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Histopathological studies of the infection of sunflower seedlings by downy mildew ( Plasmopara halstedii ) have shown that penetration of roots and the lower part of the hypocotyl occurs for both compatible combinations (suseptibility) and incompatible combinations (resistance). After penetrating susceptible genotypes, the parasite develops intercellular hyphae and intracellular haustoria, leading to systemic invasion. In contrast, in resistant plants, as soon as colonization develops, hypersensitive-like reactions occur in the parenchyma, with the appearance of necrotic zones surrounded by dividing cells. Growth of the parasite is strongly inhibited and most hyphae are blocked before they reach the cotyledonary node.  相似文献   

For the first time, a method was used to measure aggressiveness of two Plasmopara halstedii races (100 and 710), the parasite causing sunflower downy mildew. Two sunflower lines showing different levels of quantitative resistance were used to measure two aggressiveness criteria: latent period and sporulation density. A strain of race 100 had a shorter latent period and greater sporulation density than a strain of race 710. The sunflower inbred line BT, rather susceptible in the field, presented a greater sporulation density and a shorter latent period than another inbred line FU, which shows greater resistance in the field. These results indicated that race 100 was more aggressive than race 710. The behaviour in the field of the two inbred lines was confirmed in the laboratory observations.  相似文献   

Plasmopara halstedii, the causal agent of downy mildew of cultivated sunflower (Helianthus annuus), was documented in Germany for the first time in commercial fields. The pathogen was first observed in the Württemberg area, where races 1 and 4 were identified using a set of differential lines. Later, commericial fields near Baden were found to be infected by race 5, which is the first occurrence of that race outside of North America. Withthe discovery of race 5, there are now eight races of the sunflower downy mildew fungus that have been found in Europe. The sunflower cultivars most frequently grown in Germany were investigated for resistance to race 1, 4 and 5; while all were resistant to race 1, none were resistant to either race, 4 or 5.  相似文献   

Plasmopara halstedii, the causal agent of downy mildew of cultivated sunflower (Helianthus annuus), was documented in Germany for the first time in commercial fields. The pathogen was first observed in the Württemberg area, where races 1 and 4 were identified using a set of differential lines. Later, commercial fields near Baden were found to be infected by race 5, which is the first occurrence of that race outside of North America. With the discovery of race 5, there are now eight races of the sunflower downy mildew fungus that have been found in Europe. The sunflower cultivars most frequently grown in Germany were investigated for resistance to race 1, 4 and 5; while all were resistant to race 1, none were resistant to either race 4 or 5.  相似文献   

A method was elaborated to isolate oospores of Plasmopara halstedii from tissue of its host, Helianthus annuus . Isolated oospores were studied microscopically and germination was documented with respect to the time course and the mode of germination. Formation of primary sporangia was similarly observed in oospores, harvested from 4- to 6-week-old systemically infected sunflower plants, grown under constant conditions at 16°C, as well as from field plants, harvested late in the season. Pretreatment of oospores with cold temperatures, previously assumed to stimulate the rate and to accelerate the speed of oospore germination, did not result in such effects. Germination usually occurred within 10–30 days of incubation at a highly variable rate of about 1 to 17% (average 6.7%) in deionized water.  相似文献   

Peacock  K.; Berg  A. R. 《Annals of botany》1994,74(6):661-666
Etiolated seedlings of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) weresubjected to mechanical stress by longitudinally compressingthe hypocotyl with approx. 0·05 N force (equivalent to0·025 MPa for a 1·6 mm diameter hypocotyl). Thisrelatively low compressive stress effected an increase in relativegrowth rates (RGR) of the hypocotyl for a period of 1-2 h, followingwhich RGR returned to the pretreatment rate. RGR was also increasedby an equivalent compressive stress treatment (0·025MPa) for 4 h in water or in 10-10 mol l-1 IAA. These resultsare discussed in the context of a possible role for mechanicallyinduced stress in the initiation and maintenance of nutationalgrowth movements.Copyright 1994, 1999 Academic Press Helianthus annuus, Sunflower, hypocotyl growth, mechanical stress, seedling growth, nutational growth movements, circumnutation  相似文献   

Chloroplasts in leaves of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L. cv hybrid 894) whose roots were flooded for 4 days showed an increase in the level of starch in chloroplasts when examined with the electron microscope. Starch determination showed significantly higher levels in leaves of flooded plants. Chloroplast and mitochondrial structure seemed otherwise normal.  相似文献   

Koide, R. 1985. The nature and location of variable hydraulicresistance in Helianthus annuus L. (sunflower).—J. exp.Bot. 36: 1430–1440. Hydraulic resistances for whole sunflower plants (Helianthusannuus L.) and sunflower leaves, stems, petioles and roots weremeasured. Whole plant hydraulic resistance was shown to declinewith an increase in transpiration. Leaf hydraulic resistancewas shown, with one technique employing transpiring leaves,to vary with transpiration and with another technique, employingpressure-induced flow in leaves, to be constant over a widerange of transpiration. Stem and petiole hydraulic resistanceswere constant over a wide range of exudation. Pressure-inducedflow through root systems was shown to be an inappropriate methodfor characterizing their hydraulic properties because flow mayoccur through unnatural paths. The technique employing measuredtranspiration rates and water potentials of non-growing leavesand soil is suggested to be better. The evidence presented inthis study suggests that the hydraulic resistance of the transpirationstream does vary and that the site of variability is the root Key words: Hydraulic resistance, sunflower, pressure-induced water flow  相似文献   

Bacteria isolated on nutrient agar and King's medium B from sunflower leaves, crown and roots inhibited in vitro growth of the leaf spot and wilt pathogens Alternaria helianthi, and Sclerotium rolfsii, respectively, and also the root rot pathogensRhizoctonia solani and Macrophomina phaseolina. Antagonistic bacteria from leaves were mainly actinomycetes and pigmented Gram-positive bacteria, while those from roots and crowns were identified asPseudomonas fluorescens-putida, P. maltophilia, P. cepacia, Flavobacterium odoratum andBacillus sp. In soil bioassays, when used as seed inoculum in the presence ofS. rolfsii, P. cepacia strain N24 increased significantly the percentage of seedling emergence. Bacterial strains which exhibited broad spectrum in vitro antagonistic activity were tested for colonisation of sunflower roots, when used as a seed inoculum. Good colonisers (104 to 106 bacteria/g root) were consistent in their ability to reduce disease and fungal wilt. A seedling having a primary root length < 5 cm with fewer lateral roots, necrosed cotyledons or crown and a wilted shoot indicated its diseased status. On an average, only 30% of seedlings were diseased when treated with the antagonistic strains, in the presence of the pathogen, while 60% of the seedlings were diseased in the presence of the pathogen alone. In microplots treated with strain N24, only 1 to 3% of the seedlings were wilted, while 14% of the seedlings were wilted in the presence of the pathogen alone. The results obtained show that bacterial antagonists of sclerotial fungi can be used as seed inocula to improve plant growth through disease suppression  相似文献   

Distribution of Nitrogen during Growth of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The accumulation, distribution and redistribution of dry matterand nitrogen is described for Helianthus annuus L. cv. Hysun21 grown on 6 mM urea in glasshouse culture. Seed dry matterand nitrogen were transferred to seedlings with net efficienciesof 40 and 86 per cent respectively. At flowering, the stem hadmost of the plant's dry matter and the leaves most of its nitrogen.About 35 per cent of the plant's nitrogen accumulated afterthree-row anthesis. The amount of protein in vegetative parts,especially leaves, declined after flowering. Concentrationsof free amino compounds also decreased during growth. Matureseeds had 38 per cent of the total plant dry weight and 68 percent of the total nitrogen. Seeds acquired 33 per cent of theirdry matter and nitrogen from redistribution from above-groundplant parts. The stem was most important for storage of carbohydrate,leaves the most important for nitrogen. Over 50 per cent ofthe nitrogen in the stem and leaves was redistributed. Plantsthat received 6 mM nitrate accumulated more dry matter thanurea-grown plants. Seeds from nitrate-grown plants were heavier(58 mg) than those of urea-grown plants (46 mg), and their percentageoil was greater (50 and 41 respectively). The amount of nitrogenper seed was the same. Little or no urea was detected in xylem sap of plants suppliedwith 5 mM urea, but it was detected in sap of plants which received25 mM. Concentrations of urea and amino compounds in the sapdecreased up the stem. Plants supplied with nitrate had mostof the nitrogen in xylem sap as NO2, suggesting littlenitrate reduction in roots. Plants grown on 6 mM nitrate andchanged to high levels of urea-nitrogen for 14 days still hadhigh levels of nitrate; little nitrate remained in plants receivinglow levels of urea. When urea is applied in irrigation waterto field-grown sunflower, the nitrogen is subsequently takenup as nitrate due to rapid nitrogen transformations in the soil. Helianthus annuus L., sunflower, urea, nitrate, nitrogen transport, xylem sap, nitrogen accumulation nitrogen distribution  相似文献   

Development of sunflower plants grown in pots under controlledconditions was monitored at frequent intervals. Two separatewater stresses, which reached a minimum of –1.7 MPa, wereimposed at specified developmental stages on two separate batchesof plants. Leaf initiation and leaf unfolding were significantlyreduced by water stress. Inflorescence primordium initiation,involucre bract formation, disc and disc floret developmentwere not affected. The mitotic index was reduced by water stressin unfolding leaves from 5 to 0.5 per cent. In other leaves,the mitotic index was reduced to a lesser extent. This reducedmitotic index helps explain reduction in leaf development. Thetime between seed germination and inflorescence primordium initiationremained relatively constant despite the reduced leaf numberassociated with water stress. The discussion evaluates the complicationsthat this may cause in the comparison of leaves in the upperhalf of the leaf profile. Helianthus annuus L., sunflower, water stress, mitotic index, leaf development  相似文献   

Hypocotyl protoplasts from Helianthus annuus L. were electrically stimulated using different parameters and subsequently cultivated in agarose droplets with weekly changes of the liquid media. Macroscopic visible calli (0.1-0.3 mm) were transferred onto solid media supplemented with different concentrations of NAA, BAP, and GA3. Colonies reaching a size of about 3 mm were isolated and further cultivated under the same conditions. Several calli originating from electrically stimulated protoplasts and especially those cultured on relative high auxin concentrations, generated somatic embryos which were characterized by a green globular shoot tip and a developing root. Later on differentiation of the shoot tip occurred on kinetin-containing MS medium leading to plantlets with stunted shoot axis. No somatic embryos were initiated in control experiments with non-stimulated protoplasts.  相似文献   

Methanol extracts from light- and dark-grown sunflower seedlings,Helianthus annuus L., var. ‘Inra No. 6501’, weresubjected to solvent partition. The neutral diethyl ether fractionfrom the light-grown seedlings contained material(s) which inhibitedcress seed germination. Such inhibition was scarcely detectablein extracts of the etiolated seedlings. Sometimes inhibitionalso occurred in the petroleum spirit fraction. A mixture ofcis, trans- and trans, transxanthoxin showed the same partitioncharacteristics as the inhibiting substance(s); the latter co-chromatographedwith xanthoxin in all paper, thin layer, and high pressure liquidchromatography separation procedures tried. The inhibition wasalso detectable with the Avena colcoptile straight growth bioassay. It is concluded that xanthoxin is formed during illuminationof sunflower seedlings; its role in the phototropic responseof these seedlings is discussed.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Growth Regulation - A significant reduction of fresh, dry biomass, shoot height, root length, succulent value, and leaf area were noticed as well as a significant accumulation of...  相似文献   

High resolution cytochemical methods have been used to characterizepollen development and pollen-wall structure in Helianthus annuus.Aniline-blue fluorescent material, presumably callose, was detectedin the nexine layer throughout its development. It was associatedwith acid phosphatase activity, while the outer sexine possessedintense esterase activity during the young spore period. Acidphosphatase and esterase were present in both intine and exinewall sites in contrast to their specific location in other pollentypes. Quantitative cytochemical estimates of enzyme activityduring development reveal esterase patterns typical of gametophyticsynthesis, while acid phosphatase patterns are characteristicof sporophytic origin suggesting tapetal transfer during thevacuolate period. Helianthus annuus L, sunflower, pollen development, exine enzymes, intine enzymes, quantitative cytochemistry  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Plant Physiology - This work examines the effect of increasing environmental temperatures, resulting from the ongoing global climate change, on the primary leaves of sunflower...  相似文献   

Collections of the causal agent of sunflower downy mildew (Plasmopara balstedii) (PH) from several European and North and South American countries were used to inoculate a series of sunflower inbred lines to differentiate races. Race 3 was identified from Argentina; race 4 from France, Hungary, and Bulgaria; race 6 from Canada and France; and race 7 from Argentina. This is the first report of race 3 in South America and of race 4 in Europe, and is the first identification of races 6 and 7. Reactions of USDA lines RHA-274, RHA-325, and DM-2 differentiate races 2, 6, and 7, with RHA-274 resistant to all three. Thirty-three commercial hybrids from 11 countries were tested; 70 % were resistant to race 2, only 27 % had resistance to race 6, and none were resistant to race 4. Surveys to determine the relative proportions of the various races within each country are needed to assess their potential impact. The USDA lines HA-335, HA-336, HA-337, HA-338, HA-339, RHA-340, HA-R4, and HA-R5 are resistant to all seven mildew races and could be utilized for the production of PH resistant hybrids. For the short term, it appears that seed treatment with metalaxyl may be the most effective control.  相似文献   

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