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Ecosystems are subject to multiple, natural and anthropogenic environmental influences, including nitrogen (N) deposition, land use and climate. Assessment of the relative importance of these influences on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning is crucial for guiding policy and management decisions to mitigate global change; yet, few studies consider multiple drivers. In the UK, ongoing loss of the internationally important arctic/alpine moss‐sedge community, Racomitrium heath, has been linked to elevated N deposition, high grazing pressures and their combination; however, the relative importance of these drivers remains unclear. We used environmental gradients across the habitat's European distribution (UK, Faroes, Norway and Iceland) to investigate the relative impact of N deposition and grazing pressure, as well as climate, on the condition of the dominant moss species, Racomitrium lanuginosum. Key variables including tissue chemistry, growth and cover were measured at 36 sites, and multiple linear regressions were used to examine the relative importance of the drivers across sites. Our results clearly show that regional variation in the condition of R. lanuginosum across Europe is primarily associated with the impacts of N deposition, with climate (air temperature) and grazing pressure playing secondary roles. In contrast to previous experimental studies, we found moss growth to be stimulated by elevated N deposition; this apparent discrepancy may result from the use of artificially high N concentrations in many experiments. Despite increased growth rates, we found that moss mat depth and cover declined in response to N deposition. Our results suggest that this is due to increased decomposition of material in the moss mat, which ultimately leads to loss of moss cover and habitat degradation. This study clearly demonstrates both the key role of N deposition in degradation of Racomitrium heath and the importance of observational studies along natural gradients for testing predictions from experimental studies in the real world.  相似文献   

Mosses and the struggle for light in a nitrogen-polluted world   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The impact of reduced light conditions as an indirect effect of nitrogen (N) deposition was determined on three mosses in a montane ecosystem, where sedge and grass cover increase due to N enrichment. Additionally, in the greenhouse we established the importance of low light to moss growth as an indirect N deposition effect relative to the direct toxic effects of N. The amount of light reaching the moss layer was strongly and negatively related to graminoid abundance. Mosses showed differing sensitivities to reduced light in the field. Racomitrium lanuginosum biomass was found to be highest under high-light conditions, Polytrichum alpinum at intermediate light levels, whilst that of Dicranum fuscescens was unrelated to light availability. Moreover, Racomitrium biomass decreased with increasing amounts of graminoid litter, whereas the other species were little affected. All three mosses responded differently to the combination of elevated N (20 vs 10 kg N ha–1 year–1) and reduced light (60 and 80% reduction) in the greenhouse. Racomitrium growth was strongly influenced by both light reduction and elevated N, in combination reducing shoot biomass up to 76%. There was a tendency for Dicranum growth to be modestly reduced by elevated N when shaded, causing up to 19% growth reduction. Polytrichum growth was not influenced by elevated N but was reduced up to 40% by shading. We conclude that competition for light, induced by vascular plants, can strongly influence moss performance even in unproductive low biomass ecosystems. The effects of reduced light arising from N pollution can be as important to mosses as direct toxicity from N deposition. Yet, different sensitivities of mosses to both toxic and shading effects of elevated N prevent generalisation and can lead to competitive species replacement within moss communities. This study demonstrates the importance of understanding moss-vascular plant interactions to allow interpretation and prediction of ecosystem responses to anthropogenic drivers such as atmospheric N deposition or climate change.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(3):181-189

A new species, Racomitrium patagonicum Bednarek-Ochyra &; Ochyra, is described from southern South America. A herbarium name, R. senile Schimp. in A. Jaeger, is considered synonymous with R. patagonicum and confusion associated with its interpretation is explained. The new species belongs to the type subgenus of Racomitrium and is closely alied to R. lanuginosum (Hedw.) Brid. from which it differs by the very long and broadly decurrent, ruffled or wavy margins of the hyaline hair-point, broadly canaliculate leaves and dull green, strongly papillose laminal cells. Grimmia glacialis Müll. Hal., hom. illeg. (=Racomitrium glaciale Kindb.) from South Georgia is typified and this name is considered synonymous with Racomitrium lanuginosum subsp. lanuginosum. Distribution of the new species is mapped. A key to species of Racomitrium subg. Racomitrium is provided.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(3):435-438

To determine the responses of cryptogams to the variations in temperature, pH, and humidity, we studied the vegetation of Thermal Meadow, Hotsprings Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, B.C., Canada. Only seven cryptogamic taxa were present in the samples: five mosses, one liverwort, and one lichen. Humidity limited the distribution, with Racomitrium lanuginosum and Cladina ciliata preferring the warmer, drier sites and Pleurozium schreberi and Dicranum scoparium preferring cooler, more moist sites. Polytrichum formosum was the most frequent taxon, occurring under both cool, moist conditions and warm, dry conditions. Aulacomnium palustre occurred in the mid temperature range mostly where humidity was fairly high. The pH ranged 6.8–7.2, providing insufficient variation for us to delimit species preferences.  相似文献   

The montane (low- to mid-alpine) zone in Great Britain (GB) lies above the potential tree-line (700–800 m, but descending to 200 m in the north). It is composed of moss and lichen heaths, snowbeds, blanket bog and dwarf-shrub (Ericaceae) health-covered solifluction/gelifluction terraces (38 communities/sub-communities). Approximately 3.0% of the land surface is covered by this- the most extensive predominantly near-natural terrestrial habitat in GB. Internationally distinctive features include oceanic and southern biotic outliers of arctic-alpine fellfield and mountain tundra, and plant communities that are either globally rare/localised or especially well represented in GB. The absence of extensive sub-alpineBetula spp. andSalix spp. scrub is striking.The main sources of habitat diversity are climate, regional variation in topography and geology, and regional modifications due to land-use impact. Over 50 examples are given. Five important gradients in Scottish Highland vegetation are described. Only some 15% of the sampled montane vegetation is anthropogenic; the rest is semi- or near-natural. The vegetation is divided into 5 functional groups: chionophobous (avoids snow), chionophilous (prefers snow), species-rich, mires (including springs and flushes), and anthropogenic. Chionophobous and then chionophilous communities contribute most to montane vegetation diversity (calculated here as the ShannonH diversity index).H diversity increases asymptotically with montane site area but linearly with the number of communities present. A more varied topography, geology and topo-climate gives the highestH diversity.Two examples of montane biodiversity reductions south of the Highlands are the loss of prostrateCalluna vulgaris heaths and modification ofRacomitrium lanuginosum healths. Five objectives for nature conservation are proposed, covering restoration of montaneR. lanuginosum healths, prostrate dwarf-shrub dominated heaths, sub-alpine scrub and upper treelines, and the extension of the breeding ranges of both ptarmigan (Lagopus mutus) and dotterel (Charadrius morinellus) south of the Scottish Highlands. International support for monitoring is sought.  相似文献   

Abstract. Vegetation development after conventional bracken control with herbicide in the uplands is often slow and rarely results in the development of the target community. Two experiments were established on contrasting sites to investigate cost‐effective methods for the re‐establishment of vegetation dominated by Calluna vulgaris (heather), which is the usual target community seen as the desired replacement for Pteridium aquilinum in the uplands by many land managers. At one site, where grazing intensity was low and shelter was sufficient to prevent rapid Pteridium litter loss, the necessary treatments to establish Calluna were to disturb the litter and add a source of Calluna seeds. A difference between continued Pteridium control or a relaxation of control was not observed over the time‐scale of the experiment. At the second site, where grazing intensity was high and shelter minimal, vegetation dominated by Rumex acetosella had developed on a thin but dense litter layer. To enhance Calluna regeneration it was necessary to prevent sheep grazing, disturb the remaining litter layer and add a source of Calluna propagules. A nurse crop hindered Calluna establishment due to its vigorous growth. At neither site was an initial application of fertilizer an aid to Calluna establishment. It is possible to devise methods for the re‐establishment of Calluna at sites where previous attempts at Pteridium control alone have not had the desired effect on vegetation development. However, the precise choice of methods used is dependent on the grazing management at the site. High levels of livestock grazing prevented Calluna establishment, but some trampling may aid litter breakdown. The ability to adjust stocking rates and access to the site by machinery are critical factors to take into account in producing an effective strategy for long‐term Pteridium control and its replacement by target vegetation.  相似文献   

Abstract. In the Festuca gracillima tussock steppe of northern Tierra del Fuego there is a physiognomic pattern at the community scale composed of a matrix of tussocks, scrub patches of Chiliotrichum diffusum and lawn patches. In this paper we compared floristic composition, soils, microclimate and sheep use of these three types. Species composition greatly differed among physiognomic types. Lawn patches showed the highest diversity and maximum cover of exotics, grazing escape growth forms and species of high‐fertility habitats. Soil profiles of tussock steppe and lawn were similar but the A‐horizon of the latter contained more clay and cations. Radiation and temperature during daylight at the soil surface in summer were highest in the lawn patches. Soil impedance, a good indicator of trampling, was highest on the lawn patches. According to dung pellet density, lawn patches received much heavier use than the tussock matrix. Our results suggest that lawn patches supported the highest grazing impact and undergo a eutrophication process favoured by high mineral inputs, high mineralization rates in the soil during the warm season and restricted leaching through the profile. They also support the idea that a feedback mechanism between vegetation heterogeneity and sheep grazing behaviour maintains the patches. Although grazing behaviour suggests that the lawn patches favour animal production, their expansion would result in a system less protected against the impact of water deficits and temperature variations and more vulnerable to erosion and to the loss of important species.  相似文献   

Shrubs are the largest plant life form in tundra ecosystems; therefore, any changes in the abundance of shrubs will feedback to influence biodiversity, ecosystem function, and climate. The snow–shrub hypothesis asserts that shrub canopies trap snow and insulate soils in winter, increasing the rates of nutrient cycling to create a positive feedback to shrub expansion. However, previous work has not been able to separate the abiotic from the biotic influences of shrub canopies. We conducted a 3‐year factorial experiment to determine the influences of canopies on soil temperatures and nutrient cycling parameters by removing ~0.5 m high willow (Salix spp.) and birch (Betula glandulosa) shrubs, creating artificial shrub canopies and comparing these manipulations to nearby open tundra and shrub patches. Soil temperatures were 4–5°C warmer in January, and 2°C cooler in July under shrub cover. Natural shrub plots had 14–33 cm more snow in January than adjacent open tundra plots. Snow cover and soil temperatures were similar in the manipulated plots when compared with the respective unmanipulated treatments, indicating that shrub canopy cover was a dominant factor influencing the soil thermal regime. Conversely, we found no strong evidence of increased soil decomposition, CO2 fluxes, or nitrate or ammonia adsorbtion under artificial shrub canopy treatments when compared with unmanipulated open tundra. Our results suggest that the abiotic influences of shrub canopy cover alone on nutrient dynamics are weaker than previously asserted.  相似文献   

Abstract. The study site, Somerford Mead, is located on the river Thames floodplain and was a species‐rich flood‐meadow in the 1950s. In the 1960s and 1970s it was subjected to intensive grassland management with regular NPK additions and occasional herbicide treatment. In 1981 Somerford Mead was ploughed for the first time and converted to arable land. Seeds of an Alopecuruspratensis‐Sanguisorba officinalis flood‐meadow community (MG4; Rodwell 1992) were sown onto prepared soil in the autumn of 1986, and botanical records were made from 1985 to 1999. From 1989 to 1999, three replicates of three treatments: cow‐grazing, sheep‐grazing and no‐grazing were introduced after hay‐cutting. Analysis successfully separated the establishment phase from the experimental phase and showed a significant difference between the grazed and ungrazed treatments. Abiotic and biotic factors which might contribute to successional trends are discussed. A convoluted pattern for each treatment could be attributed in part to intrinsic‘cycles’of perennial hemicryptophytes behaving as short‐lived species and in part to the percentage frequency of many species which was reduced in 1990 and 1995/1996, years of drought. After the initial inoculation of MG4 seed and the disappearance of arable therophytes, recruitment of new species was very slow. Coefficients for Somerford Mead matched against MG4 (Rodwell 1992) produced an equilibrium within three years. It subsequently fluctuated over a 10‐yr period well below the level of Oxey Mead, the donor site. Land managers should ensure that their proposed site has the right soils and hydrology for MG4 grassland and that traditional management of hay‐cutting and aftermath grazing is practised. Only one cut a year in July could lead to a reduction in percentage frequency of most species except Arrhenatherum elatius.  相似文献   

Abstract. Eleven years of abandonment of a species‐rich fen‐meadow under undisturbed environmental conditions resulted in transformation into areas with tall herb‐, sedge‐ and rush‐dominated communities and areas with Alnus thicket. Species cover was measured in permanent plots in both community types and succession was monitored during 14 yr of restoration following reintroduction of management. The annual increase in accumulated species number followed a log‐log‐time linear regression during 10 yr of grazing management. The expected number of years taken before this annual rate was equal to annual extinction, i.e. a stable situation according to species density, was up to six. The response of 64 species to management was evaluated through paired statistical tests of changes in cover and frequency over time. In total, 55 species could each be allocated to one unique response model (monotone or non‐monotone, concave models) independently of the importance value used (cover or frequency) and type of management (grazing following felling or mowing and mowing without grazing). Species which increased in response to grazing had the most persistent seed banks and CR‐strategies, while species decreasing in response to grazing had less persistent seed banks and CS‐strategies. Some of the species which increased due to grazing followed a model with a local maximum in cover and frequency. The results are discussed in relation to management of species with high cover value during restoration succession.  相似文献   

Abstract. We described 38 relictual old‐growth stands – with data on the mortality, regeneration, floristic richness, fuel load and disease incidence in our study area in the Tahoe Basin of California and Nevada. The stands are within the lower and upper montane zones (1900–2400 m a.s.l.) and they are rare, occupying < 2% of the land in the Basin's watershed. Correlation matrices and ANOVAs of forest types and conifer species with environmental gradients revealed significant relationships with elevation, distance east of the Sierran crest, slope aspect, annual precipitation, date of complete snow melt, litter depth and degree of soil profile development. Pathogens, parasites and wood‐boring insects were present on 23% of living trees; 16% of all trees were dead. We compared these stands to a reconstruction of pre‐contact Basin forests and to ecologically analogous old‐growth forests of Baja California that have never experienced fire suppression management. Currently, overstorey trees (> 180 yr old) in the Basin stands have ca. 33% cover, 54 m2.ha‐1 basal area and 107 individuals.ha‐1, values very similar to reconstructions of pre‐contact Basin forests and to modern Baja California forests. Understorey trees (60–180 yr old), however, are several times more dense than historic levels and species composition is strongly dominated by A. concolor, regardless of the overstorey composition. The ratio of Pinus: Abies has increased – and the age structure of extant stands predicts that it will continue to increase – from approximately 1:1 in pre‐contact time to 1:7 within the next century. Disease incidence and mortality in Baja forests were lower. Although we quantitatively defined current Basin old‐growth forests – in terms of stand structure – we realize that our definition will differ from that of both past and future old‐growth forests unless management protocols are changed.  相似文献   

Abstract. The effects of reduction and cessation of sheep grazing on salt‐marsh vegetation were studied on a formerly intensively grazed salt marsh in northern Germany. Plant species cover was recorded in 45 permanent plots from 1992 to 2000. In 1995, physical and chemical soil parameters were analysed. Results of Redundancy Analysis (RDA) indicated that salinity and the depth of anoxic conditions below the surface were the most important soil factors related to the spatial vegetation pattern. Furthermore, plant species distribution was influenced by present and past grazing intensity, by soil grain size and nitrogen content. Vegetation changes over 9 yr were analysed by non‐linear regression. The cover of Aster tripolium, Atriplex portulacoides, and, to a lesser extent, Artemisia maritima and Elymus athericus increased due to reduced grazing pressure, whereas the cover of Salicornia europaea decreased. After a strong increase in the first years Aster decreased 2 to 6 yr after abandonment. In the mid salt‐marsh zone Puccinellia maritima was replaced by Festuca rubra. The cover of Puccinellia, Festuca, Suaeda maritima, Glaux maritima and Salicornia fluctuated strongly, probably due to differences in weather conditions and inundation frequency. Species richness per 4 m2 generally increased while vegetation evenness decreased during the study period. Only in the high salt marsh abandoned for 9 yr did the number of species decrease slightly. Thus far, cessation of grazing did not lead to large‐scale dominance of single plant species.  相似文献   

Questions: How does draining affect the composition of vegetation? Are certain functional groups favoured? Can soil parameters explain these differences? Location: Central Faroe Islands, treeless islands in the northern boreal vegetation zone. Since 1987, an area of 21 km2 at 100–200 m a.s.l. was drained in order to provide water for hydro‐electric production. Method: Vegetation and soil of a drained area and a control, undrained neighbouring area of approximately the same size were sampled in 2007. Six sites were sampled in each area. The vegetation was classified with cluster analysis. Results: Four plant communities were defined in the area: Calluna vulgarisEmpetrum nigrumVaccinium myrtillus heath, Scirpus cespitosusEriophorum angustifolium blanket mire, Carex bigelowiiRacomitrium lanuginosum moss‐heath, Narthecium ossifragumCarex panacea mire. Heath was more extensively distributed within, and was the dominant community of the drained area, whereas moss‐heath was more extensive in the undrained area. Blanket mire and mire had approximately the same distribution in both areas. For the blanket mire, species composition indicated drier conditions in the drained than in the undrained area. The drained area had higher frequencies of woody species and lichens, grasses had finer roots and available soil phosphate was considerably higher, whereas the undrained area had higher frequencies of grasses and sedges. Conclusion: The dominant plant communities were different in the two areas, which indicated that the blanket mire was drying in the drained area. Higher concentration of soil phosphate in the drained area also indicated increased decomposition of organic soils owing to desiccation.  相似文献   

Abstract. The biodiversity of species‐rich semi‐natural meadows is declining across Europe due to ceased management. In this study we aimed to find out how successfully the local species richness of an overgrown semi‐natural mesic meadow could be restored by sheep grazing after a long period of abandonment. The cover of vascular plant species in grazed plots and ungrazed exclosures was studied for five years and the responses of different functional plant groups were followed (herbs vs grasses, tall vs short species, species differing in flowering time, species representing different Grime's CSR strategies and species indicative of rich vs poor soil). Grazing increased species number by nearly 30%. On grazed plots the litter cover practically disappeared, favouring small herbs such as Rhinanthus minor, Ranunculus acris, Trifolium pratense and the grass Agrostis capillaris. Grazing decreased the cover of the late flowering tall herb Epilobium angustifolium but had no effect on the abundance of the early flowering tall herbs Anthriscus sylvestris or Geranium sylvaticum. We suggest that to succeed in restoration it is useful to determine the responses of different functional plant groups to grazing. Grassland managers need this information to optimize the methods and timing of management used in restoration. Additional management practices, such as mowing, may be needed in mesic meadows to decrease the dominance of tall species. The availability of propagules seemed to restrict further increase of species richness in our study area.  相似文献   

Abstract. Mainland salt marshes in Schleswig-Holstein (northern Germany) have been grazed intensively by sheep for several decades. In 1988 experimental sites were established in the lower and middle salt marsh of Sönke-Nissen-Koog and subjected to different grazing intensities. From 1989 to 1993 the impact of sheep grazing on the composition and structure of the salt marsh vegetation was studied through the yearly analysis of permanent plots, vegetation mapping and measurements of the vegetation height. The intensively grazed site (10 sheep/ha) is covered by a short monotonous Puccinellia maritima sward with Salicornia europaea and Suaeda maritima. Halimione portulacoides and Aster tripolium, especially flowering plants, are rare. On the sites with 1.5 and 3 sheep/ha Puccinellia maritima remained dominant. The population density of Salicornia europaea decreases after reduction of the grazing intensity, whereas Suaeda maritima finds optimal growing conditions. Stands of Halimione portulacoides and flowering Aster tripolium plants are rare near the sea dike but their cover and size increases further away from the dike. In the plot with 1.5 sheep/ha the height of the vegetation increases along the gradient from the dike towards the tidal flats, due to local differences in actual grazing intensity. When grazing is stopped, Puccinellia maritima is successively replaced by Festuca rubra, Halimione portulacoides and Aster tripolium. High variability of vegetation height indicates structural diversity. Patches of higher and lower vegetation correspond with the distribution pattern of different plant species. In terms of nature conservation cessation of grazing is recommended.  相似文献   

Abstract Changes in the abundance, species richness and assemblage composition of vertebrates due to grazing by domestic stock were investigated in the semi‐arid woodlands of eastern Australia. Analyses were based on the differences found at 10 fenceline contrast sites. Two species of amphibians, 22 species of reptiles and two species of small mammal were captured in pit traps during the surveys. Kangaroos (red and eastern grey), sheep, goats and 66 species of birds were recorded along line transects. Analyses revealed that abundance of diurnal reptiles and species richness of diurnal reptiles and birds were significantly lower on heavily grazed sites than they were on lightly grazed sites. At a local scale, the gecko, Gehyra variegata, was more abundant where grazing was heavier, while Diplodactylus conspicillatus, Diplodactylus steindachneri and Rhynchoedura ornata responded to variables indirectly related to grazing intensity (kangaroo density, sheep and goat dung mass and sheep density, respectively). Birds more commonly sighted on lightly grazed areas than heavily grazed areas were the apostlebird, brown treecreeper, crested bellbird, grey butcherbird, hooded robin, jacky winter, little woodswallow, Australian magpie‐lark, mulga parrot, splendid wren, white‐browed treecreeper and yellow‐rumped thornbill. Birds more commonly sighted on heavily grazed areas than on lightly grazed areas were the Australian raven and chestnut‐crowned babbler. Most variation in species composition between sites was due to spatial separation and no regional‐level indicator species of grazing were evident. A combination of direct grazing‐related changes (e.g. loss of ground cover) and indirect effects of the pastoral industry (e.g. introduction of artificial sources of water) lead to changes in fauna at different scales of analysis across regions.  相似文献   

Question: We studied the interactive effects of grazing and dwarf shrub cover on the structure of a highly diverse annual plant community. Location: Mediterranean, semi‐arid shrubland in the Northern Negev desert, Israel. Methods: Variation in the biomass and plant density of annual species in the shrub and open patches was monitored during four years, inside and outside exclosures protected from sheep grazing, in two contrasting topographic sites: north and south‐facing slopes that differed in their dominant dwarf shrubs species: Sarcopoterium spinosus and Corydothymus capitatus, respectively. Results: Above‐ground biomass, density and richness of annual species were lower under the canopy of both shrub species compared to the adjacent open patches in the absence of grazing. Grazing reduced the biomass of annuals in open patches of both topographic sites, but not in the shrub patches. On the north‐facing slope, grazing also reduced plant density and richness in the open patches, but increased plant density in the shrub patches. At the species level, various response patterns to the combined effects of grazing and patch type were exhibited by different annuals. Protection against the direct impacts of grazing by shrub cover as well as species‐specific interactions between shrubs and annuals were observed. A conceptual mechanistic model explaining these interactions is proposed. Conclusion: In semi‐arid Mediterranean shrublands grazing and dwarf shrub cover interact in shaping the structure of the annual plant community through (1) direct impacts of grazing restricted to the open patches, (2) species‐specific facilitation/ interference occurring in the shrub patches and (3) subsequent further processes occurring among the interconnected shrub and open patches mediated through variation in seed flows between patches.  相似文献   

Abstract. The focus of this study is the response of species to time of snowmelt and altitude in alpine areas and an examination of changes in species response to snowmelt as altitude increases and temperature decreases. Transects (n= 43) were placed evenly along an altitudinal gradient at Finse, Hardanger‐vidda, western Norway, from ridges to late snowbeds. These gradients were systematically sampled (‘Repeated Gradient Analysis, RGA’) and an adjusted F‐test was used to determine repeated trends in species distribution along the transects. Of the 41 taxa analysed 22 showed a significant change in expected occurrence in response to time of snowmelt (when a site becomes free of snow) as altitude increased. Three types of response were observed: (1) no change in response: (2) increased occurrence as altitude increases, i.e. the taxon invades snow‐free sites as altitude increases, and (3) decreased occurrence as altitude increases, i.e. the taxon retreats from snow covered areas. It is suggested that the changes in response are due to both environmental factors (temperature related) and biological interactions. Decreases in expected occurrence are probably due to increased environmental severity as altitude increases (temperature related decreases). These species are represented by taxa preferring intermediate cover of snow. The invasion of earlier snow‐free sites is probably due to reduced competition from lee‐side taxa as altitude increases. A predictive model based on the species‐environmental relationships suggests that a 1°K temperature increase changes the limits of occurrence in response to time of snowmelt from 3 to 20 days for the different taxa.  相似文献   

Four species of the moss genusRacomitrium Brid. are reported from Brazil:R. subsecundum (Harv.) Wils,R. didymum (Mont.) Lorentz,R. crispipilum (Taylor) A. Jaeger, andR. visnadiae W. R. Buck.Racomitrium subsecundum is reported for the first time from South America in Brazil and Colombia. The species is fully described and illustrated.Racomitrium didymum is recorded for the first time from Brazil; the specimens previously assigned toR. crispulum (Hook.f. & Wils.) Hook.f. & Wils. represent this species.Racomitrium cucullatifolium Hampe andR. crispulum (Hook. f. & Wils.) Hook.f. & Wils. are excluded from the Brazilian bryophyte flora. All Brazilian species ofRacomitrium are briefly assessed taxonomically and bryogeographically and illustrated, and a key to their determination is given. A lectotype is selected forGrimmia didyma Mont.  相似文献   

Abstract. Snow patch vegetation in Australia is rare, being restricted to the relatively small area of alpine and subalpine country in the highlands of southeastern Australia. Snow patch vegetation occurs on steeper, sheltered southeastern slopes, where snow persists until well into the growing season (December/January). We surveyed the vegetation of 33 snow patch sites in the alpine and subalpine tracts of the Bogong High Plains, within the Alpine National Park, in Victoria. The vegetation was dominated by herbs and graminoids, with few shrubs and mosses. Major structural assemblages identified included closed herb‐fields dominated by Celmisia spp, and grasslands dominated by Poa fawcettiae or Poa costiniana. These assemblages occurred on mineral soils. Open herb‐fields dominated by Caltha introloba and several sedge species occurred on rocky and stony substrata. Vegetation‐environment relationships were explored by ordination and vector fitting. There was significant variation in the floristic composition of snow patch vegetation as a function of duration of snow cover, altitude, slope and site rockiness. Alpine sites were floristically distinct from subalpine sites, with a greater cover of Celmisia spp. and a lesser cover of low shrubs in the former. There was floristic variation within some snow patches as a function of slope position (upper, middle or lower slope) but this was not consistent across sites. The current condition of snow patch vegetation on the Bogong High Plains is degraded, with bare ground exceeding 20% cover at most sites. Snow patch vegetation is utilized preferentially by domestic cattle, which graze parts of the Bogong High Plains in summer. Such grazing is a potential threat to this rare vegetation type.  相似文献   

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