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A rapid and simple method is described for the isolation of DNA from phage lambda which requires neither special equipment nor expensive material such as cesium chloride for ultracentrifugation nor extractions with organic solvents or ethanol precipitation. Microgram quantities of lambda DNA are obtained in less than 2 h from 90-mm plate lysates or 5-ml liquid cultures. The method allows the simultaneous isolation of large numbers of probes, e.g., clones from phage libraries. Lambda phages are precipitated by polyethylene glycol/sodium chloride and recovered by low speed centrifugation onto glass fiber filters positioned in disposable syringes. The DNA of phages is released by a 50% formamide/4 M sodium perchlorate solution, washed in filter-bound form, eluted with a small volume of low-salt buffer or water, and finally recovered by centrifugation. Comparison of the DNA isolated by this method with that obtained by two conventional procedures reveals both a similar recovery and a similar suitability for restriction enzyme digestion and subcloning.  相似文献   

A modified procedure in two versions (micro, for 10 ml of phage lysate, and macro, for 200-500 ml) is described for preparing lambda phage DNA. The main advantage of the modified method is that it gives a possibility to isolate high-quality DNA from lambda phage lysates in 2-3 hrs. Only standard solutions (TE, NaCl, SDS, MgCl2, EDTA, RNAse A) were used throughout the whole protocol. Incubation with DNAse I and proteinase K was omitted and in microvariant concentration of the phage by PEG 6000 was excluded. Digestion by RNAse A was performed in solution with EDTA and SDS and leads to RNA degradation. The yields of DNA (0.5-2 micrograms per ml of L-broth) are similar to those obtained by other methods. DNA quality is better than in the samples of DNA prepared by other express-methods and practically the same as after CsCl centrifugation. DNA can be used for splitting by restriction enzymes, cloning and gene library construction.  相似文献   

New cosmid vectors developed for eukaryotic DNA cloning   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
A series of ColE1 and pSC101 cosmid vectors have been constructed suitable for cloning large stretches of DNA. All contain a single BamHI site allowing cloning of Sau3A, MboI, BglII, BclI , and BamHI-generated fragments. These vectors have the following characteristics: (i) they are relatively small (1.7-3.4 kb); (ii) the BamHI cloning site is flanked by restriction enzyme sites enabling direct cloning of unfractionated insert DNA without generating multiple insert or vector ligation products [ Ish - Horowitz and Burke, Nucl . Acids Res. 9 (1981) 2989-2998]; (iii) two vectors ( pHSG272 and pHSG274 ) contain a hybrid Tn5 KmR/ G418R gene which is selectable in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, making them suitable for transferring DNA into eukaryotic cells, and (iv) the different prokaryotic selectable markers available in the other vectors described facilitate cosmid rescue of the transferred DNA sequences from the eukaryotic cell: CmR, ApR, KmR, ( pHSG429 ), CmR, ( pHSG439 ), colicin E1 immunity ( pHSG250 ), (v) the cosmid pHSG272 was used successfully to construct a shuttle vector based on the BPVI replicon [ Matthias et al., EMBO J. 2 (1983) 1487-1492].  相似文献   

Isolation and structure of phage lambda head-mutant DNA   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
High molecular weight DNA accumulates in bacteria in which λ is multiplying but cannot complete the formation of new phage particles due to a defect in head assembly. Accumulated λ DNA has been isolated from induced mitomycin C-treated lysogens by means of a shift in buoyant density labels from heavy to light and fractionation by density-gradient sedimentation for completely light DNA. Head formation was blocked in these lysogens by amber mutations in genes D or E, which specify the two major head proteins. The purified DNA is at least 80% λ by DNA-DNA hybridization and some preparations are close to 100% λ by this test.  相似文献   

We describe a new phage-lambda-replicon-based cosmid vector suitable for both chromosome walking and P-element-mediated transformation in Drosophila. Its unique BamHI cloning site is flanked by the promoters for the SP6 and T7-encoded RNA polymerases, permitting the synthesis of probes complementary to the ends of the cloned inserts for library screening. The selectable marker is tet for bacterial cell transformation and neo for Drosophila transformation expressed under the control of the Drosophila hsp70 promoter.  相似文献   

Gentle methods for minicell lysis and lysate fractionation have been elaborated: lysis by T4 lysozyme without detergents, and fractionation by equilibrium sedimentation in a metrizamide density gradient, both at low ionic strength. In the lysates of phage-lambda-infected minicells the lambda DNA, trapped at a prereplicative step [Witkiewicz, H. and Taylor, K. (1979) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 564, 31-36], appeared in two peaks of different buoyant densities: as a membrane-bound and a free lambda DNA. The covalently-closed-circular form of lambda DNA appeared exclusively in the membrane fraction. The lambda-coded proteins, synthesized in lambda-infected minicells, appeared in two major fractions: as membrane-bound and as free proteins, and in one minor fraction, bound with free lambda DNA. Neither lambda protein engaged in the initiation of DNA replication was present in the fraction of free proteins: the P-gene product was membrane-associated, and the O-gene product formed a complex with free lambda DNA. The effect of high ionic strength (KCl) and of detergents (Triton X-100 and sarcosyl) on the binding of replication proteins with lambda DNA and with the membrane was studied. The non-ionic detergent, Triton X-100 caused displacement of a part of lambda DNA from the membrane to the free lambda DNA peak; both lambda replication proteins were bound with free lambda DNA. The binding of the O protein with lambda DNA was relatively stable, but was destroyed by the ionic detergent, sarcosyl.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage lambda gt11 has been used quite extensively for producing cDNA libraries. The cDNA inserts are usually subcloned into a plasmid vector for large scale production and analysis. However, isolating the recombinant DNA of interest from the phage clones can be a tedious task. Since the E. coli strain Y1088 used for lambda gt11 phage infection carries a pBR322-derived plasmid endogenously, we reasoned that this endogenous plasmid could be used directly for cloning the cDNA phage insert. In this report, we describe a method in which cDNA inserts from lambda gt11 phage were cloned directly into the pBR322 plasmid vector, bypassing the time-consuming procedures of preparing plasmid DNA as a subcloning vector. This method is likely to be extended to the cloning of DNA inserts derived from other phage lambda vectors when bacteria containing endogenous pBR322 are used as host cells.  相似文献   

Summary An in vivo cloning system based on mini-Mu derivatives was used for cloning of E. coli penicillin G acylase gene (pac). We have constructed several recombinant clones producing penicillin G acylase and some of them exhibit approximately two times higher activity than original strains.  相似文献   

Two polynucleotides containing 33 monomeric units were synthesized by a solid-phase phosphotriester method. These polynucleotides form a duplex with protruding 5'-ends, which allows to clone the duplex in EcoRI site of a cloning vehicle. Each polynucleotide was purified by electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel, and the duplex obtained was cloned in EcoRI site of pUR 222 plasmid DNA. The structure of the cloned duplex containing the "core" att site of phage lambda was confirmed by sequencing.  相似文献   

Campbell A 《Molecular cell》2002,9(5):928-929
Physical and genetic studies verify that the DNA binding domain of protein gpNu1 (which initiates packaging of phage lambda DNA) is a winged helix-turn-helix (w HTH) and that gpNu1 dimers bind sites that are brought close through DNA bending.  相似文献   

Infectivity of phage P2 DNA in presence of helper phage   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Summary Phenol extracted deoxyribonucleic acid of temperate bacteriophage P2 infects E. coli strains C and K 12 with about equal efficiency. Infection occurs only if the bacteria exposed to P2 DNA are simultaneously infected with a related helper phage. Deoxyribonuclease completely destroys the infectivity of the DNA extract. The kinetics of the development of competence and the dependence of the number of infectious units on the multiplicity of infection of helper phage are compared with those of the DNA system. The molecular weight of P2 DNA was determined by sedimentation in a sucrose density gradient to be 2.20±0.2x107.  相似文献   

Isolation of lambda phage DNA by hydroxylapatite chromatography   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A simple and rapid (1 day) method for preparation of lambda phage DNA was proposed. The method included two main steps: (a) growth and lysis of bacteria containing lambda phage and (b) purification of lambda phage DNA by hydroxylapatite chromatography. The phage DNA prepared by this method was intact and free of RNA, proteins, and bacterial DNA.  相似文献   

Rapid and efficient cosmid cloning   总被引:455,自引:81,他引:455       下载免费PDF全文
We present a procedure for cosmid cloning that allows rapid and efficient cloning of individual DNA fragments of between 32kb and 45kb. By appropriate treatment of the cloning vector, pJb8, we make left-hand and right-hand vector ends that are incapable of self-ligation but which accept dephosporylated insert DNA fragments. The inserted fragments are generated by partial digestion with MboI or Sau3A and are dephosphorylated to prevent ligation and insertion of non-contiguous fragments. The method eliminates the need to size the insert DNA fragments and prevents formation of clones containing short or multiple inserts. 1 microgram of target Drosophila DNA gives about 5 x 10(5) clones, with an average insert size of 38kb. We also describe a rapid and efficient method for preparing plasmid and cosmid DNA.  相似文献   

Summary Concatenand molecules of lambda DNA were formed even in a recombination dificient system (Int-Red-Rec-) in the late stage of phage growth. No significant difference was observed in the formation of concatemers between recombination deficient and proficient systems. These results suggest that concatemer formation is an intrinsic nature of replication in the late stage. The possibility of concatemer formation by molecular exchanges which do not contribute genetic recombination is not excluded.This paper is the sixth of a series Replication of bacteriophage DNA the fourth and fifth of which are J. Tomizawa, and Y. Sakakibara and J. Tomizawa in Bacteriophage lambda ed. A. D. Hershey, Cold Spring Harbor, N. Y. in press.  相似文献   

A new amber mutation of phage with the gene coding synthesis of beta-galactosidase was received by recombination. With the help of transfection DNA isolated from this phage the transfer of the gene coding the beta-galactosidase synthesis to the recipient phage-resistant E. coli cell was realized. The suggested model can be used for the gene transfer to the recipient phage-resistant cells or other species of bacteria with transfection DNA.  相似文献   

A small cosmid for efficient cloning of large DNA fragments   总被引:290,自引:0,他引:290  
B Hohn  J Collins 《Gene》1980,11(3-4):291-298
The production and use of the 6 kb cosmid pHC79, a derivative of pBR322, is described. It can be used for cloning of fragments cleaved by EcoRI, ClaI, BamHI (also BglII, BclI, Sau3A and MboI), SalI (also XhoI and AvaI), EcaI and PstI. Hybrid cosmids containing inserts in the size range of 40 kb are packaged in vitro and transduced with an efficiency of 5 X 10(4) - 5 X 10(5) clones/microgram of insert DNA. Prefractionation of the DNA fragments to be cloned into 40 kb sized fragments ensures the cloning of contiguous stretches of DNA. Proteins produced in vitro by the cosmid pHC79 are identical to the ones produced by its pBR322 parent.  相似文献   

Summary We have constructed a strain of Salmonella typhimurium which contains the malB region from Escherichia coli and carries the bacteriophage receptor protein in its outer membrane. Phage adsorbs to this strain but cannot grow, thus providing a very useful system for transposon mutagenesis of S. typhimurium using vehicles carrying transposons. This system can also be used for cosmid cloning.  相似文献   

Summary A general in vivo procedure for cloning Escherichia coli genes into cosmids has been developed. The method we describe here uses a deleted Mu phage (a mini-Mu) to transpose E. coli genes into cosmids during mini-Mu replication. The resulting cosmids clones are packaged in-vivo into phage particles. Plasmids carrying a particular DNA sequence can be selectively recovered after infection of a new host with the in vivo constructed genomic cosmid library. This system was used succesfully to clone several E. coli genes.Dedicated to Dr. Luis F. Leloir on the occasion of his 80th birthday, September 6, 1986  相似文献   

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