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The genetic codon UGA has a dual function: serving as a terminator and encoding selenocysteine. However, most popular gene annotation programs only take it as a stop signal, resulting in misannotation or completely missing selenoprotein genes. We developed a computational method named Asec-Prediction that is specific for the prediction of archaeal selenoprotein genes. To evaluate its effectiveness, we first applied it to 14 archaeal genomes with previously known selenoprotein genes, and Asec-Prediction identified all reported selenoprotein genes without redundant results. When we applied it to 12 archaeal genomes that had not been researched for selenoprotein genes, Asec-Prediction detected a novel selenoprotein gene in Methanosarcina acetivorans. Further evidence was also collected to support that the predicted gene should be a real selenoprotein gene. The result shows that Asec-Prediction is effective for the prediction of archaeal selenoprotein genes.  相似文献   

KEGG: Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes.   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) is a knowledge base for systematic analysis of gene functions in terms of the networks of genes and molecules. The major component of KEGG is the PATHWAY database that consists of graphical diagrams of biochemical pathways including most of the known metabolic pathways and some of the known regulatory pathways. The pathway information is also represented by the ortholog group tables summarizing orthologous and paralogous gene groups among different organisms. KEGG maintains the GENES database for the gene catalogs of all organisms with complete genomes and selected organisms with partial genomes, which are continuously re-annotated, as well as the LIGAND database for chemical compounds and enzymes. Each gene catalog is associated with the graphical genome map for chromosomal locations that is represented by Java applet. In addition to the data collection efforts, KEGG develops and provides various computational tools, such as for reconstructing biochemical pathways from the complete genome sequence and for predicting gene regulatory networks from the gene expression profiles. The KEGG databases are daily updated and made freely available (http://www.genome.ad.jp/kegg/).  相似文献   

细菌基因组上存在着大量的重叠基因,这不但缩减基因组尺寸,增加对遗传信息的有效利用,而且参与转录及转录后水平的调控。目前重叠基因的形成原因尚不清楚,缺少预测重叠基因是否存在的特征信息,不利于对 重叠基因的注释。本研究通过机器学习中的卷积神经网络算法对基因相关区域进行扫描,发现基因编码区前54 bp的区域可以作为判定重叠基因的标记信息,并采用支持向量机算法确证以上预测结果的准确性。通过对卷积神经网络模型的训练与优化,成功构建卷积神经网络模型,并用于大肠杆菌基因组中重叠基因的注释,对重叠基因的研究有重要意义。已训练好的模型和使用方法已经发布于GitHub,具体内容参看以下网址:https://github.com/breadpot/Convolutional_Neural_Network_Bacteria_overlapping_genes_prediction。  相似文献   

Fungi comprise a large monophyletic group of uni- and multicellular eukaryotic organisms in which many species are of economic or medical importance. Fungal genomes are variable in size (13–42 Mb), and multicellular species support true spatial and temporal cell-type-specific regulation of gene expression. In a 38.8-kbAspergillus nidulanscontiguous genomic DNA region, a transposable element and 12 potential genes were identified, 7 similar to genes in other organisms. This observation is consistent with the prediction that multicellular ascomycetous fungi harbor 8000–9000 genes in a 36-Mb average genome. Thus, the genomic DNA sequence of filamentous fungi will provide substantial amounts of genetic and functional information that is not available in yeast, for the human and other metazoan minimal gene complement.  相似文献   



There has been a surge in studies linking genome structure and gene expression, with special focus on duplicated genes. Although initially duplicated from the same sequence, duplicated genes can diverge strongly over evolution and take on different functions or regulated expression. However, information on the function and expression of duplicated genes remains sparse. Identifying groups of duplicated genes in different genomes and characterizing their expression and function would therefore be of great interest to the research community. The ‘Duplicated Genes Database’ (DGD) was developed for this purpose.


Nine species were included in the DGD. For each species, BLAST analyses were conducted on peptide sequences corresponding to the genes mapped on a same chromosome. Groups of duplicated genes were defined based on these pairwise BLAST comparisons and the genomic location of the genes. For each group, Pearson correlations between gene expression data and semantic similarities between functional GO annotations were also computed when the relevant information was available.


The Duplicated Gene Database provides a list of co-localised and duplicated genes for several species with the available gene co-expression level and semantic similarity value of functional annotation. Adding these data to the groups of duplicated genes provides biological information that can prove useful to gene expression analyses. The Duplicated Gene Database can be freely accessed through the DGD website at http://dgd.genouest.org.  相似文献   

Abstract We report the results of a comparative analysis of the sequences of multicomponent monooxygenases, a family of enzymes of great interest for bioremediation of contaminated soil. We show that their function, in terms of substrate specificity, can be deduced from their subunit organization and composition, that rearrangements of subunits as well as recruitments of new ones can be used to explain their different properties and functionalities, and that the observed pattern can be rationalized invoking a number of evolutionary events, including horizontal gene transfer. Our analysis highlights the plasticity and modularity of this family of enzymes, which might very well be the reason underlying the extremely rapid emergence of new bacterial strains able to grow on contaminated soils.  相似文献   

真核生物的基因组由基因和基因间区组成.基因转录时,从转录起始点开始到该基因的转录终止点结束,形成独立的转录单元.然而有少量的文献表明,转录有时会通读基因间区,产生包含上游基因、基因间区和下游基因的融合基因转录本.融合转录本经基因间剪接而成为有功能的成熟转录本.对真核生物转录诱导融合基因的基因间剪接方式、产生机制和意义进行了综述.  相似文献   

Accessory genes are variably present among members of a species and are a reservoir of adaptive functions. In bacteria, differences in gene distributions among individuals largely result from mobile elements that acquire and disperse accessory genes as cargo. In contrast, the impact of cargo-carrying elements on eukaryotic evolution remains largely unknown. Here, we show that variation in genome content within multiple fungal species is facilitated by Starships, a newly discovered group of massive mobile elements that are 110 kb long on average, share conserved components, and carry diverse arrays of accessory genes. We identified hundreds of Starship-like regions across every major class of filamentous Ascomycetes, including 28 distinct Starships that range from 27 to 393 kb and last shared a common ancestor ca. 400 Ma. Using new long-read assemblies of the plant pathogen Macrophomina phaseolina, we characterize four additional Starships whose activities contribute to standing variation in genome structure and content. One of these elements, Voyager, inserts into 5S rDNA and contains a candidate virulence factor whose increasing copy number has contrasting associations with pathogenic and saprophytic growth, suggesting Voyager’s activity underlies an ecological trade-off. We propose that Starships are eukaryotic analogs of bacterial integrative and conjugative elements based on parallels between their conserved components and may therefore represent the first dedicated agents of active gene transfer in eukaryotes. Our results suggest that Starships have shaped the content and structure of fungal genomes for millions of years and reveal a new concerted route for evolution throughout an entire eukaryotic phylum.  相似文献   



Rho GTPases are important members of the Ras superfamily, which represents the largest signaling protein family in eukaryotes, and function as key molecular switches in converting and amplifying external signals into cellular responses. Although numerous analyses of Rho family genes have been reported, including their functions and evolution, a systematic analysis of this family has not been performed in Mollusca or in Bivalvia, one of the most important classes of Mollusca.


In this study, we systematically identified and characterized a total set (Rho, Rac, Mig, Cdc42, Tc10, Rnd, RhoU, RhoBTB and Miro) of thirty Rho GTPase genes in three bivalve species, including nine in the Yesso scallop Patinopecten yessoensis, nine in the Zhikong scallop Chlamys farreri, and twelve in the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. Phylogenetic analysis and interspecies comparison indicated that bivalves might possess the most complete types of Rho genes in invertebrates. A multiple RNA-seq dataset was used to investigate the expression profiles of bivalve Rho genes, revealing that the examined scallops share more similar Rho expression patterns than the oyster, whereas more Rho mRNAs are expressed in C. farreri and C. gigas than in P. yessoensis. Additionally, Rho, Rac and Cdc42 were found to be duplicated in the oyster but not in the scallops. Among the expanded Rho genes of C. gigas, duplication pairs with high synonymous substitution rates (Ks) displayed greater differences in expression.


A comprehensive analysis of bivalve Rho GTPase family genes was performed in scallop and oyster species, and Rho genes in bivalves exhibit greater conservation than those in any other invertebrate. This is the first study focusing on a genome-wide characterization of Rho GTPase genes in bivalves, and the findings will provide a valuable resource for a better understanding of Rho evolution and Rho GTPase function in Bivalvia.  相似文献   

Potential impacts of genetically modified (GM) animals in natural environments are explored in a framework of regulatory evolution. Transgenic growth hormone animals express remarkable alterations and plasticity in development, physiology and behavior in response to environmental factors (nutrition, temperature, photoperiod), suggesting that standard laboratory assessments are likely to underestimate their evolutionary potential. Sexual selection is examined in the context of female self-referent appraisal of male fitness that reflects performance in the species-specific niche. Wild-type females may recognize and discriminate against GM males (the Transparent Genome Hypothesis) but if accepted as mates, pleiotropic disruption associated with GMs may reduce fitness of the natural population (the Trojan Gene Hypothesis). Alternatively, facilitation of regulatory evolution by sexual reproduction (recombination and segregation) may derive modifier selection, masking, integration, or niche shifts. Other aspects explored include mutation theory, purging, pleiotropy, epigenetics and plasticity, behavior and the Bruce effect, and mismatch of genetic or epigenetic background between GM stock and natural populations.  相似文献   

Analysis of intragenomic variation of 16S rRNA genes is a unique approach to examining the concept of ribosomal constraints on rRNA genes; the degree of variation is an important parameter to consider for estimation of the diversity of a complex microbiome in the recently initiated Human Microbiome Project (http://nihroadmap.nih.gov/hmp). The current GenBank database has a collection of 883 prokaryotic genomes representing 568 unique species, of which 425 species contained 2 to 15 copies of 16S rRNA genes per genome (2.22 ± 0.81). Sequence diversity among the 16S rRNA genes in a genome was found in 235 species (from 0.06% to 20.38%; 0.55% ± 1.46%). Compared with the 16S rRNA-based threshold for operational definition of species (1 to 1.3% diversity), the diversity was borderline (between 1% and 1.3%) in 10 species and >1.3% in 14 species. The diversified 16S rRNA genes in Haloarcula marismortui (diversity, 5.63%) and Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis (6.70%) were highly conserved at the 2° structure level, while the diversified gene in B. afzelii (20.38%) appears to be a pseudogene. The diversified genes in the remaining 21 species were also conserved, except for a truncated 16S rRNA gene in “Candidatus Protochlamydia amoebophila.” Thus, this survey of intragenomic diversity of 16S rRNA genes provides strong evidence supporting the theory of ribosomal constraint. Taxonomic classification using the 16S rRNA-based operational threshold could misclassify a number of species into more than one species, leading to an overestimation of the diversity of a complex microbiome. This phenomenon is especially seen in 7 bacterial species associated with the human microbiome or diseases.rRNA genes are widely used for estimation of evolutionary history and taxonomic assignment of individual organisms (14, 26, 50-52). The choice of rRNA genes as optimal tools for such purposes is based on both observations and assumptions of ribosomal conservation (13, 50). rRNA genes are essential components of the ribosome, which consists of >50 proteins and three classes of RNA molecules; precise spatial relationships may be essential for assembly of functional ribosomes, constraining rRNA genes from drastic change (9, 13). In bacteria, the three rRNA genes are organized into a gene cluster which is expressed as single operon, which may be present in multiple copies in the genome. In organisms with multiple rRNA gene operons, the gene sequences tend to evolve in concert. It is generally believed that copies of rRNA genes within an organism are subject to a homogenization process through homologous recombination, also known as gene conversion (18), a form of concerted evolution that maintains their fit within the ribosome. The homogenization process may involve short domains without affecting the entire sequence of each gene (8).However, significant differences between copies of rRNA genes in single organisms, albeit few, have been discovered in all three domains of life and in all three classes of rRNA genes. The amphibian Xenopus laevis and the loach Misgurnus fossilis have two types of 5S rRNA genes that are specific to either somatic or oocyte ribosomes (30, 48). The parasite Plasmodium berghei contains two types of 18S rRNA genes that differ at 3.5% of the nucleotide positions and are life cycle stage specific (17). The metazoan Dugesia mediterranea possesses two types of 18S rRNA genes with 8% dissimilarity (6). The archaeon Haloarcula marismortui contains two distinct types of 16S rRNA genes that differ by 5% (32, 33). In the domain Bacteria, the actinomycete Thermobispora bispora contains two types of 16S rRNA genes that differ by 6.4% (47). Copies of the 16S rRNA genes and 23S rRNA genes of the actinomycete Thermospora chromogena differ by approximately 6 and 10%, respectively (54). Paralogous copies of rRNA genes with different sequences may have functionally distinct roles.Divergent evolution between rRNA genes in the same genome may corrupt the record of evolutionary history and obscure the true identity of an organism. Substantial variation, if it occurs, may lead to the artificial classification of an organism into more than one species. For a cultivable organism, this problem can be resolved by cloning rRNA genes from a pure culture of the organism to identify the degree of variation. However, most environmental surveys and the recently initiated Human Microbiome Project (HMP) (http://nihroadmap.nih.gov/hmp/) (34) use cultivation-independent techniques to examine microbiomes that contain mixed species. In the case of the HMP, it is hoped that this approach may identify some idiopathic diseases that are caused by alterations in the microbiome in humans. In this type of study, it may be impossible to trace all rRNA genes observed back to their original host. For example, in the phylum TM7, multiple 16S rRNA gene sequences have been reported (21), but it is not known whether they belong to multiple species or to the same bacterium with a high degree of intragenomic variation among rRNA gene paralogs. Due to the limited number of microorganisms for which nucleotide sequences are available for all copies of the rRNA genes, intragenomic variation among 16S rRNA genes, and the likelihood of pyrosequencing errors (25, 40), the potential to overestimate the diversity of a microbiome exists.Coenye et al. analyzed 55 bacterial genomes and found the intragenomic heterogeneity between multiple 16S rRNA genes in these genomes was below the common threshold (1 to 1.3%) for distinguishing species (44) and was unlikely to have a profound effect on the classification of taxa (10). The analysis of 76 whole genomes by Acinas et al. revealed the extreme diversity (11.6%) of 16S rRNA genes in Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis (2). These early analyses of intragenomic variation of 16S rRNA genes were limited to a small number of available whole genomes. With the increasing number of whole microbial genomes available from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), the extent of diversity among the paralogous 16S rRNA genes within single organisms can now be more thoroughly assessed. In the present study, we (i) addressed the theory of 16S rRNA conservation by systematic evaluation of intragenomic diversity of 16S rRNA sequences in completely sequenced prokaryotic genomes to assess its effect on the accuracy of 16S rRNA-based molecular taxonomy and (ii) examined whether previously observed ribosomal constraints on conservation of 2° structures are uniformly applicable at the intragenomic level.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial genomes of apicomplexans, dinoflagellates, and chrompodellids that collectively make up the Myzozoa, encode only three proteins (Cytochrome b [COB], Cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 [COX1], Cytochrome c oxidase subunit 3 [COX3]), contain fragmented ribosomal RNAs, and display extensive recombination, RNA trans-splicing, and RNA-editing. The early-diverging Perkinsozoa is the final major myzozoan lineage whose mitochondrial genomes remained poorly characterized. Previous reports of Perkinsus genes indicated independent acquisition of non-canonical features, namely the occurrence of multiple frameshifts. To determine both ancestral myzozoan and novel perkinsozoan mitochondrial genome features, we sequenced and assembled mitochondrial genomes of four Perkinsus species. These data show a simple ancestral genome with the common reduced coding capacity but disposition for rearrangement. We identified 75 frameshifts across the four species that occur as distinct types and that are highly conserved in gene location. A decoding mechanism apparently employs unused codons at the frameshift sites that advance translation either +1 or +2 frames to the next used codon. The locations of frameshifts are seemingly positioned to regulate protein folding of the nascent protein as it emerges from the ribosome. The cox3 gene is distinct in containing only one frameshift and showing strong selection against residues that are otherwise frequently encoded at the frameshift positions in cox1 and cob. All genes lack cysteine codons implying a reduction to 19 amino acids in these genomes. Furthermore, mitochondrion-encoded rRNA fragment complements are incomplete in Perkinsus spp. but some are found in the nuclear DNA suggesting import into the organelle. Perkinsus demonstrates further remarkable trajectories of organelle genome evolution including pervasive integration of frameshift translation into genome expression.  相似文献   

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