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A new species of Pectinids, Chlamys touila, is described from the middle Miocene of central Tunisia (Aïn Grab Formation). Into the group of Chlamys opercularis L., it only has affinities with Chl. gentoni Font., from the Miocene of SE France, and derives probably from this one; as the latter species it lacks all secondary ornementation, but is clearly different by the number and the section of the ribs. It confirms the influence of the occidental bioprovince in this area of the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   

The author intends to compare, as precisely as possible, the respective agressiveness of several strains of Fusarium osysporum f. sp. lycopersici with regards to varying susceptibility among several varieties of tomatoes.The criteria used to estimate the pathogenicity of a strain is the decrease in growth which occurs in the epicotyl part of infected plantlets.The importance of the differences between the groups of plants is discussed.  相似文献   

Danielle Decrouez 《Geobios》1976,9(4):521-523
The stratigraphic position of Pseudolituonella? guerneti n. sp. in the Asprochroma section of Eubee (Greece, pelagonian zone) is discussed.  相似文献   

The authors describe and illustrate Wardium canarisi n. sp. (Cestoda: Hymenolepididae), an intestinal parasite of Arenaria melanocephala (Aves: Charadrii) from Alaska, characterised by a strobila 20–40 mm long, 10 aploparaksoid hooks 19–21 m long, a short cylindrical cirrus (40 m) covered with very minute spines (0.2 m), and a short (8–18 m) and extremely narrow (1 m) copulatory vagina. These characters have no equivalent, even approximate, among the 27 species of Wardium parasitic in the Charadrii which are reviewed. The genus Debrosia Spassky, 1987 appears to be justified.  相似文献   

RESUME. L'individualisation de 2 spores bicellulaires à partir d'un měme pansporoblaste caractérise la sporulation du parasite de l'Amphipode Orchestia gammarellus (Pallas) précédemment décrit sous le nom de Marteilia sp. Cette sporulation le distingue des espèces du měme genre parasite d'Hutres qui sont toutes caractérisées par la production de spores tricellulaires. Les conditions semblables dans lesquelles les pansporoblastes paraissent se differencier à partir d'une cellule souche dans laquelle ils poursuivent leur évolution vers la sporogenèse ainsi que divers caractères cytologiques communs, nous incitent à maintenir tous ces parasites dans une měme famille mais à placer celui de l'Amphipode dans un genre différent. Nous proposons de le nommer Paramarteilia orchestiae gen. n., sp. n.
Ces parasites ne peuvent ětre maintenus dans les Protozoaires en raison de leur évolution vers la pluricellularité et de l'individualisation de ces éléments somatiques que représentent la cellule souche primaire, les pansporoblastes et cellules sporales (à l'exception des sporoplasmes). Il semble logique de les inclure dans l'embranchement des Myxozoaires créé par Grassé pour les Myxosporidies et Actinomyxidies qui différencient également des spores pluricellulaires et des éléments somatiques. Les centrioles à 9 singlets de P. orchestiae ainsi que les cellules primaires uninucléées, quel que soit le nombre de pansporoblastes qu'elles contiennent, peuvent ětre considérés comme des caractères résiduels d'Unicellulaires.  相似文献   

A new species of Cochliopodium isolated from freshwater at Arabia Lake in Lithonia, GA, USA is described based on light microscopic morphology, fine structure, and molecular genetic evidence. Cochliopodium arabianum n. sp., previously labeled as “isolate Con1” in prior publications, has been shown to group within the genus Cochliopodium in our molecular phylogenetic analysis. Light microscopy and fine structure evidence indicates the new isolate not only shares characters of the genus but also unique distinctive features. Cochliopodium arabianum n. sp. is typically round when stationary; or oval to sometimes broadly flabellate or triangular in shape during locomotion, with average length of 35 μm and breadth of 51 μm. Fine structure evidence indicates C. arabianum n. sp. has tower‐like scales, lacking a terminal spine, sharing high similarity with its closest relative C. actinophorum. However, the scales of C. arabianum n. sp. are unique in height and the breadth of the base plate. Both morphological and molecular data, including SSU‐rDNA and COI, indicate that this new species falls in a clade sufficiently different from other species to suggest that it is a valid new species.  相似文献   

A new species of Tapiridae, Tapirus balkanicus, is etablished for new material of the Bulgarian Upper Miocene. The comparison with other Neogene tapirids leads us to consider the upper jaw as more characteristic than the lower one for taxonomic determination and study of phyletic relations. A new subgenus, Meyeriscus, is created for Tapirus pannonicus, the most evolved European tapirid.


Une nouvelle espèce de tapir est décrite, Tapirus balkanicus du Miocène supérieur de Bulgarie. La comparaison avec les espèces européennes du Miocène moyen (Tapirus teilen) au Villafranchien (Tapirus arvernensis) amènent à privilégier la denture supérieure sur l'inférieure pour la détermination et les rapports phylétiques éventuels entre les espèces. Pour l'espèce la plus évoluée de tous les Tapiridés européens, Tapirus pannonicus est proposé un nom de sous-genre particulier, Meyeriscus nov.  相似文献   

Two species of Parvicapsula were found in the kidney tubules and the urinary bladder of 2 pleuronectid fish from the northern Oresund, Denmark. The coelozoic, spherical, disporic trophozoites of both species are 10 to 12 pm in diameter. The myxospores of both species are elongate, asymmetrical and slightly curved, and have spherical polar capsules. Parvicapsula bicornis n. sp. (6-8 x 5-6 microm, polar capsule 2.5 microm in diameter) occurs in Pleuronectes platessa. The polar capsules of P. bicornis are arranged symmetrically on either side of the longitudinal axis and its spores differ from other species of Parvicapsula in having two 2-3 microm long posterior processes of different length. Parvicapsula limandae n. sp. (8-11 x 4-5 pm, polar capsule 1.6 microm in diameter) is found in Limanda limanda. The polar capsules are arranged along the longitudinal axis. It differs from Parvicapsula unicornis Kabata, 1962, recorded from L. limanda, in the arrangement of the polar capsules and in the absence of a posterior horn-like projection. The phylogenetic relationship between P. bicornis n. sp., P. limandae n. sp. and other Parvicapsula spp. was examined with their partial small subunit rDNA (SSU rDNA) sequences. P. limandae n. sp. and P. asymmetrica appear to be closely related, while P. bicornis n. sp. and P. minibicornis are the most divergent members of the genus.  相似文献   

Arctodiaptomus (Rhabdodiaptomus) michaeli n.sp. is described from the material collected in Alapathar Lake and Marsar Lake of Kashmir, India.  相似文献   

Lethrus (Lethrus) schneideri Král & Hillert, sp. n. from Thrace, Greece, is described. The new species is morphologically most similar and probably closely related to Lethrus (Lethrus) apterus (Laxmann, 1770) and Lethrus (Lethrus) ares Král, Rejsek & Schneider, 2001. Diagnostic characters (shape of mandibles, ventral mandible processes, pronotum and parameres) are illustrated. Character matrix for separation of males of the Lethrus species closely related to Lethrus schneideri Král & Hillert, sp. n. and geographic ranges for all species studied are mapped.  相似文献   

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