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A novel pathway of invasion of the legume Sesbania rostrata by Azorhizobium caulinodans is described that involves colonization of the root xylem, possibly following entry into the natural fissures created during emergence of lateral roots. Azorhizobia were detected microscopically, and their presence confirmed by the expression of a lacZ reporter gene. We have shown that rhizobial Nod factors are not required for either xylem colonization or for crack-entry of lateral roots. We discuss the extent to which this discovery of xylem colonization by azorhizobia is likely to improve our understanding of both symbiosis and of pathogenicity in plant–bacterial interactions.  相似文献   

D'Haeze W  Gao M  Holsters M 《Plasmid》2004,51(3):185-191
Compared with other labeling techniques, the use of the green fluorescent protein (GFP) is advantageous to visualize bacteria because observations can be performed in real time. This feature is particularly interesting to study invasion events of rhizobia during nodule development on their legume host plant. To investigate the symbiotic interaction between Azorhizobium caulinodans ORS571 and Sesbania rostrata, we constructed two plasmids, pMP220-hem-gfp5 and pBBR5-hem-gfp5-S65T, that carry a modified gfp gene, the expression of which is controlled by the constitutive hem promoter. Introduction of either of these plasmids into A. caulinodans allowed the visualization of single bacteria. Determination of the plasmid stability in cultured bacteria and in nodules demonstrated that pBBR5-hem-gfp5-S65T is more stable than pMP220-hem-gfp5. The plasmid pBBR5-hem-gfp5-S65T can be used to study early invasion events during nodule development on hydroponic roots of S. rostrata.  相似文献   

During lateral root base nodulation, the microsymbiont Azorhizobium caulinodans enters its host plant, Sesbania rostrata, via the formation of outer cortical infection pockets, a process that is characterized by a massive production of H(2)O(2). Infection threads guide bacteria from infection pockets towards nodule primordia. Previously, two mutants were constructed that produce lipopolysaccharides (LPSs) similar to one another but different from the wild-type LPS, and that are affected in extracellular polysaccharide (EPS) production. Mutant ORS571-X15 was blocked at the infection pocket stage and unable to produce EPS. The other mutant, ORS571-oac2, was impaired in the release from infection threads and was surrounded by a thin layer of EPS in comparison to the wild-type strain that produced massive amounts of EPS. Structural characterization revealed that EPS purified from cultured and nodule bacteria was a linear homopolysaccharide of alpha-1,3-linked 4,6-O-(1-carboxyethylidene)-D-galactosyl residues. In situ H(2)O(2) localization demonstrated that increased EPS production during early stages of invasion prevented the incorporation of H(2)O(2) inside the bacteria, suggesting a role for EPS in protecting the microsymbiont against H(2)O(2). In addition, ex planta assays confirmed a positive correlation between increased EPS production and enhanced protection against H(2)O(2).  相似文献   

研究了长喙田菁-Azorhizobiumcaulinodans共生固氮体系在华南地区的生长、结瘤、固氮和种子生产.结果表明,长喙田菁-A.caulinodans共生固氮体系在华南地区生长正常,并具旺盛的茎根瘤结瘤作用.经65天的生长,其在湛江地区的单位面积生物量(干物质)和单位面积N产量分别为28752和681kg·hm-2,远优于普通田菁的16520和352kg·hm-2;茎瘤菌A.caulinodans品系AR111和AR56在华南地区混合接种效果良好,植株茎瘤结瘤率达到100%,平均单株茎瘤个数为182个,单株茎瘤鲜重约为1.2g,茎瘤生物量在茎根瘤总生物量中所占比重为70%,而其根瘤生物量略高于普通田菁;长喙田菁在华南地区能够正常开花结实,在栽植密度为4×104株·hm-2的条件下,其种子产量达3200kg·hm-2.  相似文献   

Azorhizobium caulinodans ORS571 is able to nodulate roots and stems of the tropical legume Sesbania rostrata. An ORS571 Tn5 insertion mutant, strain ORS571-X15, had a rough colony morphology, was nonmotile, and showed clumping behavior on various media. When this pleiotropic mutant was inoculated on roots or stems of the host, no nodules developed (Nod-). Compared with the wild type, strain ORS571-X15 produced lipopolysaccharides (LPS) with an altered ladder pattern on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis gels, suggestive of a different O-antigen structure with a lower degree of polymerization. A cosmid clone, pRG20, that fully complemented all phenotypes of ORS571-X15 was isolated. With a 6-kb EcoRI subfragment of pRG20, clumping was relieved and nodulation was almost completely restored, but the strain was still nonmotile. LPS preparations from these complemented strains resembled the wild-type LPS, although minor quantitative and qualitative differences were evident. The sequence of the locus hit by the Tn5 in ORS571-X15 (the oac locus) revealed a striking homology with the rfb locus of Salmonella typhimurium, which is involved in O-antigen biosynthesis. The Tn5 insertion position was mapped to the oac3 gene, homologous to rfbA, encoding dTDP-D-glucose synthase. Biochemical assaying showed that ORS571-X15 is indeed defective in dTDP-D-glucose synthase activity, essential for the production of particular deoxyhexoses. Therefore, it was proposed that the O antigen of the mutant strain is devoid of such sugars.  相似文献   

The nodZ gene, which is present in various rhizobial species, is involved in the addition of a fucose residue in an alpha 1-6 linkage to the reducing N-acetylglucosamine residue of lipo-chitin oligosaccharide signal molecules, the so-called Nod factors. Fucosylation of Nod factors is known to affect nodulation efficiency and host specificity. Despite a lack of overall sequence identity, NodZ proteins share conserved peptide motifs with mammalian and plant fucosyltransferases that participate in the biosynthesis of complex glycans and polysaccharides. These peptide motifs are thought to play important roles in catalysis. NodZ was expressed as an active and soluble form in Escherichia coli and was subjected to site-directed mutagenesis to investigate the role of the most conserved residues. Enzyme assays demonstrate that the replacement of the invariant Arg-182 by either alanine, lysine, or aspartate results in products with no detectable activity. A similar result is obtained with the replacement of the conserved acidic position (Asp-275) into its corresponding amide form. The residues His-183 and Asn-185 appear to fulfill functions that are more specific to the NodZ subfamily. Secondary structure predictions and threading analyses suggest the presence of a "Rossmann-type" nucleotide binding domain in the half C-terminal part of the catalytic domain of fucosyltransferases. Site-directed mutagenesis combined with theoretical approaches have shed light on the possible nucleotide donor recognition mode for NodZ and related fucosyltransferases.  相似文献   

The deduced amino acid sequences of four open reading frames identified upstream of the fixGHI region in Azorhizobium caulinodans are very similar to the putative terminal oxidase complex coded by the fixNOQP operons from Rhizobium meliloti and Bradyrhizobium japonicum. The expression of the A. caulinodans fixNOQP genes, which was maximal under microaerobiosis, was positively regulated by FixK and independent of NifA. In contrast to the Fix- phenotype of B. japonicum and R. meliloti fixN mutants, an A. caulinodans fixNO-deleted mutant strain retained 50% of the nitrogenase activity of the wild type in the symbiotic state. In addition, the nitrogenase activity was scarcely reduced under free-living conditions. Analysis of membrane fractions of A. caulinodans wild-type and mutant strains suggests that the fixNOQP region encodes two proteins with covalently bound hemes, tentatively assigned to fixO and fixP. Spectral analysis showed a large decrease in the c-type cytochrome content of the fixN mutant compared with the wild type. These results provide evidence for the involvement of FixNOQP proteins in a respiratory process. The partial impairment in nitrogen fixation of the fixN mutant in planta may be due to the activity of an alternative terminal oxidase compensating for the loss of the oxidase complex encoded by fixNOQP.  相似文献   

In wild-type Azorhizobium caulinodans ORS571, nicotinate served both as anabolic substrate for NAD+ production and as catabolic substrate for use as the N source. Catabolic enzyme activities were greatest from cultures grown with nicotinate as the N source and least when cultures were grown with ammonium as the N source. Vector insertion mutants unable to catabolize nicotinate (nic::Vi mutants) still required micromolar quantities of this compound for growth. Therefore, A. caulinodans wild type is NAD+ auxotrophic. As the first two intermediates in A. caulinodans nicotinate catabolism, two cyclic compounds, 6-hydroxynicotinate and 1,4,5,6-tetrahydro-6-oxonicotinate, were identified. These compounds were purified from the growth medium of strain 61009 (a nic::Vi mutant) by high-performance liquid chromatography; their identities were subsequently confirmed by UV absorbance, nuclear magnetic resonance, and mass spectra. The conversion of 1 mol of nicotinate to 6-hydroxynicotinate consumed 0.5 mol of O2. From 18O isotopic incorporation experiments, water was the hydroxyl-equivalent source. A nicotinate hydroxylase activity proved to be cell wall-membrane associated; this activity served as direct electron donor (not indirect via NADP+) to O2 via membrane electron transport. These catabolic reactions have not previously been witnessed together in the same organism. A. caulinodans nicotinate catabolism seems coupled to N2 fixation, although the explicit mechanism of this coupling remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Improved conditions were used for the aseptic growth of Arabidopsis thaliana to investigate whether xylem colonization of A. thaliana by Azorhizobium caulinodans ORS571 might occur. When seedlings were inoculated with ORS571 (pXLGD4) tagged with the lacZ reporter gene, nearly all of the plants showed blue regions of ORS571 colonization at lateral root cracks (LRC). The flavonoids naringenin and liquiritigenin significantly stimulated colonization of LRC by ORS571. Blue bands of ORS571 (pXLGD4) bacteria were observed histochemically in the xylem of intact roots of inoculated plants. Detailed microscopic analysis of sections of primary and lateral roots from inoculated A. thaliana confirmed xylem colonization. Xylem colonization also occurred with an ORS571 nodC mutant deficient in nodulation factors. There was no significant difference in the percentage of plants with xylem colonization or in the mean length of xylem colonized per plant between plants inoculated with either ORS571 (pXLGD4) or ORS571::nodC (pXLGD4), with or without naringenin.  相似文献   

Due to the costly energy demands of nitrogen (N) fixation, diazotrophic bacteria have evolved complex regulatory networks that permit expression of the catalyst nitrogenase only under conditions of N starvation, whereas the same condition stimulates upregulation of high-affinity ammonia (NH3) assimilation by glutamine synthetase (GS), preventing excess release of excess NH3 for plants. Diazotrophic bacteria can be engineered to excrete NH3 by interference with GS, however control is required to minimise growth penalties and prevent unintended provision of NH3 to non-target plants. Here, we tested two strategies to control GS regulation and NH3 excretion in our model cereal symbiont Azorhizobium caulinodans AcLP, a derivative of ORS571. We first attempted to recapitulate previous work where mutation of both PII homologues glnB and glnK stimulated GS shutdown but found that one of these genes was essential for growth. Secondly, we expressed unidirectional adenylyl transferases (uATs) in a ΔglnE mutant of AcLP which permitted strong GS shutdown and excretion of NH3 derived from N2 fixation and completely alleviated negative feedback regulation on nitrogenase expression. We placed a uAT allele under control of the NifA-dependent promoter PnifH, permitting GS shutdown and NH3 excretion specifically under microaerobic conditions, the same cue that initiates N2 fixation, then deleted nifA and transferred a rhizopine nifAL94Q/D95Q-rpoN controller plasmid into this strain, permitting coupled rhizopine-dependent activation of N2 fixation and NH3 excretion. This highly sophisticated and multi-layered control circuitry brings us a step closer to the development of a "synthetic symbioses” where N2 fixation and NH3 excretion could be specifically activated in diazotrophic bacteria colonising transgenic rhizopine producing cereals, targeting delivery of fixed N to the crop while preventing interaction with non-target plants.  相似文献   

Hydrogenase-negative (Hup-) mutants of Azorhizobium caulinodans ORS571 were isolated by means of Tn5 mutagenesis. The colony test used for screening for Hup- strains was based on the absence of reduction of triphenyltetrazolium chloride with hydrogen. Suspensions from cultures of the mutant strains grown under derepressing conditions did not use hydrogen with methylene blue or oxygen as the hydrogen acceptor. The mutants were shown to carry single Tn5 insertions at different locations in the A. caulinodans genome. Molar growth yields (corrected for poly--hydroxybutyrate formation) in chemostat cultures of the mutants were similar to those of the wild type. Molar growth yields of the mutants were not increased by passing additional hydrogen through chemostat cultures, which is in agreement with the hydrogenase-negative phenotype of the mutants. H2/N2 ratios (mol H2 formed per mol N2 fixed) were calculated from the hydrogen content of the effluent gas and the N-content of the bacterial dry weight. Low H2/N2 ratios (between 1.2 and 1.9) were found in both energy-limited (oxygen or succinate) cultures and in cultures limited by the supply of an anabolic substrate (Mg2+). ATP/2e values (mol ATP used at the transport of 2e to nitrogen or H+) were calculated from the H2/N2 ratios and the molar growth yields of nitrogen-fixing and ammonia-assimilating cultures. ATP/2e values were between 7 and 11. It was concluded that the calculated ATP/2e values comprise not only 4 mol ATP used at the transport of 2e through nitrogenase but also energy equivalents needed for reversed electron flow from NADH to the low-potential hydrogen donor used by nitrogenase.  相似文献   

A gene bank of Azorhizobium caulinodans DNA constructed in the bacteriophage lambda GEM11 was screened with Rhizobium meliloti fixL and fixJ genes as probes. One positive recombinant phage, ORS lambda L, was isolated. The nucleotide sequence of a 3.7 kb fragment was established. Two open reading frames of 1512bp and 613bp were identified as fixL and fixJ. Kanamycin cartridges were inserted into the cloned fixL and fixJ genes and recombined into the host genome. The resulting mutants were Nif- Fix-, suggesting that the two genes were required for symbiotic nitrogen fixation and for nitrogen fixation in the free-living state. Using pnifH-lacZ and pnifA-lacZ fusions, it was shown that the FixLJ products controlled the expression of nifH and nifA in bacteria grown in the free-living state.  相似文献   

An oxygen sensitive mutant of Azorhizobium caulinodans strain IRBG 46 was isolated by NTG mutagenesis. It was defective in N2 fixation under 3% O2 level, while under 1% O2 it was almost as active as the parent strain IRBG 46. The mutant was also found to be a slow grower with reduced respiratory activity, low azide tolerance and no catalase activity. However, it did not differ from its parent strain with respect to nitrate respiration. Under symbiotic condition the mutant formed smaller, light green nodules as compared to bigger, dark green nodules formed by the wild type strain. The mutant was also defective in N2 fixation under symbiotic condition. Complementation analysis showed that the mutation might be in either fixL or fixJ gene which are involved in O2 regulation of nif/fix gene expression. A possible role of all these factors in conferring a highly O2 tolerant nitrogen fixing system in the organism, has been discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract Rat intestinal epithelial cells were isolated and the activity of the calcium- and phospholipid-dependent protein kinase C (PKC) was investigated. The stimulation of activity by Escherichia coli heat stable enterotoxin (STa) was about 5-fold compared to control activity (16.91 ± 1.69 vs 93.56 ± 10.40 nmol/mg protein/min) and was dose dependent. Maximum enzyme activity was observed after incubation for 1 min with 6 ng of purified STa. The synergistic effects of calcium, phosphatidylserine and diolein on the enzyme activity were noted both in control and STa-treated cells. Staurosporine, a potent PKC inhibitor, significantly reduced the enzyme activity. Autoradiographic analysis of polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed that pretreatment of the cells with STa also resulted in the phosphorylation of specific membrane proteins each with a molecular mass of 37 kDa, 100 kDa and 140 kDa. However, STa had no direct role on the enzyme activity. Our results, therefore, provide evidence for the involvement of PKC in STa-induced signal transduction in rat enterocytes.  相似文献   

Phage susceptibility pattern and its correlation with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and plasmid profiles may help in understanding the phenotypic and genotypic diversity among highly promiscuous group of rhizobia nodulating Sesbania spp.; 43 phages were from two stem-nodulating bacteria of S. rostrata and 16 phages were from root-nodulating bacteria of S. sesban, S. aegyptica and S. rostrata. Phage susceptibility pattern of 38 Sesbania nodulating bacteria was correlated with their LPS rather than plasmid profiles. Different species of bacteria (A. caulinodans- ORS571, SRS1-3 and Sinorhizobium saheli- SRR907, SRR912) showing distinct LPS subtypes were susceptible to different group of phages. Phages could also discriminate the strains of Si. saheli (SSR312, SAR610) possessing distinct LPS subtypes. Phages of Si. meliloti (SSR302) were strain-specific. All the strains of R. huautlense having incomplete LPS (insignificant O-chain) were phage-resistant. In in vitro assay, 100% of the phages were adsorbed to LPS of indicator bacterium or its closely related strain(s) only. These observations suggest the significance of LPS in phage specificity of Sesbania nodulating rhizobia. Highly specific phages may serve as biological marker for monitoring the susceptible bacterial strains in culture collections and environment.  相似文献   

In this work, we report the cloning and sequencing of the Azorhizobium caulinodans ORS571 hydrogenase gene cluster. Sequence analysis revealed the presence of 20 open reading frames hupTUVhypFhupSLCDFGHJK hypABhupRhypCDEhupE. The physical and genetic organization of A. caulinodans ORS571 hydrogenase system suggests a close relatedness to that of Rhodobacter capsulatus. In contrast to the latter species, a gene homologous to Rhizobium leguminosarum hupE was identified downstream of the hyp operon. A hupSL mutation drastically reduced the high levels of hydrogenase activity induced by the A. caulinodans ORS571 wild-type strain in symbiosis with Sesbania rostrata plants. However, no significant effects on dry weight and nitrogen content of S. rostrata plants inoculated with the hupSL mutant were observed in plant growth experiments.  相似文献   

Nitrate assimilation by suspensions of Azorhizobium caulinodans strain IRBG 46, as determined by disappearance of nitrate ions from the external medium, displayed the requirement of readily utilizable carbon source. Nitrate uptake was blocked by the uncouplers of oxidative phosphorylation such as 2,4-dinitrophenol, carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenyl hydrazone and by an inhibitor of ATPase, N, N — dicyclohexyl carbodiimide. The inhibition of nitrate assimilation in the absence of appropriate carbon source was not overcome by the non-physiological terminal electron donor ascorbate plus N-methyl phenazinium methyl sulphate, a substrate combination that allows electron transfer to O2 without the synthesis of ATP. These data suggest that transport of nitrate into the cell is directly dependent on ATP.  相似文献   

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