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The major lipoprotein density classes (chylomicrons-VLDL, LDL, HDL(2) and HDL(3)) were isolated from human plasma in a two-step ultracentrifugal procedure using the Ti-14 zonal rotor. The isolation of the two major high density lipoprotein subclasses (HDL(2) and HDL(3)) was achieved in a 24-hr run using a nonlinear NaBr gradient in the density range of 1.00-1.40. The lipoproteins with a density < 1.063 found in the rotor's center were isolated in a second run of 140 min duration using a continuous linear NaBr gradient in the density range of 1.00-1.30. The isolated lipoproteins were analyzed for chemical composition and for electrophoretic mobility; purity of isolated fractions was checked by immunochemistry. The lipoproteins exhibited flotation rates, chemical compositions, and molecular weights similar to those found with the common sequential procedures in angle-head rotors. The amount of lipoprotein lipids in the bottom fraction of the zonal rotor was comparable to that of the angle-head rotor. The described method yields the main lipoprotein density classes free from albumin in a very short running time; compared with the rate-zonal techniques already in use, this method allows the quantitative separation of an additional lipoprotein density class (HDL(2)) without increasing the running time. Furthermore, this procedure proved to be suitable for isolation of plasma lipoproteins from subjects with various types and varying degrees of hyperlipoproteinemia.  相似文献   

Procedures for the separation of plasma lipoprotein classes and subclasses by zonal ultracentrifugation are described. The main density classes, very low density lipoproteins (VLDL), low density lipoproteins (LDL) and high density lipoproteins (HDL), in plasma can be separated in a single run for 20 hours. For the isolation of VLDL-LDL a centrifugation time of only 90 minutes is needed. Separations can be performed on plasma volumes varying from 10 to 400 ml in the Ti-14 rotor used; VLDL can in this way be isolated from 400 ml plasma in 30 minutes. The advantages and disadvantages of zonal ultracentrifugation in comparison with the commonly employed differential ultracentrifugation for separation of lipoproteins are discussed.  相似文献   

The molecular basis of the heterogeneity of plasma low density lipoproteins (LDL, d 1.024-1.050 g/ml) was evaluated in 40 normolipidemic male subjects following fractionation by isopycnic density gradient ultracentrifugation into eight major subspecies. The mass profile of our subjects' LDL uniformly displayed single symmetric or asymmetric peaks as a function of density; the peak occurred most frequently (20 subjects) in subfraction 7 (d 1.0297-1.0327 g/ml). Several physicochemical properties (hydrodynamic behavior, electrophoretic mobility, chemical composition, size and particle heterogeneity, and apolipoprotein heterogeneity) of the LDL subfractions were examined. Hydrodynamic analyses revealed unimodal distributions and distinct peak Sf degree rates in individual subfractions. Such behavior correlated well with particle size and heterogeneity data, in which LDL subspecies were typically resolved as unique narrow bands by gradient gel electrophoresis. Subspecies with average densities of 1.024 to 1.0409 g/ml ranged from 229 to 214 A in particle diameter. LDL protein content increased in parallel with density while the proportion of triglyceride diminished; cholesteryl esters predominated, accounting for approximately 40% or more by weight. Distinct differences in net electric charge were demonstrated by electrophoresis in agarose gel, the subspecies with average density of 1.0314 g/ml displaying the lowest net negative charge. ApoB-100 was the major apoprotein in all subspecies, and constituted the unique protein component over the density interval 1.0271-1.0393 g/ml. ApoE and apo[a] were detected at densities less than 1.0271 and greater than 1.0393 g/ml. While apoE was evenly distributed within these two regions, representing up to 2% of apoLDL, the distribution of apo[a] was skewed towards the denser region, in which it amounted to 3-7% of apoLDL. ApoC-III was detectable as a trace component at densities greater than 1.0358 g/ml. Calculation of the number of molecules of each chemical component per LDL subspecies showed the presence of one copy of apoB-100 per particle, in association with decreasing amounts of cholesteryl ester, free cholesterol, and phospholipid. These data indicate that a similar overall molecular organization and structure is maintained in a unimodal distribution of LDL particle subspecies over the density range approximately 1.02 to 1.05 g/ml. In sum, our data may be interpreted to suggest that microheterogeneity in the physicochemical properties of human LDL subspecies reflects dissimilarities in their origins, intravascular metabolism, tissular fate, and possibly in their atherogenicity.  相似文献   

The major classes of lipoproteins were isolated from human plasma by ultracentrifugation in continuous density gradients using the Ti-14 and Ti-15 zonal rotors. Chylomicrons + VLDL, LDL, and HDL were separated from each other and from the more dense residual proteins (albumin fraction) of plasma by rate-zonal flotation in NaBr gradients in the density range 1.0-1.4. The chylomicron-VLDL fraction was subfractionated into constituent chylomicrons and VLDL by zonal ultracentrifugation in NaBr gradients in the density range 1.0-1.1. Plasma lipoproteins were analyzed for composition of lipids and content of protein, for electrophoretic mobility on paper, and for antigenic determinants by immunoelectrophoresis and immunodiffusion. Flotation constants (S(f)) of the LDL and HDL were calculated from measurements made in the analytical ultracentrifuge. Lipoproteins isolated from plasma by zonal ultracentrifugation were identical by these criteria to lipoproteins isolated by the usual procedure of sequential ultracentrifugation in solvents of increasing density. The procedure of zonal ultracentrifugation is rapid, quantitative, and less laborious than sequential techniques. Lipoproteins isolated by zonal ultracentrifugation are relatively uncontaminated by other proteins and extensive washing is therefore unnecessary. Zonal ultracentrifugation is more than a preparative method for the plasma lipoproteins; it is also an analytical procedure in that a record is obtained of the distribution and quantity of the lipoprotein within the continuous density gradient.  相似文献   

An improved one-step method for the preparative separation of three subfractions of high-density lipoproteins from normal human serum has been developed. It employs the method of rate zonal ultracentrifugation in a z-60 rotor using a discontinuous NaBr gradient in the density range of 1.0-1.4. The density gradients were monitored directly by a flow-through density meter allowing the direct read-out of the actual densities in the process of filling and emptying the rotor. The separation of the three density fractions from 5 to 15 ml serum was achieved during a single 12 hours run at 59.000 rpm. The three fractions showed characteristically different patterns on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and differences in their lipid and protein composition.  相似文献   

Very low density lipoproteins (VLDL) have been isolated and subfractionated on the basis of their differing flotation rates. The procedure consists of a single 45-min zonal ultracentrifugation step using a linear density gradient of d = 1.00 to 1.15 g/ml. Appropriate fractions of the zonal rotor effluent containing the entire VLDL spectrum were characterized by analytical ultracentrifugation, gel filtration chromatography, and complete chemical analysis. Flotation rates of VLDL subspecies from hypertriglyceridemic and normolipemic plasmas correlated directly with their Stokes radii and triglyceride content and inversely with their proportion of cholesterol, cholesteryl esters, phospholipids, and total protein. There was also an inverse correlation of flotation rate with the fraction of tetramethylurea-insoluble protein. This procedure provides a reliable methodology for a rapid isolation of VLDL subfractions and the accurate determination of their flotation rates.  相似文献   

A micro-enzymatic method was developed to measure total cholesterol (CHOL) and triglyceride (TG) in lipoproteins and their subfractions separated by density gradient ultracentrifugation. This method had a detection limit and sensitivity below 2 mg/dl and accuracy (bias to reference sera) and imprecision (coefficient of variation) of less than 3% between 2 and 30 mg/dl for both CHOL and TG. In addition, the method was in good agreement with standardized Abell-Kendall CHOL (r = 0.98) and enzymatic TG (r = 0.99) methods. Lipoproteins from 200 microliters of plasma or serum were separated by either equilibrium (EQ)- or rate zonal (RZ)-density gradient ultracentrifugation and the resulting fractions were analyzed for CHOL and TG by the micro-enzymatic method. Lipoprotein measurements by these micro-enzymatic/density gradient methods were highly correlated with standardized Lipid Research Clinic (LRC) procedures and preparative ultracentrifugation. The EQ-density gradient procedure also allowed determination of CHOL and TG in LDL and HDL subfractions within any desired density interval. These methods will facilitate the measurements and study of lipoproteins and their subfractions especially in infants, children, the elderly, and small animals. In addition, the micro-enzymatic method may be adapted to other modes of lipoprotein separation such as liquid chromatography, electrophoresis, and precipitation. CHOL or TG determinations could be made on approximately 500 density gradient fractions per hour.  相似文献   

Lipoprotein distribution in rat plasma determined after sequential ultracentrifugation (requiring 8 days of centrifugation to separate lipoproteins in five density classes), was compared to estimates based upon cumulative density ultracentrifugation (46 hr of ultracentrifugation). In general comparable values were obtained by the two methods with regard to protein, total cholesterol, cholesteryl ester, free cholesterol, and triacylglycerol distribution. However, the HDL3 protein concentration found by sequential ultracentrifugation was only about 50% of that found after the cumulative procedure. Apolipoproteins in lipoproteins isolated by the two methods were well separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Color of the stained bands was extracted and read photometrically. A linear standard curve was obtained with albumin. Absorbance corresponding to 1 microgram/ml was 0.057. Below d = 1.100 g/ml (HDL2b) the two ultracentrifugation methods gave comparable results for all apoproteins. In contrast to this the level of apo A-I, apo E, and apo A-IV in the more dense types of HDL was higher when estimated by cumulative than by sequential ultracentrifugation. In HDL3 isolated by sequential ultracentrifugation the apo A-IV, apo E, and apo A-I concentrations were 51, 31, and 45% respectively, of values found after cumulative ultracentrifugation. The results indicate that cumulative density ultracentrifugation, followed by colorimetric determination of apoproteins separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, is a useful approach when studying lipoprotein distribution in rat plasma.  相似文献   

A method for the removal of serum chylomicrons before density gradient ultracentrifugation of the other serum lipoproteins using an SW 41 swinging bucket rotor is presented. In a preliminary spin, the chylomicrons with an Sf greater than 400 X 10(-13) s float to the top of the gradient, whereas the other lipoproteins are retained in the infranatant fraction. After removal of the chylomicrons, the other serum lipoproteins are subsequently fractionated by isopycnic density gradient ultracentrifugation. Analysis of the separated lipoprotein fractions suggested that this procedure permits isolation of a chylomicron fraction consisting solely of chylomicrons but that the very low density lipoprotein fraction subsequently isolated also contains chylomicrons or chylomicron remnants with an Sf less than 400 X 10(-13) s, and that there is considerable overlap in flotation rate and particle size of very low density lipoproteins and chylomicrons.  相似文献   

1. Rat liver mitochondria were separated on the basis of their sedimentation coefficients in an iso-osmotic gradient of Ficoll–sucrose by rate zonal centrifugation. The fractions (33, each of 40ml) were collected in order of decreasing density. Fractions were analysed by spectral analysis to determine any differences in the concentrations of the cytochromes and by enzyme analyses to ascertain any differences in the activities of NADH dehydrogenase, succinate dehydrogenase and α-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase. 2. When plotted as% of the highest specific concentration, the contents of cytochrome a+a3 and cytochrome c+c1 were constant in all fractions but cytochrome b was only 65% of its maximal concentration in fraction 7 and increased with subsequent fractions. As a result, the cytochrome b/cytochrome a+a3 ratio almost doubled between fractions 7 and 25 whereas the cytochrome c+c1/cytochrome a+a3 ratio was unchanged. 3. Expression of the dehydrogenase activities as% of highest specific activity showed the following for fractions 6–26: NADH dehydrogenase activity remained fairly constant in all fractions; succinate dehydrogenase activity was 62% in fraction 6 and increased steadily to its maximum in fraction 18 and then decreased; the activity of α-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase was only 53% in fraction 6 and increased slowly to its peak in fractions 22 and 24. 4. These differences did not result from damaged or fragmented mitochondria or from microsomal contamination. 5. These results demonstrate that isolated liver mitochondria are biochemically heterogeneous. The importance of using a system for separating biochemically different mitochondria in studies of mitochondrial biogenesis is discussed.  相似文献   

Low density lipoprotein (LDL) was fractionated into subspecies by the use of DEAE-agarose column chromatography and the peptide compositions of the LDL subspecies which eluted at different NaCl concentrations were determined. LDL which elutes at low NaCl concentration has relatively less non-B apoprotein than does LDL which elutes at high salt concentration. The LDL subspecies which elute at high NaCl concentration contain more apo A-1 than do those which elute at the lower NaCl molarity. These results indicate that LDL consists of subfractions which differ in their peptide compositions.  相似文献   

Lipoproteins were isolated from plasma of man, dog, rabbit, rat, and chicken by ultracentrifugation in continuous density gradients using the B14 titanium and B15 titanium zonal rotors. Both the VLDL and the LDL of human plasma were separated easily from the HDL and from the other more plentiful plasma proteins by centrifugation for only 1 or 2 hr in the B14 or B15 rotor, respectively. Satisfactory separation of the HDL from the more dense plasma proteins was not achieved with these rotors. The human LDL achieved isopycnic equilibrium (d 1.04) on prolonged periods (> 24 hr) of centrifugation in a sucrose-KBr density gradient. The pattern of distribution of cholesterol and phospholipid throughout the density gradient coincided with the pattern of distribution of the lipoprotein-protein measured spectrophotometrically or chemically. The concentration of cholesterol and phospholipid in the lipoproteins isolated by zonal ultracentrifugation agreed with analyses reported for lipoproteins isolated by sequential centrifugation in solutions of increasing density. The lipoproteins isolated by zonal ultracentrifugation were characterized further by their electrophoretic behavior. The fractions which were identified as the LDL (d 1.04-1.05) from all species migrated on paper as a beta-globulin; the LDL from plasma of dogs contained an additional component which has been designated as an alpha(2)-globulin. The fractions which were identified as the HDL from all species migrated as an alpha(1)-globulin. Reaction of human LDL with either rabbit antihuman beta-lipoprotein or rabbit antihuman serum resulted in a single immunodiffusion band. The S(f, 1.063) of the human LDL was calculated to be 6.0. When plasma from humans or rabbits was centrifuged in the B15 rotor, the HDL was not visible as a distinct peak and was not separable from the bulk of the more dense plasma proteins; when plasma from dogs or chickens was centrifuged under identical conditions, the HDL was clearly detectable. Even though the mean density of the HDL from dogs or chickens was not different from that of man or rabbits, the visibility of this lipoprotein in dogs and chickens was probably due to its high concentration in the plasma of these species. When plasma from the rat was centrifuged under similar conditions, the HDL was also clearly in evidence. Although rat plasma contained a relatively small concentration of HDL, the lipoprotein had a lower mean density than did the HDL of the other species and was therefore more easily separable from the dense plasma proteins. The procedure of zonal ultracentrifugation for the isolation of lipoproteins by flotation is simultaneously preparative and analytical and should find useful application in the investigation of the soluble lipoproteins from plasma and tissues.  相似文献   

Although the direct conversion of very low density lipoproteins (VLDL) into low density (LDL) and high density (HDL) lipoproteins only requires lipoprotein lipase (LPL) as a catalyst and albumin as the fatty acid acceptor, the in vitro-formed LDL and HDL differ chemically from their native counterparts. To investigate the reason(s) for these differences, VLDL were treated with human milk LPL in the presence of albumin, and the LPL-generated LDL1-, LDL2-, and HDL-like particles were characterized by lipid and apolipoprotein composition. Results showed that the removal of apolipoproteins B, C, and E from VLDL was proportional to the degree of triglyceride hydrolysis with LDL2 particles as the major and LDL1 and HDL + VHDL particles as the minor products of a complete in vitro lipolysis of VLDL. In comparison with native counterparts, the in vitro-formed LDL2 and HDL + VHDL were characterized by lower levels of triglyceride and cholesterol ester and higher levels of free cholesterol and lipid phosphorus. The characterization of lipoprotein particles present in the in vitro-produced LDL2 showed that, as in plasma LDL2, lipoprotein B (LP-B) was the major apolipoprotein B-containing lipoprotein accounting for over 90% of the total apolipoprotein B. Other, minor species of apolipoprotein B-containing lipoproteins included LP-B:C-I:E and LP-B:C-I:C-II:C-III. The lipid composition of in vitro-formed LP-B closely resembled that of plasma LP-B. The major parts of apolipoproteins C and E present in VLDL were released to HDL + VHDL as simple, cholesterol/phospholipid-rich lipoproteins including LP-C-I, LP-C-II, LP-C-III, and LP-E. However, some of these same simple lipoprotein particles were present after ultracentrifugation in the LDL2 density segment because of their hydrated density and/or because they formed, in the absence of naturally occurring acceptors (LP-A-I:A-II), weak associations with LP-B. Thus, the presence of varying amounts of these cholesterol/phospholipid-rich lipoproteins in the in vitro-formed LDL2 appears to be the main reason for their compositional difference from native LDL2. These results demonstrate that the formation of LP-B as the major apolipoprotein B-containing product of VLDL lipolysis only requires LPL as a catalyst and albumin as the fatty acid acceptor. However, under physiological circumstances, other modulating agents are necessary to prevent the accumulation and interaction of phospholipid/cholesterol-rich apolipoprotein C- and E-containing particles.  相似文献   

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