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Asahinia kurodakensis is shown to be conspecific with A. scholanderi. Cetraria saviczii var. Candida and A. culbersoniorum (nom. inval.), are only chemical strain of A. chrysantha , lacking usnic acid.  相似文献   

Lecidea atrofulva [= Miriquidica atrofulva comb, nov.] has been recognized as an obligatorily rusty coloured representative of the genus Miriquidica. M. garovaglii and Lecidea plumbeoatra [= M. plumbeoatra comb, nov.] have been found to develop facultatively rusty coloured thalli. Miriquidica lapponica sp. nov. is described as new to science.  相似文献   

Ramírez  C.  San Martín  C.  Oyarzún  A.  Figueroa  H. 《Plant Ecology》1997,130(2):101-109
The morphology of the 11 taxa of South American Nothofagus are compared. Thirty eight characteristics were taken into account: 12 from leaves, 3 from stipules, 3 from buds, 6 from cupules, 7 from fruits, 4 from petioles and 3 from male flowers. The data matrix, with average values of 100 measurements per taxon, was analyzed with multivariate statistical methods of classification and polar and spatial ordination. Five groups were established: The first one (Nothofagus obliqua, N. obliqua var. macrocarpa, N. leoni and N. alessandrii), with deciduous leaves, is adapted to mediterranean climatic conditions. The second groups (N. dombeyi, N. nitida and N. antarctica), with small leaves which are evergreen for the first two species and deciduous for the last, develops under temperate humid conditions typical of the Valdivian region. The three remaining groups correspond to isolated species with different requirements: N. glauca, has large deciduous leaves and colonizes the most xerophytic biotope that a Nothofagus in central Chile can tolerate. N. pumilio, with mid-sized deciduous leaves, is adapted to the cold and dry zones of the southern Andes. Finally, N. betuloides, with small evergreen leaves, grows in the cold/humid somewhat boggy conditions of the Magellanic region.  相似文献   

Nassauvia coronipappa Arroyo & Marticorena, from Cerro Donoso in eastern Chilean Patagonia, is described and illustrated. It is distinguished by trifid inner involucral bracts and persistent, brief, laciniate-dentate, crown-like pappus incompletely surrounding summit of the achene. The distinctive pappus may be related to selection, in harsh alpine habitats, against dispersal away from nurse sites.Nassauvia coronipappa belongs to subgenusNassauvia. It is seen as a relict member of an independent line of evolution, whose closest affinities are with sectionNassauvia of that subgenus.  相似文献   

Mitotic chromosome numbers of 32 populations belonging to 23 species of the genus Lessingianthus H.Rob. (Vernonieae, Asteraceae) were determined. The chromosome number of all examined plants was found to be based on x = 16. The numbers observed varied from 2n = 32 to 2n = 176. The results include the first report of the chromosome number for 11 species: L. lanatus (2n = 32), L. varroniifolius (2n = 32), L. cataractarum (2n = 64), L. intermedius (2n = 64), L. argenteus (2n = 96), L. centauropsideus (2n = 96), L. profusus (2n = 96), Lessingianthus sp. nov. 1 (2n = 96), Lessingianthus sp. nov. 2 (2n = 128), L. robustus (2n = 160), and L. macrocephalus (2n = 176). New chromosome numbers were found in the four other species: L. rubricaulis, L. laniferus, and L. sellowii were tetraploid with 2n = 64, while L. oxyodontus was hexaploid with 2n = 96. B chromosomes were observed in L. coriaceus and L. varroniifolius. Lessingianthus macrocephalus (2n = 11x = 176) is reported as the first case of an odd polyploid and the higher chromosome number of Lessingianthus. The significance of the results is discussed in relation to chromosomal data available for the genus.  相似文献   

Mitotic chromosome number of 14 taxa of Bothriochloa native to Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay were surveyed. Chromosome numbers of B. eurylemma, B. meridionalis and B. velutina are reported for the first time, with 2n = 6x = 60, and this ploidy level is the most common among the studied taxa. In addition, new cytotypes were found for B. alta (2n = 60), B. barbinodis (2n = 60), B. exaristata (2n = 80), B. laguroides var. torreyana (2n = 80), B. longipaniculata (2n = 60 and 80), B. perforata (2n = 60) and B. springfieldii (2n = 60). These numbers differ from those reported in the literature.  相似文献   

Thirty‐three species of the lichen genus Heterodermia in South America, mainly from Ecuador and Peru, are defined. Morphology, anatomy, chemistry, habitat, distribution and interrelation between the species are discussed. A key to the treated species is presented. Five species are described as new; Heterodermia andina, H. arvidssonii, H. badia, H. fertilis and H. parva. One new combination is proposed; H. spinigera. Two species are reported as new to South America, H. spathulifera and H subcitrina, and H. palpebrata is reported as new to USA.  相似文献   

Five species of the genus Phyllodoce from Southern California are reviewed. A new subgenus (Aponaitides) is proposed and a new species, Phyllodoce cuspidata , is described. A key to the Southern California species is included.  相似文献   

Abstract. The relationships among the thirteen South American species of Aelurus are discussed, and nine new species are described. New synonymy is given for gayi (Spinola), clypeatus Klug and nigrofasciatus (Smith).  相似文献   

Punctelia constantimontium Sérusiaux, a species present in South America and in southern Africa, is described as new. Punctelia riograndensis is reported for the first time for Africa.  相似文献   

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