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Sequence analysis of the D1/D2 domains of the large subunit rDNA of Cryptococcus yarrowii (CBS 7417) indicates that this species does not belong to the hymenomycetous fungi, but instead is of urediniomycetous affinity. Therefore, the name change Rhodotorula yarrowii comb. nov. is proposed. The cell wall of the species contains xylose, a character considered by most authors to indicate fungi of hymenomycetous affinity. However, our results show that xylose may occur in minor amounts in the cell walls of urediniomycetous fungi. A high mannose content of the cell walls may be a more reliable character for urediniomycetous yeasts.  相似文献   

Bathygrillotia n. g. (Cestoda: Trypanorhyncha) is erected for B. rowei (Campbell, 1977) n. comb. and B. kovalevae (Palm, 1995) n. comb. The new genus is based on the possession of two bothria, an atypical, heteroacanthous, heteromorphous armature with longitudinal files of hooks on the external surface of the tentacle associated with each principal row, each consisting of a large anterior hook followed by two smaller hooks. Bathygrillotia is allocated to the Lacistorhynchoidea Guiart, 1927 and its relationships with Grillotia Guiart, 1927 are discussed.  相似文献   

The type of material of Monhystrella parvella (Filipjev, 1931) comb.n. from Abyssinia (Ethiopia) is redescribed and figured in detail. Data on the genital system and the ontogeny of this species are given. Monhystera filiformis sensu Gerlach, 1951 nec Bastian, 1865 of the Black Sea at Pomorie (Bulgaria) is synonymised with M. parvella . The Black Sea specimens have a shorter pharynx, a longer tail and differ also from the Abyssinian specimens in the shape of the tail and the spinneret outlet.  相似文献   

A new nitrate-assimilating yeast,Rhodotorula araucariae, isolated fromAraucaria araucana in Chile is described.  相似文献   


Cyllobelus rufopictus? a salticid species from equatorial Africa, has a large and complex repertoire of displays. These spiders live on and near the ground in habitats of short grass, and build opaque silk nests on dead leaves. Each male uses one of three different mating tactics depending on the female’s maturity and location (communicatory versatility). Type 1 courtship, involving special movements and postures of the legs, palps, and body, occurs if the female is an adult away from the nest; apparently this type of courtship is vision-dependent. If the male encounters an adult female inside her nest, he uses Type 2 courtship, which consists of movements by the male that cause the silk to vibrate. If the female is a subadult inside her nest, the male initially uses Type 2 courtship, then builds a second chamber on the female’s nest, and cohabits until she moults and matures. Other displays occur during male-male and female-female interactions. Biting and pinching are distinctive Type 2 courtship displays that have not been described previously for salticids, and juddering is the most distinctive Type 1 display.  相似文献   

A brief historical survey of the genusSelenotila Lagerheim is given andTorulopsis peltata Yarrow is transferred to this genus as a new combination.I would like to thank Dr. I. P. Babjeva for bringing the genusSelenotila to ray attention and Miss J. Buijze for translating the Russian text.  相似文献   

Hemiclepsis quadrata, which is the only representative of the genus so far reported in Africa, is redescribed. Illustrations showing the diagnostic features of the taxon are provided for the first time. A thorough study of the holotype and one of the paratypes, as well as additional specimens, revealed that Moore overlooked certain important taxonomic features when he described the leech as a Batracobdella species. The transfer of this species to the genus Hemiclepsis is based on the following features exhibited by this leech: dilated head region, three pairs of eyes, central proboscis pore, ten pairs of crop caeca and small genital atria.  相似文献   

On the basis of the revision of the type material of Anoplostrongylus delicatus Schwartz, 1927, and new specimens collected from Tadarida brasiliensis mexicana (Saussure, 1860) in 4 arid localities from Mexico, we describe a new genus (Tadaridanema n. gen.), to which A. delicatus is transferred (as Tadaridanema delicatus (Schwartz, 1927) n. gen., n. comb.). This new genus differs from all other genera included in Anoplostrongylinae by having ray 2 larger than ray 3. In addition, T. delicatus can be differentiated from the type species of Anoplostrongylus (Anoplostrongylus paradoxus (Travassos, 1918)) because it possess vestibular branches equal in length, cephalic inflation divided into 2 regions, and synlophe with many small ridges at the midbody level, whereas in T. delicatus, vestibular branches are equal in size, cephalic inflation is simple in structure, and the synlophe has only 2 well-developed dorsal cuticular ridges.  相似文献   

Synthesium pontoporiae n. comb. is redescribed, together with Synthesium tursionis and Synthesium seymouri n. comb.; the parasites were obtained from stranded and accidentally caught cetaceans. The sucker ratio (ratio between widths of the oral and ventral suckers) in S. pontoporiae was 1:1.8-3.0 (mean 1:2.2); in S. tursionis was 1:0.8-1.2; and in S. seymouri was 1:0.5-0.7. Synthesium pontoporiae differed from its congeners by additional diagnostic characters, including: oval to lobed testes; small cirrus with pyriform proximal region and flexible, tubular distal region formed by evagination of ejaculatory duct; and vitellarium in small follicles extending from the level of the seminal vesicle to the posterior extremity of the body and not forming dendritic radial bunches. Data on the morphology of adult S. pontoporiae and S. tursionis were inferred from confocal laser microscopical observations.  相似文献   

The male Laneella perisi (Mariluis) n. comb. is described based on specimens collected in the Cordillera Oriental (1,370–1,450 m asl), Florencia-Suaza, Caquetá, Colombia. A key to separate the two species of the genus Laneella and illustrations of the male genitalia and female abdomen, terminalia, and spermatheca are also presented.  相似文献   

Lagenophrys singularis is removed from Lagenophrys and designated the type species of Paralagenophrys n. g. Compared to members of Lagenophrys, the oral area of P. singularis is radically distorted. Paralagenophrys apparently also lacks second-type division, a special phase of sexual reproduction characteristic of Lagenophrys and associated with its adaptation to symbiotic life on crustaceans. Members of Lagenophrys are obligate ectocommensals of crustaceans. In contrast, P. singularis (Kellicott, 1887) n. comb. occurs most often on the leaves of aquatic vascular plants.  相似文献   

During faunistic study on psammophilic ciliates along the coast of Qingdao, China, a population of Trachelocerca arenicola Kahl, 1933 was found and then investigated using silver staining and gene sequencing methods. The results indicated that it represented a new genus Apotrachelocerca characterized by uninterrupted circumoral kineties composed of two rows of dikinetids and no brosse or ciliary tuft in the oral cavity. This new genus should be assigned to the family Prototrachelocercidae Foissner, 1996. Based on the small subunit rRNA gene sequence, phylogenetic trees revealed that Apotrachelocerca arenicola occupied a basal position to other trachelocercids.  相似文献   

MATHIESON  M. J. 《Annals of botany》1952,16(4):449-468
The asci contain four large and four small ascospores, eachtwo-celled, arranged in the six patterns expected if spore sizewere controlled by a pair of allelic genes, the locus showing65 per cent, second-division segregation. The small ascosporesproduce sterile colonies, the large ones moderately fertilecolonies whose asci again show segregation for spore size. Fertilityis stimulated where colonies from large and small spores meet.In crosses of various mutants with the wild type, all asci inperithecia developed along the line of junction show segregationfor the mutant as well as for spore size. Evidently Chromocreais heterothallic, the spore-size difference being a pleiotropicexpression of mating type. One allele, that governing largespores, occasionally mutates to the other allele, resultingin fertility of colonies from large spores.  相似文献   

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