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The effects of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) on cell growth and differentiation appear to vary with cell type and stage of development. This study describes the types and distribution of GAGs accumulated by normal and malignant human mammary epithelial cells in primary culture during their exponential and stationary phases of growth. Cultures incubated with [3H]glucosamine or [35S]sulfate were separated into medium, extracellular matrix (ECM), and cell fractions. Labelled GAGs were identified by chemical and enzymatic degradations and cellulose acetate electrophoresis. Cultures of normal cells in the exponential phase of growth released the most labelled GAGs into the medium fraction, the majority of which was hyaluronic acid (HA). The increase in labelled GAG accumulation, the increase in sulfated GAGs localized in the ECM fraction correlated with the reduced proliferative activity and increased cell density of cells in stationary cultures. In contrast, cultures of mammary tumour cells had the same labelled GAG profile, regardless of their growth status. Although there was variation among tumours, in general, the majority of the labelled GAGs were secreted into the medium fraction and the predominant GAG was HA. The results are comparable with those obtained from studies on mammary tissue in vivo. Primary cultures of human mammary epithelial cells should be useful for determining how modulations of GAGs affect growth and differentiation of these cells.  相似文献   

The proteoglycans secreted by a malignant human breast cell line (MDA-MB-231) were compared with the corresponding proteoglycans from a normal human breast cell line (HBL-100). The physicochemical characteristics of these proteoglycans were established by hexosamine analysis, chemical and enzymatic degradations, and dissociative cesium chloride density gradient centrifugation, and by gel filtration before and after alkaline beta-elimination. Both cell lines secreted approximately 70% of the synthesized proteoglycans, which were composed of 20% heparan sulfate and 80% chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans. The MDA cell line secreted large hydrodynamic size (major) and small hydrodynamic size heparan sulfate proteoglycan. In contrast HBL cells secreted only one species having a hydrodynamic size intermediate to the above two. The chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans from MDA medium were slightly larger than the corresponding polymers from HBL medium. All proteoglycans except the small hydrodynamic size heparan sulfate proteoglycan from MDA medium were of high buoyant density. The proteoglycans of both cell lines contained significant proportions of disulfide-linked lower molecular weight components which were more pronounced in the proteoheparan sulfate polymers, particularly those from MDA medium, than in chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans. The glycosaminoglycans of heparan sulfate proteoglycans from MDA medium were more heterogeneous than those from HBL medium. The glycosaminoglycan chains of large hydrodynamic size heparan sulfate proteoglycans from MDA medium were larger in size than those from HBL medium while small hydrodynamic size heparan sulfate proteoglycans contained shorter glycosaminoglycan chains. In contrast to the glycosaminoglycans derived from chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans of both MDA and HBL medium were comparable in size. The heparan sulfate as well as chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans of both cell lines contained both neutral (di- and tetrasaccharides) and sialylated (tri- to hexasaccharides) O-linked oligosaccharides.  相似文献   

The plasma membrane-associated proteoglycans of a malignant human breast cell line (MDA-MB-231) were compared with the corresponding proteoglycans from a normal cell line (HBL-100). The labeled proteoglycans were isolated from the plasma membranes of cells grown in the presence of [3H]glucosamine and [35S]Na2SO4 by extraction with guanidine hydrochloride and subsequently purified by DEAE-ion exchange chromatography. Their structural properties were established by treatment with nitrous acid, heparitinase and chondroitinase ABC, and by gel filtration before and after alkaline -elimination. About 18% of the proteoglycans synthesized by these cell lines were associated with the plasma membranes. The HBL plasma membranes contained 80% heparan sulfate and 20% chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans whereas MDA plasma membranes had 50% heparan sulfate and 50% chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans. The MDA plasma membrane contained two heparan sulfate proteoglycans, both having nearly the same molecular size as the two species secreted into the medium by these cells. The HBL plasma membrane also contained two hydrodynamic size heparan sulfate proteoglycans. The larger hydrodynamic size species has a slightly lower molecular size than that secreted into the medium, and the smaller hydrodynamic size species was not detectable in the medium. Even though the major chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans from MDA plasma membranes were smaller in size than those from HBL plasma membrane, a larger proportion of the glycosaminoglycan chains of the former were bigger than those from the latter.Abbreviations CHAPS 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio]propane-1-sulfonate - Di-OS 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-3-O-(-d-gluco-4-ene-pyranosyluronic acid)-d-galactose - Di-4S 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-3-O-(-d-gluco-4-ene-pyranosyluronic acid)-4-O-sulfo-d-galactose - Di-6S 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-3-O-(-d-gluco-4-ene-pyranosyluronic acid)-6-O-sulfo-d-galactose - Gdn-HCl guanidine hydrochloride - WGA wheat germ agglutinin  相似文献   

Abstract. Collagen-binding proteins ( CBPs ) of rat mammary tumors are identical to Ca2+-binding annexins [49]. We have now isolated a protein of 38 kDa from the human mammary tumor cell line ALAB by collagen type I affinity chromatography as well as by extraction of calcium-binding proteins. The 38-kDa band of both preparations was identified as annexin II (calpactin I) by its reaction with an annexin II-specific monoclonal antibody in Western blot analysis. Annexin I (lipocortin I) was not detectable in these cells. Two other human cell lines, the SV40-transformed cell line SV3 and cell line HBL-100, both established from normal mammary glands, were also positive for annexin II and negative for annexin I.
In vivo expression of annexins was investigated by immunohistological staining of normal and malignant human mammary tissue. The annexin II-specific mAb reacted with normal and tumor parenchyme whereas the annexin I-specific mAb reacted with acini and ductal myoepithelium of the normal mammary gland but showed no reaction with tumor tissue. Immunolocalization studies also showed annexin II expression in both normal and tumor stroma while only tumor stromal cells were found to be reactive with the antibody against annexin I. The differential expression of annexins in normal and malignant human mammary tissue suggests special functions of these proteins in the mammary gland.  相似文献   

Isolation and characterization of human mammary stem cells   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Since stem cells are present throughout the lifetime of an organism, it is thought that they may accumulate mutations, eventually leading to cancer. In the breast, tumours are predominantly oestrogen and progesterone receptor-positive (ERalpha/PR+). We therefore studied the biology of ERalpha/PR-positive cells and their relationship to stem cells in normal human mammary epithelium. We demonstrated that ERalpha/PR-positive cells co-express the putative stem cell markers p21(CIP1/WAF1), cytokeratin (CK) 19 and Musashi-1 when examined using dual label immunofluorescence on tissue sections. Next, we isolated a Hoechst dye-effluxing 'side population' (SP) from the epithelium using flow cytometry and demonstrated them to be undifferentiated cells by lack of expression of myoepithelial and luminal cell-specific antigens such as CALLA and MUC1. Epithelial SP cells were shown to be enriched for the putative stem cell markers p21(CIP1/WAF1), Musashi-1 and ERalpha/PR-positive cells. Lastly, SP cells, compared to non-SP, were highly enriched for the capacity to produce colonies containing multiple lineages in 3D basement membrane (Matrigel) culture. We conclude that breast stem cells include two populations: a primitive ERalpha/PR-negative stem cell necessary for development and a shorter term ERalpha/PR-positive stem cell necessary for adult tissue homeostasis during menstrual cycling. We speculate these two basic stem cell types may therefore be the cells of origin for ERalpha-positive and -negative breast tumours.  相似文献   

It is hypothesized that cancer stem cells arise either from normal stem cells or from progenitor cells that have gained the ability to self-renew. Here we determine whether mammary cancer stem cells can be isolated by using antibodies that have been used for the isolation of normal mammary stem cells. We show that BRCA1 mutant cancer cell lines contained a subpopulation of CD24+CD29+ or CD24+CD49f+ cells that exhibited increased proliferation and colony forming ability in vitro, and enhanced tumor-forming ability in vivo. The purified CD24+CD29+ cells could differentiate and reconstitute the heterogeneity found in parental cells when plated as a monolayer. Under low-attachment conditions, we detected “tumorspheres” only in the presence of double positive cells, which maintained their ability to self-renew. Furthermore, CD24+CD29+ cells could form tubular structures reminiscent of the mammary ductal tree when grown in three-dimensional cultures, implying that these cancer cells maintain some of the characteristics of the normal stem cells. Nevertheless, they could still drive tumor formation since as low as 500 double positive cells immediately after sorting from BRCA1 mutant primary tumors were able to form tumors with the same heterogeneity found in the original tumors. These data provide evidence that breast cancer stem cells originate from normal stem cells and advance our understanding of BRCA1-associated tumorigenesis with possible implications for future cancer treatment.  相似文献   

A murine monoclonal antibody, HNK-1, is known to react with some human leukocytes including all natural killer (NK) cells in peripheral blood. The distribution of cells reacting with this antibody (HNK-1+ cell) was studied in human peripheral lymphoid organs, consisting of five lymph nodes, two specimens of gastric mucosa with lymphoid tissue, two tonsils, one appendix, and two thymuses. Fourteen cases of malignant lymphoma (ML) were also examined. For the demonstration of HNK-1+ cells, the peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) bridge method was applied to cryostat sections of these specimens. It was found that in normal lymphoid organs most HNK-1+ cells were located in lymph follicles, especially in germinal centers, and some were found in 'mixed' regions which indicate outsides of both the follicles and T-zones. Amongst the ML, large clusters of HNK-1+ cells were observed only in two cases of follicular lymphoma, although a few scattered HNK-1+ cells were noted in other ML, including five diffuse B-cell lymphomas, six T-cell lymphomas and one null cell lymphoma. The possible significance of these findings is discussed.  相似文献   

Cancer stem cells and human malignant melanoma   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cancer stem cells (CSC) have been identified in hematological malignancies and several solid cancers. Similar to physiological stem cells, CSC are capable of self-renewal and differentiation and have the potential for indefinite proliferation, a function through which they may cause tumor growth. Although conventional anti-cancer treatments might eradicate most malignant cells in a tumor, they are potentially ineffective against chemoresistant CSC, which may ultimately be responsible for recurrence and progression. Human malignant melanoma is a highly aggressive and drug-resistant cancer. Detection of tumor heterogeneity, undifferentiated molecular signatures, and increased tumorigenicity of melanoma subsets with embryonic-like differentiation plasticity strongly suggest the presence and involvement of malignant melanoma stem cells (MMSC) in the initiation and propagation of this malignancy. Here, we review these findings in the context of functional properties ascribed to melanocyte stem cells and CSC in other cancers. We discuss the association of deregulated signaling pathways, genomic instability, and vasculogenic mimicry phenomena observed in melanoma subpopulations in light of the CSC concept. We propose that a subset of MMSC may be responsible for melanoma therapy-resistance, tumor invasiveness, and neoplastic progression and that targeted abrogation of a MMSC compartment could therefore ultimately lead to stable remissions and perhaps cures of metastatic melanoma.  相似文献   

Summary We compared the growth and morphology of normal, dysplastic and malignant human mammary epithelial cells (HMEC) in medium containing 5% human serum, a serum-free medium (32) and serum-free medium with a low Ca++ concentration. Tissues were dissociated and epithelial organoids or single cells were seeded onto collagen-coated dishes. The cells grew in serum-containing medium, but growth of fibroblasts was also stimulated. The serum-free medium consistently selected for and stimulated the growth of epithelial cells. There was little advantage in reducing the Ca++ concentration to further increase cell yield. This serum-free primary culture system allows us to routinely prouce sufficient numbers of HMEC from small tissue samples for molecular biological investigations. Furthermore, the maintenance of cells in a defined medium can provide a system for evaluating the direct effects of factors on gene expression. This work was supported by a grant from the National Cancer Institute of Canada and funds contributed by Mr. B. T. Wharton in memory of his wife, Nadia.  相似文献   

Acetylcholinesterase in normal and malignant human cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity was determined in normal and malignant human cell lines by histochemical methods. In normal human fibroblasts, no AChE activity could be demonstrated by any histochemical technique or substrate. Enzymic activity was observed in HT-1080 human fibrosarcoma cells, RD 2 human rhabdomyosarcoma cells, and SW 311 human colon carcinoma cells. Activity was localized around the nuclear envelope, in the cytoplasm and associated with the cortical region of most cells. The specificity of the reaction was shown through the use of specific cholinesterase inhibitors.  相似文献   

To identify cell-surface markers specific to human cardiomyocytes, we screened cardiovascular cell populations derived from human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) against a panel of 370 known CD antibodies. This screen identified the signal-regulatory protein alpha (SIRPA) as a marker expressed specifically on cardiomyocytes derived from hESCs and human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs), and PECAM, THY1, PDGFRB and ITGA1 as markers of the nonmyocyte population. Cell sorting with an antibody against SIRPA allowed for the enrichment of cardiac precursors and cardiomyocytes from hESC/hiPSC differentiation cultures, yielding populations of up to 98% cardiac troponin T-positive cells. When plated in culture, SIRPA-positive cells were contracting and could be maintained over extended periods of time. These findings provide a simple method for isolating populations of cardiomyocytes from human pluripotent stem cell cultures, and thereby establish a readily adaptable technology for generating large numbers of enriched cardiomyocytes for therapeutic applications.  相似文献   

Tumors contain a small population of cancer stem cells (CSC) proposed to be responsible for tumor maintenance and relapse. Aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 (ALDH1) activity has been used as a functional stem cell marker to isolate CSCs in different cancer types. This study used the Aldefluor® assay and fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) analysis to isolate ALDH1high cells from five human sarcoma cell lines and one primary chordoma cell line. ALDH1high cells range from 0.3% (MUG-Chor1) to 4.1% (SW-1353) of gated cells. Immunohistochemical staining, analysis of the clone formation efficiency, and xCELLigence microelectronic sensor technology revealed that ALDH1high cells from all sarcoma cell lines have an increased proliferation rate compared to ALDH1low cells. By investigating of important regulators of stem cell biology, real-time RT-PCR data showed an increased expression of c-Myc, β-catenin, and SOX-2 in the ALDH1high population and a significant higher level of ABCG2. Statistical analysis of data demonstrated that ALDH1high cells of SW-982 and SW-1353 showed higher resistance to commonly used chemotherapeutic agents like doxorubicin, epirubicin, and cisplatin than ALDH1low cells. This study demonstrates that in different sarcoma cell lines, high ALDH1 activity can be used to identify a subpopulation of cells characterized by a significantly higher proliferation rate, increased colony forming, increased expression of ABC transporter genes and stemness markers compared to control cells. In addition, enhanced drug resistance was demonstrated.  相似文献   

Podocalyxin, an integral plasma membrane cell-adhesion glycoprotein, is a marker of human pluripotent and multipotent stem cells. Podocalyxin is also a marker of many types of cancers and its expression correlates with an aggressive and poor-prognosis tumor phenotype. The function of podocalyxin in stem cells and malignant cells is unknown. Protein sequence data obtained from purified podocalyxin protein isolated from embryonal carcinoma cancer stem cells reveals peptide sequence data for the glucose-3-transporter. Protein-precipitation experiments of embryonal carcinoma protein extracts identify a podocalyxin/glucose-3-transporter protein complex. Cell imaging studies demonstrate co-localization of podocalyxin and glucose-3-transporter and confirm the interaction in vivo. Finally, siRNA podocalyxin-knockdown experiments show decreased expression levels of the glucose-3-transporter. These findings suggest a novel interaction of the glucose-3-transporter and the cell-adhesion protein podocalyxin. In pluripotent stem cells and in human cancer disease, podocalyxin may function in part to regulate and maintain the cell surface expression of the glucose-3-transporter.  相似文献   

Advances in stem cell biology have clarified that a tumour is a collection of heterogeneous cell populations, and that only a small fraction of tumour cells possesses the potential to self-renew. Delta-like 1 protein (Dlk-1) is a surface antigen present on foetal hepatic stem/progenitor cells but absent from mature hepatocytes in neonatal and adult rodent liver. Using a monoclonal antibody (mAb) against hDlk-1, Yanai et al. (Dlk-1, a cell surface antigen on foetal hepatic stem/progenitor cells, is expressed in hepatocellular, colon, pancreas and breast carcinomas at a high frequency. J. Biochem. 2010;148:85-92) have shown that human (h) Dlk-1 is expressed in human foetal, but not adult, liver and that 20% of all hepatocellular carcinomas (HCCs) are hDlk-1(+). Importantly, an even higher percentage of HCCs in younger patients are hDLK-1(+). These authors also found that hDlk-1 is present at high frequency in colon adenocarcinomas, pancreatic islet carcinomas and small cell lung carcinomas. Here, I discuss the implications of the expression of foetal hepatic stem/progenitor cell antigens on carcinoma cells.  相似文献   

Malignant gliomas are highly infiltrative and invasive tumors, which precludes the few treatment options available. Therefore, there is an urgent need to elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying gliomas aggressive phenotype and poor prognosis. The Raf Kinase Inhibitory protein (RKIP), besides regulating important intracellular signaling cascades, was described to be associated with progression, metastasis and prognosis in several human neoplasms. Its role in the prognosis and tumourigenesis of gliomas remains unclear. In the present study, we found that RKIP protein is absent in a low frequency (10%, 20/193) of glioma tumors. Nevertheless, the absence of RKIP expression was an independent prognostic marker in glioma. Additionally, by in vitro downregulation of RKIP, we found that RKIP inhibition induces a higher viability and migration of the cells, having no effect on cellular proliferation and angiogenesis, as assessed by in vivo CAM assay. In conclusion, this is the largest series studied so far evaluating the expression levels of this important cancer suppressor protein in glioma tumors. Our results suggest that in a subset of tumors, the absence of RKIP associates with highly malignant behavior and poor survival of patients, which may be a useful biomarker for tailored treatment of glioma patients.  相似文献   

Growth of normal human mammary cells in culture   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
Summary Reduction mammoplasty tissue was used to obtain short-term cultures of human epithelial cell populations. Digestion of tissue with collagenase and hyaluronidase resulted in cell clusters (organoids) resembling ductal and alveolar structures; these could be separated by filtration from the stromal components. Epithelial outgrowth from these organoids was greatly enhanced by the addition of conditioned medium from other human epithelial and myoepithelial cell lines. Additionally, the mammary epithelial growth was stimulated by insulin, hydrocortisone, epidermal growth factor, and steroid hormones. With this enriched nutritional environment, active cell division could be maintained for 1 to 3 months and cells could be serially subcultured 1 to 4 times. This research was supported by Grant PDT-72 from the American Cancer Society and Grant CP-70510 from the National Institutes of Health.  相似文献   

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) in body fluids are candidate diagnostics for a variety of conditions and diseases, including breast cancer. One premise for using extracellular miRNAs to diagnose disease is the notion that the abundance of the miRNAs in body fluids reflects their abundance in the abnormal cells causing the disease. As a result, the search for such diagnostics in body fluids has focused on miRNAs that are abundant in the cells of origin. Here we report that released miRNAs do not necessarily reflect the abundance of miRNA in the cell of origin. We find that release of miRNAs from cells into blood, milk and ductal fluids is selective and that the selection of released miRNAs may correlate with malignancy. In particular, the bulk of miR-451 and miR-1246 produced by malignant mammary epithelial cells was released, but the majority of these miRNAs produced by non-malignant mammary epithelial cells was retained. Our findings suggest the existence of a cellular selection mechanism for miRNA release and indicate that the extracellular and cellular miRNA profiles differ. This selective release of miRNAs is an important consideration for the identification of circulating miRNAs as biomarkers of disease.  相似文献   

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