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Multiple paternity within litters occurs in various groups of mammals exhibiting different mating systems. Using seven genetic markers (i.e., microsatellites), we investigated the paternity of littermates in free-ranging wild boar (Sus scrofa) in a Mediterranean habitat. Using the software CERVUS 2.0 we estimated the probability of detecting multiple paternity across all loci (D), the probability of paternity (W) and a statistic Δ that allows the assignment of paternity to the most likely male with strict and relaxed levels of confidence. Multiple paternity was inferred for one of the nine analysed litters at the 80% confidence level. This suggests that a single male may control the access to receptive adult females and it shows that multiple paternity is not very common in the studied free-ranging wild boar population. Despite the possible occurrence of sperm competition and/or female cryptic choice, mate guarding seems to play a significant role in sexual selection. To better understand the wild boar's mating strategies further studies analysing the reproductive success of both sexes and under different environmental conditions should be conducted.  相似文献   

We estimated wild boar abundance and density using capture–resight methods in the western part of the Canton of Geneva (Switzerland) in the early summer from 2004 to 2006. Ear-tag numbers and transmitter frequencies enabled us to identify individuals during each of the counting sessions. We used resights generated by self-triggered camera traps as recaptures. Program Noremark provided Minta–Mangel and Bowden’s estimators to assess the size of the marked population. The minimum numbers of wild boars belonging to the unmarked population (juveniles and/or piglets) were added to the respective estimates to assess total population size. Over the 3 years, both estimators showed a stable population with a slight diminishing tendency. We used mean home range size determined by telemetry to assess the sampled areas and densities. Mean wild boar population densities calculated were 10.6 individuals/km2 ± 0.8 standard deviation (SD) and 10.0 ind/km2 ± 0.6 SD with both estimators, respectively, and are among the highest reported from Western Europe. Because of the low proportion of marked animals and, to a lesser extent, of technical failures, our estimates showed poor precision, although they displayed similar population trends compared to the culling bag statistics. Reported densities were consistent with the ecological conditions of the study area.  相似文献   

Although accurate estimates of wild boar (Sus scrofa) populations are crucial for any effective resource management or pest control programme, this species is well-known to be difficult to monitor. We conducted a 10-year study in a fenced Mediterranean forest (Rome, Italy) to evaluate nocturnal line transect sampling performances. We focused on its accuracy in monitoring changes in density, which was independently estimated by capture–mark–resight (CMR) performed on counts at feeding sites. We carried out night surveys in the autumn of 2001–2010, using portable infrared cameras to detect animals. We sampled on foot to cover the whole study area and the different habitat types evenly. However, to ensure safe working conditions during night and to limit disturbance, we placed transects along paths and forest roads. Therefore, we investigated the potential impact of our convenience sampling on the detection process, using radiolocations of wild boars to assess their distribution with respect to selected transects. We found that our survey design should not have biased our estimates and that densities and coefficients of variations from line transect sampling were consistent with CMR results. Although labour-intensive, we believe that our approach can improve wild boar monitoring effectively, even in concealing habitats, providing decision makers with accurate estimates (and quantified confidence limits) which can help to develop the most appropriate management programme. Moreover, the current low price of new-generation infrared cameras can also increase strongly the cost-effectiveness of this method.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate whether feed restriction and re-alimentation differently affect lipid content and activities of lipogenic or catabolic enzymes according to muscle types in pigs. At around 28 kg body mass (BW), sixty pigs (n=30 per group) were allocated to either ad libitum (AL) or restricted/re-feeding (RA) regimens. After feed restriction (80 kg BW), lipid content was reduced (P<0.01) in the oxidative rhomboideus (RH) as in the glycolytic biceps femoris (BF) muscles of RA pigs compared with AL pigs. Lower activities (P<0.05) of the lipogenic enzymes fatty acid synthase (FAS) and malic enzyme (ME) were observed in the RH but not in the BF of RA vs. AL pigs. After re-feeding (110 kg BW), lipid content was restored in the RH, but was still 12% lower (P<0.05) in the BF of RA compared with AL pigs. In the RH, the trend for an enhanced FAS activity and for a smaller weight-related decrease of ME activity in RA pigs than AL pigs during re-feeding, may have contributed to the muscle fat recovery observed in the RA pigs. In the BF, higher oxidative enzyme activities (P<0.10) in RA pigs compared to AL pigs might explain the incomplete lipid recovery observed after re-feeding in the former animals. In conclusion, metabolic activities in response to restriction and re-feeding differed according to muscle metabolic type.  相似文献   

Increasing wild boar (Sus scrofa L.) population densities all over Europe cause severe economic problems. In popular belief, the wild boar is a more or less diurnal species, causing only minor problems when undisturbed, but is assumed to become nocturnal and wide-ranging when opposed to hunting pressure. In our study, we investigated the impact of hunting and several environmental factors on movements, spatial utilisation and activity patterns by radiotelemetry. Activity pattern revealed a mean proportion of diurnal activity of 12% of all localisations with a monthly change. The wild boar showed increased diurnal activity on undisturbed feeding habitats, especially in early summer. Different hunting methods did influence activity and spatial utilisation in terms of activity and smaller home ranges in areas with only single hunt, although this might be biased by seasonal effects. Flight distances increased significantly after single hunt and capture incidents, but still ranged inside the annual home ranges. Battues did not influence the spatial utilisation before and after hunt significantly. In only 14% of the observed cases did wild boar show small scaled escape movements after battues. The overlaps of home ranges did not change after battues.  相似文献   

Telemetric monitoring of physiologic parameters in animal models is a critical component of chemical and biologic agent studies. The long-term collection of neurobehavioral and other physiologic data can require larger telemetry devices. Furthermore, such devices must be implanted in a location that is safe, well-tolerated, and functional. Göttingen minipigs (Sus scrofa domesticus) present an ideal large animal model for chemical agent studies due to their relatively small size, characterized health status, and ease of training and handling. We report an effective approach to implanting a novel device to measure transthoracic impedance to approximate respiratory tidal volume and rate in Suidae. We tested the approach using 24 male Göttingen minipigs. A ventral midline abdominal incision extending from the umbilicus to the prepuce was followed by a paramedian incision of the parietal peritoneum and dorsal blunt dissection to create a retroperitoneal pocket. The device was anchored inside the pocket to the internal abdominal musculature with 3-0 nonabsorbable suture, biopotential leads were routed through the abdominal musculature, and the pocket was closed with 3-0 absorbable suture. Paired biopotential leads were anchored intermuscularly at the level of the seventh rib midway between spine and sternum bilaterally to provide surrogate data for respiratory function. Postoperative recovery and gross pathology findings at necropsy were used to assess safety and refine the surgical procedure. Results demonstrated that this procedure permitted effective monitoring of complex physiologic data, including transthoracic impedance, without negatively affecting the health and behavior of the animals.Telemetric monitoring of physiologic parameters in animal models is a critical component of chemical9 and biologic agent studies.32,36 The attenuation of the adverse effects of these agents by using medical countermeasures can be assessed also.21,25,28,35 The long-term collection of neurobehavioral and other physiologic data can require large telemetry devices. Furthermore, such devices must be implanted in a location that is safe, well-tolerated, and functional. Potential complications of inserting telemetry devices include infection,29 dehiscence,7 neoplasia,33 and extrusion.20Göttingen minipigs (Sus scrofa domesticus) present an ideal large animal model for chemical agent studies due to their relatively small size, characterized health status, and ease of training and handling, including for physiologic studies.12,15,16,30 The lightly pigmented skin, sparse haircoat, fine intersecting lines of epidermal sulci, lipid biophysical properties, and epidermal turnover kinetics of Göttingen minipigs are similar to those in humans.22,34 Swine in general are a particularly relevant animal model for assessing percutaneous absorption exposure to chemical agents.8,11 Percutaneous application of agent represents the most likely real-world threat scenario for persistent chemical agents.8,11 Extensive in vivo and in vitro studies have characterized percutaneous absorption,10,13,31 protection,5 and decontamination23 in swine models.Previously, respiratory impedance has been measured by using implantable telemetry devices in nonhuman primates,2 and respiratory parameters have been determined by using external impedance-based technology in minipigs1 and dogs.24 We report an effective approach to implanting a device for measuring transthoracic impedance to approximate respiratory tidal volume and rate in minipigs.  相似文献   

Reliable estimation of population size remains a major challenge in wildlife ecology and management. Lately, genotyping of non-invasively obtained tissue samples integrated in a modified capture–recapture approach provides new perspectives. Faeces, moulted feathers, or hairs can be easily sampled in the field. However, an important assumption is homogeneity of sampling across the population. In this pilot study, we tested the suitability of baited barbed wire hair sampling stations (‘hair traps’) for homogeneous genetic sampling for population estimation. A video system based on a new network internet protocol was used to observe the behaviour of wild boar visiting baited hair traps for gaining information about potential heterogeneities in the individual sampling probability. Within 92 monitoring nights at two sampling stations, 216 wild boar visits were recorded and 142 hair samples containing 2,124 single hairs were collected. Video analysis revealed distinct differences in the behaviour of wild boar with respect to the sampling station which are most likely to result in heterogeneous individual sampling probabilities. Adult and subadult animals differed in their behaviour dependent on their group status. This result indicates that hair sampling with baited hair traps is not suitable for representative non-invasive sampling of free ranging wild boar populations.  相似文献   

Habitat shifts are implicated as the cause of many vertebrate radiations, yet relatively few empirical studies quantify patterns of diversification following colonization of new habitats in fishes. The pufferfishes (family Tetraodon‐tidae) occur in several habitats, including coral reefs and freshwater, which are thought to provide ecological opportunity for adaptive radiation, and thus provide a unique system for testing the hypothesis that shifts to new habitats alter diversification rates. To test this hypothesis, we sequenced eight genes for 96 species of pufferfishes and closely related porcupine fishes, and added 19 species from sequences available in GenBank. We time‐calibrated the molecular phylogeny using three fossils, and performed several comparative analyses to test whether colonization of novel habitats led to shifts in the rate of speciation and body size evolution, central predictions of clades experiencing ecological adaptive radiation. Colonization of freshwater is associated with lower rates of cladogenesis in pufferfishes, although these lineages also exhibit accelerated rates of body size evolution. Increased rates of cladogenesis are associated with transitions to coral reefs, but reef lineages surprisingly exhibit significantly lower rates of body size evolution. These results suggest that ecological opportunity afforded by novel habitats may be limited for pufferfishes due to competition with other species, constraints relating to pufferfish life history and trophic ecology, and other factors.  相似文献   

The etiological agents of human trichinellosis are distributed worldwide in domestic and wild animals. In Spain, two morphologically indistinguishable Trichinella species have been described—Trichinella spiralis and Trichinella britovi—that are perpetuated in both domestic and sylvatic cycles. The present work reports a double natural infection involving these species in a wild boar killed by hunters in the Province of Cáceres, Spain. After artificial digestion of the boar’s muscles, nine larvae/g were collected. These were characterized by multiplex-PCR and Western-blotting using the Trichinella-specific monoclonal antibodies US5 and US9, and both T. spiralis and T. britovi were detected. The mechanism by which this wild boar came to acquire a mixed infection remains unclear.  相似文献   

Organisms with complex life cycles typically do not exhibit parental care. Hence, the ability of adult females to choose quality oviposition sites is critical for offspring success. Gravid females of many insect taxa have the capability to detect environmental conditions in water-holding containers (e.g., resource level, presence of competitors or predators) and to choose the sites that are most suitable for offspring growth and development. Mosquitoes may also detect physical container characteristics related to water permanence such as surface area, volume, or container size, and some species such as those in the genus Culex have been shown to prefer larger containers. However, predators may also preferentially colonize larger containers; thus, ovipositing females may face decisions based on cues of site quality that balance the costs and benefits for offspring. We used a field experiment to evaluate the oviposition preferences of two Culex species in response to experimental container size and predator abundances within the containers. We found that both species avoided ovipositing in the largest containers, which have high abundances of Chaoborus sp. and dragonfly larvae (predators). However, the container size most commonly chosen for oviposition (15-L buckets) also had high mean abundance per liter of dragonfly larvae. These results suggest either prey naiveté or reduced vulnerability of these species to dragonflies compared to Chaoborus sp. Other potential mechanisms for the observed patterns are discussed.  相似文献   

Limnology - Invasive crayfish can cause shifts in lakes from clear, macrophyte-dominated states to eutrophic, phytoplankton-dominated states because of their burrowing and foraging behavior. While...  相似文献   

The objective of the paper is to determine whether the agri-environmental schemes included in the rural development programme of Emilia-Romagna (Italy) have played a role in enhancing the nature value of farmland in that region. An indicator is developed for biodiversity friendly farming practices (BFFP) and its level and distribution at the municipality level is measured, using data derived from the two last national agricultural censuses, year 2000 and 2010. Thereafter, the relationship between BFFP and participation in rural development measures is analysed by way of spatial econometric techniques. The main result of the paper are consistent with the expectation that RDPs have an impact on how BFFP changes. However, measures supporting organic farming contribute to the evolution of its distribution in a positive manner, whilst the other measures investigated, such as integrated production, do not. The paper also highlights the fact that these effects have significant spatial correlations.  相似文献   

Pelagic larval duration (PLD) has been hypothesized to be the primary predictor of connectivity in marine fishes; however, few studies have examined the effects that adult reproductive behaviour may have on realized dispersal. We assessed gene flow (connectivity) by documenting variation in microsatellites and mitochondrial DNA sequences in two protogynous species of groupers, the aggregate spawning red hind, Epinephelus guttatus, and the single‐male, harem‐spawning coney, Cephalopholis fulva, to ask whether reproductive strategy affects connectivity. Samples of both species were obtained from waters off three islands (Puerto Rico, St. Thomas and St. Croix) in the Caribbean Sea. Despite the notion that aggregate spawning of red hind may facilitate larval retention, stronger signals of population structure were detected in the harem‐spawning coney. Heterogeneity and/or inferred barriers, based on microsatellites, involved St. Croix (red hind and coney) and the west coast of Puerto Rico (coney). Heterogeneity and/or inferred barriers, based on mitochondrial DNA, involved St. Croix (coney only). Genetic divergence in both species was stronger for microsatellites than for mitochondrial DNA, suggesting sex‐biased dispersal in both species. Long‐term migration rates, based on microsatellites, indicated asymmetric gene flow for both species in the same direction as mean surface currents in the region. Red hind had higher levels of variation in microsatellites and lower levels of variation in mitochondrial DNA. Long‐term effective size and effective number of breeders were greater for red hind; estimates of θf, a proxy for long‐term effective female size, were the same in both species. Patterns of gene flow in both species appear to stem in part from shared aspects of larval and adult biology, local bathymetry and surface current patterns. Differences in connectivity and levels of genetic variation between the species, however, likely stem from differences in behaviour related to reproductive strategy.  相似文献   

The effects of Fe concentrations in the pretreatment solution on the induction of plaque and the differences between genotypes on arsenate uptake by and translocation within rice seedlings grown in nutrient solution in the greenhouse were investigated. After iron plaque on rice roots was induced in solutions containing 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100 mg Fe2+ l(-1), seedlings were transplanted into nutrient solution with 0.5 mg As l(-1). The formation of iron plaque was clearly visible as a reddish coating on the root surface after 12 h induction. Fe2+ concentrations in the pretreatment solution and 0.5 mg As l(-1) in the treatment solutions did not significantly affect rice growth. There was a significant correlation between the concentrations of Fe and As in iron plaque on the root surface for the three genotypes. About 75-89% of total As was concentrated in iron plaque (DCB-extracts). There were no significant differences in As concentrations in the roots between the three genotypes; however, As concentrations in shoots differed significantly between them. Arsenic concentrations in shoots were positively correlated with iron concentrations in the shoots. The results suggest that iron plaque may act as a 'buffer' for As in the rhizosphere.  相似文献   

There exist few standards of head length and breadth from childhood to adulthood in Europoid populations. Moreover, such standards are based on samples that cannot be used as references for all populations since they were taken from different ethnic groups and from different periods. The aims of this study were: (1) to test whether standards derived from North Americans of European extraction can be used to assess the Sardinian population; and (2) to produce growth charts for head length and breadth for Sardinian males and females from 3 to 22 years of age.The cross sectional sample consisted of 9,721 subjects of Sardinian origin (4,884 males and 4,837 females), aged 3–22 years, measured from 1998 to 2008. Growth percentiles were produced with the LMS method. The mean values for each sex in each age class (3–18 years) are almost always significantly lower for both head length and breadth than the corresponding North American values. The exceptions are the head length of boys of 14 years and girls of 16–18 years where values for Sardinians are lower, but not significantly so. The results show that the North American standards are not appropriate for the assessment of Sardinian children. For the Sardinian population, specific regional growth charts should be used to correctly evaluate the normal range and the cut-off points of the extreme percentiles.  相似文献   

Although consequences of limited dietary protein and carbohydrate to performance are well studied for terrestrial insect herbivores, the importance of phosphorus (P) remains poorly understood. We examined the significance of dietary P to performance in fifth-instar nymphs of the grasshopper Melanoplus bivittatus fed artificial diets. Consumption, digestion, developmental rate, and growth in response to different levels of P nested within standard-Protein and carbohydrate diets were determined. Developmental rate was slowest on high-P diets; protein:carbohydrate concentration and P in diets affected frass production and consumption. Approximate digestibility and conversion of digested food were primarily influenced by the protein:carbohydrate quality of the diet but not P. Mass gain was marginally lower in the low-Protein:high carbohydrate diet used in this study. At the individual level, other than small effects to developmental rate at high concentrations for M. bivittatus, dietary P otherwise seems to have little effect on nymphal performance. To the degree that it is important, effects of dietary P depend on the concentrations of protein and carbohydrate in the diet.  相似文献   

Natural animal populations are increasingly exposed to human impacts on the environment, which could have consequences for their behaviour. Among these impacts is exposure to anthropogenic contaminants. Any environmental variable that influences internal state could impact behaviour across a number of levels: at the sample mean, at the level of among-individual differences in behaviour (‘animal personality’) and at the level of within-individual variation in behaviour (intra-individual variation, ‘IIV’). Here we examined the effect of exposure to seawater-borne copper on the startle response behaviour of European hermit crabs, Pagurus bernhardus across these levels. Copper exposure rapidly led to longer startle responses on average, but did not lead to any change in repeatability indicating that individual differences were present and equally consistent in the presence and absence of copper. There was no strong evidence that copper exposure led to changes in IIV. Our data show that exposure to copper for 1 week produces sample mean level changes in the behaviour of hermit crabs. However, there is no evidence that this exposure led to changes in repeatability through feedback loops.  相似文献   

An Aujeszky’s disease (AD) control and eradication campaign started in Spain in 1995, and as a result, AD virus (ADV) seroprevalences have notably diminished in Spanish domestic pig herds, but eradication has not yet been achieved. Since the presence of ADV in Spanish wild boar populations can impede schemes to eradicate ADV in domestic pig, we conducted analyses of risk factors and investigated associations between the patterns of ADV seroprevalence at the municipal level in the wild boar and the domestic pig, respectively, in south-central Spain. There was a clear influence of individual factors on the risk of wild boar to test positive to ADV. Concerning the domestic pig, higher ADV seroprevalences were observed with increasing numbers of pigs per farm. Indoor pig farms showed higher seroprevalences than open-air farms. Our results show that, at least at the study scale, the level of ADV seroprevalence in domestic pig farms is not influenced by the level of ADV seroprevalence in the coexisting wild boar populations. Also, there was no influence of domestic pigs ADV seroprevalence on the risk of wild boars to test seropositive. Finally, there was no evidence for a statistical association between ADV seroprevalence levels in wild boar and domestic pig at the municipal level in the study region. These findings are of interest for both veterinary and public health authorities. Nevertheless, more effort is needed in order to elucidate the nature of particular ADV outbreaks in domestic pigs in the study region due to possible contacts with wild boars, which will probably require a molecular approach.  相似文献   

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