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Teichoic acid-glycopeptide complexes were isolated from lysozyme digests of the cell walls of Bacillus coagulans AHU 1631, AHU 1634, and AHU 1638, and the structure of the teichoic acid moieties and their linkage regions was studied. On treatment with hydrogen fluoride, each of the complexes gave a hexosamine-containing disaccharide, which was identified to be glucosyl(beta 1----4)N-acetylglucosamine, in addition to dephosphorylated repeating units of the teichoic acids, namely, galactosyl(alpha 1----2)glycerol and either galactosyl(alpha 1----2)[glucosyl(alpha 1----1/3)]glycerol (AHU 1638) or galactosyl(alpha 1----2)[glucosyl(beta 1----1/3)]glycerol (AHU 1631 and AHU 1634). From the results of Smith degradation, methylation analysis, and partial acid hydrolysis, the teichoic acids from these strains seem to have the same backbone chains composed of galactosyl(alpha 1----2)glycerol phosphate units joined by phosphodiester bonds at C-6 of the galactose residues. The presence of the disaccharide, glucosyl(beta 1----4)N-acetylglucosamine, in the linkage regions between teichoic acids and peptidoglycan was confirmed by the isolation of a disaccharide-linked glycopeptide fragment from each complex after treatment with mild alkali and of a teichoic acid-linked saccharide from each cell wall preparation after treatment with mild acid. Thus, it is concluded that despite structural differences in the glycosidic branches, the teichoic acids in the cell walls of the three strains are linked to peptidoglycan through a common linkage saccharide, glucosyl (beta 1----4) N-acetylglucosamine.  相似文献   

Organization of teichoic acid in the cell wall of Bacillus subtilis.   总被引:25,自引:14,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
The phytohemagglutinin, concanavalin A (Con A), interacts specifically and reversibly with the polyglucosyl glycerol phosphate teichoic acid of Bacillus subtilis 168 cell walls. Advantage has been taken of this interaction to examine the organization of the surface teichoic acid at the ultrastructural level. Con A-treated whole cells and cell walls contain an irregular, fluffy layer 25 to 60 nm thick which is absent in untreated or alpha-methyl glucoside-treated preparations. This discontinuous layer is present only on the outer profile of Con-A-treated cell walls. The surface teichoic acid is proposed to be oriented perpendicular to the long axis of the cell. Fixation and embedment for electron microscopy result in condensation of this layer which then contributes to the stainable portion of the wall. Con A treatment binds adjacent teichoic acid molecules in their native configuration producing the irregular, fluffy layer visualized.  相似文献   

Distribution of teichoic acid in the cell wall of Bacillus subtilis.   总被引:4,自引:11,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Hydrolysis of the cell wall of Bacillus subtilis 168 by autolysins or lysozyme resulted in the exposure of glucosylated teichoic acid molecules as evidenced by increased precipitation of [14C] concanavalin A. The number of concanavalin A-reactive sites increased significantly after only limited enzymatic digestion of the walls. Quantitative analyses of [14C] concanavalin A-treated wall or wall hydrolysate complexes indicate that approximately one-half of the teichoic acid molecules are surface-exposed, whereas the remainder are probably embedded within the peptidoglycan matrix. Treatment of the cell walls with sodium dodecyl sulfate or Triton X-100 did not result in new concanavalin A-reactive sites. Partial autolysis diminished the ability of the cell walls to adsorb bacteriophage phi25. Fluorescein-labeled concanavalin A bound intensely over the entire surface of growing B. subtilis 168 cells, suggesting that teichoic acid molecules are located on the total solvent-exposed surface area of the bacteria.  相似文献   

Thermally injured cells of Staphylococcus aureus lack the ability to grow on tryptic soy agar containing 7.5% NaCl. This injury phenomenon was examined in three strains of S. aureus: MF-31; H (Str); and, isolated from H (Str), 52A5, a mutant which lacks teichoic acid in the cell wall. Temperatures for sublethal heat treatment were selected to produce maximum injury with minimum death for each strain. Examination of isolated cell walls showed that magnesium was lost from the wall during heating, and that the degree of cell injury was accentuated when magnesium ions were either removed from or made unavailable to the cell. S. aureus 52A5 was more heat sensitive than its parent strain. Cells containing higher levels of wall teichoic acid generally showed less injury than normal cells. Cells with the weaker cation-binding polymer, teichuronic acid, in the cell wall generally showed greater injury. These data suggest that cell wall teichoic acid of S. aureus aids in the survival of the cell by the maintenance of an accessible surface pool of magnesium.  相似文献   

Bacillus subtilis 168ts-200B is a temperature-sensitive mutant of B. subtilis 168 which grows as rods at 30 C but as irregular spheres at 45 C. Growth at the nonpermissive temperature resulted in a deficiency of teichoic acid in the cell wall. A decrease in teichoic acid synthesis coupled with the rapid turnover of this polymer led to a progressive loss until less than 20% of the level found in wild-type rods remained in spheres. Extracts of cells grown at 45 C contained amounts of the enzymes involved in the biosynthesis and glucosylation of teichoic acids that were equal to or greater than those found in normal rods. Cell walls of the spheres were deficient also in the endogenous autolytic enzyme (N-acyl muramyl-l-alanine amidase). Genetic analysis of the mutant by PBS1-mediated transduction and deoxyribonucleic acid-mediated transformation demonstrated that the lesion responsible for these effects (tag-1) is tightly linked to the genes which regulate the glucosylation of teichoic acid in the mid-portion of the chromosome of B. subtilis.  相似文献   

The cell wall teichoic acid structures of 22 staphylococci including 13 type strains were determined. Most of the strains contain a poly(polyolphosphate) teichoic acid with glycerol and/or ribitol as polyol component. The polyolphosphate backbone is partially substituted with various combinations of sugars and/or amino sugars. Most of the substituents occur in a monomeric form but some strains also contain dimers of N-acetylglucosamine as substituents. Staphylococcus hyicus subsp. hyicus NCTC 10350 and S. sciuri DSM 20352 revealed rather complex cell wall teichoic acids. They consist of repeating sequences of phosphate-glycerol-phosphate-N-acetylglucosamine. The amino sugar component is present in this case as a monomer or an oligomer (n less than or equal to 3). Moreover, the glycerol residues are partially substituted with N-acetylglucosamine. The cell wall teichoic acid of S. auricularis is a poly(N-acetylglucosaminyl-phosphate) polymer similar to that found in S. caseolyticus ATCC29750. The cell wall teichoic acid structures for type strains of S. auricularis, S. capitis, S. cohnii, S. haemolyticus, S. hominis, S. hyicus subsp. hyicus, S. sciuri, S. xylosus and S. warneri were determined for the first time in detail. The structures of some of the previously described teichoic acids had to be revised (S. epidermidis, S. simulans, S. aureus phage type 187).  相似文献   

The minor teichoic acid linked to glycopeptide was isolated from lysozyme digests of Bacillus coagulans AHU 1631 cell walls, and the structure of the teichoic acid moiety and its junction with the peptidoglycan were studied. Hydrolysis of the teichoic-acid--glycopeptide complex with hydrogen fluoride gave a nonreducing oligosaccharide composed of glucose, galactose and glycerol in a molar ratio of 3:1:1 which was presumed to be dephosphorylated repeating units of the polymer chain. From the results of structural analysis involving NaIO4 oxidation, methylation and acetolysis, the above fragment was characterized as glucosyl(beta 1----3)glucosyl(beta 1----6)galactosyl(beta 1----6)glucosyl(alpha 1----1/3)glycerol. In addition, the Smith degradation of the complex yielded a phosphorus-containing fragment identified as glycerol-P-6-glucosyl(beta 1----1/3)glycerol. These results led to the most likely structure for the repeating units of the teichoic acid, -6[glucosyl(beta 1----3)]glucosyl(beta 1----6)galactosyl(beta 1----6)glucosyl(alpha 1----1/3)glycerol-P-. The minor teichoic acid, just like the major teichoic acid bound to the linkage unit, was released by heating the cell walls at pH 2.5. The mild alkaline hydrolysis of the minor teichoic acid after reduction with NaB3H4 gave labeled saccharides characterized as glucosyl(beta 1----6)galactitol and glucosyl(beta 1----3)glucosyl(beta 1----6)galactitol, together with a large amount of the unlabeled repeating units of the teichoic acid chain. Thus, the minor teichoic acid chain is believed to be directly linked to peptidoglycan at the galactose residue of the terminal repeating unit without a special linkage sugar unit.  相似文献   

Biosynthesis of the wall teichoic acid in Bacillus licheniformis   总被引:18,自引:12,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
1. The biosynthesis of the wall teichoic acid, poly(glycerol phosphate glucose), has been studied with a particulate membrane preparation from Bacillus licheniformis A.T.C.C. 9945. The precursor CDP-glycerol supplies glycerol phosphate residues, whereas UDP-glucose supplies only glucose to the repeating structure of the polymer. 2. Synthesis proceeds through polyprenol phosphate derivatives, and chemical studies and pulse-labelling techniques show that the first intermediate is the phosphodiester, glucose polyprenol monophosphate. CDP-glycerol donates a glycerol phosphate residue to this to give a second intermediate, (glycerol phosphate glucose phosphate) polyprenol. 3. The glucose residue in the lipid intermediates has the beta configuration, and chain extension in the synthesis of polymer occurs by transglycosylation with inversion of anomeric configuration at two stages.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage SPP1 targets the host cell membrane protein YueB to irreversibly adsorb and infect Bacillus subtilis. Interestingly, SPP1 still binds to the surface of yueB mutants, although in a completely reversible way. We evaluated here the relevance of a reversible step in SPP1 adsorption and identified the receptor(s) involved. We show that reversible adsorption is impaired in B. subtilis mutants defective in the glucosylation pathway of teichoic acids or displaying a modified chemical composition of these polymers. The results indicate that glucosylated poly(glycerolphosphate) cell wall teichoic acid is the major target for SPP1 reversible binding. Interaction with this polymer is characterized by a fast adsorption rate showing low-temperature dependence, followed by a rapid establishment of an equilibrium state between adsorbed and free phages. This equilibrium is basically determined by the rate of phage dissociation, which exhibits a strong dependence on temperature compatible with an Arrhenius law. This allowed us to determine an activation energy of 22.6 kcal/mol for phage release. Finally, we show that SPP1 reversible interaction strongly accelerates irreversible binding to YueB. Our results support a model in which fast SPP1 adsorption to and desorption from teichoic acids allows SPP1 to scan the bacterial surface for rapid YueB recognition.  相似文献   

1. A glycerol teichoic acid has been extracted from cell walls of Bacillus stearothermophilus B65 and its structure examined. 2. Trichloroacetic acid-extractable teichoic acid accounted for 68% of the total cell-wall phosphorus and residual material could be hydrolysed to a mixture of products including those characteristic of glycerol teichoic acids. 3. The extracted polymer is composed of glycerol, phosphoric acid, d-glucose and d-alanine. 4. Hydrolysis of the polymer with alkali gave glycerol, 1-O-alpha-d-glucopyranosylglycerol and its monophosphates, glycerol mono- and di-phosphate, as well as traces of a glucosyldiglycerol triphosphate and a glucosylglycerol diphosphate. 5. The teichoic acid is a polymer of 18 or 19 glycerol phosphate units having alpha-d-glucopyranosyl residues attached to position 1 of 14 or 15 of the glycerol residues. 6. The glycerol residues are joined by phosphodiester linkages involving positions 2 and 3 in each glycerol. 7. d-Alanine is in ester linkage to the hydroxyl group at position 6 of approximately half of the glucose residues. 8. One in every 13 or 12 polymer molecules bears a phosphomonoester group on position 3 of a glucose residue, the possible significance of which in linkage of the polymer to other wall constituents is discussed.  相似文献   

The simultaneous occurrence of a N-acetylglucosaminyl poly(ribitolphosphate) (-GlcNAc) and a N-acetylglucosaminyl poly(glycerolphosphate) (-GlcNAc) in the cell walls of Staphylococcus xylosus DSM 20266 was demonstrated by different experimental lines:(1) Fractionation of extracted cell wall teichoic acid on DEAE-cellulose, (2) investigation of the composition of cell walls in the growth cycle, (3) in vitro biosynthesis using crude membranes as the source of enzyme.The polymerization of these polymers starts from CDP-ribitol and CDP-glycerol, respectively. In the presence of UDP-N-acetylglucosamine both polymers are substituted with N-acetylglucosamine at a level and with the identical anomeric configuration found in the native cell wall teichoic acids. The in vitro biosynthesis of poly(glycerolphosphate) was unique in that it was highly stimulated by UDP-N-acetylglucosamine and to a lower extent by other UDP-activated sugars. Kinetic studies have provided evidence that this stimulation is due to an increase of V max while K m is unchanged. Competition experiments have indicated that poly(ribitolphosphate) and poly(glycerolphosphate) were synthesized in the in vitro system in a close spatial relationship.Abbreviations ADP adenosine 5-diphospho - CDP cytidine 5-diphospho - GDP guanosine 5-diphospho - GalNAc N-acetyl-galactosamine - Glc glucose, glucosyl - GlcNAc N-acetyl-glucosamine - N acetylglucosaminyl - GlcUA glucuronic acid - Gro glycerol - Man mannose, mannosyl - Rit ribitol - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - UDP uridine 5-diphospho  相似文献   

Wall teichoic acids are cell wall polymers that maintain the integrity of the cellular envelope and contribute to the virulence of Staphylococcus aureus. Despite the central role of wall teichoic acid in S. aureus virulence, details concerning the biosynthetic pathway of the predominant wall teichoic acid polymer are lacking, and workers have relied on a presumed similarity to the putative polyribitol phosphate wall teichoic acid pathway in Bacillus subtilis. Using high-resolution polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis for analysis of wall teichoic acid extracted from gene deletion mutants, a revised assembly pathway for the late-stage ribitol phosphate-utilizing enzymes is proposed. Complementation studies show that a putative ribitol phosphate polymerase, TarL, catalyzes both the addition of the priming ribitol phosphate onto the linkage unit and the subsequent polymerization of the polyribitol chain. It is known that the putative ribitol primase, TarK, is also a bifunctional enzyme that catalyzes both ribitol phosphate priming and polymerization. TarK directs the synthesis of a second, electrophoretically distinct polyribitol-containing teichoic acid that we designate K-WTA. The biosynthesis of K-WTA in S. aureus strain NCTC8325 is repressed by the accessory gene regulator (agr) system. The demonstration of regulated wall teichoic acid biosynthesis has implications for cell envelope remodeling in relation to S. aureus adhesion and pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Although exponential growth of Bacillus subtilis 168 in a phosphate-limited medium halted with the exhaustion of inorganic phosphate, the bacteria continued to grow at a slower rate for a further 3 to 4 h at 37 degrees C. This postexponential growth in the absence of an exogenous phosphate supply was accompanied by a loss of teichoic acid from the cell walls of the bacteria. Quantitative analysis of walls and culture fluids showed that the phosphate loss from the walls could not be accounted for by an increase in phosphate-containing compounds in the medium, which implied that the cells were using their own wall teichoic acids to supply phosphate necessary for growth. Addition of exogenous teichoic acid to phosphate-starved cultures resulted in stimulation of growth and in the simultaneous disappearance of teichoic acid phosphate from the medium. It is proposed that teichoic acids, which can contain more than 30% of the total phosphorus of exponential-phase cells, can be used as a reserve phosphate source when the bacteria are starved for inorganic phosphate.  相似文献   

Some teichoic acids are known to be partially substituted by α-D-glucopyranosyl residues such as the teichoic acids of Streptococcus faecalis NCIB 8191. They will, therefore, bind specifically the phytohemagglutinin concanavalin A. Concanavalin A labelled with mercury or colloidal gold coated with concanavalin A has been used to mark isolated cell walls in order to localize the teichoic acids at the ultrastructural level. Besides these two direct marking techniques, the indirect concanavalin A-peroxidase technique (localization of peroxidase by the diaminobenzidine method followed by postosmication) has been applied to thin sections of premarked cells. All three methods gave almost identical results, namely, a dense and homogeneous distribution of the cell wall teichoic acids. In control experiments total inhibition was achieved in the presence of methyl-α-D-mannopyranoside. After trichloroacetic acid or alkali extraction of the teichoic acids from isolated walls no marking could be detected.  相似文献   

The cell walls of Actinomadura viridis contain poly(glycosylglycerol phosphate) chains of complex structure. On the basis of NMR spectroscopy of the polymer and glycosides thereof the following structural units were found: beta-D-Galp3Me-(1-->4)[beta-D-Glcp-(1-->6)]-beta-D-Galp-(1-->1)-++ +snGro (G1); beta-D-Galp-(1-->4)-beta-D-Galp-(1-->1)-snGro (G2); beta-D-Galp3Me-(1-->4)-beta-D-Galp-(1-->1)-snGro (G2a); beta-D-Galp-(1-->1)-snGro (G3); beta-D-Galp-(1-->1)[beta-D-Galp-(1-->2)]-snGro (G4); beta-D-Glcp-(1-->2)-snGro (G5). Glycosides G1, G2 and G3 were the predominant components of the teichoic acid: they formed the polymer chain via phosphodiester bonds involving C-3 of the glycerol residue and C-3 of the galactosyl residue which in turn glycosylates C-1 of the glycerol residue. Whether the different glycosides make up the one chain or whether there are several poly(glycosylglycerol phosphate) chains in the cell wall remains to be determined. It was suggested that the minor component G5 is located at the nonterminal end of the chains. Compound G4 which contains disubstituted glycerol residues (unusual for the teichoic acid) was also found as a minor component; this may be the glycoside of a new type of teichoic acid, or a glycoside on the terminal end of the above mentioned chains. In addition, small amounts of 1,3-poly(glycerol phosphate) chains were found in the cell wall.  相似文献   

The cell wall anionic polymers of the 13 species of the "Streptomyces cyaneus" cluster have a similar structure and contain beta-glucosylated 1,5-poly(ribitol phosphate) and 1,3-poly(glycerol phosphate). In the degree of glucosylation of the ribitol phosphate units of their teichoic acids, the cluster members can be divided into two groups. The streptomycetes of the first group (S. afghaniensis, S. janthinus, S. purpurascens, S. roseoviolaceus, and S. violatus) are characterized by a very similar structure of their cell walls, completely glucosylated 1,5-poly(ribitol phosphate) chains, and a high degree of DNA homology (67-88%). The cell wall teichoic acids of the second group (S. azureus, S. bellus, S. caelestis, S. coeruleorubidus, S. curacoi, and S. violarus) differ in the degree of beta-glucosylation of their 1,5-poly(ribitol phosphate) chains and have a lower level of DNA homology (54-76%). Two streptomycetes of the cluster (S. cyaneus and S. hawaiiensis) are genetically distant from the other cluster members but have the same composition and structure of the cell wall teichoic acids as the second-group streptomycetes. The data obtained confirm the genetic relatedness of the "S. cyaneus" cluster members and suggest that the structure of the cell wall teichoic acids may serve as one of the taxonomic criteria of the species-level status of streptomycetes.  相似文献   

Wall teichoic acid (WTA) is essential for the growth of Bacillus subtilis 168. To clarify the function of this polymer, the WTAs of strains 168, 104 rodB1, and 113 tagF1 (rodC1) grown at 32 and 42 degrees C were characterized. At the restrictive temperature, the rodB1 and tagF1 (rodC1) mutants undergo a rod-to-sphere transition that is correlated with changes in the WTA content of the cell wall. The amount of WTA decreased 33% in strain 104 rodB1 and 84% in strain 113 tagF1 (rodC1) when they were grown at the restrictive temperature. The extent of alpha-D-glucosylation (0.84) was not affected by growth at the higher temperature in these strains. The degree of D-alanylation decreased from 0.22 to 0.10 in the rodB1 mutant but remained constant (0.12) in the tagF1 (rodC1) mutant at both temperatures. Under these conditions, the degree of D-alanylation in the parent strain decreased from 0.27 to 0.21. The chain lengths of WTA in strains 168 and 104 rodB1 grown at both temperatures were approximately 53 residues, with a range of 45 to 60. In contrast, although the chain length of WTA from the tagF1 (rodC1) mutant at 32 degrees C was similar to that of strains 168 and 104 rodB1, it was approximately eight residues at the restrictive temperature. The results suggested that the rodB1 mutant is partially deficient in completed poly(glycerophosphate) chains. The precise biochemical defect in this mutant remains to be determined. The results for strain 113 tagF1(rodC1) are consistent with the temperature-sensitive defect in the CDP-glycerol:poly(glycerophosphate) glycerophosphotransferase (H. M. Pooley, F.-X. Abellan, and D. Karamata, J. Bacteriol. 174:646-649, 1992).  相似文献   

Cell separation in Bacillus subtilis depends on specific activities of DL-endopeptidases CwlS, LytF and LytE. Immunofluorescence microscopy (IFM) indicated that the localization of LytF depended on its N-terminal LysM domain. In addition, we revealed that the LysM domain efficiently binds to peptidoglycan (PG) prepared by chemically removing wall teichoic acids (WTAs) from the B. subtilis cell wall. Moreover, increasing amounts of the LysM domain bound to TagB- or TagO-depleted cell walls. These results strongly suggested that the LysM domain specifically binds to PG, and that the binding may be prevented by WTAs. IFM with TagB-, TagF- or TagO-reduced cells indicated that LytF-6xFLAG was observed not only at cell separation site and poles but also as a helical pattern along the sidewall. Moreover, we found that LytF was localizable on the whole cell surface in TagB-, TagF- or TagO-depleted cells. These results strongly suggest that WTAs inhibit the sidewall localization of LytF. Furthermore, the helical LytF localization was observed on the lateral cell surface in MreB-depleted cells, suggesting that cell wall modification by WTAs along the sidewall might be governed by an actin-like cytoskeleton homologue, MreB.  相似文献   

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