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Impulsivity describes the tendency of an individual to act prematurely without foresight and is associated with a number of neuropsychiatric co-morbidities, including drug addiction. As such, there is increasing interest in the neurobiological mechanisms of impulsivity, as well as the genetic and environmental influences that govern the expression of this behaviour. Tests used on rodent models of impulsivity share strong parallels with tasks used to assess this trait in humans, and studies in both suggest a crucial role of monoaminergic corticostriatal systems in the expression of this behavioural trait. Furthermore, rodent models have enabled investigation of the causal relationship between drug abuse and impulsivity. Here, we review the use of rodent models of impulsivity for investigating the mechanisms involved in this trait, and how these mechanisms could contribute to the pathogenesis of addiction.  相似文献   

Despite increasing evidence of behavioural manipulation of their vectors by pathogens, the underlying mechanisms causing infected vectors to act in ways that benefit pathogen transmission remain enigmatic in most cases. Here, 2-D DIGE coupled with MS were employed to analyse and compare the head proteome of mosquitoes (Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto (Giles)) infected with the malarial parasite (Plasmodium berghei) with that of uninfected mosquitoes. This approach detected altered levels of 12 protein spots in the head of mosquitoes infected with sporozoites. These proteins were subsequently identified using MS and functionally classified as belonging to metabolic, synaptic, molecular chaperone, signalling, and cytoskeletal groups. Our results indicate an altered energy metabolism in the head of sporozoite-infected mosquitoes. Some of the up-/down-regulated proteins identified, such as synapse-associated protein, 14-3-3 protein and calmodulin, have previously been shown to play critical roles in the CNS of both invertebrates and vertebrates. Furthermore, a heat shock response (HSP 20) and a variation of cytoarchitecture (tropomyosins) have been shown. Discovery of these proteins sheds light on potential molecular mechanisms that underlie behavioural modifications and offers new insights into the study of intimate interactions between Plasmodium and its Anopheles vector.  相似文献   

How the sophisticated vertebrate behavioural repertoire evolved remains a major question in biology. The behavioural repertoire encompasses the set of individual behavioural components that an organism uses when adapting and responding to changes in its external world. Although unicellular organisms, invertebrates and vertebrates share simple reflex responses, the fundamental mechanisms that resulted in the complexity and sophistication that is characteristic of vertebrate behaviours have only recently been examined. A series of behavioural genetic experiments in mice and humans support a theory that posited the importance of synapse proteome expansion in generating complexity in the behavioural repertoire. Genome duplication events, approximately 550 Ma, produced expansion in the synapse proteome that resulted in increased complexity in synapse signalling mechanisms that regulate components of the behavioural repertoire. The experiments demonstrate the importance to behaviour of the gene duplication events, the diversification of paralogues and sequence constraint. They also confirm the significance of comparative proteomic and genomic studies that identified the molecular origins of synapses in unicellular eukaryotes and the vertebrate expansion in proteome complexity. These molecular mechanisms have general importance for understanding the repertoire of behaviours in different species and for human behavioural disorders arising from synapse gene mutations.  相似文献   

Activity of 65 hippocampal single units was recorded during an instrumental feeding behaviour in three rabbits. Different neurons fire or change their spontaneous activity in one or more behavioural acts, which constitute the consecutive behaviour. In one or the other behavioural act single unit discharges occur both after and before some intermediate results. Participation of hippocampus in organization of the consecutive behaviour is discussed.  相似文献   

Because immunological defence against pathogens is costly and merely reactive, human anti-pathogen defence is also characterized by proactive behavioural mechanisms that inhibit contact with pathogens in the first place. This behavioural immune system comprises psychological processes that infer infection risk from perceptual cues, and that respond to these perceptual cues through the activation of aversive emotions, cognitions and behavioural impulses. These processes are engaged flexibly, producing context-contingent variation in the nature and magnitude of aversive responses. These processes have important implications for human social cognition and social behaviour-including implications for social gregariousness, person perception, intergroup prejudice, mate preferences, sexual behaviour and conformity. Empirical evidence bearing on these many implications is reviewed and discussed. This review also identifies important directions for future research on the human behavioural immune system--including the need for enquiry into underlying mechanisms, additional behavioural consequences and implications for human health and well-being.  相似文献   

Neostriatum and its dopaminergic mechanisms were shown to be involved in mediation of some adaptive effects of the CRH (corticotropin-releasing hormone), both behavioural and endocrine. The data obtained suggest that neostriatum contributes to a coping response by selecting an appropriate behavioural strategy in stressful situation.  相似文献   

Genetic divergence among populations arises through natural selection or drift and is counteracted by connectivity and gene flow. In sympatric populations, isolating mechanisms are thus needed to limit the homogenizing effects of gene flow to allow for adaptation and speciation. Chromosomal inversions act as an important mechanism maintaining isolating barriers, yet their role in sympatric populations and divergence with gene flow is not entirely understood. Here, we revisit the question of whether inversions play a role in the divergence of connected populations of the marine fish Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua), by exploring a unique data set combining whole‐genome sequencing data and behavioural data obtained with acoustic telemetry. Within a confined fjord environment, we find three genetically differentiated Atlantic cod types belonging to the oceanic North Sea population, the western Baltic population and a local fjord‐type cod. Continuous behavioural tracking over 4 year revealed temporally stable sympatry of these types within the fjord. Despite overall weak genetic differentiation consistent with high levels of gene flow, we detected significant frequency shifts of three previously identified inversions, indicating an adaptive barrier to gene flow. In addition, behavioural data indicated that North Sea cod and individuals homozygous for the LG12 inversion had lower fitness in the fjord environment. However, North Sea and fjord‐type cod also occupy different depths, possibly contributing to prezygotic reproductive isolation and representing a behavioural barrier to gene flow. Our results provide the first insights into a complex interplay of genomic and behavioural isolating barriers in Atlantic cod and establish a new model system towards an understanding of the role of genomic structural variants in adaptation and diversification.  相似文献   

Published results concerning behavioural habituation, sensitization, long-term processes, environmental conditioning, and conditioned food aversion in terrestrial snail Helix are discussed. Neural mechanisms underlying behavioural changes are considered. Problems of participation of motivational processed and development of plasticity in ontogenesis are reviewed.  相似文献   

There are a number of ways in which a host can respond in evolutionary time to reductions in survival and reproduction due to a virulent parasite. These include evolving physiological morphological, or behavioural mechanisms of resistance to infection (or to proliferation, once infection has occurred). But a more unexpected tactic is also possible. This is for hosts to reproduce (slightly) sooner when in the presence of a virulent parasite as compared to when the parasite is less virulent or absent. As such, hosts which reproduce younger may be at a selective advantage, since they can both evade parasitism in time and, even when parasitised, can reduce the likely impact of the parasite on survival and reproductive success. We employ a simple mathematical model to propose that parasites and pathogens can act as important agents in the evolution of the timing of reproduction and associated life-history characters (e.g. body size). Once established in a semelparous host population, evolutionary increases in parasite virulence should result in the evolution of shorter lived hosts; whereas the evolution of less virulent forms of the parasite should be accompanied by the evolution of longer lived hosts. We argue that in the presence of a sufficiently virulent parasite the evolution of longer pre-reproductive life-spans should require the previous or concomitant evolution of morphological, behavioural or physiological resistance to parasitic infection and proliferation.  相似文献   

Social insect workers usually participate first in intranidal tasks (i.e. act as nurses within the nest) and then switch to extranidal tasks and become foragers. However, foragers sometimes switch back again to brood care and become reverted nurses. Behavioural and physiological correlates of the transition nurse–forager (behavioural maturation) and forager–reverted nurse (behavioural reversion) are relatively well known in the honeybee, although they are less explored in ants. To understand better the role of biogenic amines in ant behavioural maturation and behavioural reversion, the levels of octopamine (OA), dopamine (DA) and serotonin (5‐HT) are examined in the brains of nurses, foragers and reverted nurses of the red wood ant Formica polyctena Först. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Brain OA levels and the ratios OA : DA and OA : 5‐HT are higher in nurses than in foragers and reverted nurses. Reverted nurses and foragers do not differ significantly with respect to brain biogenic amine levels and amine ratios. Biogenic amine levels in brains of workers of F. polyctena are thus maturation‐related rather than task‐related. This is one of the first studies of neurochemical correlates of ant behavioural maturation and the first attempt to identify neurobiological correlates of ant behavioural reversion. The data obtained provide further evidence that neurobiological processes underlying honeybee and ant behavioural maturation and behavioural reversion reveal important differences.  相似文献   

In cold-temperate climates, overwintering aquatic ranid frogs must survive prolonged periods of low temperature, often accompanied by low levels of dissolved oxygen. They must do so with the energy stores acquired prior to the onset of winter. Overwintering mortality is a significant factor in their life history, occasionally reaching 100% due to freezing and/or anoxia. Many species of northern ranid frogs overwinter in the tadpole stage, which increases survival during hypoxic episodes relative to adults, as well as allowing for larger sizes at metamorphosis. At temperatures below 5 degrees C, submerged ranid frogs are capable of acquiring adequate oxygen via cutaneous gas exchange over a wide range of ambient oxygen partial pressures (PO(2)), and possess numerous physiological and behavioural mechanisms that allow them to maintain normal rates of oxygen uptake across the skin at a relatively low PO(2). At levels of oxygen near and below the critical PO(2) that allows for aerobic metabolism, frogs must adopt biochemical mechanisms that act to minimise oxygen utilisation and assist in maintaining an aerobic state to survive overwintering. These mechanisms include alterations in mitochondrial metabolism and affinity, changes in membrane permeability, alterations in water balance, and reduction in cellular electrochemical gradients, all of which lead to an overall reduction in whole-animal metabolism. Winter energetic requirements are fueled by the energy stores in liver, muscle, and fat depots, which are likely to be sufficient when the water is cold and well oxygenated. However, under hypoxic conditions fat stores cannot be utilised efficiently and glycogen stores are used up rapidly due to recruitment of anaerobiosis. Since ranid frogs have minimal tolerance to anoxia, it is untenable to suggest that they spend a significant portion of the winter buried in anoxic mud, but instead utilise a suite of behavioural and physiological mechanisms geared to optimal survival in cold, hypoxic conditions.  相似文献   

A behavioural syndrome occurs when individuals behave in a consistent way through time or across contexts and is analogous to 'personality' or 'temperament'. Interest is accumulating in behavioural syndromes owing to their important ecological and evolutionary consequences. There are plenty of opportunities in this burgeoning young field to integrate proximate and functional approaches to studying behaviour, but there are few guidelines about where to start or how to design a study on behavioural syndromes. After summarizing what we do and do not know, this brief review aims to act as a general guide for studying behavioural syndromes. Although the array of possible behavioural combinations can seem overwhelming, there are at least four different strategies that can be used to choose which behaviours or contexts to study in a behavioural syndromes view. I describe the strengths and weaknesses of these non-exclusive strategies, and then discuss the methodological and statistical issues raised by such studies.  相似文献   

Density-dependent phase polyphenism is a defining characteristic of the paraphyletic group of acridid grasshoppers known as locusts. The cues and mechanisms associated with crowding that induce behavioural gregarization are best understood in the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria, and involve a combination of sensory inputs from the head (visual and olfactory) and mechanostimulation of the hind legs, acting via a transient increase in serotonin in the thoracic ganglia. Since behavioural gregarization has apparently arisen independently multiple times within the Acrididae, the important question arises as to whether the same mechanisms have been recruited each time. Here we explored the roles of visual, olfactory and tactile stimulation in the induction of behavioural gregarization in the Australian plague locust, Chortoicetes terminifera. We show that the primary gregarizing input is tactile stimulation of the antennae, with no evidence for an effect of visual and olfactory stimulation or tactile stimulation of the hind legs. Our results show that convergent behavioural responses to crowding have evolved employing different sites of sensory input in the Australian plague locust and the desert locust.  相似文献   

Interspecific trait variation has long served as a conceptual foundation for our understanding of ecological patterns and dynamics. In particular, ecologists recognise the important role that animal behaviour plays in shaping ecological processes. An emerging area of interest in animal behaviour, the study of behavioural syndromes (animal personalities) considers how limited behavioural plasticity, as well as behavioural correlations affects an individual's fitness in diverse ecological contexts. In this article we explore how insights from the concept and study of behavioural syndromes provide fresh understanding of major issues in population ecology. We identify several general mechanisms for how population ecology phenomena can be influenced by a species or population's average behavioural type, by within-species variation in behavioural type, or by behavioural correlations across time or across ecological contexts. We note, in particular, the importance of behavioural type-dependent dispersal in spatial ecology. We then review recent literature and provide new syntheses for how these general mechanisms produce novel insights on five major issues in population ecology: (1) limits to species' distribution and abundance; (2) species interactions; (3) population dynamics; (4) relative responses to human-induced rapid environmental change; and (5) ecological invasions.  相似文献   

With increasing gestation both in the human and in animals clear fetal behavioural state cycles develop. Fetal heart rate patterns are closely related to the phenomenon of behavioural state. In this review article fetal heart rate patterns will be analysed in relation to particular behavioural states, individual movement patterns and diurnal variations. Attention will also be paid to maturational changes. Differences between human and animal states are emphasized. It is concluded, that understanding of the basic mechanisms underlying the normal heart rate patterns throughout gestation, improves the reliability of fetal surveillance.  相似文献   

The behavioural variation among human societies is vast and unmatched in the animal world. It is unclear whether this variation is due to variation in the ecological environment or to differences in cultural traditions. Underlying this debate is a more fundamental question: is the richness of humans’ behavioural repertoire due to non-cultural mechanisms, such as causal reasoning, inventiveness, reaction norms, trial-and-error learning and evoked culture, or is it due to the population-level dynamics of cultural transmission? Here, we measure the relative contribution of environment and cultural history in explaining the behavioural variation of 172 Native American tribes at the time of European contact. We find that the effect of cultural history is typically larger than that of environment. Behaviours also persist over millennia within cultural lineages. This indicates that human behaviour is not predominantly determined by single-generation adaptive responses, contra theories that emphasize non-cultural mechanisms as determinants of human behaviour. Rather, the main mode of human adaptation is social learning mechanisms that operate over multiple generations.  相似文献   

VINCENT BRETAGNOLLE 《Ibis》1995,137(2):207-218
The taxonomic status of the populations of the polytypic Soft-plumaged Petrel Pterodroma mollis is controversial. Previous taxonomic studies used morphological characters (measurements and colouration) and univariate statistics. In this study, I add the use of multivariate statistics on morphological (biometry and colouration) and behavioural characters (vocalizations) of the petrels. Vocalizations are especially relevant in nocturnal burrowing petrels (such as the Soft-plumaged Petrel) and act as behavioural isolating mechanisms. The analysis, based on 535 calls from seven of the 11 known breeding localities of the species, showed that physical parameters of the call did not overlap at all between breeding localities in the northern and southern hemispheres but did so within each hemisphere. Conversely, the morphological analysis, based on morphometries from ten localities, displayed wide and significant intra-hemisphere variation, whereas there was no consistent difference between northern and southern parts of the breeding range. Thus analysis of the two sets of characters gave contradictory results. Calls, owing to their role in species-specific recognition in these birds, should be given priority over other characters for species separation. I suggest that only two species should be recognized, Pterodroma mollis and Pterodroma feae, with three subspecies each. I also examined behavioural affinities between P. mollislfeae groups and other gadfly petrels and found that P. mollis/feae were closest to Pterodroma cahow, whilst Pterodroma hasitata on the one hand and Pterodroma phaeopygia and Pterodroma externa (which may comprise two species instead of one) on the other belong to other groups of gadfly petrels.  相似文献   

The ‘behavioural immune system’ is composed of mechanisms that evolved as a means of facilitating behaviours that minimized infection risk and enhanced fitness. Recent empirical research on human populations suggests that these mechanisms have unique consequences for many aspects of human sociality—including sexual attitudes, gregariousness, xenophobia, conformity to majority opinion and conservative sociopolitical attitudes. Throughout much of human evolutionary history, these consequences may have had beneficial health implications; but health implications in modern human societies remain unclear. This article summarizes pertinent ways in which modern human societies are similar to and different from the ecologies within which the behavioural immune system evolved. By attending to these similarities and differences, we identify a set of plausible implications—both positive and negative—that the behavioural immune system may have on health outcomes in contemporary human contexts. We discuss both individual-level infection risk and population-level epidemiological outcomes. We also discuss a variety of additional implications, including compliance with public health policies, the adoption of novel therapeutic interventions and actual immunological functioning. Research on the behavioural immune system, and its implications in contemporary human societies, can provide unique insights into relationships between fitness, sociality and health.  相似文献   

An ingestional behaviour was shown to be constructed by a domineering motivation in the systemic organisation of behavioural acts. The paper uncovers the mechanisms determining the energy of biological motivations as well as their controlling component: the of action acceptor. The role of reinforcement is shown in the mechanisms of forming the behaviour molecular engrams on the action of result acceptor.  相似文献   

Consistent individual differences in behaviour, aka personality, pose several evolutionary questions. For example, it is difficult to explain within-individual consistency in behaviour because behavioural plasticity is often advantageous. In addition, selection erodes heritable behavioural variation that is related to fitness, therefore we wish to know the mechanisms that can maintain between-individual variation in behaviour. In this paper, we argue that whole genome expression data can reveal new insights into the proximate mechanisms underlying personality, as well as its evolutionary consequences. After introducing the basics of whole genome expression analysis, we show how whole genome expression data can be used to understand whether behaviours in different contexts are affected by the same molecular mechanisms. We suggest strategies for using the power of genomics to understand what maintains behavioural variation, to study the evolution of behavioural correlations and to compare personality traits across diverse organisms.  相似文献   

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