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The nephrotic syndrome, glomerulonephritis, disseminated lupus erythematosus and the Fanconi syndrome show characteristic changes with electron microscopy.Experimental studies of animals were carried out to determine the significance of such changes by observing reactions that occur under carefully controlled conditions. A lesion with collagen deposition that was found in the centrolobular region of glomeruli sheds new light on the function of this region. This evidence must be considered in developing an understanding of how the production of urine is controlled. Fluid-filled compartments and various bodies associated with the ultrastructure of tubule cells can be produced under conditions which suggest that these structures play a role in tubular resorption.  相似文献   

The development of vesicular stomatitis virus in KB cells was studied by electron microscopy. Sections of infected cells were made 1, 4, 7, 10, and 20 hours after inoculation of the cell cultures, and at the same intervals the supernatant fluid was assayed for virus titer by the plaque test in chick embryo cells. At 10, 14, and 20 hours after inoculation, virus rods were observed attached to cytoplasmic membranes, inside cytoplasmic vacuoles, and attached to the membranes delimiting these vacuoles; they were also found on the surface membrane of the cells. Besides the rods, spherical particles of different sizes and shapes were seen. The possibility that these structures are related to the development of virus rods is discussed. A similarity was noted between the site of maturation of vesicular stomatitis virus rods and that of some other arbor viruses.  相似文献   

近年来,不少学者应用扫描电镜观察恶丝虫(Wong和Brummer,1978)、盘尾丝虫(Franz,1980;Franz和Renz,1980)、彭亨丝虫(Aoki et al., 1980)、成虫和/或童虫、幼虫、亚周期型马来丝虫(Franz,1982)和周期型马来丝虫(程富川等,1982)成虫的形态。我们在1978年成功地用周期型马来丝虫感染长爪沙鼠之后,应用扫描电镜观察马来丝虫成虫和第三期幼虫的形态。现将结果报告如后。  相似文献   

紫彩血蛤鳃的组织化学和扫描电镜研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
紫彩血蛤(Nuttalliaolivacea)的鳃上皮细胞核多为椭圆形,核内染色体呈丝状;结缔组织细胞的核多为圆形,部分核内有块状Feulgen阳性颗粒,RNA在鳃丝上皮细胞最丰富,有的形成直径0.52μm的颗粒,结缔组织和鳃丝上皮细胞内均有直径0.63μm左右的PAS阳性颗粒,吞噬细胞呈极强的ANAE阳性,鳃丝上皮细胞呈较弱的阳性。ACP和AKP在吞噬细胞和外缘上皮细胞中的活性较强,其它部位较弱  相似文献   

The ketonic carotenoid astaxanthin accumulates in perinuclear cytoplasm characterized by a network of ribosome-coated endoplnsmic reticulum segments, free ribosomes, dictyosomes in active stages of vesicle formation, and mitochondria. The pigment granules form in the ground substance and not within any organelle or vesicle. Coalescence of the globular granules results from increasing quantities of astaxanthin formed as the cells age. The gross differences in fixation image following glzitaraldehyde-KMnO4 and glutaraldehyde-OsO4 are illustrated, and the need for n variety of fixations upon which interpretations are bused is emphasized. The bright red coloration of akinetes is due to a masking of the chlorophyll by the massive astaxnnthin deposits rather than m y break-down of the chloroplast thylakoids.  相似文献   

银合欢接种根瘤菌形成根瘤后,应用光镜和电镜技术观察。银合欢根瘤由分生组织细胞、皮层组织细胞、维管束系统和侵染细胞区域四个不同部分组成。根瘤菌借助于侵染线侵染细胞,释放进入宿主细胞质中,转变成固氮类菌体。最初每个包被膜内只含单独的类菌体,随后较老的侵染细胞中,每个包被膜内含有一个以上的类菌体。因此,成熟根瘤的侵染细胞可见有2~5个类菌体群集包被膜里,并且明显地累积PHB物质,显示电子染色透明颗粒。本文还讨论了上述变化的意义与银合欢根瘤细胞结构和功能的关系。  相似文献   

Pollen of seven species in Tetraplasandra and three species in related genera were studied with light and scanning electron microscopes. A new thin-section technique was employed for the study of exine stratification and apertural structure. This study reveals several previously undescribed pollen structures for the group. Trends toward increase in pollen size and in specialization of other pollen characters are evident in Tetraplasandra. Pollen of Reynoldsia and Peekeliopanax differs from Tetraplasandra in the pertectate sexine and the absence of inner nexinous breaks, respectively. A pollen correlation study shows that Munroidendron falls readily within the genus Tetraplasandra but is distinguishable from the latter by its bifurcate colpi.  相似文献   

革蜱未成熟期哈氏器的扫描电镜研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
姜在阶 《昆虫学报》1986,29(2):159-166
用扫描电镜观察了革蜱属8种幼虫和若虫的哈氏器,并与其他属5种幼虫和4种若虫的哈氏器进行比较,以阐明其形态特征及其在分类中的意义。其中,9种幼虫和8种若虫哈氏器的结构是首次报道。革蜱属幼期哈氏器的囊孔形状、前窝感毛数目及其中孔毛的位置等与其他属不同。东洋区的金泽革蜱与古北区的革蜱种类之间,在孔毛形状、位置和幼虫近端缝孔的位置上有明显差别。而后者中,阿坝革蜱幼虫一般无近端缝孔;网纹革蜱幼虫和若虫的囊孔形状和幼虫的近端缝孔的位置与其他种类不同。但其余几种革蜱幼虫和若虫的哈氏器无显著差别。  相似文献   

常崇艳  姜在阶 《昆虫学报》1989,32(3):300-305
本文报道了用扫描电镜观察革蜱属8种成虫的哈氏器.其中三种成虫(阿坝革蜱D. ahaensis、金泽革蜱D. auratus和中华革蜱D. sinicus)的哈氏器结构是首次报道,并与其他属6种成虫的哈氏器进行了比较,以阐明其形态特征及其在分类中的意义.另外,还将这14种成虫哈氏器与各自未成熟期的哈氏器进行了比较.分析和讨论了同种不同时期哈氏器结构的异同.东洋区的金泽革蜱和古北区的革蜱种类间,在孔毛形状,位置及基盘数目上有明显差别,而后者中,边缘革蜱D. marginatus的孔毛位于近端外侧,草原革蜱D. nuttalli和网纹革蜱D. reticulatus的孔毛位于远瑞外侧,其余种类无明显差别.  相似文献   

Vesicles have been identified within the cartilage matrix of the upper tibial epiphyseal plate of normal mice. They were seen at all levels within the plate and usually did not appear to be in contact with cartilage cells. Vesicles were concentrated within the matrix of the longitudinal septa from the proliferative zone downward. They varied considerably in size (~300 A to ~1 µ) and in shape. They were bounded by unit membranes, and contained materials of varying density including, rarely, ribosomes. A close association was demonstrated between matrix vesicles and calcification: in the lower hypertrophic and calcifying zones of the epiphysis, vesicles were found in juxtaposition to needle-like structures removed by demineralization with ethylenediaminetetraacetate and identified by electron diffraction as hydroxyapatite and/or fluorapatite crystal structure—the former being indistinguishable from the latter for most cases in which electron diffraction methods are employed. Decalcification also revealed electron-opaque, partially membrane-bounded structures within previously calcified cartilage of the epiphyseal plate and underlying metaphysis which corresponded in size and distribution to matrix vesicles. It is suggested that matrix vesicles are derived from cells and that they may play a role in initiating calcification at the epiphysis.  相似文献   

李秉正  李家滨 《动物学报》1991,37(4):345-351
华支睾吸虫在大鼠体内发育中,随着体长的增大,体表上的细微结构也发生了比较明显的变化。包括体嵴增高,继而形成许多结节,并由结节上发出点状,指状或枝状突起;体棘逐渐减少和消失;腹吸盘唇上和口、腹吸盘周围的感觉乳突数量明显增多。  相似文献   

ELECTRON MICROSCOPIC STUDIES OF MITOSIS IN AMEBAE : I. Amoeba proteus   总被引:17,自引:17,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Individual organisms of Amoeba proteus have been fixed in buffered osmium tetroxide in either 0.9 per cent NaCl or 0.01 per cent CaCl2, sectioned, and studied in the electron microscope in interphase and in several stages of mitosis. The helices typical of interphase nuclei do not coexist with condensed chromatin and thus either represent a DNA configuration unique to interphase or are not DNA at all. The membranes of the complex nuclear envelope are present in all stages observed but are discontinuous in metaphase. The inner, thick, honeycomb layer of the nuclear envelope disappears during prophase, reappearing after telophase when nuclear reconstruction is in progress. Nucleoli decrease in size and number during prophase and re-form during telophase in association with the chromatin network. In the early reconstruction nucleus, the nucleolar material forms into thin, sheet-like configurations which are closely associated with small amounts of chromatin and are closely applied to the inner, partially formed layer of the nuclear envelope. It is proposed that nucleolar material is implicated in the formation of the inner layer of the envelope and that there is a configuration of nucleolar material peculiar to this time. The plasmalemma is partially denuded of its fringe-like material during division.  相似文献   

Protoplasts were prepared from cultured cells of Ammi visnaga (Umbelliferae) by enzymatic digestion of the cell walls and examined microscopically. Staining of fresh protoplasts with Calcofluor and silver hexamine demonstrated the apparent absence of wall material. Protoplasts contained more cell organelles than the whole cells, particularly endoplasmic reticulum and associated polysomes. The plasmalemma of most protoplasts appeared smooth; some protoplasts were connected by structures resembling plasmodesmata. Multinucleates resulting from fusion were frequently observed.  相似文献   

A technique is described for the improved isolation of synaptic complexes. Homogenates of guinea pig cerebellum and cerebral cortex were subjected to centrifugation, first in a discontinuous sucrose gradient, and secondly in a continuous caesium chloride gradient. Of the six bands that were obtained, band four contained a high proportion of synaptic complexes showing both pre- and postsynaptic elements attached to each other; myelin and free mitochondria were not contaminants of this fraction. Fluorescein-labelled γ-globulin prepared against band four reacted with synaptic regions of cerebellum and cerebral cortex, but not with cervical cord.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of P. lanosa rhizoids was investigated by light and electron microscopy. A series of distinct, changes was recognized. Prior to penetration of the host, Ascophyllum nodosum, starch reserves were depleted and a large number of dictyosome vesicles accumulated in the cell. These appeared to have been discharged immediately prior to or during host, penetration with a concomitant increase in rhizoid wall thickness. Following initial penetration, the tip became highly convolute and dominated by ER, ribosomes, and mitochondria. Senescence was marked by almost complete, vacuolation of the cytoplasm, degeneration of most organelles, and the loss of color. These ultrastructural changes are correlated wth the habit of P. lanosa.  相似文献   

几种硅藻土及其中硅藻壳体的电镜研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文用扫描电镜(SEM)和透射电镜(TEM)观察了浙江、云南、吉林和广东等地四种硅藻土中硅藻壳体的形态构造、壳壁内部的细微结构和粘土杂质的形状。研究了上述四种硅藻土经不同浓度盐酸酸洗后或经高温焙烧后其结构的变化;X射线衍射表明.硅藻壳体经1150℃高温焙烧后,无定形二氧化硅转化为α-方石英。  相似文献   

The process of cytoplasmic cleavage has been studied in thin sections of rat erythroblasts and the cells of mouse leukemia and Walker 256 carcinoma of the rat. The development of the cleavage furrow begins in relation to the mid-body, which, earlier, appears on the equatorial plane in association with the continuous fibers of the spindle. The earliest evidence of a cleavage furrow is the presence of a vesicle or vesicles close to the mid-body. Subsequently, many smaller vesicles are seen in the equatorial plane. The cleavage furrow probably develops by the fusion of these vesicles so that a new plasma membrane is formed between the daughter cells, and extends from the telophase intercellular bridge to the cell margin. During the stage of formation of the vesicles, cisternae, believed to be part of the endoplasmic reticulum, assume an intimate relationship with the cleavage plane, and they may perhaps be involved in the formation of the vesicles.  相似文献   

The successive ultrastructural changes during oogenesis in Sympetrum frequens (Odonata, Libellulidae) and Gryllus yemma (Orthoptera, Gryllidae) were studied.
The structures of the terminal filament and boundary between the terminal filament and the germarium differed from each other in these 2 species; in Sympetrum the boundary between the terminal filament and the germarium was a special acellular transverse septum, whereas that in Gryllus was composed of several flattened cells which seemed to be similar to the prefollicular cells in the germarium.
During the previtellogenesis, the nucleolar extrusions and emissions of the outer nuclear envelope were observed frequently in young oocytes. In Sympetrum , electron dense masses were observed in the oocyte cytoplasm, which seemed to be "yolk nuclei" or "Balbiani bodies" and were composed of aggregated small particles (about 200 A in diameter). They were gradually dispersed in the cytoplasm until the onset of vitellogenesis.
In both Sympetrum and Gryllus , yolk precursors seemed to be incorporated into oocytes by micropinocytosis as observed in various animals.
The egg membranes, viz. , the vitelline membrane and the chorion, seemed to be formed by products from follicle cells which developed rough-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi bodies. Thus, both of these egg membranes were assumed to be the secondary egg membranes.  相似文献   

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