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The aim of this work was to study the influence of influent chemical oxygen demand (COD), upflow velocity of wastewater, and cationic polymer additives in inoculum, on biomass granulation and COD removal efficiency in upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor for treating low strength wastewater. Statistical models were formulated based on these three variables to optimize the biomass granulation and COD removal efficiency in UASB reactors using a two-level, full factorial design. For the thick inoculum used in this study, having suspended solids (SS) >80 g/l and volatile suspended solids (VSS) to SS ratio <0.3, cationic polymer additives in the inoculum showed adverse effect on biomass granulation and COD removal efficiency. It is concluded that for such thick inoculum, granulation can be obtained while treating low strength wastewaters in UASB reactor by selecting proper combination of influent COD and liquid upflow velocity so as to represent the organic loading rate (OLR) greater than 1.0 kg COD/m(3) d. Validation of model predictions for treatment of synthetic wastewater and actual sewage reveals the efficacy of these models for enhancing granulation and COD removal efficiency.  相似文献   

The influence of a high energy substrate, i.e. sucrose, on the granular sludge yield and the development of different types of granular sludge was investigated by using Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Bed (UASB) reactors fed with synthetic wastewater. The feed COD was a mixture of volatile fatty acids (VFA) i.e., 20, 40, and 40% of the COD as C2-, C3-, and C4-VFA, respectively. Furthermore, experiments were carried out in which 10 and 30% of the VFA COD was substituted with sucrose. The following distinctly different types of granules were observed in each testrun: in the reactor fed with solely VFA, black (B) and white (W) granules developed; in the reactor fed with a mixture of 90% VFA and 10% sucrose, three types of granules i.e., B, W, and grey (G) granules could be seen; in the reactor fed with 70% VFA and 30% sucrose, only W and G granules were found. The granular sludge yield increased proportional to the amount of sucrose COD. At steady-state performance of the reactors, specific acidogenic (SAA) and methanogenic (SMA) activity tests on these granules revealed that B granules had the highest SMA with low SAA. The W granules had very high SMA with low SAA. G granules gave the highest SAA with a considerable SMA. Measurement of coenzyme F420 revealed that B granules consist mainly of acetoclastic methanogens. The fore-mentioned tests were supplemented with analyses of the wash-out cells present in the reactor effluent and the results suggested that acidogens, if present, prevail at the granule surface. The B granules were particularly rich in Ca, Mn, and Zn minerals. The size distribution analysis showed that the granule diameter increased in the following order: B相似文献   

The effect of cationic polymer additives on biomass granulation and COD removal efficiency had been examined in lab-scale upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactors, treating low strength synthetic wastewater (COD 300-630 mg/l). Under identical conditions, two reactors were operated with and without polymer additives in inoculum under four different organic loading rates (OLRs). The optimum polymer dose was adopted based upon the results of jar test and settling test carried out with inoculum seed sludge. With the use of thick inoculum, SS greater than 110 g/l and VSS/SS ratio less than 0.3, granulation was observed in UASB reactor treating synthetic wastewater as well as actual sewage, when OLR was greater than 1.0 kg COD/m(3) d. Polymer additive with such thick inoculum was observed to deteriorate percentage granules and COD removal efficiency compared to inoculum without polymer additives. At OLR less than 1.0 kg COD/m(3) d, proper granulation could not be achieved in both the reactors inoculated with and without polymer additive. Also, under this low loading, drastic reduction in COD removal efficiency was observed with polymer additives in inoculum. Hence, it is rational to conclude that biomass granulation for treatment of low strength biodegradable wastewater depends on the applied loading rate and selection of thick inoculum sludge.  相似文献   

A glucose-based wastewater was efficiently degradaded by acidogenic bacteria, with a glucose removal efficiency close to 90%, and although a distinctive granular structure could not be observed, fluffy conglomerates developed in an Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) reactor. Subsequently, the pre-acidification of the wastewater promoted the granulation process. An enrichment in methanogenic bacteria was observed on the microscope and was confirmed by an increase in the specific methanogenic activity from 0.1 up to 0.5kgCOD/kgVSS.day. Such dynamics of microbial communities was also verified through changes in the polysaccharide and protein content, as well as in the electrophoretic mobility of the biomass.  相似文献   

The use of anaerobic processes to treat low-strength wastewater has been increasing in recent years due to their favourable performance-costs balance. For optimal results, it is necessary to identify reactor configurations that are best suited for this kind of application. This paper reports on the comparative study carried out with two high-rate anaerobic reactor systems with the objective of evaluating their performances when used for the treatment of low-strength, complex wastewater. One of the systems is the commonly used up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor. The other is the up-flow staged sludge bed (USSB) system in which the reactor was divided longitudinally into 3, 5 and 7 compartments by the use of baffles. The reactors (9 l) were fed with a synthetic, soluble and colloidal waste (chemical oxygen demand (COD) < 1000 mg/l) and operated at 28°C and 24 h hydraulic retention time. Intermediate flow hydraulics, between plug-flow and completely-mixed, in the UASB and 7 stages USSB reactors allowed efficient degradation of substrates with minimum effluent concentrations. Low number of compartments in the USSB reactors increased the levels of short-circuiting thus reducing substrate removal efficiencies. All reactors showed high COD removal efficiencies (93–98%) and thus can be regarded as suitable for the treatment of low strength, complex wastewater. Staged anaerobic reactors can be a good alternative for this kind of application provided they are fitted with a large enough (≥7) number of compartments to fully take advantage of their strengths. Scale factors seem to have influenced importantly on the comparison between one and multi staged sludge-bed reactors and, therefore, observations made here could change at larger reactor volumes.  相似文献   

The application of the expanded granular sludge bed (EGSB) reactor for the anaerobic treatment of low-strength soluble wastewaters using ethanol as a model substrate was investigated in laboratory-scale reactors at 30oC. Chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal efficiency was above 80% at organic loading rates up to12 g COD/L . d with influent concentrations as low as 100 to 200 mg COD/L. These results demonstrate the suitability of the EGBS reactor for the anaerobic treatment of low-strength wastewaters. The high treatment performance can be attributed to the intense mixing regime obtained by high hydraulic and organic loads. Good mixing of the bulk liquid phase for the substrate-biomass contact and adequate expansion of the substrate-biomass contact and adequate expansion of the sludge bed for the degassing were obtained when the liquid upflow velocity (V(up)) was greater than 2.5 m/h. Under such conditions, an extremely low apparent K(s) value for acetoclastic methanogenesis of 9.8 mg COD/L was observed. The presence of dissolved oxygen in the wastewater had no detrimental effect on the treatment performance. Sludge piston flotation from pockets of biogas accumulating under the sludge bed occurred at V(up) lower than 2.5 m/h due to poor bed expansion. This problem is expected only in small diameter laboratory-scale reactors. A. more important restriction of the EGSB reactor was the sludge washout occurring at V(up) higher than 5.5 m/h and which was intensified at organic loads higher than 7 g COD/L. d due to buoyancy forces from the gas production. To achieve an equilibrium between the mixing intensity and the sludge hold-up, the operation should be limited to an organic loading rate of 7 g COD/L d. and to a liquid up-flow velocity between 2.5 and 5.5 m/h (c) 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Studies have been carried out to correlate biogas-induced mixing and granulation in upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactors, treating low-strength as well as high-strength biodegradable wastewaters. A dimensionless granulation index (GI) has been framed taking into account the mixing in sludge bed due to produced biogas. Analysis of full-scale, pilot-scale and lab-scale UASB reactors treating actual wastewaters reveals the significance of biogas-induced mixing, represented by GI, on granulation of biomass in the reactors. For obtaining proper granulation in UASB reactors (percentage granules greater than 50%, w/w), resulting in higher chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal efficiency, it is recommended to maintain GI values in the range of 15,000–57,000.  相似文献   

The suitability of two stage biomethanation process using upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) bioreactors was studied for the treatment of low strength industrial effluents like rice mill wastewater. Maximum VFA yield was 0.75 mg (as acetic acid) per mg of COD consumed at a flow rate of 25 ml/min. Hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 1 hr was found suitable for acidification process. In the methanogenic reactor, the overall BOD and COD reductions were 89% and 78% respectively at loading rate of 3 kg COD mх dу, and HRT of 30 hrs. Gas yield in methanogenic reactor was 0.56 lits. per kg COD consumed which contains 62% v/v methane.  相似文献   

The feasibility of the upflow anaerobic sludge bed (UASB) process for the treatment of potato starch wastewater at low ambient temperatures was demonstrated by operating two 5.65-L reactors at 14 degrees C and 20 degrees C, respectively. The organic space loading rates achieved in these laboratory-scale reactors were 3 kg COD/m(3)/day at 14 degrees C and 4-5 kg COD/m(3)/day at 20 degrees C. The corresponding sludge loading rates were 0.12 kg COD/kg VSS/day at 14 degrees C and 0.16-0.18 kg COD/kg VSS/day at 20 degrees C.These findings are of considerable practical importance because application of anaerobic treatment at low ambient temperatures will lead to considerable savings in energy needed for operating the process. As compared with various other anaerobic wastewater treatment processes, a granular sludge upflow process represents one of the best options developed so far. Although the overall sludge yield under psychrophilic conditions is slightly higher than under optimal mesophilic conditions, this doesn't seriously hamper the operation of the process. The extra sludge yield, due to accumulation of slowly hydrolyzing substrate ingredients, was 4.75% of the COD input at 14 degrees C and 1.22% of the COD input at 20 degrees C.  相似文献   

Investigation on a full-scale UASB treating industrial wastewater at a low organic loading rate (OLR) was conducted. Excellent treatment performance was achieved when treating the evaporator condensate of distillery wastewater at the OLR of less than 1 kg COD/m3 d. Anaerobic effluent could be discharged without further treatment, which saved energy and running cost considerably. GC–MS analysis showed that the soluble microbial products (SMPs) were decreased to a low level at the low OLR. The main SMP in the anaerobic effluent were long chain carbohydrates and esters, accounting for 55–65% of the total organic matters. Anaerobic SMP was more complex than the aerobic ones.  相似文献   

Thermophilic anaerobic digestion of high strength wastewaters   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Investigations on the thermophilic anaerobic treatment of high-strength wastewaters (14-65 kg COD/m(3)) are presented. Vinasse, the wastewater of alcohol distilleries, was used as an example of such wastewaters. Semicontinuously fed digestion experiments at high retention times revealed that the effluent quality of digestion at 55 degrees C is comparable with that at 30 degrees C at similar loading rates. The amount of methane formed per kilogram of vinasse drops almost linearly with increasing vinasse concentrations. This can be attributed to increasing concentrations of inhibitory compounds, resulting in increasing volatile fatty acid (VFA) concentrations in the effluent. The treatment of vinasse was also investigated using upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactors. Thermophilic granular sludge, cultivated on sucrose, was used as seed material. The sludge required a 4-month adaptation period, during which the size of the sludge granules decreased significantly. However, the settling characteristics remained satisfactory. After adaptation, high loading and methane generation rates could be accommodated at satisfactory treatment efficiencies, namely, 86.4 kg COD/m(3) day and 26 m(3) CH(4)(STP)/m(3) day, respectively. As in the semicontinuously fed digesters, the effluent VFA concentrations were virtually independent of the loading rates applied, indicating that the toxicity of the vinasse is more important than the loading rate in determining the efficiency of the conversion of vinasse to methane.  相似文献   

The state of the art for thermophilic UASB reactors is discussed focusing on the start-up of UASB reactors, the influence of the waste water composition and temperature on the development and maintenance of thermophilic granules, and the microbial composition and structure of thermophilic granules.  相似文献   

Combining membrane technology with biological reactors for the treatment of municipal and industrial wastewaters has led to the development of three generic membrane processes within bioreactors: for separation and recycle of solids; for bubbleless aeration of the bioreactor; and for extraction of priority organic pollutants from hostile industrial wastewaters. Commercial aerobic and anaerobic membrane separation bioreactors already provide a small footprint alternative to conventional biological treatment methods, producing a high-quality effluent at high organic loading rates. Both the bubbleless aeration and extractive membrane bioreactors are in the development stages. The former uses gas-permeable membranes to improve the mass transfer of oxygen to the bioreactor by providing bubbleless oxygen. By using a silicone membrane process, extractive membrane bioreactors transfer organic pollutants from chemically hostile wastewaters to a nutrient medium for subsequent biodegradation. All three membrane bioreactor (MBR) processes are comparatively and critically reviewed. (c) 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Granular sludge formation in upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactors   总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38  
The state of the art for upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactors is discussed, focusing on the microbiology of immobilized anaerobic bacteria and the mechanism of granule formation. The development of granular sludge is the key factor for successful operation of the UASB reactors. Criteria for determining if granular sludge has developed in a UASB reactor is given based on the densities and diameters of the granular sludge. The shape and composition of granular sludge can vary significantly. Granules typically have a spherical form with a diameter from 0.14 to 5 mm. The inorganic mineral content varies from 10 to 90% of the dry weight of the granules, depending on the wastewater composition etc. The main components of the ash are calcium, potassium, and iron. The extracellular polymers in the granular sludge are important for the structure and maintenance of granules, while the inorganic composition seems to be of less importance. The extracellular polymer content varies between 0.6 and 20% of the volatile suspended solids and consists mainly of protein and polysaccharides. Both Methanosaeta spp. (formerly Methanothrix) and Methanosarcina spp. have been identified as important aceticlastic methanogens for the initial granulation and development of granular sludge. Immunological methods have been used to identify other methanogens in the granules. The results have showed that, besides the aceticlastic methanogens Methanosaeta spp. and Methanosarcina spp., hydrogen and formate utilizing bacteria are also present, e.g., Methanobacterium formicicum, Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum, and Methanobrevibacter spp. Microcolonies of syntrophic bacteria are often observed in the granules, and the significant electron transfer in these microcolonies occurs through interspecies hydrogen transfer. The internal organization of the various groups of bacteria in the granules depends on the wastewater composition and the dominating metabolic pathways in the granules. Internal organization is observed in granules where such an arrangement is beneficial for an optimal degradation of the wastewater. A four-step model is given for the initial development of granular sludge. (c) 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The development of granular sludge in thermophilic (55 degrees C) upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactors was investigated. Acetate and a mixture of acetate and butyrate were used as substrates, serving as models for acidified waste-waters. Granular sludge with either Methanothrix or Methanosarcina as the predominant acetate utilizing methanogen was cultivated by allowing the loading rate to increase whenever the acetate concentration in the effluent dropped below 200 and 700 mg COD/L, respectively. The highest methane generation rates, up to 162 kg CH(4)-COD/m(3) day, or 2.53 mole CH(4)/L day, were achieved at hydraulic retention times down to 21 min, with granules consisting of Methanothrix. The formation of Methanothrix granules did not depend on the type of seed material, nor on the addition of inert support particles. The growth of granules proceeded rapidly with adapted seed material, even when the reactors were inoculated with low concentrations. With mesophilic seed materials growth of granules took much longer. Thermophilic Methanothrix granules strongly resemble mesophilic granules of the "filamentous" type. Some factors governing the thermophilic granulation process are discussed.  相似文献   

Solutions of sodium caprate and sodium laurate were digested in upflow anaerobic sludge bed (UASB) reactors inoculated with granular sludge and in expanded granular sludge bed (EGSB) reactors. UASB reactors are unsuitable if lipids contribute 50% or more to the COD of waste water: the gas production rate required to obtain sufficient mixing and contact cannot be achieved. At lipid loading rates exceeding 2–3 kg COD m−3 day−1, total sludge wash-out occurred. At lower loading rates the system was unreliable, due to unpredictable sludge flotation. EGSB reactors do fulfil the requirements of mixing and contact. They accommodate space loading rates up to 30 kg COD m−3 day−1 during digestion of caprate or laurate as sole substrate, at COD removal efficiencies of 83–91%, and can be operated at hydraulic residence times of 2 h without any problems. Augmentation of granular sludge in lab-scale EGSB reactors was demonstrated. The new granules had excellent settling properties. Floating layer formation, as well as mixing characteristics in full-scale EGSB reactors require further research.  相似文献   

The anaerobic biodegradation of carbon tetrachloride (CT) was investigated during the granulation process by reducing the hydraulic retention time, increasing the chemical oxygen demand (COD) and CT loadings in a 2l laboratory-scale upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor. Anaerobic unacclimated sludge and glucose were used as seed and primary substrate, respectively. Granules were developed 4 weeks after start-up, which grew at an accelerated rate for 8 months, and then became fully grown. The effect of operational parameters such as influent CT concentrations, COD, CT loading, food to biomass ratio and specific methanogenic activity (SMA) were also considered during granulation. The granular sludge cultivated had a maximum diameter of 2.1 mm and SMA of 1.6 g COD/g total suspended solid (TSS) day. COD and CT removal efficiencies of 92 and 88% were achieved when the reactor was firstly operating at CT and COD loading rates of 17.5 mg/l day and 12.5 g/l day, respectively. This corresponds to hydraulic retention time of 0.28 day and food to biomass ratio of 0.5 g COD/g TSS day. Kinetic coefficients of maximum specific substrate utilization rate, half velocity coefficient, growth yield coefficient and decay coefficient were determined to be 2.4 × 10–3 mg CT/TSS day–1, 1.37 mg CT/l, 0.69 mg TSS/mg CT and 0.046 day–1, respectively for CT biotransformation during granulation.  相似文献   

A thermophilic upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor was combined with a mesophilic aerobic fluidized bed (AFB) reactor for treatment of a medium strength wastewater with 2,700?mg COD?l?1. The COD removal efficiency reached 75% with a removal rate of 0.2 g COD?l?1 h?1 at an overall hydraulic retention time 14 hours. The distribution of microbial activity and its change with hydraulic retention time in the two reactors were investigated by measuring ATP concentration in the reactors and specific ATP content of the biomass. In the UASB reactor, the difference in specific ATP was significant between the sludge bed and blanket solution (0.02?mg ATP g VS?1 versus 0.85?mg ATP g VS?1) even though the ATP concentrations in these two zones were similar. A great pH gradient up to 4 was developed along the UASB reactor. Since a high ATP or biological activity in the blanket solution could only be maintained in a narrow pH range from 6.5 to 7.5, the sludge granules showed a high pH tolerance and buffering capacity up to pH 11. The suspended biomass in AFB reactor had a higher specific ATP than the biomass fixed in polyurethane carriers (1.6?mg ATP g VS?1 versus 1.1?mg ATP g VS?1), which implies a starvation status of the immobilized cells due to mass transfer limitation. The aerobes had to work under starvation conditions in this polishing reactor. The anaerobic biomass brought into AFB reactor contributed to an increase in suspended solids, but not the COD removal because of its fast deactivation under aerobic conditions. A second order kinetic model was proposed for ATP decline of the anaerobes. The results on distribution of microbial activity in the two reactors as well as its change with hydraulic retention time lead to further performance improvement of the combined anaerobic/aerobic reactor system.  相似文献   

The anaerobic digestion of cheese whey was studied in a UASB reactor. The profiles of the reactor, i.e., the distributions of the substrate concentration and pH under different operating conditions were developed. From the concentrations of substrates measured at various levels above the bottom of the reactor, two reaction stages, namely acidogenesis and methanogenesis, were distinguished. The instability caused by high influent concentration was interpreted as the accumulation of VFAs in the acidogenic stage beyond the assimilative capacity of the methanogenic stage. A range of stable operating conditions was predicted from the results of the profile measurements. The optimal influent concentration was found to be between 25 and 30 g COD/L at an HRT of 5 days for system stability. Other options fro stability control were discussed. (c) 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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