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The ability of the food-borne pathogen Listeria monocytogenes to tolerate bile is critical to its successful infection and colonization in the human gastrointestinal tract. Using comparative proteomics, a total of 48 proteins were identified in this study in the presence of moderate (0.3 %) or high (3 %) level of bile salts in the wild-type strain EGD. Identified proteins fell into 14 functional categories covering most of the biochemical functions of bacterial cells, indicating that there were complex physiological mechanisms involved in L. monocytogenes tolerance of bile stress. Among them, 16, 14, and 18 proteins were expressed differently in the isogenic deletion mutants of L. monocytogenes EGDΔsigB, EGDΔprfA, and EGDΔprfAΔsigB, respectively, compared with their parent strain EGD at corresponding concentrations of bile salts. All proteins identified in EGDΔsigB and EGDΔprfAΔsigB were all down-expressed in the presence of bile salts, whereas several proteins were up-expressed in EGDΔprfA, in particular at the high level of bile (3 %), indicating that SigB plays an essential positive role in L. monocytogenes tolerance of bile stress and that the negative effect of PrfA may facilitate its survival in bile in the gastrointestinal tract before its successful colonization and invasion.  相似文献   

Analytical review of the literature data on interaction constant of cholinesterases from different animal (vertebrates and squids) with 45 bis-onium reversible inhibitors forming homologous series with regularly varied structure has been carried out. Values of the competitive, uncompetitive and generalized inhibitor constants are compared. Interspecies and intraspecies differences in sensitivity of ChE are revealed. Results of conformational analysis of the investigated ligand molecules are presented. The data on population of individual conformations are compared with the data on anticholinesterase potency. Conclusions are made on the action mechanism of the investigated compounds and predominant place of their sorption. The presented data are considered from the point of view of comparative biochemistry and in the light of current information about the active center structure of cholinesterases.  相似文献   

Analytical review of literature data has been presented about constants of interaction of cholinesterases of various animals (verterbrates and squids) with 89 onium (ammonium, phosphonium, and sulfonium) reversible inhibitors forming homologous series with regularly changed structure. Values of competitive, uncompetitive, and generalized inhibition constants have been compared. On this basis, conclusions are made about mechanism of action of the studied compounds and the predominant areas of their sorption--in the or peripheral sites of the enzymes. The presented data are discussed from the point of view of comparative biochemistry and in the light of the current information about structure of the cholinesterase active center.  相似文献   

The analytic review of the literature data on constants of interaction of cholinesterases of different animal (vertebrates and squids) with 89 onium (ammonium, phosphonium, sulfonium) reversible inhibitors constituting homologous series with regularly varied structure is carried out. Values of the competitive, uncompetitive and generalized inhibitor constants are compared. On the basis of that, conclusions about the mechanism of action of the studied compounds and primary place of their sorption—in “anionic” or peripheral “anionic” sites of enzymes—are made. The presented data are considered from the point of view of comparative biochemistry and in light of current concepts of cholinesterase active center structure.  相似文献   

Nonconjugative R-plasmids pBS76 and pBS94 (Sm Su), pBS95 and pBS96 (Sm Su Ap) isolated from clinical strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and plasmids pKMR281-pKMN284 (Sm Su), pKMR285-pKMR286 (Sm Su Tc) isolated from clinical strains of enterobacteria have been studied. Restriction maps of these plasmids are presented in the paper with some of plasmid genes for antibiotic resistance localized on them. The resistance determinants of plasmids pBS95 and pBS96 are shown to be included in transposon Tn3612 analogous to Tn3. Plasmids pBS76, pBS94-96 are of the wide host range and belong to incompatibility group P4 (IncQ). Plasmids pKMR281-pKMR286 are mutually incompatible and share the conspicuous DNA homology. They are inherited only by enterobacteria and are compatible with IncQ plasmids but in contrast to them are mobilized by RP4 plasmid with lower frequency.  相似文献   

Analytical review of literature data has been carried out about kinetic parameters of cholinesterases (ChE) of various animals (vertebrates and squids) with 45 reversible bis-onium inhibitors forming homologous series with regularly changing structure. Values of competitive, non-competitive, and generalized inhibitory constants are compared. Interspecies and intraspecies differences are revealed in sensitivity of ChE to bis-onium inhibitors. Results of conformational analysis of molecules of the studied ligands are presented. Data on population of individual conformations are compared with values of anticholinesterase efficiency. Conclusions are made about mechanisms of action of the studied compounds and the predominant site of their sorption. The presented data are discussed from the point of view of comparative enzymology and in the light of the current information about structure of active center of cholinesterases.  相似文献   

Using the methods of factor and cluster analysis, the statistical treatment is performed of data on interaction of seven cholinesterases (ChE)—human acetylcholinesterase, horse butyrylcholinesterase, cholinesterases of frog brain and of different squid species (Todarodes pacificus and Berrytheutis magister, in the latter case, individuals from three different habitats are compared)—with 141 reversible inhibitors of various structures. Statistically significant differences between ChE of squids and vertebrates are shown. The previously revealed intraspecies peculiarities of ChE in the Commander squid B. magister are statistically confirmed.  相似文献   

New formulas for deriving the sensitivities of stable stage structures and reproductive values to changes in vital rates are presented. They enable comparison of the sensities to changes of different elements in the projection matrix; in other words, comparison of partial derivatives of the eigenvectors. These kinds of sensitivities can be used in applied problems such as an analysis of the effect of harvesting on the population structure. However, in this paper, we examine the application of the sensitivities in a more general ecological context. We investigate why the stable stage structure of the mustard aphid,Lipaphis erysimi, changes very little in the temperature interval 10–30°C. The sensitivities of the stable stage structure at 15°C and 25°C were derived. The character of the sensitivites were the same in both temperatures although the stage structure was more sensitive to changes at 15°C than at 25°C. The sensitivity analysis also revealed that the temperature variation results in changes in fecundity and developmental rate that have a counteractive effect on the population structure.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Tumors develop mechanisms to escape recognition by the immune system. It has recently been demonstrated that tumors cause apoptotic death of key immune cells, including the major antigen-presenting cells, dendritic cells (DC). Elimination of DC from the tumor environment significantly diminishes development of specific immunologic responses. We have recently demonstrated that tumor-induced DC apoptosis could be prevented by overexpression of the anti-apoptotic molecule Bcl-x(L). The aim of this study was to identify extrinsic and intrinsic tumor-induced apoptotic pathways in DC by targeting different anti-apoptotic molecules, including FLIP, XIAP/hILP, dominant-negative procaspase-9 and HSP70. METHODS: Murine bone marrow derived DC were transduced with adenoviral vectors carrying different anti-apoptotic molecules and co-incubated with tumor cells in a Transwell system. Apoptosis of DC was assessed by Annexin V and PI staining. RESULTS: We have demonstrated that adenoviral infection of DC with genes encoding different anti-apoptotic molecules exhibits different degrees of resistance to melanoma-induced apoptosis. Furthermore, we have shown that anti-apoptotic molecules other than the Bcl-2 family of proteins are able to protect DC and prevent tumor-induced apoptosis in DC. CONCLUSIONS: The results show that tumor-induced apoptosis of DC is not limited to the mitochondrial pathway of cell death and open additional possibilities for targeted molecular protection of DC longevity in cancer. Therefore, effective protection of DC from tumor-induced apoptosis may significantly improve the efficacy of DC-based therapies for cancer.  相似文献   

Using the methods of factor and cluster analysis, the statistical treatment is performed of data on interaction of 7 cholinesterases (ChE)--human acetylcholinesterase, horse butyrylcholinesterase, cholinesterases of frog brain and of various squid species (Todarodes pacificus and Berrytheutis magister; in the latter case, individuals from three different habitats are compared)--with 141 reversible inhibitors of various structures. Statistically significant differences between ChE of squids and vertebrates are shown. The previously revealed intraspecies peculiarities of ChE in the Commander squid B. magister are statistically confirmed.  相似文献   

Kir channels are important in setting the resting membrane potential and modulating membrane excitability. A common feature of Kir2 channels and several other ion channels that has emerged in recent years is that they are regulated by cholesterol, a major lipid component of the plasma membrane whose excess is associated with multiple pathological conditions. Yet, the mechanism by which cholesterol affects channel function is not clear. We have recently shown that the sensitivity of Kir2 channels to cholesterol depends on residues in the CD loop of the cytosolic domain of the channels with one of the mutations, L222I, abrogating cholesterol sensitivity of the channels completely. Here we show that in addition to Kir2 channels, members of other Kir subfamilies are also regulated by cholesterol. Interestingly, while similarly to Kir2 channels, several Kir channels, Kir1.1, Kir4.1 and Kir6.2Delta36 were suppressed by an increase in membrane cholesterol, the function of Kir3.4* and Kir7.1 was enhanced following cholesterol enrichment. Furthermore, we show that independent of the impact of cholesterol on channel function, mutating residues in the corresponding positions of the CD loop in Kir2.1 and Kir3.4*, inhibits cholesterol sensitivity of Kir channels, thus extending the critical role of the CD loop beyond Kir2 channels.  相似文献   

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