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Abstract— A study was undertaken of the glycosphingolipids in cell cultures derived from cerebellum of Tay-Sachs disease fetal brain in order to determine the suitability of such cell strains as a model for Tay-Sachs disease. The glycosphingolipids in the Tay-Sachs disease cultured cerebellar cells were compared with those found in normal cultured cerebellar cells, normal and Tay-Sachs cultured lung cells, and normal and Tay-Sachs fetal brain. The glycolipids were separated by TLC, then analyzed by GLC of the trimethylsilyi derivatives of the methylglycosides of the sugar moieties. In the cultured cerebellar lines, the predominant gangliosides were GM2, GM3, and GD3. There was a 4-fold increase of GM2 in the Tay-Sachs as compared with the normal line. Only GM3 and GD3 gangliosides were found in the Tay-Sachs and the normal fetal lung cell cultures. The major neutral glycosphingolipids in all of the cultured cells which were analyzed were glucosylceramide, lactosylceramide, digalactosyl-glucosylceramide, and globoside. When the Tay-Sachs cerebellar cells were labelled with [1-14C]gluco-samine, some radioactivity was observed in the trihexosylceramide band, indicating the presence of a small amount of a galactosamine-containing trihexosylceramide which may be asialo-GM2 (GA2). The trihexosylceramide in Tay-Sachs fetal brain was identified as GA2 by GLC. Both Tay-Sachs and normal fetal brain gangliosides were more complex than those found in the cultured cells. Long chain fatty acids (C24:0 and C24;1) predominated in all of the glycosphingolipids of the Tay-Sachs and the normal cultured cerebellar cells. In contrast, the glycosphingolipids of Tay-Sachs and normal fetal brain contained mainly the shorter chain fatty acids (C16:0, C18:0, and C18:1). The cerebrosides in both the Tay-Sachs and normal fetal brains were mainly glucosylceramide with only small amounts of the galactosylceramide which predominates in infant brain. Cultured cells from the fetal Tay-Sachs disease  相似文献   

The author advances the concept that anoxemia, either in its general or restricted form, or both, is probably responsible for a considerable portion of “degenerative diseases,” whose etiologic delineation has not yet been traced. It is necessary, he believes, to enlarge greatly the comprehension of the disordered circulatory states to include oxygen want and thereby account for a number of conditions hitherto considered to be of unknown cause. More than this, he finds in oxygen want an explanation of the mechanism of a number of individual lesions or details of lesions otherwise not well understood. The author believes it is very likely that an understanding of cerebral anoxia in its ultimate ramifications will open still wider doors to the understanding of certain clinical syndromes the cause of which remains obscure.  相似文献   

A highly sensitive electron capture gas chromatographic method was developed for quantitation of γ-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) in tissue. This method involves an improved, extraction and purification procedure and a one-step derivatization of GHB to the methyl ester-O-heptafluorobutyrate. As low as 5 ng of GHB in tissue was accurately quantitated by this method. By means of this improved method, endogenous levels of GHB in several regions of brains obtained post-mortem from patients with Huntington's disease were determined, and compared with brain samples obtained post-mortem from non-neurological controls. The levels of GHB found in the caudate and substantia nigra obtained from Huntington's patients were significantly higher than the GHB levels found in similar regions of brain obtained from a non-neurological control group. The content of GABA in the same choreic and control brain samples was also determined. No significant correlation between changes in GHB and GABA levels was observed although there was a trend towards an inverse relationship. The high level of GHR in Huntington's disease may be related to the decrease in succinate:oxidoreductase (EC activity reported by Stahl & Swanson (1974). In two subjects (one control and one Huntington patient) the zonal distribution of GHB in substantia nigra was also determined. The zona reticulata from choreic brain contained a substantially higher level of GHB, whereas the zona compacta contained an amount similar to the level found in control brain.  相似文献   

Abstract— Lipid composition has been determined in brain frontal lobe gray and white matter from a 5-month-old patient who died from Menkes' disease, and from a normal control patient of the same age.
Total cholesterol and the amount of cholesterol esters were significantly increased in the case of Menkes' disease, whereas the values for free cholesterol were nearly unchanged.
In white matter a decrease in total galactolipids was observed in the pathological brain.
The values for total phospholipids were unchanged for the tissues, but the ratio between phosphatidylcholines and phosphatidylethanolamines (including ethanolamineplasmalogens) in white matter from the patient seemed increased. The fatty acid pattern of phosphatidylethanolamines (including ethanolamineplasmalogens), phosphatidylcholines and sphingomyelin were similar to those of the normal control. Phosphatidylethanolamines from pathological tissues contained 25–30 per cent polyunsaturated fatty acids with four, five or six double bonds.  相似文献   

Abstract— In comparison to controls, copper-deficient suckling rats showed an appreciable decrease in body growth, a slight decrease in whole brain and cerebellar growth, and a highly significant decrease in myelination based on the activity of cerebellar 2',3'-cyclic nucleotide 3'-phosphohydrolase—a myelin enriched protein. Specific effects of a fivefold reduction in the copper content of brain were seen in a drastic decrease in cerebellar cytochrome c oxidase and smaller but significant drops in cerebellar super-oxide dismutase and brain norepinephrine concn. These observations are discussed with respect to the neuropathology and biochemistry of Menkes' steely-hair disease, a sex-linked recessive disorder in humans characterized by copper deficiency.  相似文献   

Abstract— Biochemical analysis of the leukodystrophy brain from a case of Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease, classical type, was performed. A decrease in the amount of solid material present was found. The lyophilized brain weight was reduced to 76% of normal with a slightly greater decrease in the amount of extractable lipid. Total myelin was diminished to 7% of normal. Among specific lipids plasmalogens were present in slightly lowered amounts. Cerebrosides and sulphatides were drastically reduced to 8% of normal, whereas sphingomyelin was less severely affected. Fatty acids from phospholipids were close to normal, only enols being slightly diminished. Analysis of pure cerebrosides and sulphatides revealed that the a-hydroxylated compounds as well as very long chain fatty acids (over C18, especially C23 to C26) were greatly reduced. For chain lengths over C18, the ratio of leukodystrophy fatty acid to normal fatty acid was close to 10%. The defect in very long chain fatty acids is estimated at 99.2% in total brain.
Thus, we have found a marked decrease in the amount of very long chain fatty acids and a less marked decrease in sphingolipids. The reduced amount of these acids appears to be partially offset by an increase in the amount of medium-chain fatty acids in sphingolipids. We conclude that one aspect of Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease may be a defect in the synthesis of myelin very long chain fatty acids (as these acids are far much reduced than any other myelin molecule).  相似文献   

Abstract— Following portacaval anastomosis in the rat, plasma and brain tyrosine are markedly elevated, although brain tyrosine is increased to a significantly greater degree than plasma tyrosine. Both plasma and brain tyrosine as well as brain octopamine correlated well with a presumed index of impaired hepatic function, the ratio of liver weight to body weight in shunted rats. A significant positive correlation was observed between brain octopamine and brain tyrosine. The significance of these findings to the etiology and treatment of clinical hepatic encephalopathy is discussed.  相似文献   

UREA SYNTHESIS IN BRAIN   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  

FORMAMIDASE IN RAT BRAIN   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Kynurenine formamidase (aryl-formylamine amidohydrolase, EC was found to be present in rat brain and was partially purified and characterized. The partially purified enzyme catalysed the hydrolysis of 5-hydroxyformyl-dl -kynurenine to 5-hydroxy-dl -kynurenine and that of formyl-l -kynurenine to l -kynurenine at similar rates. The apparent Km values of the enzyme for 5-hydroxyformyl-dl -kynurenine and formyl-l -kynurenine were 4.0 ± 10?4 and 1.8 ± 10?4m , respectively. The enzyme was active over a wide pH range (5.5–8.5). The activity was inhibited by low concentrations of Ag+ and Hg2+. The physiological significance of the enzyme is discussed.  相似文献   

A.D.B. 《CMAJ》1930,23(2):266-267

A.G.N. 《CMAJ》1939,40(2):171-173

Abstract— An assay system for the measurement of triphosphoinositide phosphodiesterase in homogenates of rat brain is described. With triphosphoinositide (TPI) as substrate, and in the presence of 0·1 m -KCI and saturating amounts of diethyl ether, the activity of phosphodiesterase in myelinated brain was 400–500 μmoles of TPI hydrolysed per g wet wt. per hr. One quarter of the adult level of the enzyme was present in rat brain one day after birth, with the remainder being added prior to and during the early stages of myelination. On subfractionation of brain homogenates, substantial activity of the enzyme was located in the soluble portion and in the paniculate fractions enriched in myelin and synaptosomes. The enzyme associated with the particulate fractions could not be detached from the membranes by any of several methods employed. There was a rough correlation between distribution of phosphodiesterase and that of 5'-nucleotidase, an enzyme associated with plasma membrane in a number of tissues. Some implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

—The redox status of ubiquinone (Q) as an index of mitochondrial respiratory chain activity in chopped telencephalon from the rat was investigated. With 12mm -glucose under aerobic conditions Q was 73% oxidized. Three mm -amytal and 2 μm -rotenone, inhibitors of mitochondrial NADH oxidation, resulted in Q being further oxidized by 14 and 16%, respectively. Thus, amytal and rotenone result in shifts in Q redox status of rat telencephalon slices in accord with the known site of action of these compounds in isolated mitochondria. However, under anaerobic conditions Q redox status shifted to 25% oxidized while incubation with 1 mm -NaCN resulted in a shift to only 58% oxidized. This discrepancy may result from concomitant inhibition in the supply of reducing equivalents to Q from substrate by NaCN or it may reflect a differential sensitivity of neuronal and glial mitochondria to NaCN. Evaluation of Q oxidation-reduction can be used to measure the effects of drugs and physiological perturbations on the redox status of the mitochondrial compartment of intact brain preparations.  相似文献   

Mice were exposed to 6 ATA of 100% oxygen. The effect of high oxygen pressure (OHP), disulphiram and both disulphiram and oxygen as a function of the length of oxygen exposure on cerebral cortical ATP, phosphocreatine, lactate, pyruvate and glucose was determined. Neither OHP nor disulphiram altered ATP prior to the onset of convulsions. The combination of OHP and disulphiram appeared to elevate cerebral ATP, particularly during the early exposure period. OHP had no effect on phosphocreatine, however, disulphiram, both alone and in combination with OHP increased cerebral cortical phosphocreatine. ATP and phosphocreatine were unchanged in mice sacrificed either at the onset or 9 s after the onset of oxygen convulsions. Lactate and pyruvate increased as the length of time the mice were exposed to OHP increased although neither lactate nor pyruvate levels differed significantly from control levels at either the onset or 9 s after the onset of convulsions. Disulphiram by itself lowered cerebral lactate, and prevented the increase in lactate and pyruvate in mice exposed to OHP. OHP and disulphiram increased cerebral glucose with the combination of both OHP and disulphiram appearing to have an additive effect. Glucose also remained elevated at the onset or 9 s after the onset of oxygen convulsions.  相似文献   

Abstract— The distribution of taurine was investigated in 16 areas of the brain, in cats transected either at collicular or at midpontine level. A comparison was also made between the content in the same areas of the cerebral cortex of the two groups of cats showing respectively either a synchronized or an activated electrocorticogram. Taurine was determined in picric acid extracts by means of column chromatography followed by thin layer chromatography of the eluates. The levels of taurine were fairly uniform in all areas investigated with the exception of the lateral geniculate bodies, the pituitary gland and the pineal gland where the levels were higher than in all other regions. The taurine content of the cortex of cats showing a synchronized EEG pattern was higher than in the cortex of cats showing an activated pattern. The results are discussed in the light of the limited information available on the possible role of taurine in the CNS.  相似文献   

  • 1 Triglyceride has been isolated from brain by thin-layer chromatography and determined by absorption of the carbonyl group at 1740 cm?1. The means of yields from whole mouse brain, whole rat brain, rat brain grey matter, rat brain stem, and incubated slices of rat brain cortex were 0.15–0.17 μmole/g tissue.
  • 2 The distribution of fatty esters varied from preparation to preparation. Palmitate, stearate and oleate usually occurred in greatest amounts. Hydrolysis of a preparation of triglyceride from whole rat brain with pancreatic lipase indicated that palmitate was equally distributed between the α and β esters.
  • 3 [1-14C]Acetate was rapidly incorporated into triglyceride of slices of incubated rat brain cortex. When the resulting triglyceride was hydrolysed with pancreatic lipase the distribution of radioactivity amongst the hydrolysis products was consistent with both the α and β esters of the triglyceride having been radioactively labelled.

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