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During neural development patterning, neurogenesis, and overall growth are highly regulated and coordinated between different brain regions. Here, we show that primary cilia and the regulation of Gli activity are necessary for the normal expansion of the cerebral cortex. We show that loss of Kif3a, an important functional component of primary cilia, leads to the degeneration of primary cilia, marked overgrowth of the cortex, and altered cell cycle kinetics within cortical progenitors. The G1 phase of the cell cycle is shortened through a mechanism likely involving reduced Gli3 activity and a resulting increase in expression of cyclin D1 and Fgf15. The defects in Gli3 activity alone are sufficient to accelerate cell cycle kinetics and cause the molecular changes seen in brains that lack cilia. Finally, we show that levels of full-length and repressor Gli3 proteins are tightly regulated during normal development and correlate with changes in expression of two known Shh-target genes, CyclinD1 and Fgf15, and with the normal lengthening of the cell cycle during corticogenesis. These data suggest that Gli3 activity is regulated through the primary cilium to control cell cycle length in the cortex and thus determine cortical size.  相似文献   

The layered organization of the cerebral cortex develops in an inside-out pattern, a process which is controlled by the secreted protein reelin. Here we report on cortical lamination in the Gli3 hypomorphic mouse mutant XtJ/Pdn which lacks the cortical hem, a major source of reelin+ Cajal Retzius cells in the cerebral cortex. Unlike other previously described mouse mutants with hem defects, cortical lamination is disturbed in XtJ/Pdn animals. Surprisingly, these layering defects occur in the presence of reelin+ cells which are probably derived from an expanded Dbx1+ progenitor pool in the mutant. However, while these reelin+ neurons and also Calretinin+ cells are initially evenly distributed over the cortical surface they form clusters later during development suggesting a novel role for Gli3 in maintaining the proper arrangement of these cells in the marginal zone. Moreover, the radial glial network is disturbed in the regions of these clusters. In addition, the differentiation of subplate cells is affected which serve as a framework for developing a properly laminated cortex.  相似文献   

Induction of early pituitary progenitors is achieved through combined activities of signals from adjacent embryonic tissues. Previous studies have identified a requirement for oral ectoderm derived Sonic Hedgehog (Shh) in specification and/or proliferation of early pituitary progenitors, however how different Gli genes mediate Shh signaling to control pituitary progenitor development has not yet been determined. Here we show that Gli2, which encodes a major Gli activator, is required for proliferation of specific groups of pituitary progenitors but not for initial dorsoventral patterning. We further show that the action of Gli2 occurs prior to the closure of Rathke' pouch. Lastly, we show that Shh/Gli2 signaling controls the diencephalic expression of Bone morphogenetic protein 4 (Bmp4) and Fibroblast growth factor 8 (Fgf8), two genes that are known to play critical roles in patterning and growth of Rathke's pouch. Our results therefore suggest both cell-autonomous and non-cell-autonomous requirements for Gli2 in regulation of pituitary progenitor specification, proliferation and differentiation.  相似文献   

The stomach, a hallmark of gnathostome evolution, represents a unique anatomical innovation characterized by the presence of acid- and pepsin-secreting glands. However, the occurrence of these glands in gnathostome species is not universal; in the nineteenth century the French zoologist Cuvier first noted that some teleosts lacked a stomach. Strikingly, Holocephali (chimaeras), dipnoids (lungfish) and monotremes (egg-laying mammals) also lack acid secretion and a gastric cellular phenotype. Here, we test the hypothesis that loss of the gastric phenotype is correlated with the loss of key gastric genes. We investigated species from all the main gnathostome lineages and show the specific contribution of gene loss to the widespread distribution of the agastric condition. We establish that the stomach loss correlates with the persistent and complete absence of the gastric function gene kit—H+/K+-ATPase (Atp4A and Atp4B) and pepsinogens (Pga, Pgc, Cym)—in the analysed species. We also find that in gastric species the pepsinogen gene complement varies significantly (e.g. two to four in teleosts and tens in some mammals) with multiple events of pseudogenization identified in various lineages. We propose that relaxation of purifying selection in pepsinogen genes and possibly proton pump genes in response to dietary changes led to the numerous independent events of stomach loss in gnathostome history. Significantly, the absence of the gastric genes predicts that reinvention of the stomach in agastric lineages would be highly improbable, in line with Dollo''s principle.  相似文献   

Sonic Hedgehog (Shh) signaling plays a critical role during dorsoventral (DV) patterning of the developing neural tube by modulating the expression of neural patterning genes. Overlapping activator functions of Gli2 and Gli3 have been shown to be required for motoneuron development and correct neural patterning in the ventral spinal cord. However, the role of Gli2 and Gli3 in ventral hindbrain development is unclear. In this paper, we have examined DV patterning of the hindbrain of Shh(-/-), Gli2(-/-) and Gli3(-/-) embryos, and found that the respective role of Gli2 and Gli3 is not only different between the hindbrain and spinal cord, but also at distinct rostrocaudal levels of the hindbrain. Remarkably, the anterior hindbrain of Gli2(-/-) embryos displays ventral patterning defects as severe as those observed in Shh(-/-) embryos suggesting that, unlike in the spinal cord and posterior hindbrain, Gli3 cannot compensate for the loss of Gli2 activator function in Shh-dependent ventral patterning of the anterior hindbrain. Loss of Gli3 also results in a distinct patterning defect in the anterior hindbrain, including dorsal expansion of Nkx6.1 expression. Furthermore, we demonstrate that ventral patterning of rhombomere 4 is less affected by loss of Gli2 function revealing a different requirement for Gli proteins in this rhombomere. Taken together, these observations indicate that Gli2 and Gli3 perform rhombomere-specific function during DV patterning of the hindbrain.  相似文献   

Digit patterning is established through multiple genetic interactions. Delta-crystallin enhancer/E2-box factor (deltaEF1) is a zinc finger and homeodomain containing repressor protein, and is expressed in the posterior half of the forelimb bud and in the entire hindlimb bud during the early stage of limb development. The 6EF1-deficient mutant mice display various skeletal abnormalities, among which inferior ossification and abnormal patterning of autopodial bones are similar to those observed in Hox and Gli gene mutants. Gli3 mutant mice, extra toes (Xt), exhibit pre-axial polydactyly losing the identity of digit I. It is demonstrated here that deltaEF1null(lacZ) homozygosity suppressed formation of the extra digit, uniquely of the hindlimb, in both Gli3XtJ heterozygous and homozygous mutants, but with no restoration of digit I identity. In Gli3XtJ mutants, the Hoxd13 expression domain was expanded more dramatically in homozygotes. In Gli3XtJ;deltaEF1null(lacZ) double homozygous mutants, Hoxd13 expression once expanded in Gli3XtJ homozygous mutant was reduced, more conspicuously in the hindlimbs, which may account for hindlimb-restricted suppression of formation of the extra digit. The data suggest the possibility that the extent of Hoxd13 expression along the distal margin of the limb bud is determinative in defining the digit number.  相似文献   

The Hedgehog (Hh) signal is transmitted by two receptor molecules, Patched (Ptc) and Smoothened (Smo). Ptc suppresses Smo activity, while Hh binds Ptc and alleviates the suppression, which results in activation of Hh targets. Smo is a seven-transmembrane protein with a long carboxyl terminal tail. Vertebrate Smo has been previously shown to be coupled to Gαi proteins, but the biological significance of the coupling in Hh signal transduction is not clear. Here we show that although inhibition of Gαi protein activity appears to significantly reduce Hh pathway activity in Ptc−/− mouse embryonic fibroblasts and the NIH3T3-based Shh-light cells, it fails to derepress Shh- or a Smo-agonist-induced inhibition of Gli3 protein processing, a known in vivo indicator of Hh signaling activity. The inhibition of Gαi protein activity also cannot block the Sonic Hedgehog (Shh)-dependent specification of neural progenitor cells in the neural tube. Consistent with these results, overexpression of a constitutively active Gαi protein, Gαi2QL, cannot ectopically specify the neural cell types in the spinal cord, whereas an active Smo, SmoM2, can. Thus, our results indicate that the Smo-induced Gαi activity plays an insignificant role in the regulation of Gli3 processing and Shh-regulated neural tube patterning.  相似文献   

The role of the aristaless-related homeobox gene Alx4 in antero-posterior (AP-) patterning of the developing vertebrate limb has remained somewhat elusive. Polydactyly of Alx4 mutant mice is known to be accompanied by ectopic anterior expression of genes like Shh, Fgf4 and 5'Hoxd. We reported previously that polydactyly in Alx4 mutant mice requires SHH signaling, but we now show that in early Alx4-/- limb buds the anterior ectopic expression of Fgf4 and Hoxd13, and therefore disruption of AP-patterning, occurs independently of SHH signaling. To better understand how Alx4 functions in the pathways that regulate AP-patterning, we also studied genomic regulatory sequences that are capable of directing expression of a reporter gene in a pattern corresponding to endogenous Alx4 expression in anterior limb bud mesenchyme. We observed, as expected for authentic Alx4 expression, expansion of reporter construct expression in a Shh-/- background. Total lack of reporter expression in a Gli3-/- background confirms the existence of Gli3-dependent and -independent Alx4 expression in the limb bud. Apparently, these two modules of Alx4 expression are linked to dissimilar functions.  相似文献   

In human holoprosencephaly (HPE), the forebrain does not separate fully into two hemispheres. Further, the border between the telencephalon and diencephalon, the telencephalic/diencephalic junction (TDJ), is often indistinct, and the ventricular system can be blocked at the third ventricle, creating a forebrain ‘holosphere’. Mice deficient in Sonic Hedgehog (Shh) have previously been described to show HPE and associated cyclopia. Here we report that the third ventricle is blocked in Shh null mutants, similar to human HPE, and that characteristic telencephalic and diencephalic signaling centers, the cortical hem and zona limitans intrathalamica (ZLI), are merged, obliterating the TDJ. The resulting forebrain holosphere comprises Foxg1-positive telencephalic- and Foxg1-negative diencephalic territories. Loss of one functional copy of Gli3 in Shh nulls rescues ventricular collapse and substantially restores the TDJ. Characteristic regional gene expression patterns are rescued on the telencephalic side of the TDJ but not in the diencephalon.Further analysis of compound Shh;Gli3 mutants revealed an unexpected type of signaling center deregulation. In Shh;Gli3 mutants, adjacent rings of Fgf8 and Wnt3a expression are induced in the diencephalon at the ZLI, reminiscent of the Fgf8/Wnt1-expressing isthmic organizer. Neither Shh nor Gli3 single mutants show this forebrain double ring of Fgf/Wnt expression; thus both Shh and Gli3 are independently required to suppress it. Adjacent tissue is not respecified to a midbrain/hindbrain fate, but shows overgrowth, consistent with ectopic mitogen expression.Our observations indicate that the separation of the telencephalon and diencephalon depends on interactions between Shh and Gli3, and, moreover, demonstrate that both Shh and Gli3 suppress a potential Fgf/Wnt signaling source in the forebrain. That optional signaling centers are actively repressed in normal development is a striking new insight into the processes of vertebrate brain development.  相似文献   

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