were assayed alone and in combination against neonate (3- to 6-hr-old) fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda, larvae using a microdroplet technique. Positive dosage-mortality response curves were determined for each agent. Combination bioassays were then conducted using dosages based on these curves. Presence or absence of interactions was determined by comparing mortality levels from the combination assays with expected mortality levels using single degree of freedom χ2 tests. Synergism occurred in 14 of 18 combinations of B. thuringiensis and β-exotoxin tested. Four combinations, all of which contained low individual dosages, exhibited additivity of effects. Maximum deviation of observed from expected mortality occurred at the combination of LC30 for B. thuringiensis plus LC30 for β-exotoxin (observed = 100%, expected = 51%). The data suggested that both agents were contributing to the synergism in this system, but that B. thuringiensis was a slightly stronger synergist than β-exotoxin.  相似文献   

ObjectivesThis study represents the first reported outcomes for patients with advanced ovarian cancer (AOC) in South-West Wales undergoing treatment with primary debulking surgery or primary chemotherapy respectively.MethodsThis is a retrospective study of consecutive, unselected patients with advanced ovarian, fallopian tube or primary peritoneal cancer (FIGO III/IV) presenting to a regional cancer centre between October 2007 and October 2014. Patients were identified from Welsh Cancer Services records and relevant data was extracted from electronic National Health Service (NHS) databases. Main outcome measures were median overall survival (OS), progression free survival (PFS) and perioperative adverse events. Hazard ratio estimation was carried out with Cox Regression analysis and survival determined by Kaplan-Meier plots.ResultsOf 220 women with AOC, 32.3% underwent primary debulking surgery (PDS) and 67.7% primary chemotherapy and interval debulking (PCT-IDS). Patients were often elderly (median age 67 years) with a poor performance status (26.5% PS >1). Complete cytoreduction (0 cm residual) was achieved in 32.4% of patients in the PDS group and in 50.0% of patients undergoing IDS. Median OS for all patients was 21.9 months (PDS: 27.0 and PCT-IDS: 19.2 months; p > 0.05) and median PFS was 13.1 months (PDS: 14.3 months and PCT-IDS: 13.0 months; p > 0.05). Median overall and progression free survival for patients achieving complete cytoreduction were 48.0 and 23.2 months respectively in the PDS group and 35.4 months and 18.6 months in the IDS group (p > 0.05).ConclusionThis retrospective study of an unselected, consecutive cohort of women with AOC in South West Wales shows comparable survival outcomes with recently published trials, despite the relatively advanced age and poor performance status of our patient cohort. Over the seven-year study period, our data also demonstrated a non-significant trend towards improved survival following primary surgery in patients who achieved maximal cytoreduction. Our future aim therefore is to examine and develop the role of extended surgery in these patients.  相似文献   

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