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运用PCR-RFLP方法研究三亚鹿回头岸礁造礁石珊瑚共生藻的组成 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
造礁石珊瑚共生藻的系统分类研究对于理解珊瑚礁生态系统对全球变化的响应具有十分重要的意义.本研究利用PCR技术扩增核糖体基因人亚基片段以及限制性片段长度多态性(RFLP)的方法,对海南三亚鹿回头岸礁的8科14属22种造礁石珊瑚的共生藻组成进行了研究.结果表明鹿回头岸礁造礁石珊瑚共生藻以C系群为优势系群,偶尔发现D系群与鹿角杯形珊瑚(Pocilolpora damieornis)和黄癣蜂巢珊瑚(Favia favus)共生:另外丑鹿角珊瑚(Acropora horrida)和丛生盔形珊瑚(Galaxea fascicularis)可以同时与C系群和D系群共生.共生多型性的发现暗示珊瑚与共生藻的共生关系具有灵活性.研究结果同样显示共生藻的核糖体基因人片段的DNA多态性偏低.未来应该结合其他的分子标记对鹿回头岸礁造礁石珊瑚共生藻的DNA多态性进行更深入的研究. 相似文献
珊瑚及共生藻在白化过程中的适应机制研究进展 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
珊瑚礁生态系统具有非常重要的生态学功能。但是随着全球气候变暖和CO2浓度的升高,珊瑚白化事件越来越频繁,珊瑚礁生态系统面临严重的危机。影响珊瑚白化的重要因子主要有海水温度的异常(过高或过低),太阳辐射与紫外线辐射,海水盐度的偏离,珊瑚疾病,海洋污染,长棘海星的爆发,人类的过度捕鱼和全球CO2浓度升高等。其中,海洋表面水体温度(SST)的异常升高为珊瑚白化的主要因素。珊瑚主要是通过珊瑚与共生藻的生理适应机制以及更换共生藻基因型机制两种方式来适应环境胁迫的。生理适应机制主要通过叶黄素循环、珊瑚色素荧光(热)、活性氧清除系统(自由基)、分泌紫外线吸收物质MAAs(紫外光)、产生热休克蛋白HspS(热)来实现的。珊瑚共生藻基因型更换适应机制是指珊瑚的适应性白化假说。珊瑚的适应性白化假说还有很多争议,还需要更多的实验证据提供支持。未来的研究重点将在珊瑚白化过程中共生藻-珊瑚共生功能体作为整体性的研究,尤其是珊瑚宿主在白化过程中对共生功能体作出贡献的研究。 相似文献
鹿回头造礁石珊瑚群落多样性的现状及动态 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
通过对鹿回头岸礁(109°28'E,18°13'N)造礁石珊瑚群落进行系统取样调查,分析了现有群落整体的成分组成,α-多样性和β-多样性及其在环境梯度上的变化;根据现有群落实际是处于不同演替时期地段的复合体的特点,把处于相同演替时期地段的综合特征作为分析群落整体在相应时期多样性特征的依据,探讨了群落演替过程中的多样性动态。研究发现:①中等水深(2.5 ̄5.0m)地段的物种多样性平均值高于其他地段, 相似文献
造礁石珊瑚是珊瑚礁框架建造者, 具有维持珊瑚礁生态系统功能和稳定性的重要作用, 其分类对于造礁石珊瑚和珊瑚礁的研究与保护至关重要。目前, 随着分子系统学的不断发展, 造礁石珊瑚的分类体系发生改变, 伴随着出现大量同物异名。近年来也出现许多无中文学名的中国造礁石珊瑚新记录种, 这些都给物种认定和命名带来困难, 阻碍了中国造礁石珊瑚的研究与保护工作。为此, 本文收集了中国造礁石珊瑚物种记录文献资料, 采用最新的造礁石珊瑚分类体系, 确认同物异名, 形成中国造礁石珊瑚物种名录, 并对中国造礁石珊瑚物种的中文名进行统一的规范和命名。结果表明, 中国共有造礁石珊瑚2个类群16科77属445种。与《中国动物志·腔肠动物门·珊瑚虫纲·石珊瑚目·造礁石珊瑚》相比, 科级分类阶元新增7个科, 变更5个科; 属级分类阶元新增26属, 变更1属, 合并3属; 种级分类阶元新增291种, 变更13种, 合并20种, 新命名305个物种的中文名。并且筛选出187个同物异名。此外, 由于造礁石珊瑚分类体系现仍有部分争议, 文章也进行了讨论说明。 相似文献
造礁石珊瑚对低温的耐受能力及响应模式 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
通过实验室生态模拟,研究了低温胁迫下三亚湾5种造礁石珊瑚(十字牡丹珊瑚、佳丽鹿角珊瑚、花鹿角珊瑚、强壮鹿角珊瑚、澄黄滨珊瑚)的耐受性,分析了造礁石珊瑚对低温的响应模式.结果表明:造礁石珊瑚耐受低温能力与其骨骼类型有关,枝状珊瑚最先死亡,块状珊瑚的耐受能力明显高于枝状珊瑚;14 ℃持续3 d是三亚湾枝状造礁石珊瑚的致死低温;14 ℃持续3 d为块状澄黄滨珊瑚的致白化低温;12 ℃持续10 d为叶片状十字牡丹珊瑚的致死温度;块状澄黄滨珊瑚受到低温胁迫时表面形成粘膜,阻止了珊瑚进一步排出共生虫黄藻. 耐高温的珊瑚对低温也表现出较强的耐受能力,珊瑚对低温胁迫的响应模式与对高温的响应模式基本一致, 即珊瑚首先不伸展触手,紧接着不断释放粘液并排出共生藻,最后白化、死亡. 相似文献
鹿回头岸礁造礁石珊瑚物种多样性的研究 总被引:9,自引:4,他引:9
定量分析鹿回头岸礁造礁石珊瑚群落的种类组成,选择α-多样性和β-多样性的度量方法,分析了该群落造礁石珊瑚种、属和科的多样性及其与所处生境的关系。结果表明:鹿回头岸礁造礁石珊瑚群落的物种比较丰富,多样性和均匀度指数都较高,但在不同地段之间存在着明显的差异。水深中等的地段(2.4 ̄5.0m)的多样性指数高于较浅(1.5 ̄2.0m)和较深(5.5 ̄6.5m)地段;潮间带与潮下带之间和礁平台与向海斜坡之间 相似文献
营养方式是造礁石珊瑚获取能量与营养物质的基础,影响其生长与分布。近年来珊瑚礁区悬浮物含量与组分结构发生显著变化,其对造礁石珊瑚营养方式的诸多影响正成为当前研究热点。研究系统综述了珊瑚礁区悬浮物变化特征、悬浮物对造礁石珊瑚营养方式的影响及其适应性研究现状。发现近年来人类活动加剧与强降雨事件频发是驱动珊瑚礁,尤其是近岸珊瑚礁区悬浮物含量递增、组分改变与变频加剧的主因;悬浮物变化对造礁石珊瑚光合自养与异养营养的影响存在显著的种间差异,这主要与悬浮物消光效应、生物可利用性及造礁石珊瑚种类密切相关。虽然少数种类造礁石珊瑚具光合可塑性或异养可塑性,能在高含量悬浮物存在的弱光环境中较好生长。然而对绝大多数造礁石珊瑚而言,其营养方式适应性较差,无法在悬浮物影响下较好地获取生命活动所需的能量与营养物质,进而难以生存。总体来说,悬浮物被认为是近年来影响造礁石珊瑚生长与分布的重要环境因子之一,而关于造礁石珊瑚营养方式对悬浮物变化的响应及其适应机制,当前研究仍较薄弱,需要进一步加强相关研究。 相似文献
西沙群岛海域造礁石珊瑚物种多样性与分布特点 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
2006年3-5月,采用国际通用的截线样带法对海南省西沙群岛主要珊瑚礁海域的18个岛礁造礁石珊瑚进行了实地调查,共记录13科45属188种,其中62个新记录种.整合文献资料,该海域共记录造礁石珊瑚13科50属204种,基本包括分布在我国(不含台湾省)的所有造礁石珊瑚科属和绝大多数种类.造礁石珊瑚以生长速度快的分枝状珊瑚为主.物种多样性最高的是华光礁海域、金银岛海域和永兴岛海域.聚类分析可以把18个调查岛礁分成3个类群:有人类居住的大型环礁群、独立岛礁群和无人居住的大型环礁群(华光礁).为了有效保护珍稀的造礁石珊瑚资源,按照其种类多样性和分布特点重点保护关键海域是十分必要的. 相似文献
Symbiotic algae (Symbiodinium sp.) in scleractinian corals are important in understanding how coral reefs will respond to global climate change. The present paper reports on the diversity of Symbiodinium sp. in 48 scleractinian coral species from 25 genera and 10 families sampled from the Xisha Islands in the South China Sea, which were identified with the use of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of the nuclear ribosomal DNA large subunit gene (rDNA). The results showed that: (i) Symbiodinium Clade C was the dominant zooxanthellae in scleractinian corals in the Xisha Islands; (ii) Symbiodinium Clade D was found in the corals Montipora aequituberculata, Galaxea fascicularis, and Plerogyra sinuosa; and (iii) both Symbiodinium Clades C and D were found simultaneously in Montipora digitata, Psammocora contigua, and Galaxeafascicularis. A poor capacity for symbiosis polymorphism, as uncovered by RFLP, in the Xisha Islands indicates that the scleractinian corals have low adaptability to environmental changes. Further studies are needed to investigate zooxanthellae diversity using other molecular markers. 相似文献
Functional significance of genetically different symbiotic algae Symbiodinium in a coral reef symbiosis 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
The giant sea anemone Condylactis gigantea associates with members of two clades of the dinoflagellate alga Symbiodinium, either singly or in mixed infection, as revealed by clade-specific quantitative polymerase chain reaction of large subunit ribosomal DNA. To explore the functional significance of this molecular variation, the fate of photosynthetically fixed carbon was investigated by (14)C radiotracer experiments. Symbioses with algae of clades A and B released ca. 30-40% of fixed carbon to the animal tissues. Incorporation into the lipid fraction and the low molecular weight fraction dominated by amino acids was significantly higher in symbioses with algae of clade A than of clade B, suggesting that the genetically different algae in C. gigantea are not functionally equivalent. Symbioses with mixed infections yielded intermediate values, such that this functional trait of the symbiosis can be predicted from the traits of the contributing algae. Coral and sea anemone symbioses with Symbiodinium break down at elevated temperature, a process known as 'coral bleaching'. The functional response of the C. gigantea symbiosis to heat stress varied between the algae of clades A and B, with particularly depressed incorporation of photosynthetic carbon into lipid of the clade B algae, which are more susceptible to high temperature than the algae of clade A. This study provides a first exploration of how the core symbiotic function of photosynthate transfer to the host varies with the genotype of Symbiodinium, an algal symbiont which underpins corals and, hence, coral reef ecosystems. 相似文献
Scott A. Wooldridge 《BioEssays : news and reviews in molecular, cellular and developmental biology》2010,32(7):615-625
The consideration of ‘mutual benefits’ and partner cooperation have long been the accepted standpoint from which to draw inference about the onset, maintenance and breakdown of the coral‐algae endosymbiosis. In this paper, I review recent research into the climate‐induced breakdown of this important symbiosis (namely ‘coral bleaching’) that challenges the validity of this long‐standing belief. Indeed, I introduce a more parsimonious explanation, in which the coral host exerts a ‘controlled parasitism’ over its algal symbionts that is akin to an enforced domestication arrangement. Far from being pathogenic, a range of well‐established cellular processes are reviewed that support the role of the coral host as an active ‘farmer’ of the energy‐rich photoassimilates from its captive symbionts. Importantly, this new paradigm reposes the deleterious bleaching response in terms of an envelope of environmental conditions in which the exploitative and captive measures of the coral host are severely restricted. The ramification of this new paradigm for developing management strategies that may assist the evolution of bleaching resistance in corals is discussed. 相似文献
Reef corals are examples of metazoans that engage in mutualisms with a variety of microorganisms, including dinoflagellates, Bacteria, Archaea, and viruses. The high adaptive capacity of these microbial symbionts can be co‐opted by their coral hosts, and various emergent traits of these associations, such as thermotolerance, are undergoing strong selection due to climate change. This selection may spur the rise of microbial ‘disaster taxa’: opportunistic, cosmopolitan generalists that can proliferate and increase host survivorship following disturbances. Coral bleaching (a stress‐induced loss of dinoflagellates) constitutes one type of catastrophic disturbance for resident symbiont communities, and opens novel patches of host for colonization by microbial disaster taxa. Moreover, the compartmentalization of microbial symbionts within coral polyps reduces their effective population size and thus facilitates the spread of disaster taxa during times of environmental change. These phenomena suggest that, despite widespread loss of coral cover as a result of climate disturbances, the potential spread of resilient microbial disaster taxa in surviving colonies can have important implications for coral reef persistence over the coming decades. 相似文献
Daisuke Taira Tai Chong Toh Chin Soon Lionel Ng Hai Xin Loke Lutfi Afiq-Rosli Patrick C. Cabaitan 《Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology》2017,50(5-6):375-385
The recovery of bleached corals is crucial in ensuring the persistence of the coral reef ecosystem function. This study investigated whether relocating bleached Platygyra sinensis colonies was a viable measure to accelerate their recovery. During a mild bleaching event in 2014, eight bleached colonies of P. sinensis were relocated from an affected reef at Sultan Shoal, Singapore, to a reef at Kusu that was less impacted. Another eight colonies at Sultan Shoal were tagged as controls. After five months, 88% of relocated bleached colonies at Kusu showed full recovery whereas only 25% of the control bleached colonies at Sultan Shoal had recovered. The differential coral recovery among the two sites was most likely due to lower seawater temperatures and faster water flow at Kusu, which helped to mitigate the effects of thermal stress on the bleached corals. This relocation study demonstrated that relocating bleached P. sinensis to sites with more favourable environmental conditions is a viable approach to reduce bleaching impacts for this species. 相似文献
Allan Pentecost 《欧洲藻类学杂志》2013,48(4):443-456
The algal floras of two limestone streams and two calcareous Tintenstrichen are described and compared. The most important factor governing the distribution and abundance of species was the availability of water. Permanently wet stands, dominated by filamentous blue-green algae (Schizothrix calcicola and Phormidium incrustatum) had a greater species diversity than stands subject to frequent drying which were dominated by coccoid blue-green algae (Gloeocapsa spp.). Significant correlations were found between S. calcicola and water pH (+ve), total species numbers and pH (+ve), filamentous blue-green algae and aufwuchs thickness (+ve) and Calothrix numbers and rock mass colonized (+ve). The algal flora of the Tintenstrichen and the streams differed, although both developed upon the same limestone formation. The results are discussed with reference to previous work, substratum stability, aufwuchs structure, water chemistry, light and temperature. 相似文献
Endosymbiotic dinoflagellates in the genus Symbiodinium are among the most abundant and important group of photosynthetic protists found in coral reef ecosystems.In order to further characterize this diversity and compare with other regions of the Pacific,samples from 44 species of scleractinian corals representing 20 genera and 9 families,were collected from tropical reefs in southern Hainan Island,China.Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis fingerprinting of the ribosomal internal transcribed spacer 2 identified 11 genetically distinct Symbiodinium types that have been reported previously.The majority of reef-building coral species (88.6%) harbored only one subcladal type of symbiont,dominated by host-generalist C1 and C3,and was influenced little by the host’s apparent mode of symbiont acquisition.Some species harbored more than one clade of Symbiodinium (clades C,D) concurrently.Although geographically isolated from the rest of the Pacific,the symbiont diversity in southern Hainan Island was relatively low and similar to both the Great Barrier Reef and Hawaii symbiont assemblages (dominated by clade C Symbiodinium).These results indicate that a specialist symbiont is not a prerequisite for existence in remote and isolated areas,but additional work in other geographic regions is necessary to test this idea. 相似文献
Daniel J. Thornhill Allison M. Lewis Drew C. Wham Todd C. LaJeunesse 《Evolution; international journal of organic evolution》2014,68(2):352-367
Bursts in species diversification are well documented among animals and plants, yet few studies have assessed recent adaptive radiations of eukaryotic microbes. Consequently, we examined the radiation of the most ecologically dominant group of endosymbiotic dinoflagellates found in reef‐building corals, Symbiodinium Clade C, using nuclear ribosomal (ITS2), chloroplast (psbAncr), and multilocus microsatellite genotyping. Through a hierarchical analysis of high‐resolution genetic data, we assessed whether ecologically distinct Symbiodinium, differentiated by seemingly equivocal rDNA sequence differences, are independent species lineages. We also considered the role of host specificity in Symbiodinium speciation and the correspondence between endosymbiont diversification and Caribbean paleo‐history. According to phylogenetic, biological, and ecological species concepts, Symbiodinium Clade C comprises many distinct species. Although regional factors contributed to population‐genetic structuring of these lineages, Symbiodinium diversification was mainly driven by host specialization. By combining patterns of the endosymbiont's host specificity, water depth distribution, and phylogeography with paleo‐historical signals of climate change, we inferred that present‐day species diversity on Atlantic coral reefs stemmed mostly from a post‐Miocene adaptive radiation. Host‐generalist progenitors spread, specialized, and diversified during the ensuing epochs of prolonged global cooling and change in reef‐faunal assemblages. Our evolutionary reconstruction thus suggests that Symbiodinium undergoes “boom and bust” phases in diversification and extinction during major climate shifts. 相似文献