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We constructed a retroviral expression vector carrying multiple cloning sites. This vector was found to express efficiently the cloned gene. Using this vector and a helper virus-free system, a murine interleukin-3 (mlL-3) high-producing cell line was established by multiple cycles of infection with recombinant retroviruses carrying mlL-3 cDNA. The infected cells produced a considerable amount of mlL-3 and the concentration of mlL-3 in culture media increased as a function of the frequency of infection. High levels of mlL-3 cDNA, mRNA and protein in this cell line were confirmed by Southern, Northern and biological assays, respectively. These results suggest that artificial gene amplification is possible in a helper-free retroviral system. This should be applicable to efficient expression of bioactive molecules in a wide variety of mammalian cells including suspension cells.  相似文献   

Utilization of RNA interference (RNAi) for knockdown of gene expression has become a standard tool for the study of gene function. Short hairpin RNAs (shRNAs) expressed from RNA polymerase III promoters are widely used to achieve stable knockdown of gene expression by RNAi. We have constructed a retroviral-based shRNA expression vector, pSiRPG, as a tool for shRNA-based functional genomic studies. This vector is based on a widely used shRNA expression system and was modified to harbor an enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) and a puromycin selection marker. The functionality of the elements in the pSiRPG vector was validated. The H1(TetO2) promoter in the vector facilitates doxycycline-inducible shRNA expression, which was demonstrated in cells expressing the Tet repressor (TetR). However, we also demonstrated limited efficiency of the inhibition of shRNA expression in an uninduced TetR-expressing cell line. This observation strongly indicates that the H1(TetO2) promoter, which is used in a wide range of vectors, is not optimal for tightly regulated shRNA expression. Stable repression of the NDRG1 protein level was observed when introducing pSiRPG constructs expressing shRNAs targeting NDRG1 into two mammary epithelial cell lines by retroviral delivery. This vector should therefore facilitate functional studies in breast cell lines that are hard to transfect with conventional plasmid-based methods.  相似文献   

Summary Broad host range plasmids have previously been shown to be suitable as vectors to introduce antibiotic resistance genes intoZ. mobilis. However, attempts to use these vectors to carry other genes with enteric promoters and controlling elements have resulted in limited success due to poor expression. Thus we have constructed a promoter cloning vector in a modified pBR327 and used this vector to isolated 12 promoters fromZ. mobilis which express various levels of -galactosidase inEscherichia coli. Four of these were then subcloned into pCVD 305 for introduction intoZ. mobilis. All expressed -galactosidase inZ. mobilis with activities of 100 to 1800 Miller units. One of these retained aBamHl site into which new genes can be readily inserted immediately downstream from theZ. mobilis promoter. Genetic traits carried by pCVD 305 were initially unstable but spontaneous variants were produced during sub-culture in which the plasmid was resistant to curing at elevated temperature. One of these variants was examined in some detail. The increased stability of this variant appears to result from an alteration in the plasmid rather than a chromosomal mutation or from chromosomal integration.  相似文献   

Construction and hormone regulation of a novel retroviral vector   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
P J Mee  R Brown 《Gene》1990,88(2):289-292
We report the analysis of a self-inactivating retroviral vector, constructed to allow inducible gene expression of inserted sequences from the mouse mammary tumour virus hormonal response element. The cloning strategy has been designed to allow for ease of insertion of the genes of interest. The vector contains the aph gene, allowing geneticin-resistance selection in mammalian cells. We have characterised dexamethasone (Dex)-induced increase in gene expression using the reporter gene encoding chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) inserted into the retroviral vector. We observe low basal levels of CAT activity in infected cells which is increased up to 50-fold by induction with Dex. The induction of pooled clones is 13.3-fold. Variation in Dex-induced CAT activity is observed in independently infected clones, which is not explained by proviral copy number.  相似文献   

Osteoblast cadherin (OB-cadherin, also known as cadherin-11) is a Ca2+-dependent homophilic cell adhesion molecule that is expressed mainly in osteoblasts. OB-cadherin is expressed in prostate cancer and may be involved in the homing of metastatic prostate cancer cells to bone. The extracellular domain of OB-cadherin may be used to inhibit the adhesion between prostate cancer cells and osteoblasts. In this report, we describe the expression of the extracellular domain of OB-cadherin as an Fc fusion protein (OB-CAD-Fc) in human embryonic kidney 293FT cells using a bicistronic retroviral vector. Coexpression of GFP and OB-CAD-Fc through the bicistronic vector permitted enrichment of OB-CAD-Fc-expressing cells by fluorescence-activated cell sorting. Recombinant OB-CAD-Fc proteins were secreted into cell medium, and about 0.85 mg of purified OB-CAD-Fc protein was purified from 1 l of the conditioned medium using immobilized protein A-affinity chromatography. The purified OB-CAD-Fc was biologically active because it supported the adhesion of PC3 cells and L cells transduced with OB-cadherin. The availability of OB-CAD-Fc offers opportunities to test whether OB-CAD-Fc can be used to inhibit OB-cadherin-mediated prostate cancer bone metastasis in vivo or to generate antibodies for inhibiting the adhesion between prostate cancer cells and osteoblasts.  相似文献   

We developed an efficient method to analyze gene function and expression of the rice blast fungus. We constructed a GATEWAY binary vector, which generates a gene-targeted disruptant carrying a green fluorescent protein gene under the native promoter of the target gene. Using this method, the knockout efficiency and expression patterns of two hypothetical genes were determined.  相似文献   

目的:包装携带人白细胞介素12(IL-12)的逆转录病毒,用于宫颈癌的治疗研究.方法:携带IL-12的逆转录病毒重组质粒pL35P40SN经PA317细胞包装,G418筛选.在NIH3T3细胞进行病毒滴度测定.然后用病毒感染人宫颈癌细胞HeLa.PCR、RT-PCR方法检测IL-12基因在HeLa中的整合和表达情况.结果:重组质粒pL35P40SN经PA317细胞包装后收获病毒上清,感染HeLa细胞,检测发现IL-12基因整合到细胞基因组DNA中,并且能有效的转录.结论:成功包装了携带IL-12基因的逆转录病毒,该病毒能有效感染HeLa细胞,并使携带的基因IL-12在细胞中表达,为今后IL-12基因治疗宫颈癌的研究奠定基础.  相似文献   

A cDNA expression vector containing the element oriP and the sequence encoding the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) nuclear antigen 1 (EBNA-1) as well as the hygromycin B-resistance dominant marker gene has been constructed. Its characteristics have been compared to a similar vector lacking the EBV sequences. (a) The EBV+ vector is maintained as an episome with a copy number of approx. 50 per cell, whereas the number of the integrated EBV- copies is in general smaller than 10, when simian virus 40-transformed xeroderma pigmentosum fibroblasts (XP20S-SV) constitute the recipient cell line. (b) The presence of the EBV sequences in the vector resulted in a five- to ten-fold higher transfection efficiency with the Ca.phosphate precipitation technique. (c) cDNA inserts in the EBV+ vector are shown to be efficiently and properly expressed in the recipient cell. (d) If transfection is performed with a mixture of EBV+ vectors with different inserts, transfectants are shown to harbour different plasmids within one cell. (e) The ratio between these plasmids in one cell can be shifted in favour of a vector with a particular insert, when selection for this insert is performed. (f) Reconstruction experiments indicated that isolation of a low-abundance sequence from a mixture of vectors is at least 100-fold more efficient with the EBV+ system, than with the EBV- system. (g) Rescue of the episomal vector from transfected cells can be readily achieved.  相似文献   

Yi  Dan-Dan  Wang  Xiao-yin  Zhang  Wei-Li  Wang  Meng  Zhang  Jun-He  Wang  Tian-yun 《Molecular biology reports》2020,47(7):5185-5190
Molecular Biology Reports - The aim of this study was to construct an expression vector mediated by the dual promoter that can simultaneously drive the recombinant protein production in eukaryotic...  相似文献   

The ability to express recombinant genes in vivo offers potential new treatments for human disease if questions of safety and toxicity can be addressed. Complications of gene transfer could include, for example, overexpression of introduced genes for growth or angiogenic factors or insertional mutagenesis, both of which could cause uncontrolled cell growth. We report the development of a suicide retroviral vector that provides a method to eliminate cells undergoing rapid growth in vivo. A murine amphotropic retroviral vector was constructed in which the gene for herpesvirus thymidine kinase was included to render proliferating cells sensitive to ganciclovir, and the Escherichia coli beta-galactosidase gene served as a reporter. This vector's efficacy was first assessed in vitro, and beta-galactosidase activity was abolished in several cell lines after treatment with ganciclovir. In vivo, a transplantable murine CT26 adenocarcinoma whose cells were transduced with this vector regressed completely after administration of ganciclovir. In contrast, expression in nondividing cells within rabbit arteries transduced by retroviral infection in vivo was unaffected. This suicide vector therefore eliminates transformed cells but allows survival of normal nondividing cells that express its specific recombinant genes in vivo, and may thus improve the safety and efficacy of gene transfer into living organisms.  相似文献   

[目的]通过比较cry1A、cry3A、cry4A和cry8E四个基因的启动子转录活性,筛选出一个强启动子,利用强启动子构建一个苏云金芽胞杆菌(Bacillus thuringiensis,简称Bt)高效表达载体.[方法]利用启动子融合lacZ技术检测了4种启动子的转录活性.通过扫描电子显微镜观察晶体、SDS-PAGE、蛋白定量和生物活性测定等方法对新建高效表达载体进行功能验证.[结果]构建了Pcry1A、Pcry3A、Pcry4A和Pcry8E4个启动子融合报告基因lacZ的表达载体,经β-半乳糖苷酶活性分析得知,启动子活性从高到低依次为Pcry8E>Pcry1A>Pcry4A>Pcry3A.选取cry8E启动子,以pHT315作为基础载体构建苏云金芽胞杆菌高效表达载体pHT315-8E21b,将cry1Ac基因连接到pHT315-8E21b和广泛应用的cry3A启动子指导的pSXY-422b上,分别转入无晶体突变株HD-73-,获得菌株HD-8E1Ac和HD-422-1Ac.扫描电子显微镜观察显示,HD-8E1Ac菌株可以形成菱形晶体,说明正确表达了cry1Ac基因.SDS-PAGE分析结合蛋白定量实验表明pHT315-8E21b表达效率高于pSXY-422b.对小菜蛾(Plutella xylostella)的生物活性测定表明HD-8E1Ac菌株对小菜蛾有生物活性,且菌株活性高于HD-422-1Ac.[结论]利用强启动子Pcry8E构建了一个能在Bt中高效表达的穿梭载体pHT315-8E21b,该载体可正确表达cry1Ac基因,其表达效率高于被广泛应用的pSXY422b.  相似文献   

A retroviral vector system for the expression of exogenous genes under the control of an inducible promoter was developed. By utilizing this system, the cDNA for human transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-beta 1) was inserted into a retroviral vector under the control of an internal mouse metallothionein promoter and introduced via infection into normal rat kidney fibroblasts (NRK-49F) and epithelial cells (NRK-52E), Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO), and the human monocytic cell line U937. Control of TGF-beta 1 expression, achieved by Cd2+ induction of vector-encoded TGF-beta 1 mRNA, was cell line specific and resulted in a concomitant increase in neutralizable TGF-beta 1 production by the cells. Autocrine stimulation of vector-containing cells by vector-encoded TGF-beta 1 was detected by an increase in soft-agar colony formation of NRK-49F infectants compared with that of the control cells. In addition, the use of a second internal promoter in a retroviral vector of similar design allowed isolation of stable infectants from a cell line (CHO) in which the viral long terminal repeat does not function efficiently.  相似文献   

为在小鼠细胞中表达并研究T-bet功能,首先构建了含有报告基因Thy1.1的小鼠T-bet逆转录病毒载体,并将构建的载体质粒转染病毒包装细胞系包装成重组病毒,再利用重组病毒分别感染NIH-3T3和D9细胞系检测其感染能力。之后,使用该重组病毒感染T-bet敲除小鼠的CD4+T淋巴细胞,流式细胞术检测T-bet及其下游靶基因Ifng的表达情况。经验证,重组的逆转录病毒感染T-bet敲除小鼠T淋巴细胞后可以在细胞中表达T-bet,并进一步引起下游靶基因Ifng的表达上调,证明本研究中外源表达的转录因子T-bet具有正常功能。综上所述,本实验成功构建了含有报告基因的小鼠T-bet重组逆转录病毒载体,为进一步在小鼠细胞中研究T-bet功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

逆转录病毒表达系统是基因治疗研究和RNA干扰技术广泛采用的外源基因表达系统。文中以增强型绿色荧光蛋白 (EGFP) 基因的表达水平和稳定性为指标,比较逆转录病毒表达载体pQCXIN和pcDNA3.1(+) 表达质粒介导的外源基因在HEK293细胞和CHO-K1细胞的表达效率。病毒感染HEK293细胞和CHO-K1细胞的相对荧光强度 (Relative fluorescence intensity,RFI) 均约为对应的质粒转染细胞的2倍。多轮反复感染逆转录病毒表达载体能有效提高HEK293细胞表达EGFP的效率。HEK293细胞经4轮病毒感染后的RFI值较1次病毒感染HEK293细胞的RFI值约提高2倍。此外,逆转录病毒表达载体介导的外源基因表达的稳定性优于质粒转染的外源基因表达。采用携带人重组活性蛋白C (Recombinant human activated protein C,rhAPC) 基因的pQCXIN和HEK293细胞进一步验证了逆转录病毒载体介导的外源基因表达效率,构建了rhAPC表达水平为10~15 mg/(106 cells·d) 的HEK293细胞系。研究结果表明,逆转录病毒表达系统是有应用价值的介导外源基因在哺乳动物细胞高效表达的技术途径。  相似文献   

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