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Mutualistic bacteria can alter plant phenotypes and confer new abilities to plants. Some plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) are known to improve both plant growth and tolerance to multiple stresses, including drought, but reports on their effects on plant survival under severe water deficits are scarce. We investigated the effect of Phyllobacterium brassicacearum STM196 strain, a PGPR isolated from the rhizosphere of oilseed rape, on survival, growth and physiological responses of Arabidopsis thaliana to severe water deficits combining destructive and non-destructive high-throughput phenotyping. Soil inoculation with STM196 greatly increased the survival rate of A. thaliana under several scenarios of severe water deficit. Photosystem II efficiency, assessed at the whole-plant level by high-throughput fluorescence imaging (F v/F m), was related to the probability of survival and revealed that STM196 delayed plant mortality. Inoculated surviving plants tolerated more damages to the photosynthetic tissues through a delayed dehydration and a better tolerance to low water status. Importantly, STM196 allowed a better recovery of plant growth after rewatering and stressed plants reached a similar biomass at flowering than non-stressed plants. Our results highlight the importance of plant-bacteria interactions in plant responses to severe drought and provide a new avenue of investigations to improve drought tolerance in agriculture.  相似文献   

The ubiquitin pathway is required for innate immunity in Arabidopsis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Plant defences require a multitude of tightly regulated resistance responses. In Arabidopsis, the unique gain-of-function mutant suppressor of npr1-1 constitutive 1 ( snc1 ) carries a point mutation in a Resistance ( R )-gene, resulting in constitutive activation of defence responses without interaction with pathogens. This has allowed us to identify various downstream signalling components essential in multiple defence pathways. One mutant that suppresses snc1 -mediated constitutive resistance is modifier of snc1 5 ( mos5 ), which carries a 15-bp deletion in UBA1 , one of two ubiquitin-activating enzyme genes in Arabidopsis. A mutation in UBA2 does not suppress snc1 , suggesting that these two genes are not equally required in Arabidopsis disease resistance. On the other hand, a mos5 uba2 double mutant is lethal, implying partial redundancy of the two homologues. Apart from affecting snc1 -mediated resistance, mos5 also exhibits enhanced disease susceptibility to a virulent pathogen and is impaired in response to infection with avirulent bacteria carrying the protease elicitor AvrRpt2. The mos5 mutation in the C-terminus of UBA1 might affect binding affinity of the downstream ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes, thus perturbing ubiquitination of target proteins. Furthermore, SGT1b and RAR1, which are necessary for resistance conferred by the SNC1 -related R -genes RPP4 and RPP5 , are dispensable in snc1 -mediated resistance. Our data reveal the definite requirement for the ubiquitination pathway in the activation and downstream signalling of several R-proteins.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylglycerol (PG) is an indispensable lipid class in photosynthetic activity. However, the importance of PG biosynthesis in non-photosynthetic organs remains elusive. We previously identified phosphatidylglycerophosphate phosphatase 1 (PGPP1), which catalyzes the last step of PG biosynthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana. In the present report, we noted considerably shorter roots of the pgpp1-1 mutant compared to the wild type. We observed defective order of columella cells in the root apices, which was complemented by introducing the wild-type PGPP1 gene. Although PGPP1 is chloroplast-localized in leaf mesophyll cells, we observed mitochondrial localization of PGPP1 in root cells, suggesting possible dual targeting of PGPP1. Moreover, we identified previously uncharacterized 2 protein tyrosine phosphatase-like proteins as functional PGPPs. These proteins, designated PTPMT1 and PTPMT2, complemented growth and lipid phenotypes of Δgep4, a Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutant of PGPP. The ptpmt1-1 ptpmt2-1 exhibited no visible phenotype; however, the pgpp1-1 ptpmt1-1 ptpmt2-1 significantly enhanced the root phenotype of pgpp1-1 without further affecting the photosynthesis, suggesting that these newly found PGPPs are involved in the root phenotype. Radiolabeling experiment of mutant roots showed that decreased PG biosynthesis is associated with the mutation of PGPP1. These results suggest that PG biosynthesis is required for the root growth.  相似文献   

Although the columella cells of the root cap have been identified as the site of gravity perception, the cellular events that mediate gravity signaling remain poorly understood. To determine if cytoplasmic and/or wall pH mediates the initial stages of root gravitropism, we combined a novel cell wall pH sensor (a cellulose binding domain peptide-Oregon green conjugate) and a cytoplasmic pH sensor (plants expressing pH-sensitive green fluorescent protein) to monitor pH dynamics throughout the graviresponding Arabidopsis root. The root cap apoplast acidified from pH 5.5 to 4.5 within 2 min of gravistimulation. Concomitantly, cytoplasmic pH increased in columella cells from 7.2 to 7.6 but was unchanged elsewhere in the root. These changes in cap pH preceded detectable tropic growth or growth-related pH changes in the elongation zone cell wall by 10 min. Altering the gravity-related columella cytoplasmic pH shift with caged protons delayed the gravitropic response. Together, these results suggest that alterations in root cap pH likely are involved in the initial events that mediate root gravity perception or signal transduction.  相似文献   

The programmed response to replication inhibitors in eukaryotic cells requires the protein kinase ATR (ataxia telangiectasia mutated and rad3-related), which is activated primarily through the persistence of replication protein A (RPA)-bound single-stranded DNA at stalled replication forks and sites of DNA damage undergoing excision repair. Once activated, ATR initiates a cascade of events, including cell-cycle arrest and induction of DNA repair, to mitigate the mutagenic effects of DNA replication in the presence of damage and/or blockage. While many of the molecular regulators of ATR have been determined in yeast and animal cells, little is known about ATR regulation in plants. To genetically define ATR regulatory pathways in Arabidopsis, we describe here a genetic screen for identifying mutants that display a characteristic phenotype of Arabidopsis atr null mutants – hypersensitivity to the replication blocking agent hydroxyurea (HU). Employing this screen, we isolated a novel mutant, termed hus2 (hydroxyurea-sensitive), that displays hypersensitivity to HU, aphidicolin and ionizing radiation, similar to atr mutants. In addition, cell-cycle progression in response to replication blocks and ionizing radiation is defective in hus2 , displaying a nearly identical phenotype to atr mutants. Positional cloning of hus2 reveals a gene sequence similar to yeast Rad26/Ddc2 and ATRIP (ATR interacting protein), suggesting that hus2 encodes an Arabidopsis ATRIP ortholog.  相似文献   

Lateral root formation, the primary way plants increase their root mass, displays developmental plasticity in response to environmental changes. The aberrant lateral root formation (alf)4-1 mutation blocks the initiation of lateral roots, thus greatly altering root system architecture. We have positionally cloned the ALF4 gene and have further characterized its phenotype. The encoded ALF4 protein is conserved among plants and has no similarities to proteins from other kingdoms. The gene is present in a single copy in Arabidopsis. Using translational reporters for ALF4 gene expression, we have determined that the ALF4 protein is nuclear localized and that the gene is expressed in most plant tissues; however, ALF4 expression and ALF4's subcellular location are not regulated by auxin. These findings taken together with further genetic and phenotypic characterization of the alf4-1 mutant suggest that ALF4 functions independent from auxin signaling and instead functions in maintaining the pericycle in the mitotically competent state needed for lateral root formation. Our results provide genetic evidence that the pericycle shares properties with meristems and that this tissue plays a central role in creating the developmental plasticity needed for root system development.  相似文献   

The origin recognition complex (ORC) is a pivotal element in DNA replication, heterochromatin assembly, checkpoint regulation and chromosome assembly. Although the functions of the ORC have been determined in yeast and model animals, they remain largely unknown in the plant kingdom. In this study, Oryza sativa Origin Recognition Complex subunit 3 (OsORC3) was cloned using map‐based cloning procedures, and functionally characterized using a rice (Oryza sativa) orc3 mutant. The mutant showed a temperature‐dependent defect in lateral root (LR) development. Map‐based cloning showed that a G→A mutation in the 9th exon of OsORC3 was responsible for the mutant phenotype. OsORC3 was strongly expressed in regions of active cell proliferation, including the primary root tip, stem base, lateral root primordium, emerged lateral root primordium, lateral root tip, young shoot, anther and ovary. OsORC3 knockdown plants lacked lateral roots and had a dwarf phenotype. The root meristematic zone of ORC3 knockdown plants exhibited increased cell death and reduced vital activity compared to the wild‐type. CYCB1;1::GUS activity and methylene blue staining showed that lateral root primordia initiated normally in the orc3 mutant, but stopped growing before formation of the stele and ground tissue. Our results indicate that OsORC3 plays a crucial role in the emergence of lateral root primordia.  相似文献   

A recessive Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) mutant with short primary roots and root hairs was identified from a forward genetic screen. The disrupted gene in the mutant encoded the plastidial isoform of folylpolyglutamate synthetase (FPGS), previously designated as AtDFB, an enzyme that catalyzes the addition of glutamate residues to the folate molecule to form folylpolyglutamates. The short primary root of atdfb was associated with a disorganized quiescent center, dissipated auxin gradient in the root cap, bundled actin cytoskeleton, and reduced cell division and expansion. The accumulation of monoglutamylated forms of some folate classes in atdfb was consistent with impaired FPGS function. The observed cellular defects in roots of atdfb underscore the essential role of folylpolyglutamates in the highly compartmentalized one-carbon transfer reactions (C1 metabolism) that lead to the biosynthesis of compounds required for metabolically active cells found in the growing root apex. Indeed, metabolic profiling uncovered a depletion of several amino acids and nucleotides in atdfb indicative of broad alterations in metabolism. Methionine and purines, which are synthesized de novo in plastids via C1 enzymatic reactions, were particularly depleted. The root growth and quiescent center defects of atdfb were rescued by exogenous application of 5-formyl-tetrahydrofolate, a stable folate that was readily converted to metabolically active folates. Collectively, our results indicate that AtDFB is the predominant FPGS isoform that generates polyglutamylated folate cofactors to support C1 metabolism required for meristem maintenance and cell expansion during postembryonic root development in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

The mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase cascades are important signaling components that mediate various biological pathways in all eukaryotic cells. In our recent publication,1 we identified AtMPK4 as one of the downstream targets of AtMKK6 that is required for executing male-specific meiotic cytokinesis. Here we provide evidence that another target, AtMPK13, is developmentally co-expressed with AtMKK6 in Arabidopsis, and both AtMPK13 and AtMKK6 display high Promoter::GUS activity in the primary root tips and at the lateral root primordia. Partial suppression of either AtMKK6 or AtMPK13 expression significantly reduces the number of lateral roots in the transgenic lines, suggesting that the AtMKK6-AtMPK13 module positively regulates lateral root formation.Key words: MAP kinase modules, lateral root, RNAi, developmental specificity, pericycle  相似文献   

Redox regulation based on dithiol-disulphide interchange is an essential component of the control of chloroplast metabolism. In contrast to heterotrophic organisms, and non-photosynthetic plant tissues, chloroplast redox regulation relies on ferredoxin (Fd) reduced by the photosynthetic electron transport chain, thus being highly dependent on light. The finding of the NADPH-dependent thioredoxin reductase C (NTRC), a chloroplast-localized NTR with a joint thioredoxin domain, showed that NADPH is also used as source of reducing power for chloroplast redox homeostasis. Recently we have found that NTRC is also in plastids of non-photosynthetic tissues. Because these non-green plastids lack photochemical reactions, their redox homeostasis depends exclusively on NADPH produced from sugars and, thus, NTRC may play an essential role maintaining the redox homeostasis in these plastids. The fact that redox regulation occurs in any type of plastids raises the possibility that the functions of chloroplasts and non-green plastids, such as amyloplasts, are integrated to harmonize the growth of the different organs of the plant. To address this question, we generated Arabidopsis plants the redox homeostasis of which is recovered exclusively in chloroplasts, by leaf-specific expression of NTRC in the ntrc mutant, or exclusively in amyloplasts, by root-specific expression of NTRC. The analysis of these plants suggests that chloroplasts exert a pivotal role on plant growth, as expected because chloroplasts constitute the major source of nutrients and energy, derived from photosynthesis, for growth of heterotrophic tissues. However, NTRC deficiency causes impairment of auxin synthesis and lateral root formation. Interestingly, recovery of redox homeostasis of chloroplasts, but not of amyloplasts, was sufficient to restore wild type levels of lateral roots, showing the important signaling function of chloroplasts for the development of heterotrophic organs.  相似文献   

Mei  Yudong  Zhao  Yingying  Jin  Xinxin  Wang  Ren  Xu  Na  Hu  Jiawen  Huang  Liqin  Guan  Rongzhan  Shen  Wenbiao 《Plant molecular biology》2019,99(3):283-298
Plant Molecular Biology - Methane-triggered lateral root formation is not only a universal event, but also dependent on l-cysteine desulfhydrase-dependent hydrogen sulfide signaling. Whether or how...  相似文献   

Patterned differentiation of distinct cell types is essential for the development of multicellular organisms. The root epidermis of Arabidopsis thaliana is composed of alternating files of root hair and non‐hair cells and represents a model system for studying the control of cell‐fate acquisition. Epidermal cell fate is regulated by a network of genes that translate positional information from the underlying cortical cell layer into a specific pattern of differentiated cells. While much is known about the genes of this network, new players continue to be discovered. Here we show that the SABRE (SAB) gene, known to mediate microtubule organization, anisotropic cell growth and planar polarity, has an effect on root epidermal hair cell patterning. Loss of SAB function results in ectopic root hair formation and destabilizes the expression of cell fate and differentiation markers in the root epidermis, including expression of the WEREWOLF (WER) and GLABRA2 (GL2) genes. Double mutant analysis reveal that wer and caprice (cpc) mutants, defective in core components of the epidermal patterning pathway, genetically interact with sab. This suggests that SAB may act on epidermal patterning upstream of WER and CPC. Hence, we provide evidence for a role of SAB in root epidermal patterning by affecting cell‐fate stabilization. Our work opens the door for future studies addressing SAB‐dependent functions of the cytoskeleton during root epidermal patterning.  相似文献   

To begin to understand the interplay between autophagy and the hypersensitive response (HR), a type of programmed cell death (PCD) induced during plant innate immunity, we generated ATG6 antisense plants in the genetically tractable Arabidopsis thaliana system. AtATG6 antisense (AtATG6-AS) plants senesce early and are sensitive to nutrient starvation, suggestive of impairment of autophagic function in these plants. Additionally, these plants exhibited multiple developmental abnormalities, a phenomenon not observed in other AtATG mutants. AtATG6-AS plants produced fewer Monodansylcadaverine (MDC) and LysoTracker (LT) stained-autolysosomes in response to carbon and nitrogen starvation indicating that AtATG6 plays a role in the autophagic pathway in Arabidopsis. Interestingly, the level of AtATG6 mRNA in wild type Col-0 Arabidopsis plants is increased during the early phase of virulent and avirulent Pseudomonas syringae pv tomato (Pst) DC3000 infection suggesting that AtATG6 plays an important role during pathogen infection. In AtATG6-AS plants, HR-PCD induced upon infection with avirulent Pst DC3000 carrying the AvrRpm1 effector protein is not able to be contained at the infection site and spreads into uninfected tissue. Additionally, the disease-associated cell death induced by the infection of virulent Pst DC3000 bacteria is also partially misregulated in AtATG6-AS plants. Therefore, the AtATG6 antisense plants characterized here provide an excellent genetic model system to elucidate the molecular mechanisms by which autophagy regulates pathogen-induced cell death.  相似文献   

The related-to-ubiquitin (RUB) protein is post-translationally conjugated to the cullin subunit of the SCF (SKP1, Cullin, F-box) class of ubiquitin protein ligases. Although the precise biochemical function of RUB modification is unclear, studies indicate that the modification is important for SCF function. In Arabidopsis, RUB modification of CUL1 is required for normal function of SCF(TIR1), an E3 required for response to the plant hormone auxin. In this report we show that an Arabidopsis protein called RCE1 functions as a RUB-conjugating enzyme in vivo. A mutation in the RCE1 gene results in a phenotype like that of the axr1 mutant. Most strikingly, plants deficient in both RCE1 and AXR1 have an embryonic phenotype similar to mp and bdl mutants, previously shown to be deficient in auxin signaling. Based on these results, we suggest that the RUB-conjugation pathway is required for auxin-dependent pattern formation in the developing embryo. In addition, we show that RCE1 interacts directly with the RING protein RBX1 and is present in a stable complex with SCF. We propose that RBX1 functions as an E3 for RUB modification of CUL1.  相似文献   

Zhou Y  Yang Z  Guo G  Guo Y 《植物学报(英文版)》2010,52(11):952-958
The microfilament (MF) cytoskeleton has crucial functions in plant development. Recent studies have revealed the function of MFs in diverse stress response. Alkaline stress is harmful to plant growth;however, it remains unclear whether the MFs play a role in alkaline stress. In the present study, we find that blocking MF assembly with latrunculin B (Lat B) leads to inhibition of plant root growth, and stabilization of MFs with phalloidin does not significantly affect plant root growth under normal conditions. In high external pH conditions, MF de-polymerization is induced and that associates with the reduction of root growth; phalloidin treatment partially rescues this reduction. Moreover, Lat B treatment further decreases the survival rate of seedlings growing in high external pH conditions. However, a high external pH (8.0) does not affect MF stability in vitro. Taken together, our results suggest that alkaline stress may trigger a signal that leads the dynamics of MFs and in turn regulates root growth.  相似文献   

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