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This paper presents a hypothesis allowing us to explain the coexistence of several species (here micro-organisms) in competition on a single resource (called a substrate) in a chemostat. We introduce a new class of kinetics that does not only depend on the substrate concentration in the medium, but also on the biomass concentration. From the study of elementary interactions (i) between micro-organisms, (ii) between micro-organisms and their environment in which they grow and from simulations, we show that this modelling approach can be interpreted in terms of substrate diffusion phenomena. A rigorous study of this new class of models allows us to hypothesize that abiotic parameters can explain the fact that an arbitrarily large number of species can coexist in the presence of a unique substrate.  相似文献   

Physical health is affected by physiological aging that impacts on all tissues and organs, notably sensorial systems (hearing, sight), the locomotory and the immunological systems (lowering of resistance to infections). There is an increase with age in the incidence of many cancers (particularly breast, prostate, and colon cancers) and cardiovascular diseases. Regular check-ups are useful in order to take appropriate measures in time. It is important that people maintain regular physical activity and a balanced diet even up to an advanced age and the elderly must learn to adapt themselves to the ever-changing abilities of their organism. It is possible to slow down the aging process through good hygiene and often to maintain autonomy until the end of life. Mental health is threatened by impairment of mental functions, depressive tendencies, and the risk of senile dementia that cannot be foreseen or avoided. It appears that keeping intellectually active and having a good level of education impact favorably on mental aging. Social health depends, for a large part, on the way society accepts and treats the elderly. They must be kept integrated into society and allowed to live at home for as long as possible. Any measures of rejection, discrimination, and exclusion should be opposed. The dignity of the elderly must be respected and activities giving them a feeling of usefulness should be encouraged. It is important to help families who care for their parents at home, to develop and evaluate healthcare networks, and encourage medical professionals and social services to work together. The change in the demographic structure of France is a considerable phenomenon requiring a long-term strategy and not only superficial and cosmetic measures.  相似文献   

New method of sampling adapted to colonial cyanobacteria was developed on the Grangent reservoir (Loire, France). These prokaryotes were sampled using a filtering pump and were counted at laboratory under epifluorescence microscope. This method allowed us to follow the annual cycle of Microcystis aeruginosa, since benthic spring recruitment (cyanobacteria being used as inoculum) until autumnal sedimentation, and even revealed the presence of this cyanobacterian species in winter in the epilimnion. Our study also showed the inadequacy of the standard sampling methods used in limnology, which badly underestimate colonial cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

The subfamily Iα aminotransferases are typically categorized as having narrow specificity toward carboxylic amino acids (AATases), or broad specificity that includes aromatic amino acid substrates (TATases). Because of their general role in central metabolism and, more specifically, their association with liver‐related diseases in humans, this subfamily is biologically interesting. The substrate specificities for only a few members of this subfamily have been reported, and the reliable prediction of substrate specificity from protein sequence has remained elusive. In this study, a diverse set of aminotransferases was chosen for characterization based on a scoring system that measures the sequence divergence of the active site. The enzymes that were experimentally characterized include both narrow‐specificity AATases and broad‐specificity TATases, as well as AATases with broader‐specificity and TATases with narrower‐specificity than the previously known family members. Molecular function and phylogenetic analyses underscored the complexity of this family's evolution as the TATase function does not follow a single evolutionary thread, but rather appears independently multiple times during the evolution of the subfamily. The additional functional characterizations described in this article, alongside a detailed sequence and phylogenetic analysis, provide some novel clues to understanding the evolutionary mechanisms at work in this family. Proteins 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Presbyopia, the inability to focus up close, affects everyone by age 50 and is the most common eye condition. It is thought to result from changes to the lens over time making it less flexible. We present evidence that presbyopia may be the result of age-related changes to the proteins of the lens fibre cells. Specifically, we show that there is a progressive decrease in the concentration of the chaperone, α-crystallin, in human lens nuclei with age, as it becomes incorporated into high molecular weight aggregates and insoluble protein. This is accompanied by a large increase in lens stiffness. Stiffness increases even more dramatically after middle age following the disappearance of free soluble α-crystallin from the centre of the lens. These alterations in α-crystallin and aggregated protein in human lenses can be reproduced simply by exposing intact pig lenses to elevated temperatures, for example, 50 °C. In this model system, the same protein changes are also associated with a progressive increase in lens stiffness. These data suggest a functional role for α-crystallin in the human lens acting as a small heat shock protein and helping to maintain lens flexibility. Presbyopia may be the result of a loss of α-crystallin coupled with progressive heat-induced denaturation of structural proteins in the lens during the first five decades of life.  相似文献   

Women frequently complain of memory problems at times in their reproductive lives that are associated with changes in estrogen concentration (e.g. around menopause and childbirth). Further, behavioural studies suggest that memory performance may fluctuate across the menstrual cycle. For example, performance on verbal tasks has been reported to be greatest during phases associated with high estrogen concentrations whereas the opposite has been reported with visuo-spatial tasks. The biological basis of these reported effects remains poorly understood. However, brain imaging studies into the effects of estrogen therapy in postmenopausal women suggest that estrogen modulates the metabolism and function of brain regions sub-serving memory. Furthermore, we have recently reported that acute suppression of ovarian function in young women (with a Gonadotropin Hormone Releasing Hormone agonist) is associated with decreased activation in left prefrontal cortex, particularly the left inferior frontal gyrus (LIFG), during successful verbal memory encoding. We therefore investigated whether physiological variation in plasma estradiol concentration is associated with differences in activity of the LIFG during successful verbal encoding. We hypothesised that higher plasma concentrations of estradiol would be associated with increased brain activity at the LIFG and improved recall performance. Although we did not find a significant relationship between plasma estradiol concentration and verbal recall performance, we report a positive correlation between brain function and estradiol concentration at the LIFG.  相似文献   

The study area consists of wetlands and semi-wetlands (saltpan and salt lakes) that are separated from the Gulf of Saros in the northeastern Aegean Sea by a littoral cordon. Twenty-four samples were collected from the Enez Salt Lake; Dalyan, Enez Gala, Kuvalak, Isik, and Tasalti Lakes; Vakif and Erikli Saltpans; and Karagol Lagoon. The overall distribution of the sediment sizes reveals that they consist predominantly of mud and sand and a mixture of mud, sand, and gravel. The average proportion of gravel size particles is 8.36%. Feldspar and mica are abundant in sand and gravel-sized materials. Ecological conditions of these coastal areas were assessed on the basis of ostracod assemblages that can be considered as useful bioindicators and depend on water depth, temperature, and salinity. In this context, the effects of physical and chemical properties of the environment, geochemistry of the sediment, and anthropogenic impact on the meiofauna, in particular ostracoda, was here evaluated. Cyprideis torosa Jones, a cosmopolitan species of ostracoda, was found in salt lakes. Other species of ostracoda were shown to be affected by environmental conditions. The toxicity of some heavy metals in the saltpans, salt lakes, and hypersaline lagoons was evaluated. Lake Dalyan and Erikli Saltpan display high toxicity for Cu and Cd levels. The distribution of hydrocarbon pollution of terrestrial origin was determined.  相似文献   

Ventilatory responses of crabs Carcinus maenas (L.) to changes in ambient oxygen and carbon dioxide were studied in field and laboratory experiments, over a range of PwO2 and Pwco2 conditions encompassing natural variations observed in intertidal rock-pools. Ventilatory activity was assessed by recording gill chamber hydrostatic pressure and estimating the specific ventilation, Vw/MO2, the reciprocal of the difference of oxygen concentrations in inspired and expired waters.

Variations in ambient oxygenation always induced large changes of ventilatory activity, hyperventilation in hypoxia, hypoventilation in hyperoxia. Conversely, PwCO2 changes either at constant PO2 or in combination with different PO2 values (hypoxic hypercapnia or hyperoxic hypocapnia) led only to small or even non-significant ventilatory responses. In the field, strong hyperventilation developed during tidal exposure at night, when the pool water became hypoxic and hypercapnic, whereas during the day the animals hypoventilated in progressively more hyperoxic and hypocapnic conditions.

Thus, in a typical intertidal animal such as C. maenas, the only ventilatory stimulus of ecological significance appears to be the ambient water oxygenation.  相似文献   

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