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Metallothionein (MT) has been shown to protect DNA against cleavage induced by a variety of mutagenic agents. The mechanism has been attributed to its ability to either chelate transitional metals that participate in the Fenton reaction, or scavenge free radicals by means of the abundant cystenyl residues of the proteins. In the present study, the protective action of MT against DNA cleavage by the copper-1,10-phenanthroline [(OP)(2)Cu(+)] complex was studied in situ. At 0.1 microM, MT inhibited the (OP)(2)Cu(+) induced DNA cleavage by about 50% (IC(50) approximately 0.1 microM). At 2.5 microM, the cleavage activity was completely inhibited. Similar to MT, cysteine can protect against DNA cleavage by (OP)(2)Cu(+) (IC(50) of approximately 3 mM), however, its action was 1500-fold less efficient than MT. The combined action of MT and cysteine was additive. Reduced glutathione (1 and 10 mM) did not protect the (OP)(2)Cu(+) induced DNA cleavage. Sodium azide could inhibit the cleavage only at high concentrations (IC(40) approximately 25 mM). Spectrophotometric analysis showed that MT can inhibit the formation of the DNA[(OP)(2)Cu(+)] complex possibly by chelating Cu. It can also cause a dissociation of the complex after it was formed. In the later case, the mechanism through which MT protects against the DNA cleavage might occur when MT fitted in closely with the complex, competing with the hydroxyl groups of the nucleotides base for Cu, which, in turn, terminate the Fenton-like free radical reaction.  相似文献   

When 1, 10-phenanthroline at 10?4 mole/kg was administered intraperitoneally to C3H mice, a significant decrease of (32P) Na2HPO4 incorporation into splenic DNA and RNA was noted within 15 min. The same dose or higher was required to significantly inhibit the incorporation of (5-3H) uridine and (methyl-3H) thymidine into splenic nucleic acid. 1, 10-phenanthroline also decrease the incorporation of the 32P into DNA and RNA in 6C3HED ascites tumor. 1, 7-phenanthroline, a non-chelating analogue at 10?4 mole/kg, less effectively altered the rate of the 32P incorporation into splenic nucleic acid within 15 min, but significantly inhibited the incorporation within 1 hr.  相似文献   

Interaction of a macrocyclic bisacridine with DNA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The binding of the macrocycle SDM to DNA was investigated by visible spectroscopy, stopped-flow kinetics, and NMR spectroscopy. SDM is composed of two 9-aminoacridines linked via the amino groups by a spermine side chain and via the 4-positions by a N,N'-[(methylthio)ethyl]succinamide side chain [Zimmerman, S. C., Lamberson, C. R., Cory, M., & Fairley, T. A. (1989) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 111, 6805-6809]. The visible spectrum of SDM bound to poly[d(A-T)]2 or poly[d(G-C)]2 is red-shifted relative to the spectrum of SDM alone and displays considerable hypochromicity. Results from titrations of SDM with polymer indicate a binding site size of three base pairs per macrocycle. The dissociation constant for SDM bound to either poly[d(A-T)]2 or poly[d(G-C)]2 is an order of magnitude lower than that for a similar bisacridine linked only by a spermine side chain. In addition, the dependence of the dissociation constant on ionic strength is significantly reduced. NMR studies of SDM complexes with poly[d(A-T)]2 or a tetramer, d(CGCG)2, show that intercalation is the mode of binding. The magnitudes of the chemical shift differences for SDM aromatic protons in the free and bound states support intercalation with the acridine ring systems essentially parallel to the long axis of the base pairs. Cross peaks from NOESY spectra of the SDM complex with d(CGCG)2 further support this mode of binding and provide information on the structure of the complex. The results are analyzed for consistency with each of three binding models: (i) bisintercalation with the two side chains in the same groove; (ii) bisintercalation according to the neighbor-exclusion principle with the two side chains in opposite grooves; and (iii) bisintercalation with two side chains in opposite grooves but with violation of the neighbor-exclusion principle. Model i is found to be unlikely on the basis of all evidence obtained, including preliminary modeling studies. Both models ii and iii can be reconciled with the experimental evidence and from a modeling standpoint are energetically feasible.  相似文献   

Dinuclear macrocyclic polyamine zinc(II) complexes, which have two cyclen groups linked by flexible spacers, have been synthesized as DNA cleavage agents. The structures of these new dinuclear complexes are consistent with the data obtained from elemental analysis, MS and 1H NMR spectroscopy. The catalytic activity of these dinuclear complexes on DNA cleavage was studied. The results showed that the dinuclear zinc(II) complexes can catalyze the cleavage of supercoiled DNA (pUC 19 plasmid DNA) (Form I) under physiological conditions to produce selectively nicked DNA (Form II).  相似文献   

The DNA binding behavior of [Cu(phen)(phen-dione)Cl]Cl (1) and [Cu(bpy)(phen-dione)Cl]Cl (2) was studied with a series of techniques including UV-vis absorption, circular dichroism spectroscopy, and viscometric methods. Cytotoxicity effect and DNA unwinding properties were also investigated. The results indicate that the Cu(II) complexes interact with calf-thymus DNA by both partially intercalative and hydrogen binding. These findings have been further substantiated by the determination of intrinsic binding constants spectrophotometrically, 12.5?×?10(5) and 5?×?10(5) for 1 and 2, respectively. Our findings suggest that the type of ligands and structure of complexes have marked effect on the binding affinity of complexes involving CT-DNA. Circular dichroism results show that complex 1 causes considerable increase in base stacking of DNA, whereas 2 decreases the base stacking, which is related to more extended aromatic area of 1,10-phenanthroline in 1 rather than bipyridine in 2. Slow decrease in DNA viscosity indicates partially intercalative binding in addition to hydrogen binding on the surface of DNA. The second binding mode was also confirmed by additional tests: interaction in denaturation condition and acidic pH. Also, these new complexes induced cleavage in pUC18 plasmid DNA as indicated in gel electrophoresis and showed excellent antitumor activity against K562 (human chronic myeloid leukemia) cells.  相似文献   

The enantiomers of the Sm (III), Eu (III) and Yb (III) complexes [LnL(NO3)2](NO3) of a chiral hexaazamacrocycle were tested as catalysts for the hydrolytic cleavage of supercoiled plasmid DNA. The catalytic activity was remarkably enantioselective; while the [LnLSSSS(NO3)2](NO3) enantiomers promoted the cleavage of plasmid pBR322 from the supercoiled form (SC) to the nicked form (NC), the [LnLRRRR(NO3)2](NO3) enantiomers were inactive. Kinetics of plasmid DNA hydrolysis was also investigated by agarose electrophoresis and it indicated typical single-exponential cleavage reaction. The hydrolytic mechanism of DNA cleavage was confirmed by the successful ligation of hydrolysis product by T4 ligase. The NMR study of the solutions of the complexes in various buffers indicated that the complexes exist as monomeric cationic complexes [LnL(H2O)3]3 + in slightly acidic solutions and as dimeric cationic complexes [Ln2L2(μ-OH)2(H2O)2]4 + in slightly basic 8 mM solutions, with the latter form being a possible catalyst for hydrolysis of phosphodiester bonds.  相似文献   

The mononuclear dipeptide‐based CuII complexes [CuII(trp‐phe)(phen)(H2O)] ⋅ ClO4 ( 1 ) and [CuII(trp‐phe)(bpy)(H2O)] ⋅ ClO4 ( 2 ) (trp‐phe=tryptophanphenylalanine, phen=1,10‐phenanthroline, bpy=2,2′‐bipyridine) were isolated, and their interaction with DNA was studied. They exhibit intercalative mode of interaction with DNA. The intercalative interaction was quantified by Stern Volmer quenching constant (Ksq=0.14 for 1 and 0.08 for 2 ). The CuII complexes convert supercoiled plasmid DNA into its nicked circular form hydrolytically at physiological conditions at a concentration as low as 5 μM (for 1 ) and 10 μM (for 2 ). The DNA hydrolysis rates at a complex concentration of 50 μM were determined as 1.74 h−1 (R=0.985) for 1 and 0.65 h−1 (R=0.965) for 2 . The rate enhancement in the range of 2.40–4.10×107‐fold compared to non‐catalyzed double‐stranded DNA is significant. This was attributed to the presence of a H2O molecule in the axial position of the Cu complexes.  相似文献   

The macrocyclic symmetrical and a series of unsymmetrical binuclear copper(II) complexes have been synthesized by using mononuclear complex [CuL] [3,3′-((1E,7E)-3,6-dioxa-2,7-diazaocta-1,7-diene-1,8-diyl)bis(3-formyl-5-methyl-2-diolato)copper(II)]. Another compartment of the [CuL] have been condensed with various diamines like 1,2-bis(aminooxy)ethane (L1), 1,2-diamino ethane(L2a), 1,3-diamino propane(L2b), 1,4-diamino butane(L2c), 1,2-diamino benzene(L2d), 1,8-diamino naphthalene(L2e) and characterized by elemental, spectroscopic, and X-ray crystallographic methods. The influence of the coordination geometry and the ring size of the binucleating ligands on the electronic, redox, magnetic, catecholase activity, DNA binding and cleavage properties have been studied. The molecular structures of the symmetrical binuclear complex [Cu2L1(H2O)2](ClO4)2 (1) and unsymmetrical binuclear complex [Cu2L2b(ClO4)(H2O)]ClO4 (2b) were determined by X-ray crystallography. Both of them were discrete binuclear species in which each Cu(II) ions are in distorted square pyramid. The Cu?Cu distances vary from 3.0308 (2b) to 3.0361 Å (1). Electrochemical studies evidenced that two quasi-reversible one electron-transfer reduction waves −0.91 to −1.01 V, −1.26 to −1.55 V) for binuclear complexes are obtained in the cathodic region. Cryomagnetic investigation of the binuclear complexes reveals a weak antiferromagnetic spin exchange interaction between the Cu(II) ions within the complexes (−2J = 104.4-127.5 cm−1). The initial rate (Vin) for the oxidation of 3,5-di-tert-butylcatechol to o-quinone by the binuclear Cu(II)complexes are in the range 3.6 × 10−5 to 7.3 × 10−5 Ms−1. The binuclear Cu(II) complexes are avid binders to calf thymus DNA. The complexes display significant oxidative cleavage of circular plasmid pBR322 DNA in the presence of mercaptoethanol using the singlet oxygen as a reactive species. The aromatic diamine condensed macrocyclic ligands of copper(II) complexes display better DNA interaction and significant chemical nuclease activity than the aliphatic diamine condensed macrocyclic Cu(II) complexes.  相似文献   

Three hexaaza macrocyclic copper (II) complexes with different functional groups have been synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis and infrared spectra. Absorption and fluorescence spectral, cyclic voltammetric and viscometric studies have been carried out on the interaction of [CuL(1)]Cl(2) (L(1)[double bond]3,10-bis(2-methylpyridine)-1,3,5,8,10,12-hexaazacyclotetradecane), [CuL(2)]Cl(2) (L(2)[double bond]3,10-bis(2-propionitrile)-1,3,5,8,10,12-hexaazacyclotetradecane) and [CuL(3)]Cl(2) (L(3)=3,10-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)-1,3,5,8,10,12-hexaazacyclotetradecane) with calf thymus DNA. The results suggest that three complexes can bind to DNA by different binding modes. The spectroscopic studies together with viscosity experiments and cyclic voltammetry suggest that [CuL(1)](2+) could bind to DNA by partial intercalation via pyridine ring into the base pairs of DNA. [CuL(2)](2+) may bind to DNA by hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic interaction while [CuL(3)](2+) may be by weaker hydrogen bonding. The functional groups on the side chain of macrocycle play a key role in deciding the mode and extent of binding of complexes to DNA. Noticeably, the three complexes have been found to cleave double-strand pUC18 DNA in the presence of 2-mercaptoethanol and H(2)O(2).  相似文献   

Reactions between the nucleotides GMP, AMP and ApG and the complexes Ni(tren), Ni(cyclam) and NiCR in aqueous solution have been monitored by (1)H, (15)N NMR and UV spectroscopy. The three nickel complexes display different properties in reactions with nucleotides. Ni(tren) which has a pseudo-octahedral coordination geometry was shown to bind to all three nucleotides. Ni(cyclam) and NiCR, both with four nitrogen atoms in a square planar arrangement are not able to bind to nucleotides efficiently because of steric hindrance. Oxidation of Ni(cyclam) by KHSO(5) to produce trivalent Ni(III)(cyclam) improves the coordination capacity, while oxidation of NiCR does not produce a similar effect. The nucleotides interact with trivalent nickel complexes to different extent. Ni(III)CR is seen to oxidize GMP gradually but does not affect AMP significantly. Ni(III)(cyclam), on the other hand, does not oxidize either GMP or AMP at the 1:1 concentration of oxidant used. This result is probably due to the lower redox potential of Ni(cyclam). ApG binds less efficiently to the Ni complexes but is easier oxidized than the mononucleotides.  相似文献   

A Richter  J Ruff 《Biochemistry》1991,30(40):9741-9748
The intracellular substrate for eukaryotic DNA topoisomerases is chromatin rather than protein-free DNA. Yet, little is known about the action of topoisomerases on chromatin-associated DNA. We have analyzed to what extent the organization of DNA in chromatin influences the accessibility of DNA molecules for topoisomerase I cleavage in vitro. Using potassium dodecyl sulfate precipitation (Trask et al., 1984), we found that DNA in chromatin is cleaved by the enzyme with somewhat reduced efficiency compared to protein-free DNA. Furthermore, using native SV40 chromatin and mononucleosomes assembled in vitro, we show that DNA bound to histone octamer complexes is cleaved by topoisomerase I and that the cleavage sites as well as their overall distribution are identical in histone-bound and in protein-free DNA molecules.  相似文献   

Interaction of mithramycin with metal ions and DNA   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The interaction of mithramycin with metal ions has been studied by absorbance and fluorescence spectroscopy. Magnesium shifts the drug absorbance spectrum to longer wavelengths and displays a weak binding constant (Kd = 1mM); no interaction with calcium was detected. The drug requires magnesium for binding to DNA and this is characterised by small additional hypochromic and bathochromic changes. Mithramycin does not bind to DNA in the presence of calcium. With 10mM magnesium the drug binds to DNA with an association constant of 9.2 x 10(4) M-1. The inability of calcium to substitute for magnesium has been confirmed by 'footprinting' experiments using both DNase I and hydroxyl radicals.  相似文献   

The interaction between the native DNA macromolecules and Ca2+, Mn2+, Cu2+ ions in solutions of low ionic strength (10(-3) M Na+) is studied using the methods of differential UV spectroscopy and CD spectroscopy. It is shown that the transition metal ions Mn2+ exercise binding to the nitrogen bases of DNA at concentrations approximately 5 x 10(-6) M and form chelates with guanine of N7-Me(2+)-O6 type. Only at high concentrations in solution (5 x 10(-3) M) do Ca2+ ions interact with the nitrogen bases of native DNA. In the process of binding to Ca2+ and Mn2+ the DNA conformation experiences some changes under which the secondary structure of the biopolymer is within the B-form family. The DNA transition to the new conformation is revealed by its binding to Cu2+ ions.  相似文献   

A series of multinuclear macrocyclic polyamine metal (Zn(2+), Cu(2+), Co(2+)) complexes containing chiral dipeptide linkage were synthesized and used as artificial nuclease enzyme model. The interaction between the complexes and plasmid DNA (pUC19) was studied, and the results revealed that these complexes could act as powerful catalysts for the cleavage of plasmid DNA under physiological conditions.  相似文献   

Interaction of novel bis(platinum) complexes with DNA.   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Bis(platinum) complexes [[cis-PtCl2(NH3)]2H2N(CH2)nNH2] are a novel series of potential anticancer agents in which two cis-diamine(platinum) groups are linked by an alkyldiamine of variable length. These complexes are potentially tetrafunctional, a unique feature in comparison with known anticancer agents. Studies of DNA interactions of bis(platinum) complexes in comparison with cisplatin demonstrate significant differences. Investigations of interstrand crosslink formation in which crosslinking of a short DNA fragment is detected by gel electrophoresis under denaturing conditions demonstrate that interstrand crosslinks are 250 fold more frequent among bis(platinum) adducts than among cisplatin-derived adducts under the conditions examined. These investigations indicate that bis(platinum) adducts contain a high frequency of structurally novel interstrand crosslinks formed through binding of the two platinum centers to opposite DNA strands. Unlike cisplatin, bis(platinum) complex binding does not unwind supercoiled DNA. Studies with the E. coli UvrABC nuclease complex demonstrate that both linear and supercoiled DNA containing bis(platinum) adducts are subject to incision by the repair enzyme complex. Initial studies using UvrABC nuclease as a probe to define the base and sequence specificity for bis(platinum) complex binding suggest that the specificity of the bis(platinum)s is similar, but not identical, to that of cisplatin.  相似文献   

A novel series of complexes of the type [M(C36H22N6)X]X2, where M = Cr(III), Mn(III), Fe(III); X = Cl?, NO3?, CH3COO?; and (C36H22N6) corresponds to the tetradentate macrocyclic ligand, have been synthesized by condensation of 1,8-diaminonaphthalene and isatin in the presence of trivalent metal salts in methanolic medium. The complexes have been characterized by elemental analysis, conductance and magnetic measurements, and UV/Vis, IR, and mass spectroscopy. On the basis of these studies, a five coordinate square pyramidal geometry for all of these complexes is proposed. All synthesized macrocyclic complexes have been tested for in vitro antimicrobial activities against some pathogenic bacterial strains, viz. Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis (Gram-positive), Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Gram-negative), and two fungal strains, viz. Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus flavus. The MICs shown by the complexes against these microbial strains have been compared with MICs shown by standard antibiotic ciprofloxacin and the antifungal drug amphotericin-B.  相似文献   

Absorption spectroscopy and circular dichroism (CD) have been used to characterize the DNA binding of [Fe(phen)3]2+, [Fe(phen)2(DIP)]2+ and [Fe(phen)(DIP)2]2+ where phen and DIP stand for 1,10-phenanthroline and 4,7-diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline, respectively. Both [Fe(phen)3]2+ and [Fe(phen)2(DIP)]2+ bind weakly to calf thymus DNA (CT-DNA) in an electrostatic mode, while [Fe(phen)(DIP)2]2+ binds more strongly to CT-DNA, possibly in an intercalation mode. The hypochromicity, red shift and Kb increase in the order [Fe(phen)3]2+ < [Fe(phen)2(DIP)]2+ < [Fe(phen)(DIP)2]2+ in accordance with the increase in size and hydrophobicity of the iron(II) complexes. The thermodynamic parameters obtained suggest that the DNA binding of both [Fe(phen)3]2+ and [Fe(phen)2(DIP)]2+ is entropically driven, while that of [Fe(phen)(DIP)2]2+ is enthalpically driven. A strong CD spectrum in the UV and visible region develops upon addition of CT-DNA into the racemate solution of each iron(II) complex (Pfeiffer effect). This has revealed that a shift in diastereomeric inversion equilibrium takes place in the solution to yield an excess of one of the DNA-complex diastereomers. The striking resemblance of the CD spectral profiles to those of the pure delta-enantiomer indicates that the delta-enantiomer of the iron(II) complexes is preferentially bound to CT-DNA. The mechanism of the development of Pfeiffer CD is proposed on the basis of kinetic studies on the DNA binding of the racemic iron(II) complexes.  相似文献   

J M Veal  K Merchant    R L Rill 《Nucleic acids research》1991,19(12):3383-3388
Copper in the presence of excess 1,10-phenanthroline, a reducing agent, and molecular oxygen causes cleavage of DNA with a preference for T-3',5'-A-steps, particularly in TAT triplets. The active molecular species is commonly thought to be the bis-(1,10-phenanthroline)Cu(I) complex, (Phen)2Cu(I), regardless of the reducing agent type. We have found that (Phen)2Cu(I) is not the predominant copper complex when 3-mercaptopropionic acid (MPA) or 2-mercaptoethanol are used as the reducing agents, but (Phen)2Cu(I) predominates when ascorbate is used as the reducing agent. Substitution of ascorbate for thiol significantly enhances the rate of DNA cleavage by 1,10-phenanthroline + copper, without altering the sequence selectivity. We show that (Phen)2Cu(I) is the complex responsible for DNA cleavage, regardless of reducing agent, and that 1,10-phenanthroline and MPA compete for copper coordination sites. DNA cleavage in the presence of ascorbate also occurs under conditions where the mono-(1,10-phenanthroline)Cu(I) complex predominates (1:1 phenanthroline:copper ratio), but preferential cleavage was observed at a CCGG sequence and not at TAT sequences. The second phenanthroline ring of the (Phen)2Cu(I) complex appears essential for determining the T-3',5'-A sequence preferences of phenanthroline + copper when phenanthroline is in excess.  相似文献   

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