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Murray S 《Biometrics》2000,56(4):984-990
This research gives methods for nonparametric sequential monitoring of paired censored survival data in the two-sample problem using paired weighted log-rank statistics with adjustments for dependence in survival and censoring outcomes. The joint asymptotic closed-form distribution of these sequentially monitored statistics has a dependent increments structure. Simulations validating operating characteristics of the proposed methods highlight power and size consequences of ignoring even mildly correlated data. A motivating example is presented via the Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study.  相似文献   

Albert PS 《Biometrics》2007,63(3):947-957
Interest often focuses on estimating sensitivity and specificity of a group of raters or a set of new diagnostic tests in situations in which gold standard evaluation is expensive or invasive. Various authors have proposed semilatent class modeling approaches for estimating diagnostic accuracy in this situation. This article presents imputation approaches for this problem. I show how imputation provides a simpler way of performing diagnostic accuracy and prevalence estimation than the use of semilatent modeling. Furthermore, the imputation approach is more robust to modeling assumptions and, in general, there is only a moderate efficiency loss relative to a correctly specified semilatent class model. I apply imputation to a study designed to estimate the diagnostic accuracy of digital radiography for gastric cancer. The feasibility and robustness of imputation is illustrated with analysis, asymptotic results, and simulations.  相似文献   

Wang MC  Chen YQ 《Biometrics》2000,56(3):789-794
Recurrent event data are frequently encountered in longitudinal follow-up studies when the occurrences of multiple events are considered as the major outcomes. Suppose that the recurrent events are of the same type and the variable of interest is the recurrence time between successive events. In many applications, the distributional pattern of recurrence times can be used as an index for the progression of a disease. Such a distributional pattern is important for understanding the natural history of a disease or for confirming long-term treatment effect. In this article, we discuss and define the comparability of recurrence times. Nonparametric and semiparametric methods are developed for testing trend of recurrence time distributions and estimating trend parameters in regression models. The construction of the methods is based on comparable recurrence times from stratified data. A real data example is presented to illustrate the use of methodology.  相似文献   

This article concerns the problem of estimating a continuous distribution in a diseased or nondiseased population when only group-based test results on the disease status are available. The problem is challenging in that individual disease statuses are not observed and testing results are often subject to misclassification, with further complication that the misclassification may be differential as the group size and the number of the diseased individuals in the group vary. We propose a method to construct nonparametric estimation of the distribution and obtain its asymptotic properties. The performance of the distribution estimator is evaluated under various design considerations concerning group sizes and classification errors. The method is exemplified with data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey study to estimate the distribution and diagnostic accuracy of C-reactive protein in blood samples in predicting chlamydia incidence.  相似文献   

D L DeMets  M H Gail 《Biometrics》1985,41(4):1039-1044
This paper presents simulations to determine the operating characteristics of several group sequential boundaries when applied to the repeated analysis of survival data at equal intervals of calendar time. Because the group sequential boundaries of Pocock (1977, Biometrika 64, 191-199) and O'Brien and Fleming (1979, Biometrics 35, 549-556) were constructed on the assumption that each interim analysis provides an equal increment of statistical information, these boundaries are not theoretically appropriate for interim analysis at prescheduled calendar times. Nonetheless, our simulations show that these boundaries yield size and power near nominal levels for repeated logrank analyses at equal intervals of calendar time.  相似文献   

Not until recently has much attention been given to deriving maximum likelihood methods for estimating the intercept and slope parameters from a binormal ROC curve that assesses the accuracy of a continuous diagnostic test. We propose two new methods for estimating these parameters. The first method uses the profile likelihood and a simple algorithm to produce fully efficient estimates. The second method is based on a pseudo-maximum likelihood that can easily accommodate adjusting for covariates that could affect the accuracy of the continuous test.  相似文献   

Zeng  Donglin; Lin  D. Y. 《Biometrika》2006,93(3):627-640

A unification of models for meta-analysis of diagnostic accuracy studies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Studies of diagnostic accuracy require more sophisticated methods for their meta-analysis than studies of therapeutic interventions. A number of different, and apparently divergent, methods for meta-analysis of diagnostic studies have been proposed, including two alternative approaches that are statistically rigorous and allow for between-study variability: the hierarchical summary receiver operating characteristic (ROC) model (Rutter and Gatsonis, 2001) and bivariate random-effects meta-analysis (van Houwelingen and others, 1993), (van Houwelingen and others, 2002), (Reitsma and others, 2005). We show that these two models are very closely related, and define the circumstances in which they are identical. We discuss the different forms of summary model output suggested by the two approaches, including summary ROC curves, summary points, confidence regions, and prediction regions.  相似文献   

A "gold" standard test, providing definitive verification of disease status, may be quite invasive or expensive. Current technological advances provide less invasive, or less expensive, diagnostic tests. Ideally, a diagnostic test is evaluated by comparing it with a definitive gold standard test. However, the decision to perform the gold standard test to establish the presence or absence of disease is often influenced by the results of the diagnostic test, along with other measured, or not measured, risk factors. If only data from patients who received the gold standard test were used to assess the test performance, the commonly used measures of diagnostic test performance--sensitivity and specificity--are likely to be biased. Sensitivity would often be higher, and specificity would be lower, than the true values. This bias is called verification bias. Without adjustment for verification bias, one may possibly introduce into the medical practice a diagnostic test with apparent, but not truly, high sensitivity. In this article, verification bias is treated as a missing covariate problem. We propose a flexible modeling and computational framework for evaluating the performance of a diagnostic test, with adjustment for nonignorable verification bias. The presented computational method can be utilized with any software that can repetitively use a logistic regression module. The approach is likelihood-based, and allows use of categorical or continuous covariates. An explicit formula for the observed information matrix is presented, so that one can easily compute standard errors of estimated parameters. The methodology is illustrated with a cardiology data example. We perform a sensitivity analysis of the dependency of verification selection process on disease.  相似文献   

Song X  Davidian M  Tsiatis AA 《Biometrics》2002,58(4):742-753
Joint models for a time-to-event (e.g., survival) and a longitudinal response have generated considerable recent interest. The longitudinal data are assumed to follow a mixed effects model, and a proportional hazards model depending on the longitudinal random effects and other covariates is assumed for the survival endpoint. Interest may focus on inference on the longitudinal data process, which is informatively censored, or on the hazard relationship. Several methods for fitting such models have been proposed, most requiring a parametric distributional assumption (normality) on the random effects. A natural concern is sensitivity to violation of this assumption; moreover, a restrictive distributional assumption may obscure key features in the data. We investigate these issues through our proposal of a likelihood-based approach that requires only the assumption that the random effects have a smooth density. Implementation via the EM algorithm is described, and performance and the benefits for uncovering noteworthy features are illustrated by application to data from an HIV clinical trial and by simulation.  相似文献   

GOWER  J. C.; PAYNE  R. W. 《Biometrika》1975,62(3):665-672

In the two-sample comparison of survival times with long-term survivors, the overall difference between the two distributions reflects differences occurring in early follow-up for susceptible subjects and in long-term follow-up for nonsusceptible subjects. In this setting, we propose statistics for testing (i) no overall, (ii) no short-term, and (iii) no long-term difference between the two distributions to be compared. The statistics are derived as follows. A semiparametric model is defined that characterizes a short-term effect and a long-term effect. By approximating this model about no difference in early survival, a time-dependent proportional hazards model is obtained. The statistics are obtained from this working model. The asymptotic distributions of the statistics for testing no overall or no short-term effects are ascertained, while that of the statistic for testing no long-term effect is valid only when the short-term effect is small. Simulation studies investigate the power properties of the proposed tests for different configurations. The results show the interesting behavior of the proposed tests for situations where a short-term effect is expected. An example investigating the impact of progesterone receptors status on local tumor relapse for patients with early breast cancer illustrates the use of the proposed tests.  相似文献   

Lee SM  Gee MJ  Hsieh SH 《Biometrics》2011,67(3):788-798
Summary We consider the estimation problem of a proportional odds model with missing covariates. Based on the validation and nonvalidation data sets, we propose a joint conditional method that is an extension of Wang et al. (2002, Statistica Sinica 12, 555–574). The proposed method is semiparametric since it requires neither an additional model for the missingness mechanism, nor the specification of the conditional distribution of missing covariates given observed variables. Under the assumption that the observed covariates and the surrogate variable are categorical, we derived the large sample property. The simulation studies show that in various situations, the joint conditional method is more efficient than the conditional estimation method and weighted method. We also use a real data set that came from a survey of cable TV satisfaction to illustrate the approaches.  相似文献   

Evaluation of diagnostic performance is typically based on the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve and the area under the curve (AUC) as its summary index. The partial area under the curve (pAUC) is an alternative index focusing on the range of practical/clinical relevance. One of the problems preventing more frequent use of the pAUC is the perceived loss of efficiency in cases of noncrossing ROC curves. In this paper, we investigated statistical properties of comparisons of two correlated pAUCs. We demonstrated that outside of the classic model there are practically reasonable ROC types for which comparisons of noncrossing concave curves would be more powerful when based on a part of the curve rather than the entire curve. We argue that this phenomenon stems in part from the exclusion of noninformative parts of the ROC curves that resemble straight‐lines. We conducted extensive simulation studies in families of binormal, straight‐line, and bigamma ROC curves. We demonstrated that comparison of pAUCs is statistically more powerful than comparison of full AUCs when ROC curves are close to a “straight line”. For less flat binormal ROC curves an increase in the integration range often leads to a disproportional increase in pAUCs’ difference, thereby contributing to an increase in statistical power. Thus, efficiency of differences in pAUCs of noncrossing ROC curves depends on the shape of the curves, and for families of ROC curves that are nearly straight‐line shaped, such as bigamma ROC curves, there are multiple practical scenarios in which comparisons of pAUCs are preferable.  相似文献   

Nonparametric tests of the Markov model for survival data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

We propose a useful protocol for the problem of screening populations for low-prevalence characteristics such as HIV or drugs. Current HIV screening of blood that has been donated for transfusion involves the testing of individual blood units with an inexpensive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay test and follow-up with a more accurate and more expensive western blot test for only those units that tested positive. Our cost-effective pooling strategy would enhance current methods by making it possible to accurately estimate the sensitivity and specificity of the initial screening test, and the proportion of defective units that have passed through the system. We also provide a method of estimating the distribution of prevalences for the characteristic throughout the population or subpopulations of interest.  相似文献   

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