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动物内温性进化研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对动物内温性进化的研究进行了较为系统的论述,包括内温性动物概念的由来、特点和起源的选择因子。内温性起源的选择因子包括8个模型:热生态位扩展模型、恒温与代谢效率模型、降低个体大小模型、姿势改变模型、增加脑大小模型、有氧呼吸能力模型、双亲行为模型和同化能力模型。其中后3个模型较为重要。有氧呼吸能力模型认为,选择提高支持物理运动的最大呼吸能力,而增加的静止代谢作为其相关反应而得以进化。该假说得到种内研究数据的支持,而种问的数据并小完全支持。双亲行为模型是指在鸟兽类中,内温性是对双亲行为选择的结果,因为内温性为双亲控制抚育温度提供了保证。同化能力模型认为,在鸟类和兽类中内温性进化由以下两个因素所推动:①子代出生后双亲行为加强;②为支持每日总体能量高速消耗所需,动物内脏器官能力增强而导致的较高维持消耗。  相似文献   

Energy assimilation, parental care and the evolution of endothermy   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The question of the selection forces which initiated the evolution of endothermy in birds and mammals is one of the most intriguing in the evolutionary physiology of vertebrates. Many students regard the aerobic capacity model as the most plausible hypothesis. This paper presents an alternative model, in which the evolution of endothermy in birds and mammals was driven by two factors: (i) a selection for intense post-hatching parental care, particularly feeding offspring, and (ii) the high cost of maintaining the increased capacity of the visceral organs necessary to support high rates of total daily energy expenditures.  相似文献   

Recent palaeontological data and novel physiological hypotheses now allow a timescaled reconstruction of the evolution of endothermy in birds and mammals. A three‐phase iterative model describing how endothermy evolved from Permian ectothermic ancestors is presented. In Phase One I propose that the elevation of endothermy – increased metabolism and body temperature (Tb) – complemented large‐body‐size homeothermy during the Permian and Triassic in response to the fitness benefits of enhanced embryo development (parental care) and the activity demands of conquering dry land. I propose that Phase Two commenced in the Late Triassic and Jurassic and was marked by extreme body‐size miniaturization, the evolution of enhanced body insulation (fur and feathers), increased brain size, thermoregulatory control, and increased ecomorphological diversity. I suggest that Phase Three occurred during the Cretaceous and Cenozoic and involved endothermic pulses associated with the evolution of muscle‐powered flapping flight in birds, terrestrial cursoriality in mammals, and climate adaptation in response to Late Cenozoic cooling in both birds and mammals. Although the triphasic model argues for an iterative evolution of endothermy in pulses throughout the Mesozoic and Cenozoic, it is also argued that endothermy was potentially abandoned at any time that a bird or mammal did not rely upon its thermal benefits for parental care or breeding success. The abandonment would have taken the form of either hibernation or daily torpor as observed in extant endotherms. Thus torpor and hibernation are argued to be as ancient as the origins of endothermy itself, a plesiomorphic characteristic observed today in many small birds and mammals.  相似文献   

Evidence from the comparative biology of living birds and mammals is used to address the question ‘which came first, flight or endothermy?’. Birds and mammals have evolved different solutions to the problems of high energy flow demanded by endothermy. The heavy apparatus needed for processing food to allow the rapid assimilation of energy is housed in the head of mammals, but low down in the bird's body. The primitive inefficient tidal-flow system of ventilation is simply enlarged in mammals, but is replaced in birds by a lighter uni-flow system through air sacs and parabronchi. Birds avoid the weight problems associated with the mammalian systems of viviparity and lactation by nourishing their young with large quantities of yolk within the egg and an unprocessed diet after hatching. The apparent adaptedness for flight of the avian systems suggests that in the animals ancestral to birds the adaptations for high energy flow were constrained from the start by the need for aerodynamic stability, i.e. flight was initiated before endothermy. The implications of this conclusion for the origin of flight and feathers are discussed.  相似文献   

Many elements of mammalian and avian thermoregulatory mechanisms are present in reptiles, and the changes involved in the transition to endothermy are more quantitative than qualitative. Drawing on our experience with reptiles and echidnas, we comment on that transition and on current theories about how it occurred. The theories divide into two categories, depending on whether selection pressures operated directly or indirectly on mechanisms producing heat. Both categories of theories focus on explaining the evolution of homeothermic endothermy but ignore heterothermy. However, noting that hibernation and torpor are almost certainly plesiomorphic (=ancestral, primitive), and that heterothermy is very common among endotherms, we propose that homeothermic endothermy evolved via heterothermy, with the earliest protoendotherms being facultatively endothermic and retaining their ectothermic capacity for "constitutional eurythermy." Thus, unlike current models for the evolution of endothermy that assume that hibernation and torpor are specialisations arising from homeothermic ancestry, and therefore irrelevant, we consider that they are central. We note the sophistication of thermoregulatory behavior and control in reptiles, including precise control over conductance, and argue that brooding endothermy seen in some otherwise ectothermic Boidae suggests an incipient capacity for facultative endothermy in reptiles. We suggest that the earliest insulation in protoendotherms may have been internal, arising from redistribution of the fat bodies that are typical of reptiles. We note that short-beaked echidnas provide a useful living model of what an (advanced) protoendotherm may have been like. Echidnas have the advantages of endothermy, including the capacity for homeothermic endothermy during incubation, but are very relaxed in their thermoregulatory precision and minimise energetic costs by using ectothermy facultatively when entering short- or long-term torpor. They also have a substantial layer of internal dorsal insulation. We favor theories about the evolution of endothermy that invoke direct selection for the benefits conferred by warmth, such as expanding daily activity into the night, higher capacities for sustained activity, higher digestion rates, climatic range expansion, and, not unrelated, control over incubation temperature and the benefits for parental care. We present an indicative, stepwise schema in which observed patterns of body temperature are a consequence of selection pressures, the underlying mechanisms, and energy optimization, and in which homeothermy results when it is energetically desirable rather than as the logical endpoint.  相似文献   

Avian and mammalian endothermy results from elevated rates of resting, or routine, metabolism and enables these animals to maintain high and stable body temperatures in the face of variable ambient temperatures. Endothermy is also associated with enhanced stamina and elevated capacity for aerobic metabolism during periods of prolonged activity. These attributes of birds and mammals have greatly contributed to their widespread distribution and ecological success. Unfortunately, since few anatomical/physiological attributes linked to endothermy are preserved in fossils, the origin of endothermy among the ancestors of mammals and birds has long remained obscure. Two recent approaches provide new insight into the metabolic physiology of extinct forms. One addresses chronic (resting) metabolic rates and emphasizes the presence of nasal respiratory turbinates in virtually all extant endotherms. These structures are associated with recovery of respiratory heat and moisture in animals with high resting metabolic rates. The fossil record of nonmammalian synapsids suggests that at least two Late Permian lineages possessed incipient respiratory turbinates. In contrast, these structures appear to have been absent in dinosaurs and nonornithurine birds. Instead, nasal morphology suggests that in the avian lineage, respiratory turbinates first appeared in Cretaceous ornithurines. The other approach addresses the capacity for maximal aerobic activity and examines lung structure and ventilatory mechanisms. There is no positive evidence to support the reconstruction of a derived, avian-like parabronchial lung/air sac system in dinosaurs or nonornithurine birds. Dinosaur lungs were likely heterogenous, multicameral septate lungs with conventional, tidal ventilation, although evidence from some theropods suggests that at least this group may have had a hepatic piston mechanism of supplementary lung ventilation. This suggests that dinosaurs and nonornithurine birds generally lacked the capacity for high, avian-like levels of sustained activity, although the aerobic capacity of theropods may have exceeded that of extant ectotherms. The avian parabronchial lung/air sac system appears to be an attribute limited to ornithurine birds.  相似文献   

Warm-blooded animals, mammals and birds, are unique not because they are endothermic in the strict sense of the term but because they use an extravagant economy: they have high energy budgets and spend a large part of their energy resources on basic maintenance. Although several advantages of endothermy are easy to indicate, mechanisms behind evolution of such a wasteful life strategy remain unclear and have been subject to intensive debate. For two decades, the aerobic capacity model has been widely recognized as a promising hypothesis and has catalyzed a new direction in ecological and evolutionary physiology--the study of correlated evolution of behavioral and morphophysiological traits. Recently, two alternative models have been proposed, both of which see evolution of high metabolic rates in birds and mammals as an element in evolution of intensive parental care. Unlike previous models, which treated individuals as static objects of fixed properties, the parental care models explicitly incorporate life histories into a evolutionary-physiology research program. The aim of this article was to outline the process of evolution of major concepts in the field, which reflects development of the paradigm of modern evolutionary physiology.  相似文献   

The structure and function of the nasal conchae of extant reptiles, birds, and mammals are reviewed, and the relationships to endothermy of the mammalian elements are examined. Reptilian conchae are relatively simple, recurved structures, which bear primarily sensory (olfactory) epithelium. Conversely, the conchae, or turbinates, of birds and mammals are considerably more extensive and complex, and bear, in addition, nonsensory (respiratory) epithelium. Of the mammalian turbinates, only the exclusively respiratory maxilloturbinal has a clear functional relationship with endothermy, as it reduces desiccation associated with rapid and continuous pulmonary ventilation. The other mammalian turbinates principally retain the primitive, olfactory function of the nasal conchae. The maxilloturbinates are the first reliable morphological indicator of endothermy that can be used in the fossil record. In fossil mammals and mammallike reptiles, the presence and function of turbinates are most readily revealed by the ridges by which they attach to the walls of the nasal cavity. Ridges for olfactory turbinals are located posterodorsally, away from the main flow of respiratory air, whereas those of the respiratory maxilloturbinals are situated in the anterolateral portion of the nasal passage, directly in the path of respired air. The maxilloturbinal is also characterized by its proximity to the opening of the nasolacrimal canal. Posterodorsal ridges, for olfactory turbinals, have long been recognized in many mammallike reptiles, including early forms such as pelycosaurs. However, ridges for respiratory turbinals have not been identified previously in this group. In this paper, the presence of anterolateral ridges, which most likely supported respiratory turbinals, is reported in the primitive therocephalian Glanosuchus and in several cynodonts. The presence of respiratory turbinals in these advanced mammallike reptiles suggests that the evolution of “mammalian” oxygen consumption rates may have begun as early as the Late Permian and developed in parallel in therocephalians and cynodonts. Full mammalian endothermy may have taken as much as 40 to 50 million yr to develop.  相似文献   

Endothermy has evolved at least twice, in the precursors to modern mammals and birds. The most widely accepted explanation for the evolution of endothermy has been selection for enhanced aerobic capacity. We review this hypothesis in the light of advances in our understanding of ATP generation by mitochondria and muscle performance. Together with the development of isotope‐based techniques for the measurement of metabolic rate in free‐ranging vertebrates these have confirmed the importance of aerobic scope in the evolution of endothermy: absolute aerobic scope, ATP generation by mitochondria and muscle power output are all strongly temperature‐dependent, indicating that there would have been significant improvement in whole‐organism locomotor ability with a warmer body. New data on mitochondrial ATP generation and proton leak suggest that the thermal physiology of mitochondria may differ between organisms of contrasting ecology and thermal flexibility. Together with recent biophysical modelling, this strengthens the long‐held view that endothermy originated in smaller, active eurythermal ectotherms living in a cool but variable thermal environment. We propose that rather than being a secondary consequence of the evolution of an enhanced aerobic scope, a warmer body was the means by which that enhanced aerobic scope was achieved. This modified hypothesis requires that the rise in metabolic rate and the insulation necessary to retain metabolic heat arose early in the lineages leading to birds and mammals. Large dinosaurs were warm, but were not endotherms, and the metabolic status of pterosaurs remains unresolved.  相似文献   

Energetics, body size, and the limits to endothermy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The scaling rate of metabolism with respect to body mass is analysed. Scaling of heat production implies that scaling also exists between temperature regulation and body mass. Most vertebrates follow a Kleiber relation down to a "critical mass, below which the scaling of metabolism must be changed to ensure the maintenance of endothermy. Such an adjustment is found interspecifically in birds and mammals, and is found intraspecifically in mammals during post-natal growth. If the Kleiber scaling relation is maintained below the critical mass, mammals and birds shiR from endothermic temperature regulation (above critical mass) to endothermy with obligatory torpor (below critical mass). If the Kleiber relation is followed to masses far below the critical mass, ectothermy results. Critical mass varies inversely with the level of energy expenditure, which therefore accounts for the fact that most mammals and birds are endotherms and most reptiles and fish are ectotherms. The same relationship permits the facultative endothermy found in some insects and plants.
The scaling relations existing among rate of metabolism, endothermy, and body mass can be written as a modification of the Kleiber relation. This analysis suggests that any organism, irrespective of phylogenetic position, can be endothermic at any body size, if its rate of metabolism is high enough, or can be endothermic with any rate of metabolism, if it is large enough. Consequently, it is difficult to distinguish minimal endothermy from inertial homoiothermy in animals having a large mass. The boundary conditions for effective endothermy are similar to the relationship described between metabolism and mass in the evolution of endothermy through a decrease in mass in the phylogeny of mammals. Even though endothermy may evolve with an increase in mass, its perfection may always require an evolutionary decrease in mass.  相似文献   

The evolution of endothermy in birds and mammals was one of the most important events in the evolution of the vertebrates. Past tests of hypotheses on the evolution of endothermy in mammals have relied largely on analyses of the relationship between basal and maximum metabolic rate, and artificial selection experiments. I argue that components of existing hypotheses, as well as new hypotheses, can be tested using an alternative macrophysiological modeling approach by examining the development of endothermy during the Cenozoic. Recent mammals display a 10°C range in body temperature which is sufficiently large to identify the selective forces that have driven the development of endothermy from a plesiomorphic (ancestral) Cretaceous or Jurassic condition. A model is presented (the Plesiomorphic‐Apomorphic Endothermy Model, PAE Model) which proposes that heterothermy, i.e. bouts of normothermy (constant body temperature) interspersed with adaptive heterothermy (e.g. daily torpor and/or hibernation), was the ancestral condition from which apomorphic (derived), rigid homeothermy evolved. All terrestrial mammal lineages are examined for existing data to test the model, as well as for missing data that could be used to test the model. With the exception of Scandentia and Dermoptera, about which little is known, all mammalian orders that include small‐sized mammals (<500 g), have species which are heterothermic and display characteristics of endothermy which fall somewhere along a plesiomorphic‐apomorphic continuum. Orders which do not have heterothermic representatives (Cetartiodactyla, Perissodactyla, Pholidota, and Lagomorpha) are comprised of medium‐ to large‐sized mammals that have either lost the capacity for heterothermy, or in which heterothermy has yet to be measured. Mammalian heterothermy seems to be plesiomorphic and probably evolved once in the mammalian lineage. Several categories of endothermy are identified (protoendothermy, plesioendothermy, apoendothermy, basoendothermy, mesoendothermy, supraendothermy, and reversed mesoendothermy) to describe the evolution of endothermy during the Cenozoic. The PAE Model should facilitate the testing of hypotheses using a range of macrophysiological methods (e.g. the comparative method and the reconstruction of ancestral states).  相似文献   

Abstract Is the cost of reproduction different between males and females? On the one hand, males typically compete intensely for mates, thus sexual selection theory predicts higher cost of reproduction for males in species with intense male‐male competition. On the other hand, care provisioning such as incubating the eggs and raising young may also be costly, thus parental care theory predicts higher mortality for the care‐giving sex, which is often the female. We tested both hypotheses of reproductive costs using phylogenetic comparative analyses of sex‐specific adult mortality rates of 194 bird species across 41 families. First, we show that evolutionary increases in male‐male competition were associated with male‐biased mortalities. This relationship is consistent between two measures of mating competition: social mating system and testis size. Second, as predicted by the parental cost hypothesis, females have significantly higher adult mortalities (mean ± SE, 0.364 ± 0.01) than males (0.328 ± 0.01). However, the mortality cost of parental care was only detectable in males, when the influence of mating competition was statistically controlled. Taken together, our results challenge the traditional explanation of female‐biased avian mortalities, because evolutionary changes in female care were unrelated to changes in mortality bias. The interspecific variation in avian mortality bias, as we show here, is driven by males, specifically via the costs of both mating competition and parental care. We also discuss alternative hypotheses for why most birds exhibit female‐biased mortalities, whereas in mammals male‐biased mortalities predominate.  相似文献   

Reticuloendotheliosis viruses have been shown to be causative of tumors in a variety of avian species. The major structural protein of these non-genetically transmitted viruses is demonstrated to possess antigenic determinants common to those of all known mammalian type C viruses. These findings establish a mammalian origin for this oncogenic avian retrovirus group. None of the known mammalian type C virus groups demonstrated a closer immunological relationship to avian reticuloendotheliosis viruses. These results suggest that reticuloendotheliosis viruses have been non-genetically transmitted for a long period of evolution or that these viruses may have arisen by relatively recent infection of birds with an as yet undiscovered mammalian type C retrovirus.  相似文献   

Selective Factors Associated with the Origin of Fur and Feathers   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Conventional wisdom notwithstanding, fur and feathers are unlikelyto have arisen in direct association with elevated metabolicrates in early mammals, birds, or their ancestors. A completeinsulative fur coat probably appeared first in the earliestmammals long after mammalian ancestors (therapsids) had attainedmammalian, or near-mammalian, metabolic rates. The evolutionof feathers was unlinked to the evolution of modern avian metabolicrates since early, fully flighted birds (i.e., Archaeopteryx)retained an ectothermic metabolic status. Recent claims of "feathereddinosaurs" should be regarded with caution.  相似文献   

The origin of avian flight is a classic macroevolutionary transition with research spanning over a century. Two competing models explaining this locomotory transition have been discussed for decades: ground up versus trees down. Although it is impossible to directly test either of these theories, it is possible to test one of the requirements for the trees-down model, that of an arboreal paravian. We test for arboreality in non-avian theropods and early birds with comparisons to extant avian, mammalian, and reptilian scansors and climbers using a comprehensive set of morphological characters. Non-avian theropods, including the small, feathered deinonychosaurs, and Archaeopteryx, consistently and significantly cluster with fully terrestrial extant mammals and ground-based birds, such as ratites. Basal birds, more advanced than Archaeopteryx, cluster with extant perching ground-foraging birds. Evolutionary trends immediately prior to the origin of birds indicate skeletal adaptations opposite that expected for arboreal climbers. Results reject an arboreal capacity for the avian stem lineage, thus lending no support for the trees-down model. Support for a fully terrestrial ecology and origin of the avian flight stroke has broad implications for the origin of powered flight for this clade. A terrestrial origin for the avian flight stroke challenges the need for an intermediate gliding phase, presents the best resolved series of the evolution of vertebrate powered flight, and may differ fundamentally from the origin of bat and pterosaur flight, whose antecedents have been postulated to have been arboreal and gliding.  相似文献   

It is well established that many genes on the male-specific Y chromosome of organisms such as mammals are involved in male reproduction and may evolve rapidly because of positive selection on male reproductive traits. In contrast, very little is known about the function and evolution of W-linked genes restricted to the female genome of organisms with female heterogamety. For birds (males ZZ, females ZW), only one W-linked gene (HINTW) is sufficiently different from its Z-linked homolog to indicate a female-specific function. Here, we report that HINTW shows evidence of adaptive molecular evolution, implying strong positive selection for new functional properties in female birds. Moreover, because HINTW is expressed in the gonads of female birds just before sexual differentiation and is thus a candidate for sex determination, it suggests adaptive evolution related to female development. This provides the first example of Darwinian evolution of a gene restricted to the female genome of any organism. Given that HINTW exists in multiple copies on W, similar to some testis-specific genes amplified on mammalian Y, avian HINTW may thus potentially represent a female parallel to the organization and evolution of Y chromosome genes involved in male reproduction and development.  相似文献   

Evolution of the avian sex chromosomes and their role in sex determination   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Is it the female-specific W chromosome of birds that causes the avian embryo to develop a female phenotype, analogous to the dominance mode of genic sex differentiation seen in mammals? Or is it the number of Z chromosomes that triggers male development, similar to the balance mode of differentiation seen in Drosophila and Caenorhabditis elegans? Although definite answers to these questions cannot be given yet, some recent data have provided support for the latter hypothesis. Moreover, despite the potentially common features of sex determination in mammals and birds, comparative mapping shows that the avian sex chromosomes have a different autosomal origin than the mammalian X and Y chromosomes.  相似文献   

The main objective of this essay is to validate some of the principal, currently competing, mammalian consciousness-brain theories by comparing these theories with data on both cognitive abilities and brain organization in birds. Our argument is that, given that multiple complex cognitive functions are correlated with presumed consciousness in mammals, this correlation holds for birds as well. Thus, the neuroanatomical features of the forebrain common to both birds and mammals may be those that are crucial to the generation of both complex cognition and consciousness. The general conclusion is that most of the consciousness-brain theories appear to be valid for the avian brain. Even though some specific homologies are unresolved, most of the critical structures presumed necessary for consciousness in mammalian brains have clear homologues in avian brains. Furthermore, considering the fact that the reptile-bird brain transition shows more structural continuity than the stem amniote-mammalian transition, the line drawn at the origin of mammals for consciousness by several of the theorists seems questionable. An equally important point is that consciousness cannot be ruled out in the absence of complex cognition; it may in fact be the case that consciousness is a necessary prerequisite for complex cognition.  相似文献   

Sex ratio skews in relation to a variety of environmental or parental conditions have frequently been reported among mammals and, though less commonly, among birds. However, the adaptive significance of such sex ratio variation remains unclear. This has, in part, been attributed to the absence of a low-cost physiological mechanism for sex ratio manipulation by the parent. It is shown here that several recent findings in reproductive biology are suggestive of many potential pathways by which gonadotropins and steroid hormones could interfere with the sex ratio at birth. And these hormone levels are well-known to be influenced by many parameters which have been invoked in correlating with offspring sex ratios. Hence, it is argued that the significant, but inconsistent sex ratio biases reported in mammalian and avian populations are coherent with current knowledge on reproductive physiology in those species. However, whether such variations can be viewed at as a consequence of physiological constraint or as adaptive sex ratio adjustment, has still to be determined.  相似文献   

Patterns of molecular evolution in birds have long been considered anomalous. Compared with other vertebrates, birds have reduced levels of genetic divergence between groups of similar taxonomic ranks for a variety of nuclear and mitochondrial markers. This observation led to the avian constraint hypothesis, which identifies increased functional constraint on avian proteins as the cause for the reduction in genetic divergence. Subsequent investigations provided additional support for the avian constraint hypothesis when rates of molecular evolution were found to be slower in birds than in mammals in a variety of independent calibrations. It is possible to test the avian constraint hypothesis as an explanation for this avian slowdown by comparing DNA sequence data from protein-coding regions in birds and homologous regions in mammals. The increased selective constraints should lead to a reduction in the proportion of amino acid replacement substitutions. To test for such a decrease, we calculated the numbers of amino acid replacement substitutions per replacement site (dN) and silent substitutions per silent site (dS) for the complete mitochondrial cytochrome b gene using 38 avian and 43 mammalian comparisons that were phylogenetically independent. We find that dN/dS is significantly smaller in birds than in mammals. This difference cannot be explained by differences in codon bias affecting dS values. We suggest that the avian slowdown can be explained, at least in part, by a decreased tolerance for amino acid substitutions in avian species relative to mammalian species.  相似文献   

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