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The discovery of catalytic RNA has revolutionised modern molecular biology and bears important implications for the origin of Life research. Catalytic RNA, in particular self-replicating RNA, prompted the hypothesis of an early “RNA world” where RNA molecules played all major roles such information storage and catalysis. The actual role of RNA as primary actor in the origin of life has been under debate for a long time, with a particular emphasis on possible pathways to the prebiotic synthesis of mononucleotides; their polymerization and the possibility of spontaneous emergence of catalytic RNAs synthesised under plausible prebiotic conditions. However, little emphasis has been put on the chemical reality of an RNA world; in particular concerning the chemical constrains that such scenario should have met to be feasible. This paper intends to address those concerns with regard to the achievement of high local RNA molecules concentration and the aetiology of unique sequence under plausible prebiotic conditions. Presented at: International School of Complexity – 4th Course: Basic Questions on the Origins of Life; “Ettore Majorana” Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture, Erice, Italy, 1–6 October 2006.  相似文献   

Viruses and cells co-evolve due to the parasitic nature of viruses. Yet there are no models suggesting how the unicellular organisms and their viruses might co-evolve structurally. Here, in this study, we plunge into this unexplored field from a wide perspective and try to describe some of the intriguing ways in which viruses may have shaped the cellular life forms on the ancient Earth. At first we propose a scenario where viruses act as a driving force in the emergence of bacterial cell walls by providing favorable intermediates for the otherwise improbable steps in the cell wall generation. We also discuss the role of viruses in the evolution of cell surface components such as receptors and second membranes. Finally we focus on hypothetical proto-viruses, the selfish abusers of the RNA-world, in explaining some of the very early stages in the origin and evolution of life. Proto-viruses may be responsible for creating the first true cells in order to support their selfish needs. In this model we also suggest a logical pathway to explaining the emergence of modern viruses.  相似文献   

The RNA world hypothesis refers to a hypothetical era prior to coded peptide synthesis, where RNA was the major structural, genetic, and catalytic agent. Though it is a widely accepted scenario, a number of vexing difficulties remain. In this review we focus on a missing link of the RNA world hypothesis—primitive miniribozymes, in particular ligases, and discuss the role of these molecules in the evolution of RNA size and complexity. We argue that prebiotic conditions associated with freezing, rather than “warm and wet” conditions, could have been of key importance in the early RNA world.[Reviewing Editor: Dr. Niles Lehman]  相似文献   



While the RNA world hypothesis is widely accepted, it is still far from complete: the existence of self-replicating ribozyme, consisting of potentially hundreds of nucleotides, is a core assumption for the majority of RNA world models. The appearance of such long RNA molecules under prebiotic conditions is not self-evident. Recombination seems to be a plausible way of creating RNA diversity, resulting in the appearance of functional RNAs, capable of self-replicating.


We report here on the study of recombination process modelled with two 96 nts RNA fragments. Detection of recombination products was performed with RT-PCR followed by TA-cloning and Sanger sequencing.


A wide range of recombinant products was detected. We found that (i) the most efficient ligation was observed for RNA species forming bulges or internal loops, with ligation partners located within the loop; (ii) a strong preference was observed for formation of a few types of major products with a large variety of minor products; (iii) ligation could occur with participation of either 2′,3′-cyclophosphate or 5′-ppp; (iv) the presence of key reaction components, i.e. 5′ppp-RNAs, enabled the formation of additional types of product; (v) molecular dynamics simulations of one of the most abundant products suggests that the ligation results in a preferable formation of 2′-5′- rather than 3′-5′-linkages.


The study demonstrates regularities of new RNA molecules formation with non-enzymatic recombination process.

General significance

Our findings provide new data supporting the RNA World hypothesis and show the way of new RNA sequences emergence under prebiotic conditions.  相似文献   

A highly complex RNA world, as is sometimes presented in view of the widespread and diversified use of RNA enzymes, would have encountered many difficulties in passing to a world with catalysis mediated by proteins. These difficulties can be overcome by postulating a very early relationship between the nucleotide and the amino acid components. In particular, after asserting that some characteristics expressed by (nucleotide) coenzymes in catalysis are easier to understand if a close and early relationship between these coenzymes and amino acids is hypothesized, a model is presented for the origin of the enzyme–coenzyme complex. This model is essentially based on an intermediate formed by a tRNA-like molecule covalently linked to a polypeptide. The model attributes the majority of the catalytic role in the ribonucleoprotein world to the latter complex and thus it takes into account the birth of the key intermediate in the origin of protein synthesis—namely, peptidyl-tRNA, which would have otherwise been extremely difficult to select. The predictions of the model are discussed along with its robustness, using the data derived from the study of intermediary metabolism and those from molecular biology. Finally, the appearance of the genetic code in the late phase of the ribonucleopeptide world is discussed. Received: 13 January 1997 / Accepted: 25 July 1997  相似文献   

A possible circular RNA at the origin of life   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The increasing volume of sequenced genomes and the recent techniques for performing in vitro molecular evolution have rekindled the interest for questions on the origin of life. Nevertheless, a gap continues to exist between the research on prebiotic chemistry and molecule generation, on one hand, and the study of molecular fossils preserved in genomes, on the other. Here we attempt to fill this gap by using some assumptions about the prebiotic scenario (including a strong stereochemical basis for the genetic code) to determine the RNA sequences more likely to appear and subsist. A set of minimal RNA rings is exhaustively determined; a subset of them is then selected through stability arguments, and a particular ring ("AL ring") is finally singled out as the most likely winner of this prebiotic game. The rings happen to have several structural and statistical properties of modern genes: a repeated AUG codon appears spontaneously (and is thus made available for becoming a start signal), the form AUG/STOP emerges, and frequency patterns resemble those of present genes. The whole set of rings was also compared to a database of tRNAs, considering the conserved positions (located in the free parts of the molecule, essentially the loops); the ring that most closely matched tRNA sequences-and matched, in fact, the consensus of tRNA at all the aligned positions-was AL, the same ring independently selected before. The unselected emergence of gene-like features through two simple selection steps and the close similarity between the finally selected ring and tRNA (including some remarkable features of the resulting alignment) suggest a possible link between the prebiotic world and the first biological molecules, which is amenable for experimental testing. Even if our scenario is partially wrong, the unlikely coincidences should provide useful hints for other efforts.  相似文献   

Abstract: The evolution of a deoxyribonucleotide synthesizing ribonucleotide reductase might have initiated the transition from the ancient RNA world into the prevailing DNA world. At least five classes of ribonucleotide reductases have evolved. The ancient enzyme has not been identified. A reconstruction of the first ribonucleotide reductase requires knowledge of contemporary enzymes and of microbial evolution. Experimental work on the former focuses on few organisms, whereas the latter is now well understood on the basis of ribosomal RNA sequences. Deoxyribonucleotide formation has not been investigated in many evolutionary important microorganisms. This review covers our knowledge on deoxyribonucleotide synthesis in microorganisms and the distribution of ribonucleotide reductases in nature. Ecological constraints on enzyme evolution and knowledge deficiencies emerge from complete coverage of the phylogenetic groups.  相似文献   

This paper develops Belozersky’s early idea of the precedence of RNA in the origin of life on the Earth. Based on the current knowledge of the functional omnipotence of RNA, three new mechanisms are considered that could be critical for the origin and evolution of the ancient RNA world: (1) the reaction of spontaneous transesterification of polyribonucleotides in aqueous media, which has been recently discovered by A.B. Chetverin and colleagues and could result in elongation of short initial oligoribonucleotides and generate sequence variants for further selection; (2) compartmentation of functional RNA ensembles in the form of mixed molecular colonies on moist mineral surfaces, in the absence of membranes and other envelopes; and (3) systematic exponential enrichment of an RNA population with “ functionally the best” molecules due to alternating dissolution of the colonies upon flooding and formation of new colonies upon drying in ancient pools (“primordial natural SELEX”).__________Translated from Molekulyarnaya Biologiya, Vol. 39, No. 4, 2005, pp. 550–556.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Spirin.  相似文献   

Summary The ribosome is proposed to have evolved from an earlier RNA-replisome, which synthesized RNA. Ancestral tRNA molecules originally were loaded with trinucleotide sequences and donated them to growing RNA chains. The enzymatic addition of the C-C-A trinucleotide to presentday transfer RNA molecules is a carryover from this function. The strategies of reading RNA sequences by triplet codons and of housing information genetically in special repository molecules predates the origin of protein and DNA. These latter two polymers arose together at the time when the RNA replisome was converted to a ribosome.  相似文献   

It is now generally accepted that our familiar biological worldwas preceded by an RNA world in which ribosome-catalyzed, nucleic-acid coded protein synthesis played no part. If the RNAworld was the first biological world there is little that one canlearn from biochemistry about prebiotic chemistry, except that the formation and polymerization of nucleotides were once prebiotic processes. If the RNA world was not the first biological world, the above conclusion may not be justified, andone can speculate that the monomers of earlier genetic polymers might be recognizable as important biochemicals. This suggests that the construction of replicating polymers from simple, not necessarily standard, aminoacids should be explored.  相似文献   

In this paper we are going to present a model for the coevolution of major components of the protein synthesis machinery in a primordial RNA world. We propose that the essential prerequisites for RNA-based protein synthesis, i.e., tRNA-like molecules, ribozymic charging catalysts, small-subunit(SSU) rRNA, and large-subunit(LSU) rRNA, evolved from the same ancestral RNA molecule. Several arguments are considered which suggest that tRNA-like molecules were derived by tandem joining of template-flanking hairpin structures involved in replication control. It is further argued that the ancestors of contemporary group I tRNA introns catalyzed such hairpin joining reactions, themselves also giving rise to the ribosomal RNAs. Our model includes a general stereochemical principle for the interaction between ribozymes and hairpin-derived recognition structures, which can be applied to such seemingly different processes as RNA polymerization, aminoacylation, tRNA decoding, and peptidyl transfer, implicating a common origin for these fundamental functions. These and other considerations suggest that generation and evolution of tRNA were coupled to the evolution of synthetases, ribosomal RNAs, and introns from the beginning and have been a consequence arising from the original function of tRNA precursor hairpins as replication and recombination control elements. Correspondence to: T.P. Dick  相似文献   

Relics from the RNA World   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An RNA world is widely accepted as a probable stage in the early evolution of life. Two implications are that proteins have gradually replaced RNA as the main biological catalysts and that RNA has not taken on any major de novo catalytic function after the evolution of protein synthesis, that is, there is an essentially irreversible series of steps RNA → RNP → protein. This transition, as expected from a consideration of catalytic perfection, is essentially complete for reactions when the substrates are small molecules. Based on these principles we derive criteria for identifying RNAs in modern organisms that are relics from the RNA world and then examine the function and phylogenetic distribution of RNA for such remnants of the RNA world. This allows an estimate of the minimum complexity of the last ribo-organism—the stage just preceding the advent of genetically encoded protein synthesis. Despite the constraints placed on its size by a low fidelity of replication (the Eigen limit), we conclude that the genome of this organism reached a considerable level of complexity that included several RNA-processing steps. It would include a large protoribosome with many smaller RNAs involved in its assembly, pre-tRNAs and tRNA processing, an ability for recombination of RNA, some RNA editing, an ability to copy to the end of each RNA strand, and some transport functions. It is harder to recognize specific metabolic reactions that must have existed but synthetic and bio-energetic functions would be necessary. Overall, this requires that such an organism maintained a multiple copy, double-stranded linear RNA genome capable of recombination and splicing. The genome was most likely fragmented, allowing each ``chromosome' to be replicated with minimum error, that is, within the Eigen limit. The model as developed serves as an outgroup to root the tree of life and is an alternative to using sequence data for inferring properties of the earliest cells. Received: 14 January 1997 / Accepted: 19 May 1997  相似文献   

Novel ribozymes produced by in vitro selection techniques provide insights into the possible mechanisms of protein synthesis evolution. The availability of such ribozymes also paves the way for experiments to explore the evolution of RNA–protein enzymes.  相似文献   

The roads to and from the RNA world   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The historical existence of the RNA world, in which early life used RNA for both genetic information and catalytic ability, is widely accepted. However, there has been little discussion of whether protein synthesis arose before DNA or what preceded the RNA world (i.e. the pre-RNA world). We outline arguments of what route life may have taken out of the RNA world: whether DNA or protein followed. Metabolic arguments favor the possibility that RNA genomes preceded the use of DNA as the informational macromolecule. However, the opposite can also be argued based on the enhanced stability, reactivity, and solubility of 2-deoxyribose as compared to ribose. The possibility that DNA may have come before RNA is discussed, although it is a less parsimonious explanation than DNA following RNA.  相似文献   

Gwiazda S  Salomon K  Appel B  Müller S 《Biochimie》2012,94(7):1457-1463
The RNA-world-theory is one possible explanation of how life on earth has evolved. In this context it is of high interest to search for molecular systems, capable of self-organization into structures with increasing complexity. We have engineered a simple catalytic system in which two short RNA molecules can catalyze their own ligation to form a larger RNA construct. The system is based on the hairpin ribozyme using a 2',3'-cyclophosphate as activated species for ligation. 2',3'-cyclic phosphates can be easily formed and occur in many natural systems, thus being superior candidates for activated building blocks in RNA world scenarios.  相似文献   

The Path from the RNA World   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We describe a sequential (step by step) Darwinian model for the evolution of life from the late stages of the RNA world through to the emergence of eukaryotes and prokaryotes. The starting point is our model, derived from current RNA activity, of the RNA world just prior to the advent of genetically-encoded protein synthesis. By focusing on the function of the protoribosome we develop a plausible model for the evolution of a protein-synthesizing ribosome from a high-fidelity RNA polymerase that incorporated triplets of oligonucleotides. With the standard assumption that during the evolution of enzymatic activity, catalysis is transferred from RNA → RNP → protein, the first proteins in the ``breakthrough organism' (the first to have encoded protein synthesis) would be nonspecific chaperone-like proteins rather than catalytic. Moreover, because some RNA molecules that pre-date protein synthesis under this model now occur as introns in some of the very earliest proteins, the model predicts these particular introns are older than the exons surrounding them, the ``introns-first' theory. Many features of the model for the genome organization in the final RNA world ribo-organism are more prevalent in the eukaryotic genome and we suggest that the prokaryotic genome organization (a single, circular genome with one center of replication) was derived from a ``eukaryotic-like' genome organization (a fragmented linear genome with multiple centers of replication). The steps from the proposed ribo-organism RNA genome → eukaryotic-like DNA genome → prokaryotic-like DNA genome are all relatively straightforward, whereas the transition prokaryotic-like genome → eukaryotic-like genome appears impossible under a Darwinian mechanism of evolution, given the assumption of the transition RNA → RNP → protein. A likely molecular mechanism, ``plasmid transfer,' is available for the origin of prokaryotic-type genomes from an eukaryotic-like architecture. Under this model prokaryotes are considered specialized and derived with reduced dependence on ssRNA biochemistry. A functional explanation is that prokaryote ancestors underwent selection for thermophily (high temperature) and/or for rapid reproduction (r selection) at least once in their history. Received: 14 January 1997 / Accepted: 19 May 1997  相似文献   

I propose a hypothesis on the origin of chiral homogeneity of bio-molecules based on chiral catalysis. The first chiral active centre may have formed on the surface of complexes comprising metal ions, amino acids, other coenzymes and oligomers (short RNAs). The complexes must have been dominated by short RNAs capable of self-reproduction with ligation. Most of the first complexes may have catalysed the production of nucleotides. A basic assumption is that such complexes can be assembled from their components almost freely, in a huge variety of combinations. This assumption implies that “a few” components can constitute “a huge” number of active centre types. Moreover, an experiment is proposed to test the performance of such complexes in vitro.If the complexes were built up freely from their elements, then Darwinian evolution would operate on the assembly mechanism of complexes. For the production of complexes, first their parts had to appear by forming a proper three-dimensional structure. Three possible re-building mechanisms of the proper geometric structure of complexes are proposed. First, the integration of RNA parts of complexes was assisted presumably by a pre-intron. Second, the binding of RNA parts of a complex may give rise to a “polluted” RNA world. Third, the pairing of short RNA parts and their geometric conformation may have been supported by a pre-genetic code.Finally, an evolutionary step-by-step scenario of the origin of homochirality and a “polluted” RNA world is also introduced based on the proposed combinatorial complex chemistry. Homochirality is evolved by Darwinian selection whenever the efficiency of the reflexive autocatalysis of a dynamical combinatorial library increases with the homochirality of the active centres of reactions cascades and the homochirality of the elements of the dynamical combinatorial library. Moreover, the potential importance of phospholipid membrane is also discussed.  相似文献   

Tamura K 《Bio Systems》2008,92(1):91-98
The origin of homochirality of l-amino acids has long been a mystery. Aminoacylation of tRNA might have provided chiral selectivity, since it is the first process encountered by amino acids and RNA. An RNA minihelix (progenitor of the modern tRNA) was aminoacylated by an aminoacyl phosphate oligonucleotide that exhibited a clear preference for l- as opposed to d-amino acids. A mirror-image RNA system with l-ribose exhibited the opposite selectivity, i.e., it exhibited an apparent preference for the d-amino acid. The selectivity for l-amino acids is based on the stereochemistry of RNA. The side chain of d-amino acids is located much closer to the terminal adenosine of the minihelix, causing them collide and interfere during the amino acid-transfer step. These results suggest that the putative RNA world that preceded the protein theatre determined the homochirality of l-amino acids through tRNA aminoacylation.  相似文献   

The results of a detailed bioinformatic search for ribonucleotidyl coenzyme biosynthetic sequences in DNA- and RNA viral genomes are presented. No RNA viral genome sequence available as of April 2011 appears to encode for sequences involved in coenzyme biosynthesis. In both single- and double-stranded DNA viruses a diverse array of coenzyme biosynthetic genes has been identified, but none of the viral genomes examined here encodes for a complete pathway. Although our conclusions may be constrained by the unexplored diversity of viral genomes and the biases in the construction of viral genome databases, our results do not support the possibility that RNA viruses are direct holdovers from an ancient RNA/protein world. Extrapolation of our results to evolutionary epochs prior to the emergence of DNA genomes suggest that during those early stages living entities may have depended on discontinuous genetic systems consisting of multiple small-size RNA sequences.  相似文献   

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