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An unusual abundance of Salmonella infections was studied in an island population of a wild marsupial, the quokka (Setonix brachyurus), which experiences starvation in summer associated with significant mortality. The frequency of infections was found to vary seasonally over most parts of the island, with high infection rates (70 to 100%) in summer and low infection rates (0 to 30%) in winter. In some samples, there was an average of as many as two isolations per animal, and up to five isolations were made from a single animal. By the end of summer, virtually all animals excreted Salmonella spp., with a median rate of excretion of approximately 3,000 Salmonella organisms per g of feces. The seasonal changes occurred over intervals of only weeks. The infections are believed to be associated with disruption of the digestive physiology of the animals caused by the poor quality of feed available in summer. This conclusion was supported by a quantitative study of the infections and by a field manipulation experiment which delayed the initiation of the infections as long as a food supplement was available. The proliferation of Salmonella spp. is discussed in terms of the ecology of the quokka and of the use of Salmonella spp. as indicators of environmental stress acting on the animals.  相似文献   

The development of the lymphoid tissues in a macropod marsupial is described. The liver is the only functional haemopoietic tissue at birth. Large lymphocytes first appear in the cervical thymus at 2 days, and in the thoracic thymus at 4 days after birth. Small lymphocytes appear 1-2 days later. The histological development of the two glands is similar, but the thoracic thymus develops much more slowly than the cervical. The appearance of Hassall's corpuscles in both thymus glands correlates with the onset of humoral immune responses in this animal. Lymph nodes first appear as aggregates of lymphocytes around the lymphatic vessels at 5 days, differentiate into cortex and medulla at about 14 days, but do not develop germinal centres until about 90 days. Small lymphocytes are not observed in the spleen until the 2nd week, and reactive centres do not appear until after 90 days of pouch life. Peyer's patches are not found until 60 days of age. Large lymphocytes are seen in the bone marrow at 14 days, but small lymphocytes are not found until the 1st month. Although the sequence of lymphoid development is similar to that seen in other animals, the rapidly with which it becomes functional suggests that it is an adaptive response to early contact with environment pathogens.  相似文献   

Rectal swabs and faeces were used in the regular sampling for salmonellas and Arizonas from a heavily-infected population of a marsupial, the quokka ( Setonix brachyurus ). The media used were strontium selenite A and strontium chloride B enrichment broths, with subculture onto modified bismuth sulphite agar and deoxycholate citrate agar. A study of sampling, enrichment, sub-culture and colony selection procedures produced an optimal scheme giving high yields but consistent with reasonable economy of time and materials. A three-swab sample was taken and inoculated into the two enrichment media, and with each enrichment subjected to three subcultures. The absolute efficiency of this procedure was greater than 80% (and confirmed by a serological method), compared with only 67% for a single swab in a single enrichment. Recovery of some serotypes depended on the media used; e.g. Arizonas could not be recovered satisfactorily from strontium chloride B enrichment. Faeces samples were found to be greatly superior to rectal swabs for detecting salmonellas and arizonas but they were less convenient in field studies. In a comparison of rectal swabs and faeces samples where the actual concentration of salmonellas was known, it was found that the efficiency of rectal swabs approached 100% if there were more than 103 salmonellas/g faeces, but this declined to approximately 50% if there were 102-103 salmonellas/g faeces and only 25% if there were less than 102 salmonellas/g faeces. A new statistical procedure was introduced for comparing the number of isolations from two methods, and this should be of use in similar methodological studies.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the quokka (Setonix brachyurus: Marsupialia) experiences a very extensive proliferation of Salmonella infections on Rottnest Is. (Western Australia) in association with seasonal starvation in a disturbed environment. The study reported here examined the distribution of the serotypes involved, the interaction of Salmonella with other hosts, and the resulting environmental contamination. In the quokka, the serotypes were found to be significantly non-random in their distribution between areas (regardless of a seasonal cycle of infection rate in some areas) and between seasons. No one serotype showed a particular affinity for the quokka in the most adverse season. Study of the largest deviations showed that they could have been due to local amplification of particular serotypes in other hosts. It was not generally possible to distinguish the native and exotic serotypes as groups, and each serotype needed to be studied in terms of its own ecology. Environmental contamination is extensive due to proliferation of Salmonella in quokkas, but the interactions with other hosts were found to be important in determining the local distribution of serotypes. The results of this study are discussed in terms of the significance of the distribution of Salmonella in natural and disturbed areas in Western Australia, and of management of the problems created by proliferation of Salmonella in the Rottnest Is. quokka.  相似文献   

The iron status and transfer of iron through the milk during lactation were determined in a marsupial, the quokka, Setonix brachyurus. Lactating animals were not anaemic and had similar liver and spleen non-haem iron values to non-lactating female adult animals but about 40% less non-haem iron than male adults. The milk iron concentration was very high during the period of lactation when the young is confined to the pouch, averaging about 20 micrograms/ml (eight times the plasma iron concentration), but fell markedly at the time when the young commence to leave the pouch. Blood haemoglobin concentration increased during pouch life of the young to reach adult levels at about 180 days, and liver non-haem iron concentration increased during the same period to values nearly 20 times greater than in their mothers. After the young left the pouch the non-haem iron concentration fell rapidly to the adult level while haemoglobin concentrations were maintained. It is concluded that milk is an adequate source of iron during pouch life of the quokka and enables the animal to build up iron stores which can be utilized after leaving the pouch.  相似文献   

John  Shield 《Journal of Zoology》1968,155(4):427-444
This study records estimations of the chronology of certain events in the calendar of development of the quokka. One gestation period of between 25 and 26 days was observed and 22 joeys (young) had an average birth weight of 0.3852±0.0436 g. Vacation of the pouch occurred between 185 and 195 days of age. One thousand joeys were found to have a masculinity of 0–453 which is statistically smaller than parity. An estimation was made of the age at which the separate teeth erupt and a method of approximating the ages of juveniles and yearlings proposed by using dental eruption stages. The youngest recorded ages at which males and females became reproductively mature were 389 and 252 days respectively. After attaining reproductive maturity all animals born in captivity bred throughout the year. Animals taken from Bald Island, although showing seasonal breeding in the wild, will breed without periodic anoestrus interruption when taken into captivity. Captive animals may live seven years or longer. Using the chronology of some of the above events a comparison was made of the reproductive potential of the wild and domesticated populations.  相似文献   

The fore- and hindlimb muscles of 12 Setonix brachyurus joeys, aged 5 to 175 days postpartum, and four adults were dissected out and weighed. Individual muscles and muscle groups were analysed for absolute and relative growth changes. From comprising almost 59% of the total limb musculature at birth the forelimb muscles finally constitute just over 9% in the adult; the hindlimb muscles start at just over 41% and end at almost 91%. In both limbs, the extensor actions predominate in the proximal limb segment because of their propulsive functions, whereas in the distal segment the flexor muscles tend to be the larger because of their shock-absorbing and spring functions. During growth of the fore-limb there is a relative increase in the size of latissimus dorsi and triceps brachii and a decrease in the distal segment muscles; in the hindlimb the gluteal and hamstring muscles increase at the expense of the distal segment muscles. Specializations for speed include long distal hindlimb segments and proximally located muscle bellies. The above findings reflect the adaptations and changing locomotor patterns from birth to adult in the Quokka.  相似文献   

Intact quokkas (Setonix brachyurus) were grafted with thymus and skin as neonates. Fifty seven percent of primary thymus grafts persisted when donors were less than 32 days of age, compared with only 20% when the dornors were juveniles. This suggested that neonatal tissue was more readily accepted than tissue from adult animals. When the recipients had left the pouch, induced tolerance was tested by grafting thymus and skin from the original donors. Second thymus grafts were generally unsuccessful; however, second skin grafts were accepted and remained intact over the three-year period of observation, provided that the hosts were less than about 40 days of age at the time the first graft were placed.  相似文献   

The potential for trichromacy in mammals, thought to be unique to primates, was recently discovered in two Australian marsupials. Whether the presence of three cone types, sensitive to short- (SWS), medium- (MWS) and long- (LWS) wavelengths, occurs across all marsupials remains unknown. Here, we have investigated the presence, distribution and spectral sensitivity of cone types in two further species, the quokka (Setonix brachyurus) and quenda (Isoodon obesulus). Immunohistochemistry revealed that SWS cones in the quokka are concentrated in dorso-temporal retina, while in the quenda, two peaks were identified in naso-ventral and dorso-temporal retina. In both species, MWS/LWS cone spatial distributions matched those of retinal ganglion cells. Microspectrophotometry (MSP) confirmed that MWS and LWS cones are spectrally distinct, with mean wavelengths of maximum absorbance at 502 and 538 nm in the quokka, and at 509 and 551 nm, in the quenda. Although small SWS cone outer segments precluded MSP measurements, molecular analysis identified substitutions at key sites, accounting for a spectral shift from ultraviolet in the quenda to violet in the quokka. The presence of three cone types, along with previous findings in the fat-tailed dunnart and honey possum, suggests that three spectrally distinct cone types are a feature spanning the marsupials.  相似文献   

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