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Phylogenetic relationships among 95 genera collectively representing 17 of the 18 currently recognized cyclostome braconid wasp subfamilies were investigated based on DNA sequence fragments of the mitochondrial COI and the nuclear 28S rDNA genes, in addition to morphological data. The treatment of sequence length variation of the 28S partition was explored by either excluding ambiguously aligned regions and indel information (28SN) or recoding them (28SA) using the 'fragment-level' alignment method with a modified coding approach. Bayesian MCMC analyses were performed for the separate and combined data sets and a maximum parsimony analysis was also carried out for the simultaneous molecular and morphological data sets. There was a significant incongruence between the two genes and between 28S and morphology, but not for morphology and COI. Different analyses with the 28SA data matrix resulted in topologies that were generally similar to the ones from the 28SN matrix; however, the former topologies recovered a higher number of significantly supported clades and had a higher mean Bayesian posterior probability, thus supporting the inclusion of information from ambiguously aligned regions and indel events in phylogenetic analyses where possible. Based on the significantly supported clades obtained from the simultaneous molecular and morphological analyses, we propose that a total of 17 subfamilies should be recognized within the cyclostome group. The subfamilial placements of several problematic cyclostome genera were also established.  相似文献   

Revision of the dolichoderine ant genus Turneria (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. The Australasian ant genus Turneria is revised. T.bidentata Forel, T.dahlii Forel and T.pacifica Mann are redescribed and a lectotype designated for T.bidentata. T.frenchi Forel is transferred to Stigmacros (comb.n.), and T.butteli Forel is transferred to Iridomyrmex (comb.n.). Three new species, T.arbusta, T.collina and T.postomma, are described from Papua New Guinea. Males of the genus are described for the first time. A key to the workers of recognized species and a distribution map are provided. The group is analysed cladistically and the resulting species relationships are discussed, along with a comment on the use of polymorphic characters.  相似文献   

Abstract Buluka , a genus previously only known from two species, B.straeleni de Saeger from central and southern Africa and B.orientalis Chou from Taiwan, is revised. A further five new species are described: B.noyesi (central India), B.townesi, B.achterbergi (peninsular Malaysia), B. huddlestoni (Solomon Is.) and B. taiwanensis (Taiwan). New characters of generic importance, a key to species and the first host record are presented. The relationship between Buluka and other microgastrine genera are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract The Australasian genus Orussobaius Benson is revised. Seven species are recognised: Orussobaius paniculus sp. n. from Papua New Guinea, and six species from Australia: O. badius sp. n., O. caligneus sp. n., O. mesembrinus Benson, O. minutissimus sp. n., O. minutus Benson, and O. wilsoni Benson. Orussobaius normani Rayment (new synonymy) is removed from synonymy with O. wilsoni and treated as a junior synonym of O. minutus instead. With a body length of only 2 mm, O. minutissimus sp. n. is the smallest currently known sawfly species in the world. A key is provided and distribution maps are shown for all species. The genus Orussobaius is redefined on the basis of all species currently included.  相似文献   

Two new fossils of Braconidae are described from Albian-Cenomanian amber of south-western France, Protorhyssalodes arnaudi gen. n., sp. n., and Aenigmabracon capdoliensis gen. n., sp. n. The former appears superficially similar to the type genus and species of the extinct sub-family Protorhyssalinae, from Turonian New Jersey amber specimens, and the latter both to Protorhyssalus and to members of the extinct family Eoichneumonidae. However, both new taxa display unique combinations of wing venation characters making confident assignment to sub-family impossible. Indeed, they are the first braconids ever known to possess both vein 2-CU and a distinct trace of vein 2-1A on hindwing. The new fossil taxa are incorporated into a morphological analysis of extinct and extant ichneumonoids. As a result of the analyses we synonymize the Eoichneumonidae with the Braconidae.  相似文献   

Current understanding of Cuban ichneumonids (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonoidea) is analysed. A new Subfamily (Tersilochinae) including 13 genera and two species are first reports for Cuba. In contrast with Braconidae, the sister group, the ichneumonids are poorly known because of the lack of local taxonomists and bacause nets, rather than interception, light and yellow pan traps have been used. Using Ophioninae as a reference, and comparing the percentage of ophionines in the fauna of Costa Rican ichneumonids, the ratio of species of Costa Rican to Cuban Ophioninae and the increase in the number of described Cuban ophionines, we suggest that actual Cuban biodiversity in this group may be between 400 and 600 species.  相似文献   

Abstract. The relationships among the thirteen South American species of Aelurus are discussed, and nine new species are described. New synonymy is given for gayi (Spinola), clypeatus Klug and nigrofasciatus (Smith).  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The forty-two species included in Alysia are divided into two subgenera based on the shape of the ovipositor. Four species-groups are proposed for Alysia (Alysia) and three for Alysia (Anarcha). The species of the subgenus Alysia are revised, with emphasis on the Nearctic fauna, and eleven new species are described. Seven new synonyms and ten new combinations are proposed. Epidista is transferred from synonymy under Alysia to synonymy under Tanycarpa. A new name Gnathopleura quadridentata nom.n . is proposed for G.nigripennis (Brues), a junior secondary homonym of G.nigripennis (Thomson).  相似文献   

The genus Psix Kozlov & Lê (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) is revised from a worldwide perspective. Twelve species are described as new: annulatus [Cameroon], asper [Uganda], aulax [Australia], confluus [Sri Lanka], flavicoxa [Ivory Coast, Zimbabwe], fusm [Australia], lacunatus [Pakistan east to Taiwan, south to Australia], metopa [Australia], rasilis [Ivory Coast, Gambia], sulcifer [Malaysia], viriosus [India east to Philippine Is.] and watshami [E. Africa, Madagascar] . Psix abnormis Kozlov & Lê [W. Africa east to at least India], glabris-crobus (Girault) nxomb. [Australia], olympus (Dodd) n.comb. [Australia], saccharicola (Mani) n.comb. [India], striaticeps (Dodd) n.comb. [W. Africa east to India, Madagascar] and tunetanus (Mineo and Szabó) n.comb. [Tunisia, Gambia, Ivory Coast, Saudi Arabia, S.W. Nearctic, Venezuela] are redescribed. An identification key for the species of Psix is presented. The relationships among species are discussed. The earliest derived species are generally found in Australia and southeast Asia. The more apomorphic species occur generally in Africa, southwest Asia and India. The distribution of Psix tunetanus has possibly been influenced by man. Details of the relationship with Trissolcus and Archi-phanurus are unclear; the position of Psix within the subfamily is therefore also obscure.  相似文献   

Abstract. The Afrotropical ant genus Axinidris is revised. The pre viously known species A.acholli Weber is redescribed, as are A.tridens Arnold and A.denticulatum Wheeler, species newly transferred to Axinidris . Lectotypes are also designated for these species. Ten new species bidens, ghanensis, hylekoites, kakamegensis, kinoin, murielae, nigripes, occidentalis, palligastrion and parvus are described. The queen and male of the genus are described for the first time. A key for the separation of workers is presented, and the known biology and distribution are summarized.  相似文献   

The species of the genus Trichoteleia Kieffer (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae) are revised: 42 species are recognized, of which two were previously named and are redescribed: Trichoteleia afo Talamas, sp. n., Trichoteleia albidipes Kieffer, Trichoteleia bicolor Talamas, sp. n.; Trichoteleia bidentata Talamas sp. n.; Trichoteleia carinata Talamas, sp. n.; Trichoteleia cincta Talamas & Masner, sp. n.; Trichoteleia delilah Talamas, sp. n.; Trichoteleia eburata Talamas, sp. n.; Trichoteleia echinata Talamas, sp. n.; Trichoteleia fisheri Talamas & Masner, sp. n.; Trichoteleia funesta Talamas, sp. n.; Trichoteleia halterata Talamas & Masner, sp. n.; Trichoteleia hemlyae Talamas & Masner, sp. n.; Trichoteleia irwini Talamas & Masner, sp. n.; Trichoteleia janus Talamas, sp. n.; Trichoteleia jiro Talamas, sp. n.; T. ketrona Talamas, sp. n.; Trichoteleia levii Talamas & Johnson, sp. n.; Trichoteleia longiventris Talamas & Masner, sp. n.; Trichoteleia minima Talamas, sp. n.; Trichoteleia nify Talamas & Masner, sp. n.; Trichoteleia oculea Talamas, sp. n.; Trichoteleia orona Talamas & Masner, sp. n.; Trichoteleia parvipennis Talamas & Masner, sp. n.; Trichoteleia pauliani (Risbec); Trichoteleia picturata Talamas, sp. n.; Trichoteleia prima Talamas, sp. n.; Trichoteleia prolixa Talamas, sp. n.; Trichoteleia quazii Talamas, sp. n.; Trichoteleia ravaka Talamas, sp. n.; Trichoteleia rugifrons Talamas & Masner, sp. n.; Trichoteleia solocis Talamas, sp. n.; Trichoteleia sphaerica Talamas, sp. n.; Trichoteleia subtilis Talamas & Masner, sp. n.; Trichoteleia tahotra Talamas & Masner, sp. n.; Trichoteleia takariva Talamas, sp. n.; Trichoteleia tezitra Talamas, sp. n.; Trichoteleia tigris Talamas, sp. n.; Trichoteleia tonsa Talamas, sp. n.; Trichoteleia warreni Talamas & Masner, sp. n.; Trichoteleia xantrox Talamas, sp. n.; Trichoteleia zuparkoi Talamas & Masner, sp. n. A neotype is designated for Trichoteleia albidipes and a lectotype is designated for Trichoteleia pauliani.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2014,17(3):569-576
A revision of genus Xyalaspis (Hymenoptera: Anacharitinae) in Asia is given. Xyalaspis lituricis Belizin, 1965 is synonymized with Xyalaspis hyalina Belizin, 1951. Four new species are described: Xyalaspis esbelta n. sp., Xyalaspis dimorphica n. sp., Xyalaspis orientalis n. sp., and Xyalaspis siamensis n. sp. Diagnostic characters are illustrated and data about biology, distribution and morphological variability of the studied species are discussed. A key to the Asian species of this genus is included.  相似文献   

A new genus belonging to the braconid wasp subfamily Doryctinae, Kauriphanes n. gen. (type species K. khalaimi n. sp.), is described from New Zealand. This genus is placed within the doryctine subtribe Caenophanina. The extent of this subtribe is discussed and the phylogenetic relationships of three of its genera were investigated using one mitochondrial and one nuclear DNA sequence markers. Similar to previous studies, the Bayesian analyses performed significantly support a clade with the included members of Caenophanina as a sister group of a clade with the examined species of Spathiini sensu stricto. The placement of the Caenophanini within Doryctini, however, is left pendant to further exhaustive phylogenetic studies. A key to genera and subgenera belonging to Caenophanina is given.  相似文献   

The species of Pseudidarnes are revised, and six species are described: P. acaudus Farache & Rasplus, sp. n.; P. astridae Farache & Rasplus, sp. n.; P. badiogeminus Farache & Rasplus, sp. n.; P. cooki Farache & Rasplus, sp. n.; P. kjellbergi Farache & Rasplus, sp. n.; P. laevis Farache & Rasplus, sp. n. Pseudidarnes minerva Girault, 1927 and P. flavicollis Bouček, 1988 are redescribed. A key to the species is provided as well as illustrations for all females and all known males (except the wingless male of P. minerva). We also provided further discussion on ecology, morphological patterns, and host taxonomy. Online dichotomous and multi-access interactive LUCID keys to all Pseudidarnes species are available at http://www.figweb.org/.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The alysiine braconid genus Aspilota Foerster is redefined to include Dinotrema Foerster. Characters previously used to delimit both Dinotrema and species groups within Aspilota s.l. are discussed, with emphasis on difficulties in interpreting transformation series. Dinotrema amplisignata (Fischer), Dinotrema phoridarum (Goidanich) and Dinotrema nigricornis (Thomson) are returned to Aspilota.  相似文献   

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