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Rhizobium trifolii AR182, a mutant resistant to rhizobiophages lysing the parental strain AR5, formed abortive nodules on the clover plant roots. The polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the isolated lipopolysaccharide revealed only one band. On the other hand, the lipopolysaccharide isolated from the non-mucoid mutant R. trifolii AR16 showed several, regularly spaced bands in the high molecular weight region. The results suggest that R. trifolii AR182 is a rough (R)-mutant.Abbreviations LPS lipopolysaccharide - EPS exopolysaccharide - CPS capsular polysaccharide - DOC sodium deoxycholate - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - GC-MS gas liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry - KDO 2-keto-3-deoxy-octonic acid - Rha rhamnose - Fuc fucose - Man mannose - Gal galactose - Glc glucose - UA uronic acid  相似文献   

Summary The Rhizobium trifolii genes necessary for nodule induction and development have been isolated on a 14.0kb fragment of symbiotic (Sym) plasmid DNA. When cloned into a broad-host-range plasmid vector, these sequences confer a clover nodulation phenotype on a derivative of R. trifolii which has been cured of its endogenous Sym plasmid. Furthermore, these sequences encode both host specificity and nodulation functions since they confer the ability to recognize and nodulate clover plants on Agrobacterium and a fast-growing cowpea Rhizobium. This indicates that the bacterial genes essential for the initial, highly-specific interaction with plants are closely linked.  相似文献   

A Rhizobium trifolii symbiotic plasmid specific gene library was constructed and the physical organisation of regions homologous to nifHDK, nifA and nod genes was determined. These symbiotic gene regions were localised to u 25 kb region on the sym-plasmid, pPN1. In addition four copies of a reiterated sequence were identified on this plasmid, with one copy adjacent to nifH. No rearrangement of these reiterated sequences was observed between R. trifolii bacterial and bacteroid DNA. Analysis of a deletion derivative of pPN1 showed that these sequences were spread over a 110 kb region to the left of nifA.  相似文献   

Non-motile mutants of Rhizobium trifolii defective in either flagellar synthesis or function were isolated by transposon Tn5 mutagenesis. they were indistinguishable from motile control strains in growth in both laboratory media and in the rhizosphere of clover roots. When each non-motile mutant was grown together with a motile strain in continuous culture, the numbers of motile and non-motile organisms remained in constant proportion, implying that their growth rates were essentially identical. When inoculated separately onto clover roots, the mutants and wildtype did not differ significantly in the number of nodules produced or in nitrogen fixing activity. However, when mixtures of equal numbers of mutant and wild-type cells were inoculated onto clover roots, the motile strain formed approximately five times more nodules than the flagellate or non-flagellate, non-motile mutants, suggesting that motility is a factor in competition for nodule formation.  相似文献   

Thirty Tn5- or Tn1831-induced nodulation (nod) mutants of Rhizobium leguminosarum were examined for their genetic and symbiotic properties. Thirteen mutants contained a deletion in Sym plasmid pRL1JI. These deletions cover the whole nod region and are 50 kb in size. All remaining seventeen mutations are located in a 6.6 kb EcoRI nod fragment of the Sym plasmid. Mutations in a 3.5 kb part on the right hand side of this 6.6 kb fragment completely prevent nodulation on Vicia sativa. All mutants in this 3.5 kb area are unable to induce marked root hair curling and thick and short roots.Mutations in a 1.5 kb area on the left hand side of the 6.6 kb nod fragment generate other symbiotic defects in that nodules are only rarely formed and only so after a delay of several days. Moreover, infection thread formation is delayed and root hair curling is more excessive than that caused by the parental strain. Their ability to induce thick and short roots is unaltered.Mutations in this 1.5 kb region are not complemented by pRmSL26, which carries nod genes of R. meliloti, whereas mutations in the 3.5 kb region are all complemented by pRmSL26.Abbreviations Rps repression of production of small bacteriocin - Mep medium bacteriocin production - Nod nodulation - Fix fixation - Tsr thick and short roots - Flac root hair curling - Hsp host specificity - Flad root hair deformation - Tc tetracycline - Km kanamycin - Cm chloramphenicol - Sp spectinomycin - Sm streptomycin - R resistant  相似文献   

Summary Three distinct loci (designated regions III, IV and V) were identified in the 14 kb Nod region of Rhizobium trifolii strain ANU843 and were found to determine the host range characteristics of this strain. Deletion of region III or region V only from the 14 kb Nod region affected clover nodulation capacity. The introduction to R. Leguminosarum of DNA fragments on multicopy vectors carrying regions III, IV and V (but not smaller fragments) extended the host range of R. leguminosarum so that infection threads and nodules occurred on white clover plants. The same DNA fragments were introduced to the Sym plasmid-cured strain (ANU845) carrying the R. meliloti recombinant nodulation plasmid pRmSL26. Plasmid pRmSL26 alone does not confer root hair curling or nodulation on clover plants. However, the introduction to ANU845 (pRmSL26) of a 1.4 kb fragment carrying R. trifolii region IV only, resulted in the phenotypic activation of marked root hair curling ability to this strain on clovers but no infection events or nodules resulted. Only the transfer of regions III, IV and V to strain ANU845 (pRmSL26) conferred normal nodulation and host range ability of the original wild type R. trifolii strain. These results indicate that the host range genes determine the outcome of early plant-bacterial interactions primarily at the stage of root hair curling and infection.  相似文献   

Free-living Rhizobium trifolii MNF 1001 and cowpea Rhizobium MNF 2030 grown in chemostat culture under nitrogen limitation had high activities of an ammonium permease. In phosphate-limited, nitrogen-excess conditions, strains MNF 1001 and MNF 2030 retained 20% and 50%, respectively, of the ammonium uptake activity found in nitrogen-limited cells. Uptake in both strains was sensitive to azide, cyanide, carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenyl hydrazone and 2,4-dinitrophenol. A gradient of ammonium concentration greater than 150-fold developed across the membrane within 20 min in cells of strain MNF 1001 grown under ammonia limitation. The pH optimum for ammonium uptake by N-limited cells of both MNF 1001 and MNF 2030 was around pH 7. The apparent K m values for the ammonium permease in strains MNF 2030 and MNF 1001 were 3.9±1.6 M and 2.0±1.6 M respectively, and the V max was 47±2.6 nmol min-1 (mg protein)-1 for MNF 2030 and 101±5.1 nmol min-1 (mg protein)-1 for MNF 1001. Isolated snake bean bacteroids of strain MNF 2030 capable of transporting succinate and l-glutamate had no detectable ammonium uptake activity. It therefore appears that the ammonium permeases in cells of these two strains are not as tightly regulated as in R. leguminosarum MNF 3841.Abbreviations CCCP Carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenyl hydrzone - HEPES N-Hydroxyethylpiperazine-N-2-ethanesulphonic acid  相似文献   

Summary Symbiotic mutants of Rhizobium meliloti were isolated following Tn5 mutagenesis. Besides four nodulation mutants (Nod-) unable to induce nodule formation on alfalfa, five infection mutants (Inf-), which induce the formation of root nodules without detectable infection threads or bacteroids, were obtained. The Inf- mutants were subdivided into two classes. One class contains mutants which fail to synthesize acidic exopolysaccharide (EPS-). The other class is comprised of mutants which produce excess amounts of acidic exopolysaccharide (EPS*). 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of the exopolysaccharide isolated from one of the latter type of Inf- mutant, 101.45, revealed that the side chain of the repeating octosaccharide unit lacks the terminal pyruvate residue. Complementing cosmids were isolated for all Inf- mutants. In the case of the Inf- EPS- mutants the complementing cosmids contain DNA segments which overlap and are part of megaplasmid 2. For two mutants the mutations were found to map on a 7.8 kb EcoRI fragment. In the case of the Inf- EPS* mutants the complementing cosmids carry chromosomal DNA. The mutations of two Inf- EPS* mutants were localized on a 6.4 kb EcoRI fragment. Coinoculation of alfalfa plants with Nod- and Inf- EPS- mutants resulted in effective symbiosis. The nodules appeared wild type and fixed nitrogen. In constrast, coinoculations with Nod- mutants and the Inf- EPS* mutant 101.45 did not result in the formation of effective nodules.  相似文献   

Tn5 mutants of Rhizobium meliloti L5.30 defective in motility (Mot-) were isolated and compared to the parent with respect to the nodulation activity. Each of the mutants was able to generate normal nodules on the alfalfa (Medicago sativa) but had slightly delayed nodule formation. Coinoculation of lucerne with wild type Mot+ and Mot- cells in the wide range of ratios resulted in nodules occupied in the majority by a motile strain suggesting that motility is a factor involved in the competition for nodule formation.  相似文献   

Summary The nodulatingRhizobium trifolii strain 24 and its non-nodulating mutant 24 nod3 have been examined. The exopolysaccharides of both cultures studied contained mannose, galactose and glucose at similar molar ratios. On the other hand some quantitative differences have been found between the lipopolysaccharides in respect of the composition of neutral sugars. Glucose and rhamnose were the main constituents of the nodulating strain 24, whereas rhamnose and galactose in non-nodulating mutant 24 nod3 deprived of the plasmid pWZ2.  相似文献   

A study was made of the effect of the herbicides 2,4-D, amitrole, atrazine, chlorsulfuron, diclofop-methyl, diquat, glyphosate, paraquat and trifluralin on the nodulation of sub-clover (Trifolium subterraneum L. ‘Clare’), the growth ofR. trifolii TA1 in liquid nutrient medium and the ability of herbicide-treated inoculum to successfully nodulate sub-clover plants. As concentrations of amitrole, diclofop-methyl and glyphosate in the rooting environment increased from 0 to 20 mg ai L−1, nodulation decreased linearly. The other herbicides at these concentrations caused more severe decreases in nodulation. Growth ofR. trifolii TA1 in nutrient broth was significantly retarded by all concentrations of diquat, 2 mg ai L−1 of paraquat, 10 mg ai L−1 of glyphosate and 2 mg ai L−1 of chlorsulfuron. Other herbicides did not suppress rhizobial growth. Inoculation with TA1 that had been grown in the presence of amitrole, atrazine or glyphosate and then washed free of the herbicide decreased nodulation of sub-clover, indicating that these herbicides may physiologically influence the nodulating potential of certain strains of Rhizobium. The remaining herbicides showed no indications of this effect.  相似文献   

The effect of nitrate on the symbiotic properties of nitrate-reductase-deficient mutants of a strain of cowpea rhizobia (32H1), and of a strain of Rhizobium trifolii (TA1), were examined; the host species were Macroptilium atropurpureum (DC.) Urb. and Trifolium subterraneum L. Nitrate retarded initial nodulation by the mutant strains to an extent similar to that found with the parent strains. It is therefore unlikely that nitrite produced from nitrate by the rhizobia, plays a significant role in the inhibition of nodulation by nitrate. Nitrite is an inhibitor of nitrogenase, and its possible production in the nodule tissue by the action of nitrate reductase could be responsible for the observed inhibition of nitrogen fixation when nodulated plants are exposed to nitrate. However, the results of this investigation show that nitrogen fixation by the plants nodulated by parent or mutant strains was depressed by similar amounts in the presence of nitrate. No nitrite was detected in the nodules. Nodule growth, and to a lesser extent, the nitrogenase specific activity of the nodules (mol C2H4g–1 nodule fr. wt. h–1), were both affected by the added nitrate.  相似文献   

Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar trifolii TA1 grows on 4-hydroxymandelate and enzymes involved in its catabolism are inducible. Strain TA1 does not grown on mandelate or cis, cis-muconate, but spontaneous mutants capable of growth on these substrates were isolated. Enzymes involved in mandelate degradation were also inducible. The presence of intermediates of the mandelate and hydroxymandelate pathways resulted in a significant decrease in some of the enzymes involved in their degradation. Succinate and acetate, end products of the pathways, and glucose caused reductions in the levels of enzymes in the mandelate and hydroxymandelate pathways.  相似文献   

Summary Laboratory prescreening ofRhizobium trifolii for acid tolerance, based upon the ability of rhizobia to grow in acid media (pH 4.2) containing Al (15 M), was successful for the selection of strains capable of survival in acid soil.Both sterile and non-sterile soils of varying acidity were inoculated with several strains ofR. trifolii.Acid tolerant strains generally had significantly higher populations at every sample period than an acid sensitive strain. Amelioration of soil acidity by liming improved persistence of all strains. Soil sterilization by autoclaving adversely affected survival of all strains at each soil acidity level.Paper Number 8766 of the Journal Series, North Carolina Agricultural Research Service, Raleigh, NC 27650, USA.  相似文献   

Rhizobium strains (one each of Rh.japonicum, Rh. lupini, Rh. leguminosarum) take up 2-ketoglutaric acid in general much faster and from lower concentrations in the medium than strains of Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis and Chromobacterium violaceum. A strain of Enterobacter aerogenes, however, is more similar to some Rhizobium strains. The same strains of Rhizobium take up also phosphate much faster and from lower concentrations than the other bacteria tested. 4 strains of Rh. lupini proved to be significantly different from 4 strains of Rh. trifolii in taking up l-glutamic acid from three to ten times lower concentration within 5 h. A similar difference was noticed between 5 strains of Rh. leguminosarum and 2 strains of Rh. japonicum for the uptake of 2-ketoglutaric acid and of l-glutamic acid. Isolated bacteriods from nodules of Glycine max var. Chippeway have a reduced uptake capacity for glutamic acid and for 2-ketoglutaric acid during the first 10–12 h, but reach the same value after 24 h as free living Rh. japonicum cells. The differences in the uptake kinetics are independent of cell concentration. The group II Rhizobium strains (Rh. japonicum and Rh. lupini, slow growing Rhizobium) are characterized by a rapid uptake of glutamic acid to a lowremaining concentration of 1–3×10-7 M and an uptake of 2-ketoglutaric acid to a remaining concentration of 2–5×10-7 M. The group I Rhizobium strains (Rh. trifolii and Rh. leguminosarum, fast growing Rhizobium), can be characterized by a much slower uptake of both substances with a more than ten times higher concentration of both metabolites remaining in the medium after the same time.  相似文献   

Summary Several strains ofRhizobium trifolii were tested for their ability to synthesize and utilize phenolate or hydroxamate types of siderophores. None of the nodulating strains ofR. trifolii was able to produce detectable amounts of siderophores. Only the non-nodulating strainR. trifolii AR6 formed a phenolate siderophore, which stimulated the growth of the siderophore-negative mutant AR65. Other strains ofR. trifolii could not utilize iron from exogenously supplied Desferal, pseudobactin or citrate. The siderophore fromR. trifolii AR6 and 2,3-dihydroxybenzoic acid slightly stimulated the growth of someR. trifolii strains.  相似文献   

Summary The effectiveness ofRhizobium trifolii isolates from five locations in southern Britain representing contrasting soil types has been examined with five white clover varieties. The average effectiveness of Rhizobium isolates varied considerably as did the average productivity of plant varieties. The largest differences were, however, associated with Rhizobium population × plant variety interactions. These were often large enough to reverse relative yield differences between white clover varieties. The implications of these results for improving clover productivity in nitrogen fixation are discussed.  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated that the Rhizobium meliloti large plasmid pRmeGR4b carries the gene locus nodule formation efficiency (nfe) which is responsible for nodulation efficiency and competitive ability of strain GR4 on alfalfa roots. In this study we report that expression of nfe-lacZ fusions in Escherichia coli is activated in the presence of the cloned nifA gene of R. meliloti. This activation was found to be oxygen sensitive and to require the E. coli ntrA gene product. In contrast to the R. meliloti nifA, the cloned nifA gene of Klebsiella pneumoniae was able to activate expression of nfe in aerobically grown cells of both E. coli and R. meliloti. Hybridization experiments did not show homology to nfe in four R. meliloti wild-type strains tested. These strains were uncompetitive when coinoculated with a GR4 derivative carrying plasmid pRmeGR4b, but were competitive when coinoculated with a GR4 derivative carrying a single transposon mutation into the nfe region. When nfe DNA was introduced into the four wild-type strains, a significant increase in the competitive ability of two of them was observed, as deduced from their respective percentages of alfalfa root nodule occupancy in two-strains coinoculation experiments.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas sp. strain 267 isolated from soil promoted growth of different plants under field conditions and enhanced symbiotic nitrogen fixation in clover under gnotobiotic conditions. This strain produced pyoverdine-like compound under low-iron conditions and secreted vitamins of the B group. The role of fluorescent siderophore production in the beneficial effect of strain 267 on nodulated clover plants was investigated. Several non-fluorescent (Pvd-) Tn5 insertion mutants of Pseudomonas sp. strain 267 were isolated and characterized. The presence of Tn5 insertions was confirmed by Southern analysis of EcoRI digested genomic DNA of each derivative strain. The siderophore-negative mutants were compared to the parental strain with respect to their growth promotion of nodulated clover infected with Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii 24.1. We found that all isolated Pvd- mutants stimulated growth of nodulated clover plants in a similar manner to the parental strain. No consistent differences were observed between strain 267 and Pvd- derivatives strains with respect to their plant growth promotion activity under gnotobiotic conditions.Dr Deryto died in august 1994  相似文献   

Rhizobium leguminosarum strain VF39, isolated from nodules of field-grown faba beans in the Federal Republic of Germany, was shown to contain six plasmids ranging in molecular weight from 90 to 400 Md. Hybridisation to nif gene probes, plasmid curing, and mobilisation to other strains of Rhizobium and to Agrobacterium showed that the third largest plasmid, pRleVF39d (220 Md), carried genes for nodulation and nitrogen fixation. This plasmid was incompatible with pRL10JI, the Sym plasmid of R. leguminosarum strain JB300. Of the other plasmids, the two smallest (pRleVF39a and pRleVF39b, 90 and 160 Md respectively) were shown to be self-transmissible at a low frequency. Although melanin production is as yet unreported in strains of R. leguminosarum biovar viceae, strain VF39 produced a dark pigment, which, since it was not produced on minimal media and its production was greatly enhanced by the presence of tyrosine in the media, is probably melanin-like. Derivatives of VF39 cured of pRleVF39a no longer produced this pigment, but regained the ability to produce it when this plasmid was transferred into them. Strains of Agrobacterium tumefaciens, R. meliloti, and some strains of R. leguminosarum carrying pRleVF39a did not produce this pigment, indicating perhaps that some genes elsewhere on the VF39 genome are also involved in pigment production. Plasmid pRleVF39a appeared to be incompatible with the cryptic Rhizobium plasmids pRle336b and pRL8JI (both ca. 100 Md), but was compatible with the R. leguminosarum biovar phaseoli Sym plasmids pRP1JI, pRP2JI and pRph51a, all of which also code for melanin production. The absence of pRleVF39a in cured derivatives of VF39 had no effect on the symbiotic performance or competitive ability of this strain.  相似文献   

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