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Plasmid fitness is directed by two orthogonal processes—vertical transfer through cell division and horizontal transfer through conjugation. When considered individually, improvements in either mode of transfer can promote how well a plasmid spreads and persists. Together, however, the metabolic cost of conjugation could create a tradeoff that constrains plasmid evolution. Here, we present evidence for the presence, consequences, and molecular basis of a conjugation‐growth tradeoff across 40 plasmids derived from clinical Escherichia coli pathogens. We discover that most plasmids operate below a conjugation efficiency threshold for major growth effects, indicating strong natural selection for vertical transfer. Below this threshold, E. coli demonstrates a remarkable growth tolerance to over four orders of magnitude change in conjugation efficiency. This tolerance fades as nutrients become scarce and horizontal transfer attracts a greater share of host resources. Our results provide insight into evolutionary constraints directing plasmid fitness and strategies to combat the spread of antibiotic resistance.  相似文献   

Summary We cloned and sequenced a 402 by DNA segment containing the origin of conjugal transfer (oriT) of the IncW plasmid R388. Progressive deletions from each end of the sequence were assayed for oriT activity. Stepwise reductions in mobilization frequencies, representing the loss of functional elements, correlated with deletion of structural motifs in the sequence. A sequence of 330 by of oriT was sufficient for efficient mobilization. The first 86 by of the sequence contains five tandemly repeated DNA sequences of 11 bp, followed by a 10 by perfect inverted repeat. Deletion of the first 95 by reduced the frequency of transfer by a hundred-fold. The sequence between by 183 and 218 was necessary and sufficient for low frequency mobilization and, thus, it was assumed to contain the nick site. This basis core was cloned as a 60 by segment (from by 176–236) that could be mobilized at low frequency. It includes two inverted repeats and a perfect integration host factor (IHF) consensus binding site. A third functionally important segment in oriT was located between by 260 and 330. The DNA sequence of the oriT of R388 could be aligned with that of the broad-host-range IncN plasmid R46. Moreover, the relative positions of the three inverted repeats are also conserved. Overall sequence similarity was 52%, but was significantly higher in particular regions, whch coincided with the functionally important segments mapped by deletion analysis. Conservation of these segments provided independent support for their essential role in oriT function.  相似文献   

Supramembrane structures that connect conjugating agrobacterial cells were visualized for the first time by transmission electron microscopy. The primary contact of cells during conjugation was shown to occur through the formation of long pili containing no VirB1 protein. Pretreatment of agrobacterial cells with acetosyringone resulted in a six-to tenfold increase in the transfer frequency of plasmid pTd33 at 19–25°C and had almost no effect at 30°C. The transfer of plasmid pTd33 fromA. tumefaciens strain GV3101 to plasmid-freeA. tumefaciens strain UBAPF-2 was 16 times decreased after the centrifugation of cells. The transfer efficiency of plasmid pTd33 fromA. tumefaciens strain LBA2525 (virB2::lacZ) to plasmid-freeA. tumefaciens strain UBAPF-2 was one order of magnitude lower than the transfer from the wild-typeA. tumefaciens strain GV3101. Treatment of donor cells with 0.01% SDS before mating decreased the transfer efficiency by a factor of 26. The role of pili in the establishment of contact between conjugating cells of agrobacteria is discussed.  相似文献   

The intrinsic stability of IncP-1 plasmid pKJK5 was assessed in both an Escherichia coli and a Kluyvera sp. population maintained in bacterial mats and in liquid nutrient broth without selective pressure. A fluorescence tagging/flow cytometry approach was used to detect and quantify plasmid loss from populations harboring either conjugation-proficient or -deficient pKJK5 derivatives. The results show that the plasmid's ability to conjugate plays an important role in its stable maintenance in populations of both species. This effect was most pronounced in dense bacterial populations and to a far lesser extent during growth in liquid broth. Furthermore, conjugation-proficient plasmids were able to spread infectiously in the bacterial mats initiated with various ratios of plasmid-harboring cells, resulting in a nearly exclusively plasmid-harboring population.  相似文献   

To identify the main drivers of plasmid transfer in the rhizosphere, conjugal transfer was studied in the rhizospheres of pea and barley. The donor Pseudomonas putida KT2442, containing plasmid pKJK5::gfp, was coated onto the seeds, while the recipient P. putida LM24, having a chromosomal insertion of dsRed, was inoculated into the growth medium. Mean transconjugant-to-donor ratios in vermiculite were 4.0+/-0.8 x 10(-2) in the pea and 5.9+/-1.4 x 10(-3) in the barley rhizospheres. In soil, transfer ratios were about 10 times lower. As a result of a 2-times higher root exudation rate in pea, donor densities in pea (1 x 10(6)-2 x 10(9) CFU g(-1) root) were about 10 times higher than in barley. No difference in recipient densities was observed. In situ visualization of single cells on the rhizoplane and macroscopic visualization of the colonization pattern showed that donors and transconjugants were ubiquitously distributed in the pea rhizosphere, while they were only located on the upper parts of the barley roots. Because the barley root elongated about 10 times faster than the pea root, donors were probably outgrown by the elongating barley root. Thus by affecting the cell density and distribution, exudation and root growth appear to be key parameters controlling plasmid transfer in the rhizosphere.  相似文献   

食源性沙门氏菌耐药性检测及相关质粒   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
[目的]测定390株沙门氏菌的抗生素药敏性,研究部分多重耐药株中质粒与其宿主耐药表型之间的关系及其在接合过程中对耐药性水平转移的影响.[方法]使用选择性培养基分离到沙门氏菌并通过PCR确认后,按照琼脂稀释法测定分离株对供试抗生素的药敏性,试剂盒提取代表性多重耐药株中的质粒,HindⅢ酶切,DPS软件分析电泳后质粒图谱.通过接合试验研究质粒在抗生素抗性水平转移中的作用.[结果]沙门氏菌分离株对四环素耐药最为普遍(58.2%),其次为链霉素(42.8%)、卡那霉素(39%)和氨苄青霉素(38.2%),对头孢西丁、氯霉素、庆大霉素、头孢曲松、阿莫西林甲氧苄啶、头孢替呋钠和萘啶酮酸的耐药率分别为27.2%、26.9%、21%、19%、18.2%、17.9%、14.6%和12.3%.抗性质粒编码的相同或相似沙门氏菌耐药表型与其中所含的耐药质粒并不呈现出严格的对应关系.质粒携带的抗性基因可通过接合作用转移,接合效率在2.4×10-4到5.6×10-1之间.[结论]食源性沙门氏菌对常用抗生素的多重耐药已经成为普遍现象,抗性质粒的同源性与其宿主耐药表型无直接相关性,其携带的耐药基因可通过接合作用在不同细菌种属之间高频传递.  相似文献   

We explored how five different environmental stresses and a benign environment affect the phenotypic expression of leaf hairs, and the potential for evolutionary response in this trait. To address these questions we planted full-sib families that had been selected for stress tolerance in a factorial design in which selection history was fully crossed with the current environment (eight families × six selection histories × six current environments × three blocks=864 plants). Our data suggest that leaf hair density is a complex character composed of two separable traits: leaf area and the number of hairs initiated per leaf. Leaf size is primarily controlled by the growth environment, whereas leaf hair initiation shows more genetically based variation. In the control and low water environments there was a negative linear relationship between leaf size and leaf hair density. However, within the low light and high boron treatments, leaf hair density remained constant across a range of leaf sizes, suggesting that these stresses disrupt normal leaf hair development. Selection gradient analysis showed that leaf hair density and leaf size were significantly positively associated with fitness in 4/6 of our environments. Our results suggest that environmental variation may diminish the ability of herbivores and pathogens to cause directional selection on leaf hair density.  相似文献   

Abstract Four enteropathogenic Escherichia coli strains were studied with respect to their antibiotic resistance characters, plasmid patterns, toxin production and haemagglutination properties. Two of these strains showed multiple antibiotic resistance characters, although all possessed several plasmids of varying sizes. One of the strains DD-41 showed the presence of a non-fimbrial cell-associated mannose-resistant haemagglutinin (MRHA) which was encoded by a 70 MDa plasmid. Conjugation experiments demonstrated that this MRHA-containing plasmid also coded for ampicillin and tetracycline resistance factors and was self-transmissible.  相似文献   

In this paper, the influence of various parameters on plasmid transformation by electroporation of Staphylococcus epidermidis Tü3298 was investigated. Cell growth conditions, various concentrations and forms of plasmid DNA, field strength, pulse duration and media for electroporation and regeneration were tested. In order to obtain optimal transformation efficiency, the cells were incubated for 30 min with DNA before pulsing. With the optimized procedure, other staphylococcal species such as S. aureus, S. staphylolyticus and S. carnosus were transformed with an efficiency up to 3 X 10(5) transformants per micrograms pC194 plasmid DNA.  相似文献   

目的 构建能在大肠埃希菌(E.coli)和铜绿假单胞菌(PA)间高效接合转移的质粒.方法 通过NCBI blastn程序分析质粒pCVD442接合反应起始序列oriT,PCR扩增oriT后插入pMD18-T,再将pMD1 8-oriT转化E.coli DH5α,经酶切、测序验证后用SmaI和HindIIII双酶切亚克隆至质粒pUCP24,获得质粒pUCP24T,将pUCP24T转化E.coli后研究pUCP24T从E.coli到PA的接合效率和质粒稳定性等.结果 成功构建pUCP24T重组质粒,在E.coli和PA的接合实验中,E.coli(pUCP24T)-PA共培养2h的接合效率平均为3.588×10-2,按12 h一代连续9代继代培养108 h,抗生素压力下质粒保存率为98.29%,无抗生素的培养基中质粒保存率为21.76%.结论 成功构建高接合效率的接合转移质粒pUCP24T.  相似文献   

环境胁迫对海草非结构性碳水化合物储存和转移的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
江志坚  黄小平  张景平 《生态学报》2012,32(19):6242-6250
非结构性碳水化合物在海草体内的代谢对植株的生长有重要影响。为更好地跟踪非结构性碳水化合物在海草响应环境胁迫中所起的作用,根据国内外最新文献,重点综述了光强、营养盐、盐度、海洋酸化、温度、硫化物和动物摄食等环境胁迫对海草非结构性碳水化合物储存和转移的影响。光限制和富营养化均降低非结构性碳水化合物的合成,并使之从地下根茎转移到叶;而海洋酸化却促进非结构性碳水化合物合成并向地下组织转移;盐度变化改变海草体内渗透压,需要非结构性碳水化合物的新陈代谢来维持;温度通过影响光合作用、呼吸作用、氮代谢来影响非结构性碳水化合物的合成与储存;而硫化物和动物摄食则分别通过抑制海草酶的活性和啃食海草光合组织,减少非结构性碳水化合物的合成和储存。同时指出了一些今后关于海草非结构性碳水化合物的重点研究方向:(1)海草不同生命阶段(种子休眠和萌发,发育,繁殖等)非结构性与结构性碳水化合物之间,以及可溶糖与淀粉之间的转化分配机制;(2)双环境因子或者多环境因子对海草非结构性碳水化合物的耦合作用;(3)非结构性碳水化合物作为海草床生态系统健康评价指标的研究与应用。  相似文献   

Effects of experimental stress factors on probing behaviour by aphids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Probing behaviour of Aphis fabae Scopoli and Rhopalosiphum padi (L.) was tested in different stress situations normally occurring in aphid-plant studies such as interruption of feeding or starvation, transfer to a new plant, and attachment to the electrode wire. The DC electrical penetration graph (EPG) technique and a honeydew clock were used to collect data on behavioural effects of these stress conditions. As a general effect, an interruption of feeding behaviour acted as a reset, i.e., the same sequence and time course of probing events were shown, irrespective the interruptions duration, from 1–100 min. Nevertheless, some minor differences were found, especially in A. fabae. Increased interruption times (deprivation from the host plant) stimulated the aphids to insert their stylets earlier. When A. fabae was put back on its host plant after a one min interruption phloem feeding started earlier than with longer interruption times, but only when it was put back to the same plant and feeding site on which it fed before. It is concluded that this effect is at least partly due to memory of previous probing/feeding experience on the plant as it vanishes with longer interruption times. This explanation also holds for phloem salivation (E1) before starting sustained sap ingestion, which was reduced on the previous feeding site, but only after the one min interruption in A. fabae. The aphid-plant specificity appeared high in these effects. Both aphids were somewhat affected by wiring, resulting in earlier probing, longer total pathway phase, and less and later phloem feeding (as reflected by honeydew excretion). Thus confirming, that the evaluation of EPG results can be improved with supplementary data from free aphids.  相似文献   

Climate warming experiments generally test the ecological effects of constant treatments while neglecting the influence of more realistic patterns of environmental fluctuations. Thus, little is known regarding how the temporal interaction between multiple episodes of thermal stress influences biotic interactions. We measured the sensitivity of predation rate in an intertidal sea star to changing levels of temporal coincidence of underwater and aerial thermal stress events. In laboratory trials, we controlled for intensity, variance and temporal patterning of both underwater and aerial body temperature. Predation rate decreased as underwater and aerial thermal stress episodes became temporally non-coincident, despite a similar intensity and variance among treatments. Experiments under constant conditions were a poor predictor of more complex environmental scenarios because of these strong temporal interactions. Such temporal interactions may be widespread in various ecosystems, suggesting a strong need for empirical studies and models that link environmental complexity, physiology, behaviour and species interactions.  相似文献   

孙娇  杨海燕  李力 《微生物学通报》2017,44(7):1613-1621
【目的】考察一株红球菌Rhodococcus sp.strain p52中的二噁英降解质粒pDF01(170 kb)和pDF02(242 kb)的稳定性和接合转移特性。【方法】在无选择压力的条件下对菌株p52进行连续传代培养,考察质粒pDF01、pDF02的丢失;以菌株p52为供体菌,以不同种属的菌株作受体菌,通过平板接合实验探讨质粒pDF01、pDF02接合转移的受体菌范围以及接合转移频率,利用菌落杂交、Southern杂交对质粒转移结果进行确认,利用降解实验测试转移质粒降解基因的表达。【结果】质粒pDF01和pDF02在红球菌p52中均具有较高的稳定性,在LB培养基上连续传代少于47次时pDF02可保持,连续传代少于65次时pDF01可保持。质粒pDF01和pDF02具备在同属和属间接合转移的能力,可向受体菌——紫红红球菌(Rhodococcus rhodochrous)、红串红球菌(Rhodococcus erythropolis)、大地两面神菌(Terrabacter tumescens)和节杆菌(Arthrobacter sp.)转移,其中以节杆菌作受体菌时质粒pDF01和pDF02接合转移频率最高,达到3.5×10~(-6)(接合子/受体菌);对节杆菌接合子质粒进行Southern杂交进一步确认了质粒pDF01、pDF02的存在。另外获得质粒pDF01、pDF02后的节杆菌接合子可以对二苯并呋喃高效利用,且降解能力与红球菌供体菌株p52相当。【结论】红球菌菌株p52可通过降解质粒转移强化生物修复过程,在去除环境中二噁英污染中具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

It is well established that the structure of plasmid DNA is a strong function of solution ionic conditions due to changes in intramolecular electrostatic interactions between the charged phosphate groups along the DNA backbone. Multivalent cations like spermine and spermidine play a critical role in compacting and controlling the structure of supercoiled DNA in living cells. The objective of this work was to investigate the effects of these polyamines on the ultrafiltration of plasmid DNA, including possible opportunities to use these polycations to enhance the purification of specific plasmid isoforms. Data were obtained using a wide range of spermine and spermidine concentrations to evaluate DNA transmission through Biomax polyethersulfone ultrafiltration membranes. Spermine has a very strong effect on DNA transmission, with the sieving coefficient of the supercoiled plasmid decreasing by more than an order of magnitude upon addition of only 15 μM spermine. A comparable change in DNA transmission required >300 μM of the trivalent spermidine. The polyamines were able to significantly increase the selectivity for the separation of DNA from a model protein, but they were unable to provide a significant increase in the selectivity for separating DNA isoforms under the conditions examined in this study. The results do demonstrate that both spermine and spermidine can be used to control the extent of DNA transmission/purification during ultrafiltration. © 2018 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 35: e2765, 2019.  相似文献   

Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) of plasmids is a naturally occurring phenomenon which could be manipulated for bioremediation applications. Specifically, HGT may prove useful to enhance bioremediation through genetic bioaugmentation. However, because the transfer of a plasmid between donor and recipient cells does not always result in useful functional phenotypes, the conditions under which HGT events result in enhanced degradative capabilities must first be elucidated. The objective of this study was to determine if the addition of alternate carbon substrates could improve toluene degradation in Escherichia coli DH5α transconjugants. The addition of glucose (0.5–5 g/L) and Luria–Bertani (LB) broth (10–100%) resulted in enhanced toluene degradation. On average, the toluene degradation rate increased 14.1 (±2.1)‐fold in the presence of glucose while the maximum increase was 18.4 (±1.7)‐fold in the presence of 25% LB broth. Gene expression of xyl genes was upregulated in the presence of glucose but not LB broth, which implies different inducing mechanisms by the two types of alternate carbon source. The increased toluene degradation by the addition of glucose or LB broth was persistent over the short‐term, suggesting the pulse amendment of an alternative carbon source may be helpful in bioremediation. While the effects of recipient genome GC content and other conditions must still be examined, our results suggest that changes in environmental conditions such as alternate substrate availability may significantly improve the functionality of the transferred phenotypes in HGT and therefore may be an important parameter for genetic bioaugmentation optimization. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2010;107: 269–277. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Stressed out! Effects of environmental stress on mRNA metabolism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Exposure of yeast cells to environmental stresses can disrupt essential intracellular processes, especially those carried out by large macromolecular complexes. The production of mature, translatable mRNAs is most sensitive to stress owing to the inhibition of messenger RNA splicing and alterations in the export of mRNA from the nucleus. Changes in the cytoplasmic pools of mRNAs also occur following exposure to stress conditions. Messenger RNAs accumulate in discrete cytoplasmic foci such as processing bodies and stress granules. These dynamic changes in RNA metabolism, following exposure to stress, ensure the preferential production and export of heat-shock mRNAs and the sequestering of general cellular mRNAs in the nucleus or in cytoplasmic foci, thus allowing for a redirection of the translational machinery to encode stress proteins, which aid in cellular recovery following stress. Stress proteins, such as Hsp70p and Hsp104p, have been shown to play a direct role in the repair of macromolecular complexes involved in RNA metabolism in yeast cells, thus ensuring that the cell returns to homeostasis.  相似文献   

SopA, SopB proteins and the cis-acting sopC DNA region of F plasmid are essential for partitioning of the plasmid, ensuring proper subcellular positioning of the plasmid DNA molecules. We have analyzed by immunofluorescence microscopy the subcellular localization of SopA and SopB. The majority of SopB molecules formed foci, which localized frequently with F plasmid DNA molecules. The foci increased in number in proportion to the cell length. Interestingly, beside the foci formation, SopB formed a spiral structure that was dependent on SopA, which also formed a spiral structure, independent of the presence of SopB, and these two structures partially overlapped. On the basis of these results and previous biochemical studies together with our simulations, we propose a theoretical model named "the reaction-diffusion partitioning model", using reaction-diffusion equations that explain the dynamic subcellular localization of SopA and SopB proteins and the subcellular positioning of F plasmid. We hypothesized that sister copies of plasmid DNA compete with each other for sites at which SopB multimer is at the optimum concentration. The plasmid incompatibility mediated by the Sop system might be explained clearly by this hypothesis.  相似文献   

Nakayama T  Noda Y  Goto Y  Mori T 《Theriogenology》1994,41(2):499-510
Previous studies have demonstrated that developing hamster embryos are very sensitive to visible light. In order to elucidate why visible light exerts a toxic effect on hamster embryos, we examined the effect of visible light on the production of hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) within individual embryos, using a fluorimetric method. In addition, we examined the H(2)O(2) generating capacity of other factors which are known to be related to the in vitro developmental capacity of hamster embryos. One-cell hamster embryos were cultured with 2',7'-dichlorodihydrofluorescin diacetate, and the fluorescence emissions of the H(2)O(2)-dependent oxidative product in the embryos were measured using an Olympus microscopic photometry system. When embryos were exposed to visible light (14,000 lux) for a specified period (0, 0.5, 1, 2 or 3 min) prior to measurement, the fluorescence emissions from embryos increased with the time of exposure to visible light. An exposure of even 0.5 min resulted in a significant increase in hydrogen peroxide. This increase was more rapid in embryos cultured under 20% O(2) than in those cultured under 5% O(2), and the response was quicker than that observed in mouse embryos. The fluorescence emissions from embryos cultured under 5% O(2) were significantly (P<0.001) lower than those from embryos cultured under 20% O(2) in TLP medium. However, the effects of different oxygen tensions on fluorescence emissions were medium-dependent, and were not significant in embryos cultured in HECM-1 medium. The addition of L-cysteine to or elimination of phenol red from the media decreased the fluorescence emissions from embryos (P<0.001), but glucose and phosphate did not affect them. These results suggest that the toxic effect of visible light on the in vitro development of hamster embryos might be due to increased generation of reactive oxygen species, induced by the visible light. This could be one of the explanations for the strict conditions required for overcoming the in vitro developmental block. It is also suggested that the promotive effects of low oxygen culture and L-cysteine on embryo development seem to be derived from their ability to reduce reactive oxygen species.  相似文献   

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