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Parablastocatena tetracerae gen. et sp. nov. and Corynesporella licualae sp. nov., collected on dead branches of Tetracera asiatica and Licuala fordiana, respectively, in tropical forests of China, are described and illustrated. Parablastocatena tetracerae is the type species for a new monotypic genus in possessing macronematous conidiophores forming distinct synnemata with holoblastic conidiogenesis and euseptate, short-chained conidia ending in a paler brown rostrum, whereas C. licualae is distinguished from described species by the smaller conidia with long appendages. A key to currently accepted species of Corynesporella is provided.  相似文献   

During an investigation of submerged leaves and twigs sampled from tropical peat swamp forests located in Peninsular Malaysia, an anamorphic fungus not attributable to a described genus was detected and isolated in pure culture. Conidial ontogeny was thoroughly studied and illustrated using both light and SEM, which revealed a unique conidial morphology. Analysis of partial nuLSU rDNA and ITS data revealed a phylogenetic position within the Xylariales (Ascomycota), but family affiliation remained unclear.  相似文献   

Three strains of Eubacterium-like isolates from human feces were characterized by biochemical tests and 16S rDNA analysis. The phenotypic characteristics of the three strains resembled those of the genus Collinsella transferred from the genus Eubacterium recently. However, Eubacterium-like strains were phylogenetically members of the Clostridium subphylum of gram-positive bacteria, and these showed a specific phylogenetic association with Clostridium ramosum and C. spiroforme. C. ramosum and C. spiroforme are gram-positive, anaerobic, spore-forming bacteria that belong to the genus Clostridium, and the G + C contents are 26.0 and 27.4 mol%, respectively. However, the three Eubacterium-like strains had G + C contents of 32.1 to 33.1 mol% and were non-spore-forming rods. Based on phenotypic characteristics, we can differentiate these species, and furthermore, a 16S rDNA sequence divergence of greater than 9% with a new related genus, Coprobacillus, is proposed for the three strains, with one species, Coprobacillus catenaformis. The type strain of C. catenaformis is JCM 10604T.  相似文献   

Two new species collected in northern Thailand are herein described and discussed. Tortulomyces thailandicus is the type of a new genus characterized by a combination of such features as a dense subiculum, non-ostiolate ascomata, two kinds of paraphyses (filiform and bead-like), and 1-septate, brown ascospores. Nitschkia siamensis has non-ostiolate, turbinate and stalked ascomata and hyaline, often slightly curved, 1-septate ascospores.  相似文献   

Two novel genera of restricted facultative methylotrophs are described; both Methylosulfonomonas and Marinosulfonomonas are unique in being able to grow on methanesulfonic acid as their sole source of carbon and energy. Five identical strains of Methylosulfonomonas were isolated from diverse soil samples in England and were shown to differ in their morphology, physiology, DNA base composition, molecular genetics, and 16S rDNA sequences from the two marine strains of Marinosulfonomonas, which were isolated from British coastal waters. The marine strains were almost indistinguishable from each other and are considered to be strains of one species. Type species of each genus have been identified and named Methylosulfonomonas methylovora (strain M2) and Marinosulfonomonas methylotropha (strain PSCH4). Phylogenetic analysis using 16S rDNA sequencing places both genera in the α-Proteobacteria. Methylosulfonomonas is a discrete lineage within the α-2 subgroup and is not related closely to any other known bacterial genus. The Marinosulfonomonas strains form a monophyletic cluster in the α-3 subgroup of the Proteobacteria with Roseobacter spp. and some other partially characterized marine bacteria, but they are distinct from these at the genus level. This work shows that the isolation of bacteria with a unique biochemical character, the ability to grow on methanesulfonic acid as energy and carbon substrate, has resulted in the identification of two novel genera of methylotrophs that are unrelated to any other extant methylotroph genera. Received: 19 July 1996 / Accepted: 7 October 1996  相似文献   

Morphological, ultrastructural, and molecular‐sequence data were used to assess the phylogenetic position of a tetraflagellate green alga isolated from soil samples of a saline dry basin near F'derick, Mauritania. This alga can grow as individual cells or form non‐coenobial colonies of up to 12 individuals. It has a parietal chloroplast with an embedded pyrenoid covered by a starch sheath and traversed by single parallel thylakoids, and an eyespot located in a parietal position opposite to the flagellar insertion. Lipid vacuoles are present in the cytoplasm. Microspectroscopy indicated the presence of chlorophylls a and b, with lutein as the major carotenoid in the chloroplast, while the eyespot spectrum has a shape typical of green‐algal eyespots. The cell has four flagella, two of them long and two considerably shorter. Sequence data from the 18S rRNA gene and ITS2 were obtained and compared with published sequences for green algae. Results from morphological and ultrastructural examinations and sequence analysis support the placement of this alga in the Chlorophyceae, as Tetraflagellochloris mauritanica L. Barsanti et A. Barsanti, gen. et sp. nov.  相似文献   

Inonotus taiwanensis (Hymenochaetales) is described as a new species collected from southern Taiwan, and all specimens grew on the trunk of Trema tomentosa. This new species is characterized by having resupinate, effuse-reflexed to pileate basidiocarps, bright yellow context, long setal hyphae in context and trama, setae in hymenium and trama, and fairly small basidiospores. Maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference phylogenies inferred from both sequences of 28S and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of rDNA indicated that I. taiwanensis forms a distinct clade within Inonotus, and the species is sister to I. tricolor. The comparison of morphological differences among I. taiwanensis and some closely related Inonotus spp. is presented.  相似文献   

We describe two new species of deer truffle, Elaphomyces marmoratus and E. fuscus spp. nov., collected from a secondary forest dominated by Quercus serrata, in Tokyo, Japan. Both species have morphological similarities to E. muricatus and E. granulatus; however, the former has a gleba without a purplish color and the latter has reticulated ascospores more closely resembling E. asperulus. Molecular phylogenetic analyses also support the assignment of these specimens as new species. ITS rDNA homologies with known species were low (<91% and <97%). In addition, phylogenetic trees using neighbor-joining and maximum likelihood methods showed that the sequences of the two new species each formed a monophyletic group within section Elaphomyces with bootstrap support of 99%. Analyses of ectomycorrhizal roots collected concurrently with the ascomata revealed that E. marmoratus is associated with at least Pinus densiflora, while E. fuscus is associated with at least Q. serrata.  相似文献   

The genus Siamosia (Amaranthaceae) is established and the type species S. thailandica is described and illustrated. The pollen morphology is compared with the related genera Chamissoa, Charpentiera, Herbstia and Indobanalia .  相似文献   

Identification of Cladophora species is challenging due to conservation of gross morphology, few discrete autapomorphies, and environmental influences on morphology. Twelve species of marine Cladophora were reported from North Carolina waters. Cladophora specimens were collected from inshore and offshore marine waters for DNA sequence and morphological analyses. The nuclear‐encoded rRNA internal transcribed spacer regions (ITS) were sequenced for 105 specimens and used in molecular assisted identification. The ITS1 and ITS2 region was highly variable, and sequences were sorted into ITS Sets of Alignable Sequences (SASs). Sequencing of short hyper‐variable ITS1 sections from Cladophora type specimens was used to positively identify species represented by SASs when the types were made available. Secondary structures for the ITS1 locus were also predicted for each specimen and compared to predicted structures from Cladophora sequences available in GenBank. Nine ITS SASs were identified and representative specimens chosen for phylogenetic analyses of 18S and 28S rRNA gene sequences to reveal relationships with other Cladophora species. Phylogenetic analyses indicated that marine Cladophorales were polyphyletic and separated into two clades, the Cladophora clade and the “Siphonocladales” clade. Morphological analyses were performed to assess the consistency of character states within species, and complement the DNA sequence analyses. These analyses revealed intra‐ and interspecific character state variation, and that combined molecular and morphological analyses were required for the identification of species. One new report, Cladophora dotyana, and one new species Cladophora subtilissima sp. nov., were revealed, and increased the biodiversity of North Carolina marine Cladophora to 14 species.  相似文献   

Cyanolichens are an assemblage of fungi and cyanobacteria from diverse, cosmopolitan habitats. Typically composed of a single species of cyanobacterium, with or without another eukaryotic alga, here we present two novel cyanobionts isolated from an undescribed tripartite lichen. This endolithic lichen was isolated from a granite cemetery tombstone from Jacksonville, FL, and contains two potentially nitrogen‐fixing cyanobionts. Employing a total evidence approach, we characterized the cyanobionts using molecular (the 16S rDNA and ITS gene region), morphological, and ecological data. Phylogenetic analyses revealed two novel taxa: Brasilonema lichenoides and Chroococcidiopsis lichenoides, both of which fell within well‐supported clades. To our knowledge, this represents the first instance of a tripartite lichen with two cyanobacterial and no eukaryotic members. These types of lichens may well represent an unexplored reservoir of cyanobacterial diversity. The specific epithets are proposed under the provisions of the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants.  相似文献   

A marine araphid pennate diatom Plagiostriata goreensis is described from the sand grains of Goree Island, Dakar, Republic of Senegal, based on observations of fine structure of its frustule. The most striking feature of the species is its striation, which is angled at approximately 60° across the robust sternum. The other defining features of the species are its one highly reduced rimoportula and apical pores located at both ends of the valve margin. In the 18S rDNA phylogeny, the species appears as a member of a ‘small‐celled clade’ of araphid pennate diatoms that consist of Nanofrustulum, Opephora and Staurosira. The results of the phylogenetic analyses suggest that the distinct characters of the diatom; namely, oblique striae and apical pores, may have been acquired independently. However, it remains unclear whether the rimoportula of P. goreensis is a reduced state or P. goreensis acquired its morphologically curious rimoportula independently after the loss of an ancient rimoportula at the root of the small‐celled clade.  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Rhodotorula was isolated from a tubeworm (Lamellibrachia sp.) collected at a depth of 1156 m in Sagami Bay, Japan. Strain SY-89 had physiological properties quite similar to R. aurantiaca. Two phylogenetic trees, one based on internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions and 5.8S rDNA sequences and the other based on the D1/D2 region of the large subunit (26S) rDNA sequences, united strain SY-89 to the type strain of Sakaguchia dacryoides through a considerable evolutionary distance. Strain SY-89 was differentiated from S. dacryoides by the G+C content of the nuclear DNA and differences in the ability to utilize specific carbon and nitrogen compounds. The low complementarity of strain SY-89 DNA to that of the type strain of S. dacryoides confirmed that this strain was genetically unrelated to previously known species. The tubeworm isolates are described as R. lamellibrachii sp. nov. The type strain of R. lamellibrachii is strain SY-89 (= JCM 10907). R. lamellibrachii formed a cluster with Erythrobasidium hasegawianum, R. lactosa, S. dacryoides and Sporobolomyces elongatus on the ITS and 5.8S rDNA phylogenetic tree. These five species shared a signature sequence in 26S rDNA, although this relationship was not supported by phylogeny based on the D1/D2 region of 26S rDNA.  相似文献   

An extremely halotolerant and alkaliphilic bacterium was isolated previously from deep-sea sediment collected at a depth of 1050 m on the Iheya Ridge. The strain, designated HTE831 (JCM 11309, DSM 14371), was Gram-positive, strictly aerobic, rod-shaped, motile by peritrichous flagella, and spore-forming. Strain HTE831 grew at salinities of 0-21% (w/v) NaCl at pH 7.5 and 0-18% at pH 9.5. The optimum concentration of NaCl for growth was 3% at both pH 7.5 and 9.5. The G+C content of its DNA was 35.8%.Low level (12-30%) of DNA-DNA relatedness between strain HTE831 and the species of these genera was found, indicating that HTE831 could not be classified as a member of a new species belonging to known genera. Based on phylogenetic analysis using 16S rDNA sequencing, chemotaxonomy, and the physiology of strain HTE831, it is proposed that this organism is a member of a new species in a new genus, for which the name Oceanobacillus iheyensis is proposed.  相似文献   

Recently, heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF) have been reported to actively ingest prokaryotes in high salinity waters. We report the isolation and culture of an HNF from a Korean saltern pond of 300‰ salinity. The organism is biflagellated with an acronematic anterior flagellum and never glides on surfaces. The mitochondria have tubular cristae. Neither transitional helix nor spiral fiber were observed in the transition zones of the flagella. The cell has a cytostome supported by an arc of eight microtubules, suggesting that our isolate is a bicosoecid. Our isolate had neither mastigonemes, lorica, body scales, nor cytopharynx and thus could not be placed in any of the presently described bicosoecid genera. Phylogenetic analysis of 18S rRNA gene sequences from stramenopiles confirmed the bicosoecid affinities of our isolate, but did not place it within any established genus or family. Its closest relatives include Caecitellus and Cafeteria. The optimal range of growth temperature was 30–35°C. The isolated HNF grew optimally at 150‰ salinity and tolerated up to 363‰ salinity, but it failed to grow below 75‰ salinity, indicating that it could be a borderline extreme halophile. On the basis of its morphological features and position in 18S rRNA trees we propose a novel genus for our isolate; Halocafeteria, n. gen. The species name Halocafeteria seosinensis sp. nov. is proposed.  相似文献   

A new species of entomopathogenic nematode, herein described as Steinernema akhursti sp. n., was recovered from soil samples collected from Yunnan Province, the People's Republic of China. Both morphological and molecular data show congruently that S. akhursti sp. n. belongs to the Steinernema feltiae group. It can be separated from all described Steinernema species by the combined morphological and morphometrical characters of various stages of the nematodes. For the first generation male, the new species can be recognized by spicule length 90 +/- 4.6 microm, spicule tip blunt with an aperture on the ventral side, gubernaculum with a long and needle-shaped cuneus, and tail conoid with a prominent mucron on the tip and a concave on ventral side. For the infective juvenile, the combination of the following characters: body length 812 +/- 19 microm, distance from anterior end to excretory pore 59 +/- 1.5 microm, tail length 73 +/- 2.9 microm, E% 77 +/- 4.5, lateral field with six evenly distributed and identical ridges at the middle body portion, and tail with long and slightly constrict hyaline portion can be used to separate the new species from other nematodes. For the female, the new species is characterized by: tail conoid with a short mucron and slightly swelling anal portion and a symmetrical, slightly protruding vulva with conspicuous double-flapped epiptygma. The nematode can be separated from other described species of Steinernema by DNA sequences of either a partial 28S rDNA or the internal transcribed spacer regions of rDNA and from the closely related species S. feltiae and Steinernema oregonense by cross-breeding tests.  相似文献   

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