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Four-photon coherent scattering of laser radiation was used to study the influence of DNA on the content of quasi-free ortho and para isomers of water molecules in its aqueous solution. It was shown that the concentration of quasi-free molecules that form the rotational spectrum of spin isomers increases considerably in the hydration shell of the DNA molecule as compared with pure water. The increase in the concentration of spin isomers occurs disproportionally. In the presence of DNA, the intensity of the rotational spectrum of ortho isomers is on the average much greater than that of para isomers. It was also demonstrated that the character of hydration and the ortho/para ratio change noticeably upon DNA denaturation, which may be evidence of changes in preferable solvation of DNA during its denaturation. The data obtained allowed us to assume that the stability of different biologically important states of macromolecules can be changed by varying the relative concentration of water spin isomers in solution.  相似文献   

K X Chen  N Gresh  B Pullman 《FEBS letters》1987,224(2):361-364
Theoretical quantitative evaluation of the intercalative binding to DNA of the new antitumor drug 9-aminoacridine-4-carboxamide indicates that, in contradiction with a recently proposed model, the compound should show specificity for interaction with the major (and not minor) groove of GC sequences.  相似文献   

Time resolved x-ray solution scattering measurements were made during thermal denaturation of DNA from various sources in the temperature range of 20-90 degrees C. Preliminary results on the influence of fragment length, ionic strength, and origin of the DNA on the time course of the scattering are described. Interpretation is based on model calculations of the scattering patterns. The results indicate that, for long DNA fragments at very low ionic strength, the melting process is a continuous phenomenon over the whole temperature range. It is accompanied by a progressive decrease of the radius of gyration of the cross section and of the mass per unit length. For short fragments of 146 base pair nucleosomal core DNA, stiffening of the DNA appears to precede a sharp melting transition.  相似文献   

Anomalous diffraction with soft X-ray synchrotron radiation opens new possibilities in protein crystallography and materials science. Low-Z elements like silicon, phosphorus, sulfur and chlorine become accessible as new labels in structural studies. Some of the heavy elements like uranium exhibit an unusually strong dispersion at their M(V) absorption edge (lambdaMV = 3.497 A, E(MV) = 3545 eV) and so does thorium. Two different test experiments are reported here showing the feasibility of anomalous X-ray diffraction at long wavelengths with a protein containing uranium and with a salt containing chlorine atoms. With 110 electrons the anomalous scattering amplitude of uranium exceeds by a factor of 4 the resonance scattering of other strong anomalous scatterers like that of the lanthanides at their L(III) edge. The resulting exceptional phasing power of uranium is most attractive in protein crystallography using the multi-wavelength anomalous diffraction (MAD) method. The anomalous dispersion of an uranium derivative of asparaginyl-tRNA synthetase (hexagonal unit cell; a = 123.4 A, c = 124.4 A) has been measured for the first time at 4 wavelengths near the M(V) edge using the beamline ID1 of ESRF (Grenoble, France). The present set up allowed to measure only 30% of the possible reflections at a resolution of 4 A, mainly because of the low sensitivity of the CCD detector. In the second experiment, the dispersion of the intensity of 5 X-ray diffraction peaks from pentakismethylammonium undecachlorodibismuthate (PMACB, orthorhombic unit cell; a = 13.003 A, b = 14.038 A, c = 15.450 A) has been measured at 30 wavelengths near the K absorption edge of chlorine (lambdaK = 4.397 A, EK= 2819.6 eV). All reflections within the resolution range from 6.4 A to 3.4 A expected in the 20 degree scan were observed. The chemical state varies between different chlorine atoms of PMACB, and so does the dispersion of different Bragg peaks near the K-edge of chlorine. The results reflect the performance of the beamline ID1 of ESRF at wavelengths beyond 3 A at the end of 1998. A gain by a factor 100 for diffraction experiments with 4.4 A photons was achieved in Autumn 1999 when two focusing mirrors had been added to the X-ray optics. Further progress is expected from area detectors more sensitive to soft X-rays. Both CCD detectors and image plates would provide a gain of two orders of measured intensity. Image plates would have the additional advantage that they can be bent cylindrically and thus cover a larger solid angle in reciprocal space. In many cases, samples need to be cooled: closed and open systems are presented. A comparison with the state of art of soft X-ray diffraction, as it had been reached at HASYLAB (Hamburg, Germany), and as it is developing at the Brookhaven National Laboratory (USA), is given.  相似文献   

Hydrophobic interaction of small molecules with alpha-chymotrypsin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
R N Smith  C Hansch 《Biochemistry》1973,12(24):4924-4937

The electronic environment of nitrogen in nucleic acid bases, nucleotides, polynucleotides and DNA has been studied, for the first time using X-Ray Absorption Near-Edge Spectroscopy (XANES). Generally, the spectra of these complex molecules consist of low energy bands corresponding to 1s-->pi* transitions and high energy bands corresponding to 1s-->sigma* transition, as illustrated using several nitrogen model compounds. The 1s-->pi* transitions show particular sensitivity to the chemical environment of the nitrogen. Oxygen substitution on ring carbon atoms generally results in a significant blue shift of the lowest 1s-->pi* bands while halogen substitution results in a small blue shift. These observations illustrate the significance of the disturbance of the aromatic ring system produced by exocyclic carbonyl groups. Direct substitution on the nitrogen frequently results in significant spectral perturbations. Differences between the spectra of the polynucleotides and the sums of spectra of the individual nucleotides point to the effects of hydrogen-bonding in complementary double-helix structures. The XANES spectrum of a DNA sample with a known ratio of the polynucleotides is equivalent to the weighted sum of the spectra of individual polynucleotides, indicating that the difference in base stacking interactions produces negligible spectral effects. The variability of nitrogen K-edge spectra in these samples and in protein may be useful for chemically specific imaging using X-ray microscopes.  相似文献   

The interaction forces between a platinum dichloride complex and DNA molecules have been studied using atomic force microscopy (AFM). The platinum dichloride complex, di-dimethylsulfoxide-dichloroplatinum (II) (Pt(DMSO)2Cl2), was immobilized on an AFM probe by coordinating the platinum to two amino groups to form a complex similar to Pt(en)Cl2, which is structurally similar to cisplatin. The retraction forces were measured between the platinum complex and DNA molecules immobilized on mica plates using force curve measurements. The histogram of the retraction force for λ-DNA showed several peaks; the unit retraction force was estimated to be 130 pN for a pulling rate of 60 nm/s. The retraction forces were also measured separately for four single-base DNA oligomers (adenine, guanine, thymine, and cytosine). Retraction forces were frequently observed in the force curves for the DNA oligomers of guanine and adenine. For the guanine DNA oligomer, the most frequent retraction force was slightly lower than but very similar to the retraction force for λ-DNA. A higher retraction force was obtained for the adenine DNA oligomer than for the guanine oligomer. This result is consistent with a higher retraction activation energy of adenine with the Pt complex being than that of guanine because the kinetic rate constant for retraction correlates to exp(FΔx – ΔE) where ΔE is an activation energy, F is an applied force, and Δx is a displacement of distance.  相似文献   

Colchicine (7.5 X 10-6M or 3.3 X 10-5M) was incubated at pH 7.0, 10.0, or 12.0 with high-molecular DNA from salmon sperm (7 X 10-5M or 3.5 X 10-5M DNA-P) at 40 degrees C. Interaction was monitored by UV spectrophotometry; Amax/Amin ratios, difference and additive spectra, and the quantity of colchicine bound to DNA were presented as functions of time, ionic strength and DNA concentration. Using NMR techniques, delta deltav 1/2/deltac values, chemical shifts and half-line widths of colchicine protons were analyzed as a function of the DNA/colchicine ratio, thus proving the interaction between alkaloid and DNA. An intercalation of the tropolone moiety of colchicine between the nitrogenous bases of DNA is suggested.  相似文献   

The interaction of the amino terminal half-molecule of histone H4 with duplex DNA has been studied by fiber x-ray diffraction. Changes induced in the diffraction pattern of B-DNA by the presence of the bound peptide have been Fourier-analyzed and the results presented in terms of a deweighted radial projection of the electron density. We conclude that the peptide binds on the major groove side of the sugar–phosphate chain.  相似文献   

The structure of the DNA region in rat thymus nucleosome core particle has been studied by synchrotron X-ray scattering analysis and the contrast-variation technique has been applied to determine the contribution of the DNA to the total scatterings. Small-angle contrast-matching measurements show that the entire core particle and isolated histone octamers are contrast-matched by solvents containing 64 and 54% (w/w) sucrose, respectively. At a contrast of 54% sucrose, where the scattering of the DNA dominates, the scattering data extending to higher angle of about 0.05 A-1 have been collected from relatively concentrated solutions (10 mg/ml) of core particles and interpreted on the basis of the regular helical model for the DNA region. The model calculations show that the shape of the DNA around the histone core is approximately by 1.8 turns of regular helix of 42 A radius and 28 A pitch. These values for helical parameters of our model are in good agreement with those of the structure of DNA in crystallized nucleosome cores shown by earlier diffraction studies.  相似文献   

An electrochemical model has been used to study the reductive activation of the hypoxic cell cytotoxin tirapazamine (TPZ, 3-amino-1,2,4-benzotriazine-1,4-dioxide). Cyclic voltammetry and controlled potential electrolysis have been used to generate and study the 1-electron reduction product, the assumed biologically active species. Cyclic voltammetry of tirapazamine in dimethylformamide shows a quasi-reversible 1-electron reduction with the product showing a tendency to participate in a following chemical reaction. Controlled potential electrolysis to generate the 1-electron reduction product was unsuccessful due to the formation of a new redox-active species at less negative reduction potentials. However, the cyclic voltammetry of tirapazamine in the presence of E. coli DNA shows a decrease in the lifetime of the radical anion, signifying direct interaction with the DNA. The radical lifetime also decreased in the presence of adenine, thymine and guanine, but increased upon addition of cytosine and ribose. The study shows that cyclic voltammetry is an extremely useful tool for investigating the interaction between bio-reductive drugs and biological target molecules.  相似文献   

An electrochemical model has been used to study the reductive activation of the hypoxic cell cytotoxin tirapazamine (TPZ, 3-amino-1,2,4-benzotriazine-1,4-dioxide). Cyclic voltammetry and controlled potential electrolysis have been used to generate and study the 1-electron reduction product, the assumed biologically active species. Cyclic voltammetry of tirapazamine in dimethylformamide shows a quasi-reversible 1-electron reduction with the product showing a tendency to participate in a following chemical reaction. Controlled potential electrolysis to generate the 1-electron reduction product was unsuccessful due to the formation of a new redox-active species at less negative reduction potentials. However, the cyclic voltammetry of tirapazamine in the presence of E. coli DNA shows a decrease in the lifetime of the radical anion, signifying direct interaction with the DNA. The radical lifetime also decreased in the presence of adenine, thymine and guanine, but increased upon addition of cytosine and ribose. The study shows that cyclic voltammetry is an extremely useful tool for investigating the interaction between bio-reductive drugs and biological target molecules.  相似文献   

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