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Striking conservation in various organisms suggests that cellular nucleic acid binding protein (CNBP) plays a fundamental biological role across different species. Recently, it was reported that CNBP is required for forebrain formation during chick and mouse embryogenesis. In this study, we have used the zebrafish model system to expand and contextualize the basic understanding of the molecular mechanisms of CNBP activity during vertebrate head development. We show that zebrafish cnbp is expressed in the anterior CNS in a similar fashion as has been observed in early chick and mouse embryos. Using antisense morpholino oligonucleotide knockdown assays, we show that CNBP depletion causes forebrain truncation while trunk development appears normal. A substantial reduction in cell proliferation and an increase in cell death were observed in the anterior regions of cnbp morphant embryos, mainly within the cnbp expression territory. In situ hybridization assays show that CNBP depletion does not affect CNS patterning while it does cause depletion of neural crest derivatives. Our data suggest an essential role for CNBP in mediating neural crest expansion by controlling proliferation and cell survival rather than via a cell fate switch during rostral head development. This possible role of CNBP may not only explain the craniofacial anomalies observed in zebrafish but also those reported for mice and chicken and, moreover, demonstrates that CNBP plays an essential and conserved role during vertebrate head development.  相似文献   

The mammalian telencephalon, which comprises the cerebral cortex, olfactory bulb, hippocampus, basal ganglia, and amygdala, is the most complex and intricate region of the CNS. It is the seat of all higher brain functions including the storage and retrieval of memories, the integration and processing of sensory and motor information, and the regulation of emotion and drive states. In higher mammals such as humans, the telencephalon also governs our creative impulses, ability to make rational decisions, and plan for the future. Despite its massive complexity, exciting work from a number of groups has begun to unravel the developmental mechanisms for the generation of the diverse neural cell types that form the circuitry of the mature telencephalon. Here, we review our current understanding of four aspects of neural development. We first begin by providing a general overview of the broad developmental mechanisms underlying the generation of neuronal and glial cell diversity in the telencephalon during embryonic development. We then focus on development of the cerebral cortex, the most complex and evolved region of the brain. We review the current state of understanding of progenitor cell diversity within the cortical ventricular zone and then describe how lateral signaling via the Notch-Delta pathway generates specific aspects of neural cell diversity in cortical progenitor pools. Finally, we review the signaling mechanisms required for development, and response to injury, of a specialized group of cortical stem cells, the radial glia, which act both as precursors and as migratory scaffolds for newly generated neurons.  相似文献   

Development is the process whereby a multipotent cell gives rise, through series of divisions, to progeny with successively restricted potentials. During T cell development, the process begins with a multipotent hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) in the bone marrow, moves to the thymus where early T cells or thymocytes pass through signal‐initiated developmental checkpoints, and ends in the periphery where mature T cells reside. At each step along this developmental pathway, T lymphocyte progenitors must be able to turn genes on and off, creating a specialized program of gene expression, to allow further development. How is gene expression coordinated? This review will summarize what has been learned about the function of chromatin structure in generating a “blueprint” of gene expression during T cell development. This will include discussion of mechanisms of chromatin remodeling, histone modification, and heritable gene silencing. In many cases, these processes are carried out by multi‐protein complexes whose components are largely ubiquitously expressed. The spatial and temporal specificity of these complexes is contributed by sequence specific DNA binding factors, some of which are cell type restricted in their expression. This review will summarize research underway to identify these key genetic “targeters.” Taken together, the research reviewed here provides a glimpse into the importance of regulation of chromatin structure in T cell development and the “players” involved. © 2005 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Neurogenesis is the process in which neurons are generated from neural stem/progenitor cells (NSCs/NPCs). It involves the proliferation and neuronal fate specification/differentiation of NSCs, as well as migration, maturation and functional integration of the neuronal progeny into neuronal network. NSCs exhibit the two essential properties of stem cells: self-renewal and multipotency. Contrary to previous dogma that neurogenesis happens only during development, it is generally accepted now that neurogenesis can take place throughout life in mammalian brains. This raises a new therapeutic potential of applying stem cell therapy for stroke, neurodegenerative diseases and other diseases. However, the maintenance and differentiation of NSCs/NPCs are tightly controlled by the extremely intricate molecular networks. Uncovering the underlying mechanisms that drive the differentiation, migration and maturation of specific neuronal lineages for use in regenerative medicine is, therefore, crucial for the application of stem cell for clinical therapy as well as for providing insight into the mechanisms of human neurogenesis. Here, we focus on the role of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling in NSCs during mammalian brain development.  相似文献   

The recent identification of cardiac progenitor cells (CPCs) provides a new paradigm for studying and treating heart disease.To realize the full potential of CPCs for therapeutic purposes,it is essenti...  相似文献   

Wang C  Bian W  Xia C  Zhang T  Guillemot F  Jing N 《Cell research》2006,16(6):585-598
Members of the basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) gene family play important roles in vertebrate neurogenesis. In this study, confocal microscopy-based fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) is used to monitor bHLH protein-protein interactions under various physiological conditions. Tissue-specific bHLH activators, NeuroD 1, Mash 1, Neurogenin 1 (Ngn 1), Neurogenin2 (Ngn2), and ubiquitous expressed E47 protein are tagged with enhanced yellow fluorescence protein (EYFP) and enhanced cyan fluorescence protein (ECFP), respectively. The subcellular localization and mobility ofbHLH fusion proteins are examined in HEK293 cells. By transient transfection and in ovo electroporation, four pairs of tissue-specific bHLH activators and E47 protein are over-expressed in HEK293 cells and developing chick embryo neural tube. With the acceptor photobleaching method, FRET could be detected between these bHLH protein pairs in the nuclei of transfected cells and developing neural tubes. Mashl/E47 and Ngn2/E47 FRET pairs show higher FRET efficiencies in the medial and the lateral half of chick embryo neural tube, respectively. It suggests that these bHLH protein pairs formed functional DNA-protein complexes with regulatory elements of their downstream target genes in the specific regions. This work will help one understand the behaviours of bHLH factors in vivo.  相似文献   

Development of the vertebrate nervous system begins with the acquisition of neural identity from the midline dorsal‐ectodermal cells of the gastrulating embryos. The subsequent progressive specification of the neural plate along its anterior–posterior and dorsal–ventral (DV) axes allows the generation of the tremendous variety of neuronal and glial cells that compose the vertebrate central nervous system (CNS). Studies on the development of the spinal cord, the anatomically simplest part of the CNS, have generated most of our current knowledge on the signaling events and the genetic networks that orchestrate the DV patterning of the neural plate. In this review, we discuss the recent advances in our understanding of these events and highlight unresolved questions. We focused our attention on the activity and the integration of the three main instructive cues: Sonic hedgehog, the Wnts and the Bone Morphogenetic Proteins, giving particular attention to the less well understood dorsal signaling events. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol, 2012  相似文献   

Gu J  Chen XP 《遗传》2011,33(11):1185-1190
哺乳动物的神经发育经历一系列神经前体细胞的形态结构和机能改变,其细胞周期时程也呈现动态变化,从神经发生早期至后期,神经前体细胞的细胞周期时程逐渐延长,并与细胞发育命运转归有关,其调节因素包括周期蛋白复合体、Notch信号通路、原神经基因靶向蛋白、微管与分子马达蛋白等。细胞周期长度假说认为,细胞周期的长度影响到命运决定子的积累,因而决定细胞的命运。文章综述了相关的研究进展。  相似文献   

Exogenous application of neural progenitor cells (NPCs) has successful implications in treating brain disorders, and research is beginning to identify ways to mimic this exogenous application by activating endogenous stem cell compartments. The recent discovery of a functional endocannabinoid system in murine NPCs (mNPCs) represents one potential therapeutic means to influence endogenous stem cell compartments. High levels of the endogenous cannabinoids anandamide (AEA) and 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) persist during CNS inflammation and infection. The goal of this study was to assess the influence of AEA on mNPCs to identify how the endocannabinoid system influences mNPCs in vitro, a potential model to investigate effects of endocannabinoids on endogenous stem cell compartments. Our results show that AEA affects mNPC cell fate determination. Initial glial differentiation was observed, followed by induction of neuronal differentiation with AEA treatment. Cell survival and apoptosis was not affected by AEA. These effects were coupled by an increased phosphorylation of cAMP-responsive element (CRE) binding protein (CREB).  相似文献   

Sonic hedgehog (Shh) signaling regulates cell differentiation and proliferation during brain development. However, the role of Shh in neurogenesis during late gestation (embryonic day 13.5–18.5) remains unclear. Herein, we used a genetic approach and in utero electroporation to investigate the role of mouse Shh and patched homolog 1 (Ptch1), the putative receptor for Shh. Proliferating cortical intermediate (basal) progenitor cells (IPCs) were severely reduced in Shh mutant mice, suggesting that endogenous Shh signaling could play an essential role in cortical IPC development. During cortical neurogenesis, strong upregulation of Shh signaling enhanced the transition from ventricular zone (VZ) progenitors to ventralized IPCs, while low levels of signaling enhanced the generation and proliferation of cortical IPCs in the subventricular zone. The effects of Shh upregulation in this study were consistent with a phenotype of conditional loss of function of Ptch1, and the phenotype of a hypomorphic allele of Ptch1, respectively. These data indicated that endogenous Ptch1 mediates the broad effects of Shh on the transition from VZ progenitors to IPCs and activation of proliferation of the IPCs in the cortex during late gestational stages.  相似文献   

The Drosophila strawberry (sty) locus was isolated by P-element insertion mutagenesis in a screen for mutations affecting eye development. Analysis of the mutant phenotype and the putative expression pattern of the sty gene suggested that it has multiple functions. Mutations in the sty gene lead to irregular spacing of ommatidia, an increase in the number of photoreceptor cells, as well as abnormal axonal projections to the lamina and disrupted structure of the optic lobes in the adult fly. The sty mutation also causes abnormal head involution, a change in a number of sensilla in the antennomaxillary complex in the embryonic stage and abnormal morphogenesis of the maxillary palp and wings in later stages. We examined the presumptive expression of the sty gene during development by histochemical staining for lacZ expression from enhancer trap elements inserted within the sty gene. During embryogenesis, expression of lacZ showed a segmental pattern in the ectoderm and in the nervous system. In the eye imaginal discs, lacZ was expressed in photoreceptor cells beginning a few rows posterior to the morphogenetic furrow. The lacZ was also expressed in the wing disc. In the adult, lacZ was expressed in the retina and lamina. We cloned the sty gene by P-element tagging and found that it encodes a putative secreted protein containing a cysteine-rich region similar to the epidermal growth factor (EGF) repeat. On the basis of the loss of functional phenotype, the expression pattern and the predicted structure of its product, we propose that sty encodes a diffusible protein acting as a signal involved in lateral inhibition within the developing nervous system and also as a factor involved either directly or indirectly in axonal guidance and optic lobe development.  相似文献   

Neurulation involves a complex coordination of cellular movements that are in great part based on the modulation of the actin cytoskeleton. MARCKS, an F‐actin‐binding protein and the major substrate for PKC, is necessary for gastrulation and neurulation morphogenetic movements in mice, frogs, and fish. We previously showed that this protein accumulates at the apical region of the closing neural plate in chick embryos, and here further explore its role in this process and how it is regulated by PKC phosphorylation. PKC activation by PMA caused extensive neural tube closure defects in cultured chick embryos, together with MARCKS phosphorylation and redistribution to the cytoplasm. This was concomitant with an evident disruption of neural plate cell polarity and extensive apical cell extrusion. This effect was not due to actomyosin hypercontractility, but it was reproduced upon MARCKS knockdown. Interestingly, the overexpression of a nonphosphorylatable form of MARCKS was able to revert the cellular defects observed in the neural plate after PKC activation. Altogether, these results suggest that MARCKS function during neurulation would be to maintain neuroepithelial polarity through the stabilization of subapical F‐actin, a function that appears to be counteracted by PKC activation.  相似文献   

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