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Three new genera of fungi occurring on lichens are described and illustrated. Clypeococcum D. Hawksworth (Pleosporales) is introduced for the species previously treated as Phaeodothis cladonema (Wedd.) Theiss. & Syd, which occurs in thalli of Cetrelia olivetorum sensu lato and Parmelia vermculifera. Doratomyces phillipsii , a species hitherto not recognized as lichenicolous, occurs on Steinia geophana and Thrombium epigaeum , both of which have Leptosira as the algal partner; this fungus is sufficiently different from other Doratomyces species to justify the new genus Leightoniomyces D. Hawksworth & Sutton (Dematiaceae). Refractohilum D. Hawksworth (Moniliaceae) is introduced for three species: Sporidesmium achromaticum Sutton (on Parmelia aff. sulcata and wood), R. galligenum sp. nov. (forming galls on Nephroma laevigatum) , and Ovularia peltigerae Keissl. (forming galls on Peltigera species).  相似文献   

Abstract:The generic name Paralethariicola gen. nov. is introduced for a lichenicolous fungus very similar to Lethariicola, but differing by the presence of excipular hairs, asci with a hemiamyloid apical ring and a more flattened apex, curved or slightly helicoid ascospores with±pointed ends, and thicker paraphyses. The single species, Paralethariicola aspiciliae sp. nov., is lichenicolous on Aspicilia, and is known from continental Spain and Sardinia.  相似文献   

Acarospora isortoqensis Alstrup sp. n. is described. Cornicularia mirabilis Lynge is shown to be synonymous with Endpcarpon pulvinatum Th. Fr. The spores of Muel–lerella frustulosae Vouaux are elliptical rather than spherical. Six lichens and seven lichenicolous fungi are reported as new to Greenland, and new localities are given for two lichens and one lichen parasite rarely collected in Greenland.  相似文献   

A new species Opegrapha cladoniicola, lichenicolous on the podetia of Cladonia ochrochlora, is described from Hawaii. It is the first known Opegrapha species found growing on Cladonia.  相似文献   

Weddellomyces aspiciliicola Alstrup, a lichenicolous ascomycete onAspicilia radiosa, is described from Czecho-Slovakia.  相似文献   

Sixteen marine fungi are reported from driftwood collected on the beach at Phuket in Thailand. Two new species, Arenariomyces parvulus J. Koch and Corollospora cinnamomea J. Koch are described.  相似文献   

Abstract:Based on collections gathered by H. Streimann and J. A. Elix in Papua New Guinea, Australia (including Tasmania), and Vanuatu, five new foliicolous lichen species are described: Calenia bullatinoides Lücking, Eremothecella cyaneoides Lücking, Fellhanera tasmanica Lücking & Elix,Fellhaneropsis australiana Lücking, and Porina vanuatuensis Lücking. In addition, the following new combinations are proposed: Coenogonium isidiiferum (Lücking) Lücking [Bas.: Dimerella isidiifera Lücking], Coenogonium lisowskii (Vězda) Lücking [Bas.: Dimerella lisowskii Vězda], Coenogonium queenslandicum (Kalb & Vězda) Lücking [Bas.: Dimerella queenslandica Kalb & Vězda], Echinoplaca tetrapla (Zahlbr.) Lücking [Bas.: Gonolecania tetrapla Zahlbr.], and Porina subepiphylla var. australiensis (Lücking & Vězda) Lücking [Bas.: Porina lucida var. australiensis Lücking & Vězda]. Coenogonium piliferum (Vězda) Kalb & Lücking [Bas.: Dimerella pilifera Vězda] is placed into synonymy with Coenogonium epiphyllum Vain. An updated checklist of foliicolous lichens from Australia includes 202 species and excludes five previously reported taxa.  相似文献   

Molecular and morphological data were used to assess the taxonomic placement of an undescribed lichenicolous basidiomycete teleomorph collected in Luxembourg, Belgium and Germany. The new species is ecologically and morphologically similar to Marchandiobasidium aurantiacum, teleomorph of the common bulbilliferous lichen pathogen Marchandiomyces aurantiacus. However phylogenetic analysis of nuclear and mitochondrial rDNA sequences indicated a close relationship of the new species-not to M. aurantiacum but to turf grass pathogens in genera Laetisaria and Limonomyces, including the generic type of Laetisaria. We are including the new species in Laetisaria based on strong statistical support for the clade containing these teleomorphs and several Marchandiomyces anamorphs. The morphological and ecological diversity of this clade indicates a potentially significant evolutionary role played by lichen-associated species in the Corticiales.  相似文献   

《Mycological Research》2006,110(5):555-566
Two new ectocarpic arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal species, Glomus drummondii and G. walkeri (Glomeromycota), found in maritime sand dunes of northern Poland and those adjacent to the Mediterranean Sea are described and illustrated. Mature spores of G. drummondii are pastel yellow to maize yellow, globose to subglobose, (58–)71(–85) μm diam, or ovoid, 50–80 × 63–98 μm. Their wall consists of three layers: an evanescent, hyaline, short-lived outermost layer, a laminate, smooth, pastel yellow to maize yellow middle layer, and a flexible, smooth, hyaline innermost layer. Spores of G. walkeri are white to pale yellow, globose to subglobose, (55–)81(–95) μm diam, or ovoid, 60–90 × 75–115 μm, and have a spore wall composed of three layers: a semi-permanent, hyaline outermost layer, a laminate, smooth, white to pale yellow middle layer, and a flexible, smooth, hyaline innermost layer. In Melzer's reagent, only the inner- and outermost layers stain reddish white to greyish rose in G. drummondii and G. walkeri, respectively. Both species form vesicular–arbuscular mycorrhizae in one-species cultures with Plantago lanceolata as the host plant. Phylogenetic analyses of the ITS and parts of the LSU of the nrDNA of spores placed both species in Glomus Group B sensu Schüßler et al. [Schüßler A, Schwarzott D, Walker C, 2001. A new fungal phylum, the Glomeromycota: phylogeny and evolution. Mycolological Research 105: 1413-1421.]  相似文献   

Two new arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal species (Glomeromycota) of genus Glomus, G. africanum and G. iranicum, are described and illustrated. Both species formed spores in loose clusters and singly in soil and G. iranicum sometimes inside roots. G. africanum spores are pale yellow to brownish yellow, globose to subglobose, (60-)87(-125) μm diam, sometimes ovoid to irregular, 80-110 x 90-140 μm. The spore wall consists of a semipermanent, hyaline, outer layer and a laminate, smooth, pale yellow to brownish yellow, inner layer, which always is markedly thinner than the outer layer. G. iranicum spores are hyaline to pastel yellow, globose to subglobose, (13-)40(-56) μm diam, rarely egg-shaped, prolate to irregular, 39-54 x 48-65 μm. The spore wall consists of three smooth layers: one mucilaginous, short-lived, hyaline, outermost; one permanent, semirigid, hyaline, middle; and one laminate, hyaline to pastel yellow, innermost. Only the outermost spore wall layer of G. iranicum stains red in Melzer's reagent. In the field G. africanum was associated with roots of five plant species and an unrecognized shrub colonizing maritime sand dunes of two countries in Europe and two in Africa, and G. iranicum was associated with Triticum aestivum cultivated in southwestern Iran. In one-species cultures with Plantago lanceolata as the host plant G. africanum and G. iranicum formed arbuscular mycorrhizae. Phylogenetic analyses of partial SSU sequences of nrDNA placed the two new species in Glomus group A. Both species were distinctly separated from sequences of described Glomus species.  相似文献   

Two new RNase T2 Ribonucleases, RNase Le37 and Irp3, with a molecular mass of 45 kDa, have been isolated from Basidiomycetes fungi, Lentinus edodes and Irpex lacteus, respectively. The ribonucleases consisted of three domains: an RNase active domain, a Ser/Thr rich domain similar to that of many fungal glycanhydrolases, and a C-terminal 10 kDa domain similar to that of RNase Rny1 in yeast. The locations of hydrophobic amino acids and Pro in the 10 kDa domain of the two basidiomycetous enzymes are very similar to those of RNase Rny1, indicating that these domains may have similar roles.  相似文献   

'Sporidesmium' lichenicola sp. nov. is described from the decaying thallus of an unidentified Leptogium species growing on unidentified tree bark from the Guaramacal National Park in Boconó, Táchira, in western Venezuela. This is only the second lichenicolous species to be described under this generic name, and differences from that species and similar species in Sporidesmium s. lat. are discussed. A more precise generic placement will have to await a molecularly based taxonomy of the genus. The original material comes from a mycologically little explored region of the country, and brief information on previous mycological (including lichenological) studies in the area is provided for the first time in English. The new combination S. sinense (syn. Repetophragma sinense) also is made.  相似文献   

In a survey of endophytic fungi associated with medicinal plants, two species of the genus Sporormiella Ellis & Everh. were isolated in 2005. So far only one species S. minimoides was reported in China (Wang & Guo, 2004). The two species are found to be new records in China, and they are redescribed and illustrated herein.  相似文献   

A new smut fungus Ustilago aldabrensis on the grass Dactyloctenium ctenoides is described and illustrated from Aldabra Island in the Seychelles archipelago. It is compared with similar species known on the genus Dactyloctenium. A further two smut fungi infecting this host plant genus, U. dactyloctenii-gigantei and U. idonea are discussed. U. dactyloctenii-gigantei is reported for the first time from Nigeria on a new host plant, D. aegyptium. U. idonea is redescribed, and its nomenclature and geographical distribution are clarified. A key to smut fungi infecting species of Dactyloctenium is provided.  相似文献   

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