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Body morphology is a valuable feature for distinguishing teleostean fishes. However, the utility of character variation in separate body regions has yet to be tested. The taxonomy of the Gerreidae family is controversial due to character overlapping among its fish species. This work aims to analyze and compare the body shape variation in three regions, cephalic, trunk, and caudal peduncle, using landmark data and geometric morphometric methods in 17 species and five genera of the family Gerreidae. The pattern of shape variation for the cephalic region consisted of well-defined character states exclusive of each species analyzed. Shape variation in the trunk and caudal peduncle regions does not distinguish all species in this study. This study showed that the dorsal cephalic profile is highly variable among the species, therefore, shape variation in this region is useful for distinguishing Gerreidae species. In contrast, some species within the same genus share similar shape states in the trunk and caudal peduncle regions, with the most shape variation in the dorsal profile and anal fin for the trunk and in the middle of the caudal peduncle.  相似文献   

Morphological variations in bluegill, Lepomis macrochirus, including growth-related changes, sexual dimorphism and morphological differences between populations in different habitats, were examined in samples from three reservoirs in Kagawa, Japan. Body measurements demonstrated frequent growth-related proportional changes, particularly in body depth, body width, caudal peduncle length and head length, which all showed relative increases, whereas first dorsal fin length, caudal fin length and orbital diameter became relatively shorter. Body weight increased relatively with growth, with relative growth coefficients of 3.339–3.454 for regressions between total length and body weight. Such body weight increases were likely due to the relative increases in body depth and width, and caudal peduncle depth. Although counts of fin spines, fin rays and gill rakers did not change with growth, those of scales tended to increase. Males were significantly larger than females in body depth, caudal peduncle length, head length and body weight. Sexual dimorphism was also apparent in body coloration during the breeding season. In addition, a number of morphological differences were observed between individuals from different habitats.  相似文献   

Over‐exploitation of top predators and fish stocks has altered ecosystems towards less productive systems with fewer trophic levels. In the Celtic Sea (CS), discards and bycatch levels have prompted concern about some fisheries, while fin and humpback whales are recovering from centuries of over‐exploitation. A lack of empirical evidence on the preferred diet of some predators such as whales in the CS has hindered the implementation of effective conservation measures using an ecosystem‐based approach to fisheries management. Using a Bayesian framework (SIAR), stable carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotope mixing models were used to assign proportionate diet solutions to fin and humpback whales (skin biopsies) and putative prey items: herring (Clupea harengus), sprat (Sprattus sprattus), and krill (Meganyctiphanes norvegica and Nyctiphanes couchii) in the CS. Krill was the single most important prey item in the diet of fin whales, but one of the least important for humpback whales (albeit based on a small sample of humpback whale samples). Age 0 sprat and herring comprised a large proportion of the diet of both species, followed by older sprat (age 1–2) and older herring (age 2–4). An ecosystem based approach to fisheries management will be required in the CS if we seek effective conservation of both fin and humpback whales, and sustainable fisheries.  相似文献   

A new species of spinous loach, Cobitis shikokuensis, is described based on 297 specimens from Shikoku Island, Japan. The new species was formerly known as the Shikoku group of Cobitis takatsuensis. It can be distinguished from other species of Cobitis and closely related genera by a combination of the following characters: dorsal fin with 6 branched soft rays; anal fin with 5 branched soft rays; one brownish streak across eye from the tip of nose, no streak on cheek; a black spot smaller than eye diameter near the dorsal corner of the caudal fin base; 3–5 small brownish speckles on ventral side of caudal peduncle; high caudal peduncle with well-developed fleshy keels on dorsal and ventral side; a lamina circularis at base of dorsal part of pectoral fin absent; first branched soft ray of pectoral fin broad in males; pectoral soft rays widely branched from the approximate midpoint; last anal fin ray with 2 elements; interorbital width 11.2–17.1% of head length.  相似文献   

During a re-examination of museum specimens of Triplophysa species, some specimens that had been collected from the Jialonghe River in Yunnan Province, China, in April 1975, were identified as a new species. Triplophysa parvus n. sp. can be distinguished by the following combination of characters: dorsal fin rays 3, ; anal fin rays 3, ; pectoral fin rays 1, 11; scales absent; two saddle-like blotches with fuzzy borders cranial to the dorsal fin and four saddle-like blotches caudal to the dorsal fin; distal margin of the dorsal fin emarginate; pelvic fin reaching caudally almost to the anus; anus located immediately cranial to the origin of the anal fin; caudal fin forked; caudal chamber of air bladder reduced to a small free protuberance; head slightly laterally compressed, head deeper than wide at nape; length of caudal peduncle being 18.0–20.0% of standard length; depth of caudal peduncle being 7.8–8.4% of standard length; eye diameter 17.6–21.4% of head length; body depth being 60.7–70.2% of head length; caudal peduncle depth being 39.1–45.0% of caudal peduncle length; and body width at the base of caudal peduncle 59.0–68.0% of the body depth at the base of caudal peduncle. These characters allow a distinction from the similar species of T. nasobarbatula, T. nandanensis, and T. macromaculata.  相似文献   

From 2003 to 2009, we surveyed Las Perlas Archipelago off the Pacific coast of Panama 53 times between the months of August and October to estimate abundance of humpback whales and to test for a migratory connection with populations from the southern hemisphere. We identified 295 individuals using photo‐identification of dorsal fins, including 58 calves, and the population estimate for a single season was 100–300 solitary adults plus 25–50 mothers with calves; the estimated population of animals across all seasons using a mark and recapture model was over 1,000. Eight of the 139 fluke identifications were matched to whales in photograph catalogues from the Antarctic Peninsula and a ninth was matched to a whale sighted in Chilean waters; four of these nine individuals have also been sighted in Colombia. We conclude that Panama (Las Perlas Archipelago in particular) is an important calving area for humpback whales in the Southern Hemisphere. These data should provide a foundation for monitoring of population change and to increase awareness in Panama about the need to manage vessel traffic and tourism related to the whales at Las Perlas.  相似文献   

测定了乐山棒花鱼(Abbottina kiatingensis)繁殖期形态特征包括体长、头长、头宽、头高、吻长、眼后头长、眼径、眼间距、体高、尾柄长、尾柄高、尾鳍长、背鳍基前距、背鳍基长、腹鳍基前距、腹臀间距、体重和去内脏体重的两性异形和雌性个体生育力。繁殖期雄性个体的数量显著多于雌性个体,雌雄两性个体的体长差异不显著。特定体长的雌性个体的头长、头宽、头高、吻长、眼后头长、尾柄高、背鳍基前距、背鳍基长和去内脏体重显著小于雄性个体,其余指标不存在明显的差异。回归分析表明,乐山棒花鱼的怀卵数量与体长和体重回归关系显著,雌性通过个体大小(体长和体重)的增加来提高个体生育力。  相似文献   

As part of their social sound repertoire, migrating humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) perform a large variety of surface‐active behaviors, such as breaching and repetitive slapping of the pectoral fins and tail flukes; however, little is known about what factors influence these behaviors and what their functions might be. We investigated the potential functions of surface‐active behaviors in humpback whale groups by examining the social and environmental contexts in which they occurred. Focal observations on 94 different groups of whales were collected in conjunction with continuous acoustic monitoring, and data on the social and environmental context of each group. We propose that breaching may play a role in communication between distant groups as the probability of observing this behavior decreased significantly when the nearest whale group was within 4,000 m compared to beyond 4,000 m. Involvement in group interactions, such as the splitting of a group or a group joining with other whales, was an important factor in predicting the occurrence of pectoral, fluke, and peduncle slapping, and we suggest that they play a role in close‐range or within‐group communication. This study highlights the potentially important and diverse roles of surface‐active behaviors in the communication of migrating humpback whales.  相似文献   

A new species of hillstream loach Balitora eddsi is described from the Karnali River drainage in south‐western Nepal. The new species is distinguished from all its congeners by possessing the following combination of characters: six to seven unbranched pectoral‐fin rays, pelvic‐fin length 12–14% standard length (LS), dorsal surface without circular or irregular shaped dark blotches, snout pointed, median lobe between anterior rostral barbels pointed posteriorly, dorsal‐fin origin posterior to pelvic‐fin origin, lateral line scales 66–67, caudal peduncle length 22–23·2% LS, caudal peduncle depth 4·1–4·2 times its length.  相似文献   

Aim Entanglement in fishing gear is recognized as a potentially significant source of serious injury and mortality for humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in some parts of their range. In recent years, the number of humpback whales reported to have been entangled in Alaska has increased. In 2003–04 we quantified the prevalence of non‐lethal entanglements of humpback whales in northern Southeast Alaska (SEAK) with the ultimate goal of informing management discussions of the entanglement issue for the Central North Pacific stock of humpback whales. Location The near‐shore waters of northern Southeast Alaska. Methods We photographed individual humpback whales’ caudal peduncles as they dived and then examined the photographs for scars indicative of a previous entanglement. Results The percentage of whales assessed to have been non‐lethally entangled at some time in their lives ranged from 52% (minimal estimate) to 71% (conditional estimate) to 78% (maximal estimate). Of these, the conditional estimate is recommended because it is based solely on unambiguous scars. Eight per cent of the whales in one portion of the study area (Glacier Bay/Icy Strait) acquired new entanglement scars between 2003 and 2004, although the sample size was small. Calves were less likely than older whales to have entanglement scars, and males may be at higher risk than females. Whales with more photographs and/or photographic coverage may be more likely to be assessed as having been entangled than whales with fewer photographs and/or coverage. Main conclusions Caudal peduncle scars reveal that the majority of humpback whales in northern SEAK have been entangled. Comparison with statistics on reported entanglements suggests that most whales apparently shed the gear on their own, unless humans are disentangling whales much more often than is reported. While cumulative estimates of the percentage of whales with entanglement scars (e.g. the conditional estimate) provide useful baseline information, future efforts should focus on monitoring the annual rate of entanglement scar acquisition as a more powerful measure of contemporary entanglement rates. Our findings indicate that entanglement of humpback whales in fishing gear in SEAK is a management issue warranting increased attention. A proactive approach is needed to address the problem and to identify and implement preventive measures.  相似文献   

A new cave‐dwelling loach of the genus Triplophysa, T. xichouensis, is described from an outlet of a subterranean river in Xisa Town, Xichou County, Yunnan Province, China. It can be distinguished from its congeners by the following characters: dorsal‐fin rays iii, 8; anal‐fin rays ii, 6; pectoral‐fin rays i, 9 or 10; pelvic‐fin rays i, 5 or 6; branched caudal‐fin rays 16(8+8); eyes highly degenerated to a very tiny black dot; dorsal‐fin origin closer to snout tip than to caudal‐fin base and anterior to vertical line of pelvic‐fin origin; pectoral fin length about two‐thirds the distance between pectoral‐fin origin to pelvic‐fin origin; caudal peduncle slender, its length about three times its depth; caudal fin emarginate; body smooth and scaleless; lateral line complete and straight; anterior chamber of air bladder wrapped in dumbbell‐shaped bony capsule and the posterior one well developed, long, oval; intestine short, bending in zigzag shape behind stomach. A key for the cave‐dwelling species of Triplophysa is provided. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:9162FFB1‐7911‐47C3‐AE50‐6A00E9590327  相似文献   

After 80 years of misidentifications, the analysis of the holotype of Corydoras arcuatus plus several non-type specimens attributed to this species allowed its recognition and also revealed a new species, both sharing the following diagnostic features: a long, arched, continuous black stripe that runs parallel to the dorsal profile of the body and extends at least from the anterior margin of the first dorsolateral body plate to the posterior portion of caudal peduncle; absence of transverse black bars on caudal fin; infraorbital 2 in contact with sphenotic and compound pterotic. In addition to these features, C. arcuatus can be distinguished from congeners by having the posterior margin of both dorsal and pectoral spines with laminar serrations directed towards their origins. The new species can be additionally distinguished from its congeners by presenting the following combination of features: ventral surface of trunk entirely or partially covered by relatively large and coalescent platelets; absence of spots or blotches on dorsal fin; and posterior margin of both dorsal and pectoral spines with serrations directed towards their tips. Finally, an identification key to all arc-striped species of Corydoras is provided.  相似文献   

Historical harvesting pushed many whale species to the brink of extinction. Although most Southern Hemisphere populations are slowly recovering, the influence of future climate change on their recovery remains unknown. We investigate the impacts of two anthropogenic pressures—historical commercial whaling and future climate change—on populations of baleen whales (blue, fin, humpback, Antarctic minke, southern right) and their prey (krill and copepods) in the Southern Ocean. We use a climate–biological coupled “Model of Intermediate Complexity for Ecosystem Assessments” (MICE) that links krill and whale population dynamics with climate change drivers, including changes in ocean temperature, primary productivity and sea ice. Models predict negative future impacts of climate change on krill and all whale species, although the magnitude of impacts on whales differs among populations. Despite initial recovery from historical whaling, models predict concerning declines under climate change, even local extinctions by 2100, for Pacific populations of blue, fin and southern right whales, and Atlantic/Indian fin and humpback whales. Predicted declines were a consequence of reduced prey (copepods/krill) from warming and increasing interspecific competition between whale species. We model whale population recovery under an alternative scenario whereby whales adapt their migratory patterns to accommodate changing sea ice in the Antarctic and a shifting prey base. Plasticity in range size and migration was predicted to improve recovery for ice‐associated blue and minke whales. Our study highlights the need for ongoing protection to help depleted whale populations recover, as well as local management to ensure the krill prey base remains viable, but this may have limited success without immediate action to reduce emissions.  相似文献   

Near the Kodiak Archipelago, fin (Balaenoptera physalus) and humpback (Megaptera novaeangliae) whales frequently overlap spatially and temporally. The Gulf Apex Predator‐prey study (GAP) investigated the prey use and potential prey partitioning between these sympatric species by combining concurrent analysis of vertical whale distribution with acoustic assessment of pelagic prey. Acoustic backscatter was classified as consistent with either fish or zooplankton. Whale dive depths were determined through suction cup tags. Tagged humpback whales (n = 10) were most often associated with distribution of fish, except when zooplankton density was very high. Associations between the dive depths of tagged fin whales (n = 4) and the vertical distribution of either prey type were less conclusive. However, prey assessment methods did not adequately describe the distribution of copepods, a potentially significant resource for fin whales. Mean dive parameters showed no significant difference between species when compared across all surveys. However, fin whales spent a greater proportion of dive time in the foraging phase than humpbacks, suggesting a possible difference in foraging efficiency between the two. These results suggest that humpback and fin whales may target different prey, with the greatest potential for diet overlap occurring when the density of zooplankton is very high.  相似文献   

Logbook data from California shore whaling stations at Moss Landing (1919–1922 and 1924) and Trinidad (1920 and 1922–1926) are analyzed. The logs for the two stations record the taking of 2,111 whales, including 1,871 humpbacks, 177 fin whales, 26 sei whales, 3 blue whales, 12 sperm whales, 7 gray whales, 1 right whale, 1 Baird's beaked whale, and 13 whales of unspecified type (probably humpbacks). Most whales were taken from spring to autumn, but catches were made in all months of some years. The sex ratios of humpback, fin, and sei whales (the three species with sufficient sample sizes to test) did not differ from parity. Primary prey, determined from stomach contents, included sardines and euphausiids for both humpback and fin whales, and 'plankton' (probably euphausiids) for sei whales. The prevalence of pregnancy was 0.46 among mature female humpbacks and 0.43 among mature female fin whales, although these values are reported with caution. Information on length distribution for all species is summarized. Analysis of the catch data for this and other areas supports the current view that humpback whales along the west coast of the continental United States comprise a single feeding stock and also suggests that the present population is well below pre-exploitation levels.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships in the Cetacean suborder Mysticeti (baleen whales) have recently been the focus of increased attention. Here, we examine the evolutionary history of this group by comparing genealogies derived from Y chromosome and mitochondrial DNA sequences. We generated topologies based on paternally and maternally inherited characters for males from nine baleen whale species, including representatives of three families (Balaenidae, Eschrichtiidae, and Balaenopteridae) and four genera (Balaena, Eschrichtius, Balaenoptera, and Megaptera). Divergence among species was fifteen times greater for mtDNA than for Y-specific DNA. Both mtDNA and yDNA topologies revealed the family Balaenopteridae to be paraphyletic, but this relationship was neither strongly supported nor consistent across phylogenetic analysis methodologies. Humpback and fin whales, representing different genera, were reciprocally monophyletic sister species according to mtDNA. Although the monophyly of fin whales decayed for yDNA, a close relationship between fin and humpback whales was retained in yDNA trees. The paraphyly of fin whales and the long branch leading to humpback whales for the yDNA marker may suggest life history differences between these species. Specifically, male humpback whales showed higher than average divergence from other baleen whales at yDNA, although not at mtDNA, suggesting a potential for smaller effective population sizes among male humpbacks on an evolutionary timescale. The observation that those species that have been found to hybridize in nature (blue/fin and blue/humpback) do not reveal evidence for paraphyly for either maternal or paternal markers suggests that introgressive hybridization has not historically been extensive and thus may not represent a substantial source of phylogenetic error for Mysticeti.  相似文献   

A new species of bitterling, Acheilognathus striatus sp. nov., is described on the basis of 57 specimens collected from the lower Yangtze River in Jiangxi Province, China. It can be distinguished from all congeners by the following combined characters: a pair of relatively long barbels, slightly longer than half of eye diameter; dorsal fin with three simple and 8–9 branched fin rays, anal fin with three simple and 7–8 branched fin rays; a black longitudinal stripe on body from the base of caudal peduncle, distinctly reaching anteriorly to the vertical line from the origin of dorsal fin, broader in males than in females; a scale distance between the longitudinal stripe and lateral line below the origin of dorsal fin; dorsal and anal fin margined with black band in males.  相似文献   

黄颡鱼的两性异形和雌性繁殖特征   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
测定了黄颡鱼成体的体长、头长、头宽、头高、吻长、眼径、眼间距、眼后头长、体高、尾柄高、背鳍基前距、背鳍基长、尾柄长、腹鳍基前距、背鳍脂鳍间距、腹鳍臀鳍间距、尾鳍长、体重、去内脏体重等形态指标以及雌体的怀卵数量。雌性成体的体长显著小于雄性成体。其它局部特征皆与体长呈正相关,回归剩余值的t—检验表明,雌性成体的眼径、头高、体高、腹鳍基前距、体重显著大于雄性成体,其它局部形态特征不存在显著的两性差异。黄颡鱼雌体通过个体大小的增加和腹部形态的改变增加腹腔容量,增加繁殖输出。  相似文献   

Based on our reexamination of the 9 specimens including the neotype, Bregmaceros lanceolatus is recharacterized and diagnosed by the following combination of features: caudal fin rounded; scales present on gill cover; dorsal surface of snout unpigmented or with a few chromatophores; isthmus pigmented with punctate chromatophores; two parapophyses on abdominal vertebrae; dorsal rays (D) 65–74; anal rays (A) 67–74; vertebrae (V) 58–61; longitudinal scales (LS) ca. 82–88; principal caudal rays (PC) 16–18; head length (HL)/standard length (SL) 14.0–15.5%; caudal peduncle depth/SL 3.2–4.2%. Based on 27 specimens, B. pseudolanceolatus sp. nov. is described. This species is closely similar to B. lanceolatus, but is diagnosed by the following combination of features: caudal fin rounded; scales present on gill cover; dense concentration of chromatophores on dorsal surface of snout; isthmus colorless; one board-like parapophysis on the last three abdominal vertebrae; D 58–64; A 58–67; V 52–55; LS ca. 68–77; PC 14–16; HL 15.5–18.4% SL; caudal peduncle depth 4.1–5.2% SL. Bregmaceros pseudolanceolatus is known from around the Taiwan Strait, southern East China Sea, South China Sea, Gulf of Thailand, Timor Sea, Arafura Sea, and eastern Bay of Bengal.  相似文献   

在整理华缨鱼属标本时发现,1993年9月在广西壮族自治区天峨县红水河水系地下河采集到的一批标本为一个未经发表的新种,新种订名为大眼华缨鱼(Sinocrossocheilus megalophthalmus)。其下咽齿2行,可与下咽齿3行的7种华缨鱼相区别,而与属内同样具2行下咽齿的贵州华缨鱼(S.guizhouensis)、小口华缨鱼(S.microstomatus)和宽唇华缨鱼(S.labiatus)亲缘关系较近。但:(1)新种胸鳍中点上方无黑斑,背鳍分枝鳍条7,腹鳍分枝鳍条7,背鳍前鳞15—16,眼大,头长为眼径2·5—3·1倍,眼径为头宽44·7%—57·8%,吻须后伸至前后鼻孔之间或眼前缘,口角须后伸至眼前缘至眼中之间或眼中至眼后缘之间,体长为尾柄高8·9—10·7倍,头长为吻长2·5—3·7倍,可与贵州华缨鱼(胸鳍中点上方有一明显黑斑,背鳍分枝鳍条8,腹鳍分枝鳍条8,背鳍前鳞12—14,头长为眼径4·0—5·0倍,眼径为头宽16·6%—20·7%,吻须后伸不达后鼻孔后缘,口角须后伸至眼前缘,体长为尾柄高7·2—8·2倍,头长为吻长1·9—2·2倍)相区别;(2)新种背鳍前鳞15—16,侧线鳞39—40,侧线上鳞4·5—5·5,背鳍分枝鳍条7,鳃耙13,腹鳍末端伸达肛门,眼径为头宽44·7%—57·8%,可与宽唇华缨鱼(背鳍前鳞22,侧线鳞42—45,侧线上鳞6·5,背鳍分枝鳍条8,鳃耙10,腹鳍末端不达肛门,眼径为头宽23·3%—30·0%)相区别;(3)新种与同水系的小口华缨鱼在鳍条数、侧线鳞、体色、斑纹等方面最为相似,但新种围尾柄鳞14/16,眼大,头长为眼径2·5—3·1倍,腹鳍末端伸达肛门,口角须后伸至眼前缘至眼中之间或眼中至眼后缘之间,吻皮边缘深裂成小穗,背鳍起点距吻端较距尾鳍基为近,背鳍长大于头长,体长为尾柄长4·8—5·9倍,头长为吻长2·5—3·7倍,尾柄长为尾柄高1·6—2·1倍,可与之(围尾柄鳞12,眼小,头为眼径4·4—4·6倍,腹鳍末端不达肛门,口角须伸达眼下方,吻皮边缘不开裂或开裂不明显,背鳍起点距吻端等于距尾鳍基,背鳍条约等于头长,体长为尾柄长6·1—6·4倍,头长为吻长2·1—2·4倍,尾柄长为尾柄高1·4—1·5倍)相区别。  相似文献   

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